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Title 1: [Exit value #1]: Sellable vs Valuable

Title 2: [Exit value #1]: Selling your business?

Title 3: [Email series]: Building exit value

Hi <<First Name>>

In this email series, I'm going to share with you all you need to know about maximizing your
business’s future exit value.

It does not matter whether you’re very passionate about your business and you have never thought
about selling it…

Or you started to build your business with a very clear expected exit value...

After reading this series, you're going to walk away with an entirely new perspective on building exit
value - and obviously, get something you can execute immediately.

So anyway. Why should you think about selling your business?

Most entrepreneurs start a business and never intend to sell because they want to make a big
impact on the world, create a multi-million, or even billion-dollar company,...

That's great, but life is unpredictable. You don't know exactly how far you can go, what problems
you will face, and which wrong decisions you'll make,...

Everything will change. And as a business owner, you’ve got to be ready to do what you should
(NOT just want) to do - definitely, it's also including selling your life's work.

Why think about it now rather than later?

As soon as you start to think about selling your business in one day. You’ll operate it differently,
you'll focus more on sales, profits, customer lifetime value, and all other important metrics,...

It's good for you and your business in the long run, and it'll also help you avoid earn-outs (what
we're going to discuss more specifically in the next email).

Now, it's imperative to understand that…

Your business is valuable does not necessarily mean it's sellable.

These are 2 very different things:

● “Valuable” is how valuable your business is - I'm going to discuss this more in email #2.

● “Sellable” is how sellable your business is - And don't be surprised if you see some
businesses are worth $10MM+ but probably can never be sold.
Most people get this wrong. They really believe that they can easily sell their business as long as
they can grow its valuation.

Let's see this example:

Company A: The business owner is working on his business (business development, developing
new strategies,... for instance). He usually works 30 hours a week, sometimes even less, because
his team is working very well following a solid, grounded system.

Company B: is making nearly twice as much as company A's turnover. But the business owner is
working 100 hours a week, and he also builds his entire company around his personal brand.

Do you think buyers and investors are interested in buying company B?

Definitely not, it's unsellable!

Nobody wants to buy a business just to put in 100 hours of hard work and totally depends on its
previous owner. That's a HUGE time suck for them. And that's why...

The number #1 thing you've got to do to make sure your business is sellable is:

Depersonalizing your business as humanly as possible.

I agree that building your personal brand so you can build trust, credibility,... and eventually, get
more sales is interesting. But in the long run, that's not a good strategy for selling your business.

Just imagine. How can other people operate your business while it totally depends on your

So, by getting yourself out of your business as soon as possible... You can have more time, get
paid more, and exit much more smoothly - as it lowers the risk profile of your business.

We're going to talk about other strategies later, but for now, keep in mind if you want to sell your
business and get a fortune doing so… keep yourself away from your business (working on your
business, not on it).


● Start thinking about selling your business now rather than later
○ Life is unpredictable. People change, everything changes.
○ You’re probably going to do it differently and pay more attention to more important

● Sellable & Valuable

○ Your business is valuable does not mean it's sellable
○ Company A > Company B (in sellability - because the owner is working on his
business and he has the proven system in place to operate it without him involved in
the process).

● Depersonalizing your business as humanly as possible so you can make your

business sellable
○ Exit much more smoothly
○ Have more time, get paid more.

Action step:

Ask yourself these questions to make sure your business encompasses both “sellable” and

● Are you working on your business?

● Can you relax on a beach without an ounce of worries in your mind?
● Are you NOT the only person who knows how to operate your business?
● Can you fully delegate important tasks to your team members without worrying about them
screwing everything up?

Make sure you answer “Yes" to all these questions. If not, start to gradually remove yourself from
your business asap.


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