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Name : Maharani Intan Fadilla Bahar

Class : Instrumentasi 8B


The bar graphs compare profits of the company for 2011 and 2012.
If we look first at the bar graph, we can see that on 2011, the profits on January to February
decreased considerably for almost twice as much the value. But then, it started a rise on March until it
reached 450 on April, marked the year’s peak.
Let us look now at 2012’s profit showed by the bar graph, January’s profit was 550 which was
the highest value in the latest 2 consecutive years. However on the next month, the profit decreased
gradually until it reached the lowest point on March which was 175, three times lower than the peak’s
value. This value also remained as the lowest profit from 2011 and 2012. Fortunately, the profit could
gain a rise to 390 on April.
Overall, the company’s profit of those 2 consecutive years were variative but still stable for it
always grew up on April each year.

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