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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46:10 (2005), pp 1030–1038 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01524.

Finding genes in child psychology and

psychiatry: When are we going to be there?
Robert Plomin
Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

Background: The seven papers in this special section chart where we are in the quest for quantitative
trait loci (QTLs) in key areas of child psychology and psychiatry such as reading and hyperactivity. But
we are not there yet. Methods: This commentary considers some new developments that are likely to
accelerate the journey towards the identification of QTLs. Results: The single most important factor is
the need for very large samples to attain adequate power to detect and replicate QTLs of very small effect
size. Another important development is the microarray, which makes it possible to genotype hundreds
of thousands of SNPs simultaneously. Using microarrays in association studies allows SNPs across the
whole genome to be genotyped. Microarrays will boost power even more when they contain all functional
polymorphisms in the genome, including functional non-coding DNA. Conclusions: Once replicable
QTLs are identified in areas such as reading and hyperactivity, the real journey will begin. Future
studies will use sets of QTLs as genetic risk indicators in top-down behavioural genomic research,
leading to gene-based diagnoses, gene-based treatments tailored to the individual, and early warning
systems and interventions. These discoveries will eventually help to prevent or at least ameliorate
childhood disorders before they cast their long shadow over development. Keywords: QTLs, micro-
arrays, SNPs, whole-genome association, behavioural genomics, reading, speech-sound disorder,
hyperactivity, learning disabilities. Abbreviations: QTLs: quantitative trait loci; SNPs: single-nucleo-
tide polymorphisms.

This special section on molecular genetics comes at Lohmueller, Pearce, Pike, Lander, & Hirschhorn,
an exciting time for child psychology and psychiatry. 2003).
The field will be transformed as we move from finding When are we going to be there? Being an optimist,
genes to using them as genetic risk indicators in our my response is ‘soon.’ But readers would be forgiven
research and eventually in our clinics. This is for being sceptical because they have heard this be-
beginning to happen at the other end of the life span, fore (for example, Plomin & Rutter, 1998). A small
in the field of gerontology. The apolipoprotein E personal example of impatience and embarrassment
(APOE) gene, the only known predictor of dementia, about the slower-than-expected progress towards
is often used as an index of genetic risk in diverse identifying QTLs is that my co-authors and I decided
gerontological research (e.g., Laurin, Masaki, Foley, that we would not write the next edition of our
White, & Launer, 2004; Mukamal et al., 2003; behavioural genetics textbook (Plomin, DeFries,
Podewils et al., 2005). APOE is a quantitative trait McClearn, & McGuffin, 2001) until we had some
locus (QTL) in that it is neither necessary nor suffi- solid DNA results to present. The reason for this
cient for the development of dementia, although it is decision was that our 2001 edition had enthused
one of the largest known QTL effects, accounting for about the field being on the cusp of a new post-
15% of the liability. Despite this large effect size, the genomic era in which DNA risk indicators would add
APOE gene is not yet used in clinics because no great value to behavioural research. We are still on
intervention is available to prevent or treat the dis- that cusp. The seven papers in this special section
order. are excellent representatives of where we are now in
No APOE-sized effect has been found for any other the quest for QTLs.
common disorders. However, hope remains for some How are we going to get there? In this comment-
large effects because the replicated QTL linkages for ary about the special section, I discuss some new
reading, for example, described in two papers in this developments that will accelerate the journey. The
special section, could only be found if the QTLs good news is that there appear to be no roadblocks
responsible for the linkages have relatively large ef- that require major detours into unexplored territ-
fects (for example, greater than 10% of the liability). ory. Explanations of genetic concepts (such as
Nonetheless, it is now generally accepted that most linkage, association, quantitative trait loci, single-
genetic influence on common disorders and complex nucleotide polymorphisms, introns, exons) can be
dimensions involve many more QTLs of much smaller found in the introductory papers for this special
effect sizes than previously considered (Cardon & section (Eley & Craig, in press; Eley & Rijsdikj, in
Bell, 2001; Collins, Euyer, & Chakravarti, 1997; press).
Ó Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2005.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
When are we going to be there? 1031

2004), in their three studies, the authors had not

Where are we now?
found associations for attention deficit hyper-
Molecular genetic research on adults has largely activity disorder (ADHD) as diagnosed using DSM-IV
focused on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder criteria. However, associations were found for a
(Craddock, O’Donovan, & Owen, 2005) but research subtype of hyperactivity called severe combined
on reading and hyperactivity has led the way in symptoms (N ¼ 332), which was derived from a
disorders affecting children. Reading has primarily population-based latent-class analysis, but they did
been studied using linkage analyses. Indeed, the not find associations for seven other subtypes nor for
first reported QTL linkage for a complex human DSM-IV inattentive (N ¼ 316), hyperactivity (N ¼ 54),
disorder involved reading (Cardon et al., 1994). The or for combined (N ¼ 368) subtypes. Although this
paper in this special section by Gayán et al., in finding needs to be replicated, it is another example
addition to illustrating state-of-the-art QTL linkage of the possibility that QTLs will lead to new dia-
analysis, presents an important new development in gnostic entities based on aetiology rather than
linkage analysis: multivariate analysis that identifies symptomatology.
QTLs contributing to co-morbidity between dis- The paper by van der Meulen et al. also reports a
orders. Gayán et al. used bivariate linkage analysis failure to replicate associations between DSM-IV
to examine co-morbidity between reading disability diagnosed ADHD and DRD4 and DAT in a study of
and a quantitative trait hyperactivity score in a 82 children in 54 families. A novel result is that
sample of 182 sibling pairs in 95 families in which at parental ratings of response rate (degree of
least one member of the pair met criteria for reading improvement) to methylphenidate, the drug used to
disability. In addition to finding expected linkages treat hyperactivity, yielded a correlation of .56 for 28
specific to reading and to hyperactivity, the most sibling pairs. Moreover, this study provides an
exciting result is a new chromosomal region (14q32) example of the potential usefulness of responses to
that is linked to both reading and hyperactivity but therapeutic drugs as a tool for investigating genetic
that has not been reported previously in univariate heterogeneity: A trend towards an association with
analyses focused on reading or hyperactivity alone. DRD4 was found for methylphenidate response rate,
Such co-morbid QTLs, suggesting pleiotropic effects, although other research linking DRD4 and DAT to
will lead to new ways of thinking about the diagnosis methylphenidate response has yielded mixed re-
and origins of childhood disorders. sults. The fast-growing field of pharmacogenetics
Continuing the theme of multivariate linkage aims to provide gene-based personalised medicine
analysis of reading disability, the paper by Smith (Goldstein, Tate, & Sisodiya, 2003; Kalow, 2004).
et al. investigates the hypothesis that chromosomal Gene-based diagnoses will arrive quickly in clinics if
regions previously linked to reading disability will genes can be identified that reliably predict response
also be linked to sound-speech disorder, which is to therapeutic drugs so that drugs are administered
often co-morbid with reading disability. Sound- to those who are most likely to benefit from them
speech disorder has been called articulation disorder (Arranz et al., 2000).
or phonological disorder, as distinct from specific These two studies suggest genetic heterogeneity of
language impairment, which involves deficits in hyperactivity: Associations with dopamine genes
semantics and syntax. Smith et al. describe their were found for subtypes of hyperactivity (severe
QTL linkage study of 86 sibling pairs from 65 combined symptoms in the paper by Todd et al., and
families in which at least one sibling met criteria for hyperactivity that responds to methyphenidate in
sound-speech disorder. Several DNA markers known the paper by van der Meulen et al.) but not for DSM-
to be linked to reading disability were genotyped in IV diagnosed ADHD. The third paper, by Stevenson
each of three chromosomal regions (1p36, 6p22, and et al., also points to genetic heterogeneity in that an
15q21). Significant linkage results emerged most association was found for hyperactivity only when it
consistently between 15q21 markers and the Gold- is co-morbid with reading disability, not for hyper-
man–Fristoe Test of Articulation, suggesting co- activity itself. Rather than using a case–control
morbid QTLs for reading and sound-speech disorder. association design as in the other two studies, Ste-
In contrast to reading which has primarily been venson et al. used a within-family design (parent–
the target of linkage analyses, hyperactivity has been child trios and duos) that compares transmitted and
investigated primarily using association designs. non-transmitted alleles from parents to probands,
Three papers in this special section involve associ- with the non-transmitted alleles serving as a within-
ation studies of hyperactivity; all three papers focus family control. For 152 children diagnosed with
on multivariate issues of heterogeneity and co-mor- ADHD, no association was found with a noradrener-
bidity. The paper by Todd et al. presents re-analyses gic receptor gene (ADRA2A). However, for 82 of these
of association data combined across three studies for children who were also diagnosed with reading dis-
two of the most widely studied candidate genes, ability, a significant association was found with one
DRD4 and DAT. Although other meta-analyses sug- of the two noradrenergic receptor genes (ADRA2A).
gest associations between hyperactivity and these Not all molecular genetic research relies on QTL
candidate genes (Asherson & IMAGE Consortium, strategies. It is likely that, in addition to QTLs,
1032 Robert Plomin

common disorders also include a heterogeneous development, the SNP set for ‘g’ at 7 years yields
collection of individually rare, highly penetrant significant correlations with ‘g’ as early as 2 years,
mutations. For example, although it is generally suggesting genetic continuity in development. This
accepted that most genetic influences on common finding foreshadows what will eventually be a major
disorders such as mental retardation are primarily clinical application of SNP sets or QTL sets more
caused by common polymorphisms of small effect in generally: Predicting problems early in development
the population, hundreds of rare mutations with ef- with a QTL set offers the hope of designing beha-
fects on mental retardation have been identified vioural and environmental interventions that will
(Inlow & Restifo, 2004). The paper in this special prevent these problems before they occur. In relation
section by Milner et al. is a good example of the to gene–environment interplay, several examples of
benefits of studying rare genetic disorders. Prader- gene–environment interaction and correlation were
Willi syndrome (PWS) has an incidence of about 1 in identified by Harlaar et al.
15,000 children, with childhood obesity as its most More important than these specific results are the
apparent symptom. Much genetic research has fo- general implications of the Harlaar et al. paper for
cused on PWS because it was one of the first human behavioural genomic research in developmental
examples of imprinted genes in which the expression psychopathology. If effect sizes are as small as .2% of
of genes is determined by the parent of origin. In a the variance, as reported in the Harlaar et al. paper,
large (1.5 Mb) region on the short arm of chromo- sample sizes in the thousands are needed to achieve
some 15 (15q11-13), there are several imprinted reasonable power to use SNPs in behavioural ge-
genes that are normally expressed only if they are on nomic analyses. However, the authors show that
the paternal chromosome. PWS is caused by loss of SNPs can be combined in a SNP set in which the
expression of these genes. Although loss of expres- effects of the SNPs are aggregated, which will greatly
sion most often occurs because of a deletion in this relieve the pressure for large samples. Although the
chromosomal region on the paternal chromosome, it current SNP set for ‘g’ accounts for only about 1% of
can also be caused by a disomy in which two copies the variance, which requires samples of about 1000
of the maternal chromosome are inherited, called to reach 80% power (p <.01, one-tailed), this SNP set
maternal uniparental disomy (UPD). Although both was derived from a 10 K microarray which genotypes
subtypes of PWS result in the absence of functional 10,000 SNPs simultaneously. The authors are cur-
copies of these paternally expressed genes, the rently using a 100 K microarray set which is ex-
deletion subtype has only one copy of the genes pected to produce a SNP set that accounts for ten
whereas UPD has the normal complement of two times as much variance, about 10% of the total
copies. This genetic difference between the deletion variance; moreover, a 500 K microarray set is ex-
and UPD subtypes of PWS could result in phenotypic pected by the end of 2005, which could account for
differences between them. Some research has sug- the majority of the heritability of ‘g’. When QTL sets
gested that the UPD subtype leads to a milder ver- of this magnitude are developed, they can be used in
sion of PWS than the deletion subtype, but the any reasonably sized study as a measured index of
Milner et al. study points to a difference between the genetic risk in behavioural genomic research. I pre-
two subtypes in which UPD causes more social dict that QTL sets are the way in which DNA will
interaction problems than the deletion subtype. The become integrated in top-down behavioural genomic
difference in the social interaction effect is moderate, research in child psychology and psychiatry.
about half a standard deviation, and it is specific in
that differences were not found for other behaviour
problems or for IQ. This finding may have wider
More powerful vehicles
significance because other evidence suggests that
these imprinted genes may not be limited just to In my view, the lack of power to detect QTLs of very
social interaction but may be more generally in- small effect size is by far the largest impediment to
volved in autistic spectrum disorder. Importantly, progress in this area. As noted earlier, it is now gen-
the short arm of chromosome 15 has shown linkage erally accepted that most genetic influences on com-
in studies of autism (Santangelo & Tsatsanis, 2005). mon disorders and complex dimensions involve many
In the final paper in this special section, Harlaar, more QTLs of much smaller effect sizes than previ-
Butcher, Meaburn, Craig, and Plomin (in press) use ously considered. Type 1 diabetes, which has been the
a set of five SNPs as an aggregate genotypic index to focus of intense molecular genetic research, is an
conduct the first systematic behavioural genomic instructive model for research on common disorders
analyses of multivariate, developmental and gene– and complex dimensions. Several monogenic forms of
environment issues. The single-nucleotide poly- Type 1 diabetes have been discovered but they ac-
morphisms (SNPs) were identified in previous count for fewer than 5% of diabetes cases (Florez,
research to be associated with general cognitive Hirschhorn, & Altshuler, 2003). The hypothesis that
ability (‘g’) at 7 years. As an example of multivariate the same genes might harbour less deleterious (and
behavioural genomic analysis, they report that the ‘g’ more common) polymorphisms that would contribute
SNP set is also associated with reading. In terms of to common forms of diabetes has not been supported.
When are we going to be there? 1033

As a recent review points out: ‘The genetic analysis of demonstrates the value of collaboration at the level
diabetes provides under-appreciated support for a of analysis. Another example is a 15-site collabora-
model where rare, monogenic forms of diseases are tion on the genetics and neurobiology of reading
due to variants that are rare in the population and disability (NeuroDys), which has recently been fun-
have severe impact on the encoded proteins, and ded by the European Framework VI to study 2000
common forms are due to variants that exist at signi- children diagnosed as reading disabled and is led by
ficant population frequencies and have modest ef- Gerd Schulte-Körne of Marburg, Germany.
fects’ (Florez et al., p. 278). Nonetheless, the genes
responsible for monogenic forms of diabetes have
been helpful in showing the diverse pathways that can Better maps and navigational instruments
give rise to diabetes.
We do not know the distribution of QTL effect sizes Although the Human Genome Project has produced
for any complex trait or common disorder but it is an excellent map of our 3 billion DNA sequences and
beginning to look as if the biggest effects are not very amazing bioinformatics instruments to use this map,
big – APOE seems to be the exception rather than the these are not enough in themselves to find QTLs for
rule. Moreover, we can be sure that the smallest ef- complex traits. Better navigational instruments are
fects are very small, so small that we will never have coming into use such as whole-genome association
the power to detect them. We need to break not just analysis, microarrays, and direct association strat-
the 1% QTL barrier (Plomin, DeFries, Craig, & egies, as explained below.
McGuffin, 2003) but perhaps even the .1% QTL
barrier. One percent QTLs require unselected sam-
Linkage and association
ples on the order of 1000; .1% QTLs require samples
on the order of 10,000. Underpowered studies are Linkage is like using a telescope to scan the horizon
likely to be responsible for the widespread failure to systematically for major features such as distant
replicate linkages and associations for common dis- mountains (large QTL effects). However, the tele-
orders, such as those reported in this special section scope goes out of focus when trying to detect nearby
in relation to hyperactivity and the DRD4 and DAT hills (small QTL effects). Allelic association offers a
genes. The problem is not special to developmental complementary instrument that shows nearby hills
psychopathology; such failures to replicate occur in but cannot chart distant mountains. The past dec-
research on all common disorders. As one of many ade has seen a shift from linkage to association de-
examples, the quest for QTLs for dementia other signs because of their greater power to detect QTLs of
than APOE has been intense. More than 10 such small effect size. Although linkage scans have been
studies were reported per month during 2003 but extremely successful in identifying genes responsible
a review indicated that none of these reports has for rare monogenic disorders, they have met with
replicated consistently (Bertram & Tanzi, 2004). limited success for common disorders and quanti-
Although there are many adjustments that can help tative traits. Again, Type 1 diabetes can serve as an
to improve the performance of our research vehicles, example. Four whole-genome linkage scans for Type
reaching the power to detect QTLs of very small effect 1 diabetes have been reported involving thousands of
size requires more than a tune-up. We need to trade up probands, but results are mixed other than for the
for more powerful vehicles with bigger engines: Huge HLA locus and no new gene has been identified
samples of many thousands of individuals are needed based solely on its initial localization in a whole-
to detect QTLs of very small effect size. genome scan for linkage (Florez et al., 2003). Linkage
designs dominated research in the first areas of child
psychopathology that were investigated using
molecular genetic techniques: reading disability and
autism. In contrast, areas such as hyperactivity,
A potential benefit of the need for very large samples which have been investigated more recently, have
is that research will require international collabora- relied on association designs. In this special section,
tion – we will need to travel in convoys. Several the two papers on reading (Gayán et al., in press;
international collaborations have emerged in autism Smith, Pennington, Boada, & Shriberg, in press) in-
(e.g., International Molecular Genetic Study of Aut- volve linkage, whereas the three papers on hyper-
ism Consortium (IMGSAC), 2001); most recently, the activity (Stevenson et al., Todd et al., van der Meulen
Autism Genome Project of the National Alliance for et al.) involve association.
Autism Research (2005) is a collaborative study of As mentioned, linkage is systematic but not
1500 families with affected sibling pairs (National powerful; association is powerful but not systematic
Alliance for Autism Research 2005). For hyperactiv- (Zondervan & Cardon, 2004). For this reason, link-
ity, a 12-site international collaborative project on age studies can systematically scan the genomic
the genetics of hyperactivity (IMAGE) aims to collect landscape with only a few hundred DNA markers. If
1400 sibling pairs (Asherson & IMAGE consortium, linkage is a telescope, association is a microscope.
2004). The paper in this section by Todd et al. Because association is myopic, hundreds of
1034 Robert Plomin

thousands of DNA markers – a huge fine-scale map – functional polymorphisms in candidate genes. Power
are needed if association were to be systematic like of whole-genome association scans would be greatly
linkage (Ke et al., 2004). Because such a whole- increased if the scans were based on direct associ-
genome scan for association has not been possible ation in which DNA polymorphisms were functional
until recently, association studies have focused on a QTLs rather than just markers of QTLs (indirect
few candidate genes, especially dopamine and sero- association). The next major advance in whole-
tonin genes, which are of known relevance to genome association research will be microarrays
psychopathology. with functional SNPs, which will permit direct
Microarrays and DNA pooling
Selecting SNPS for direct association
An important new development is that it is now
possible to conduct systematic whole-genome The first step in selecting SNPs for whole-genome
association studies (Hirschhorn & Daly, 2005). studies testing direct association will involve SNPs
Large-scale maps with millions of SNPs are available in exons that result in a change in amino acid
(Hinds et al., 2005), and a new technology called sequence, called non-synonymous SNPs, which are
microarrays makes it possible to use a single primer likely to be functional. However, there are only a
to genotype tens of thousands of SNPs rather than few tens of thousands of non-synonymous SNPs
needing a different primer for each SNP (Matsuzaki because fewer than half of all SNPs are in gene
et al., 2004). The problem is that microarrays are regions broadly defined, only 1% of these are in
expensive and can be used only once; it would be exons, and only half of these are non-synonymous
very expensive to conduct a microarray study of the (Hinds et al., 2005). All exons in the human gen-
very large samples needed to detect QTLs of small ome are currently being re-sequenced on a sample
effect size. However, as described in the Harlaar et al. of 48 individuals, which is expected to yield as
paper in this section, a novel strategy is to use SNP many as 50,000 non-synonymous SNPs (Sanger
microarrays to genotype DNA pooled across indi- Centre, 2005). Microarrays with these non-
viduals in extreme groups such as cases versus synonymous SNPs will be available in the next year
controls or low versus high groups on a quantitative or two and will lead to more powerful whole-
trait. In other words, instead of using thousands of genome association scans that will permit direct
microarrays to genotype large samples, we can use association analyses.
just one microarray to estimate average SNP allelic
frequencies for a group’s pooled DNA (Norton, Wil-
Non-coding DNA
liams, O’Donovan, & Owen, 2004; Sham, Bader,
Craig, O’Donovan, & Owen, 2002). Because micro- Although non-synonymous SNPs are the source of
arrays can be used to genotype hundreds of thou- many rare single-gene disorders, there are other
sands of SNPs, replication designs are needed to sources of functional polymorphisms. Polymorph-
weed out false positive results – with an alpha level of isms other than SNPs are known to be functional,
1%, thousands of significant results are expected by such as repetitive DNA sequences in exons. More-
chance for a microarray with hundreds of thousands over, DNA polymorphisms do not need to be in exons
of SNPs. in order to be functional. RNA from introns and from
regions upstream from genes called promoters is well
known to have regulatory effects on genes and gene
Direct versus indirect association
SNPs used on commercially available microarrays An exciting new discovery is that DNA well away
are evenly distributed across the genome in order to from protein-coding genes may be functional. Much
facilitate whole-genome scans. However, this ap- intergenic DNA is now known to be transcribed into
proach relies on indirect association between the RNA and it has been suggested that this intergenic
SNPs and the QTLs that actually affect the quantit- non-coding RNA regulates the expression of other
ative trait: The SNP is just a marker for a nearby genes and gene products (Mattick, 2004). One
QTL. Indirect association greatly reduces power (as a finding in support of this theory is that the human
function of the distance between the SNP and the species has the greatest ratio of non-coding DNA to
QTL, called linkage disequilibrium) as compared to protein-coding DNA – more than 98% of the human
direct association in which the SNP is assumed to be genome consists of non-coding DNA. It seems hard
the QTL itself. Power is reduced as a function of the to believe that 98% of the genome is just non-
distance between the SNP and the QTL, which is why functional evolutionary debris, but this has been
hundreds of thousands of SNPs are needed for a the orthodox view among molecular geneticists. One
whole-genome association scan based on indirect reason for this orthodox view is that most non-
association. coding DNA is not conserved across species, espe-
The greater power of direct association is the cially as compared to protein-coding DNA, which is
reason why association studies have focused on highly conserved. Although conserved DNA regions
When are we going to be there? 1035

are likely to be functional, it does not necessarily molecular processes that have common functional
follow that non-conserved DNA regions are not effects on behaviour.
functional. To the contrary, it is possible that un- When we say that effect sizes are small, this is a
iquely human DNA variation represents especially statement about the average effect of QTLs in a
good candidates for subtle QTL effects on human population; it is possible that some QTLs have larger
behaviour. effects on certain individuals but that their effects
I think that there is much more to be learned about are diluted when averaged across the population. It
how non-coding DNA affects behaviour. For this is also possible that small effects of QTLs are due to
reason, I prefer to focus my gene-finding efforts on gene–gene interactions (epistasis) or gene–environ-
the whole genome rather than limiting it to genes ment interactions, which could make QTLs ex-
that code for proteins. Also for this reason, I prefer to tremely difficult to detect. However, quantitative
refer to ‘QTLs’ rather than ‘genes’ because the word genetic research suggests that this is not generally
‘QTL’ is neutral as to whether or not the functional the case, although quantitative genetic data do not
DNA polymorphism is in a traditional protein-coding provide definitive evidence for additive effects be-
gene. cause other genetic processes such as assortative
In summary, future maps for the QTL journey are mating and environmental factors such as sibling
likely to be on a much finer scale, identifying small interaction could mask epistatic effects. Nonethe-
but salient features of the DNA landscape not seen less, even if QTL effects are additive on average,
on maps today. Thanks to microarrays, these large- epistatic interactions can occur for specific QTLs,
scale maps will be able to cover the entire genome although even greater care must be taken to avoid
and eventually they will include all functional poly- false positive results (Maier et al., 2005; Marchini,
morphisms, whether in non-coding DNA or protein- Donnelly, & Cardon, 2005).
coding DNA (Botstein & Risch, 2003). Gene–environment interaction (GxE) would also
reduce the effect size of QTLs and would make it
difficult to identify QTL associations because the
QTLs would need to be identified as they interact
Where is ‘there’?
with specific measures of the environment (Hunter,
Our current maps do not tell us what we will find at 2005). QTLs would not be seen at all as main effects
the end of the journey. If at the end of this long if GxE were disordinal (a cross-over interaction in
journey all we find are such tiny QTLs, will it have which the QTLs have effects in the opposite direction
been worth the trip? The answer is definitely yes. The in low and high risk environments). However, it is
basic science goal is to find as many of the QTLs as much more likely that interactions are ordinal which
possible that are responsible for the heritability of means that the QTLs involved in GxE will also show
mental health and illness. It would have been easier some main effect that can be detected independent of
if most of the heritability of complex traits and the environment even though the main effect of the
common disorders were largely due to one or two QTLs would be diluted by the interaction. Although
APOE-sized QTLs but that does not seem to be the quantitative genetic research does not show much
case. evidence for GxE (e.g., Asbury, Wachs, & Plomin, in
Even if ‘there’ means identifying many QTLs of press), this may be because human quantitative
small effect, they can be used together as ‘QTL sets’ genetic designs have little power to detect GxE
that account for substantial amounts of variance (Wahlsten, 1990). However, GxE has also been dif-
even if the constituent QTLs have very small effects, ficult to document in animal studies in which both
as explained in the paper by Harlaar et al. Because genes and environments can be manipulated, greatly
genotyping has become so inexpensive (and will be increasing the power to detect GxE (e.g., Henderson,
even less expensive as trait-specific QTLs are avail- 1972). Nonetheless, some interactions between spe-
able on microarrays), it is quite feasible to genotype cific genes and specific environmental measures
100 SNPs that together account for 25% of the vari- have been reported (e.g., Caspi et al., 2003) and
ance of a trait and thus only require a few dozen replicated (Eley et al., 2004).
subjects to achieve reasonable power when used as a Finally, we might end up finding QTL effects on
genetic risk index. QTL sets will also eventually have components and constellations of behaviour that
clinical implications for diagnosis, treatment and look very different from the disorders and dimen-
prediction. sions we currently study. Genetic effects might be
QTL sets will not be as useful for molecular genetic narrower or broader than the traits assessed by our
research because each of the many QTLs will have a current measures or diagnostic schemes, which are
different molecular mechanism. Nonetheless, each based on phenotypic rather than genetic analyses.
QTL opens a tiny window on pathways between Multivariate quantitative genetic research is needed
genes and behaviour, although very large samples to chart the genetic structure of psychopathology.
will be needed to see anything through those tiny For example, the subtypes used in the paper in this
windows. Moreover, molecular genetic research special section by Todd et al. are based on a multi-
might profit from considering QTL sets as a system of variate genetic analysis, which suggests that the
1036 Robert Plomin

subtypes are largely genetically independent

Not the end
(Rasmussen et al., 2004). The molecular genetic test
of the hypothesis of genetic heterogeneity is that The end of this journey to identify QTLs for mental
different QTLs are associated with the different health and illness in childhood is just the beginning
subtypes, an hypothesis supported in part by the of a much more interesting trip through the country
results of the Todd et al. analysis. Similarly, Ste- lanes that cut across our fields. This will be a trip for
venson et al. report that a particular QTL association everyone, not just for a few QTL-hunters: Once QTLs
was found only when hyperactivity was co-morbid are identified, they can be used as genetic risk indic-
with reading disability. ators to enrich any behavioural research. Con-
Most multivariate molecular genetic research, versely, behavioural research will also contribute
however, suggests broader rather than narrower importantly to our understanding of how genes work
genetic effects. This can be seen in molecular genetic for complex traits and common disorders. The
analyses reported in this special section that show phrase functional genomics has become synonymous
co-morbid QTLs for reading and hyperactivity (Gay- with a bottom-up molecular biological approach to
án et al.), for reading and sound-speech disorder understand how genes work beginning with gene
(Smith et al.), and for reading and ‘g’ (Harlaar et al.). products in cells. However, it is important to
More multivariate results of this sort can be expected understand how genes work at all levels of analysis
because multivariate quantitative genetic analyses from genes to brain to behaviour. As described in the
indicate that genetic effects are broad across inter- paper by Harlaar et al., a top-down behavioural ge-
nalising disorders and across externalising disorders nomics level of analysis seems likely to pay off more
(Kendler, Prescott, Myers, & Neale, 2003; Krueger et quickly in terms of gene-based diagnoses, gene-
al., 2002), across learning disabilities (Plomin & based treatments tailored to the individual, and
Kovas, in press), and between hyperactivity and especially in terms of early warning systems and
reading disability (Willcutt et al., 2003). More genetic interventions that prevent or at least ameliorate
research is also needed to investigate the relation- childhood disorders before they cast their long
ship between quantitative dimensions and qualitat- shadow over development.
ive disorders in order to explore the QTL hypothesis
that common disorders are the quantitative extreme
of the same genetic and environmental influences Acknowledgements
responsible for variation throughout the distribu- Preparation of this paper was supported in part by a
tion. At the most fundamental level, more work is programme grant from the UK Medical Research
always welcome on phenotypic measurement issues Council (G9424799), a grant from the Wellcome
such as multiple sources of information (not just Trust (GR075492), and a grant from the US National
self-report questionnaires and interviews), multiple Institute of Child Health and Human Development
situations (school and friends as well as family), and (HD044454).
multiple ages (not just a single measurement occa-
sion) (Freimer & Sabatti, 2003; Stevenson et al.,
2005). Endophenotypes, especially measures of the Correspondence to
brain and mind, are currently in vogue as a simpler
Robert Plomin, Box Number P080, Social, Genetic
level of analysis for studying complex traits (Bear-
and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of
den, Reus, & Freimer, 2004; Gottesman & Gould,
Psychiatry, King’s College London, De Crespigny
2003). Although all levels of analysis from genes to
Park, London, United Kingdom SE5 8AF, UK; Tel:
behaviour are important to study in their own right
0044 20 7848 0893; Fax: 0044 20 7848 0895;
and in terms of understanding pathways between
genes and behaviour, I am not convinced that en-
dophenotypes will prove to be useful for finding QTLs
for what are quintessentially behavioural disorders
such as autism, hyperactivity and reading disability.
For childhood disorders, most research on en- Arranz, M.J., Munro, J., Birkett, J., Bolonna, A.,
dophenotypes has been done in the area of hyper- Mancama, D., Sodhi, M., Lesch, K.P., Meyer, J.F.,
activity; recent reviews do not find that Sham, P., Collier, D.A., Murray, R.M., & Kerwin, R.W.
endophenotypes have as yet advanced the quest for (2000). Pharmacogenetic prediction of clozapine
QTLs, although larger studies and other biological response. Lancet, 355, 1615–1616.
Asbury, K., Wachs, T., & Plomin, R. (in press).
endophenotypes may be more successful (Asherson
Environmental moderators of genetic influence on
& IMAGE Consortium, 2004; Stevenson et al., 2005). verbal and nonverbal abilities in early childhood.
In summary, questions about the final destination in Intelligence.
the quest for QTLs include the distribution of QTL Asherson, P. and IMAGE Consortium. (2004). Atten-
effect sizes and the extent to which QTL main effects tion-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the post-geno-
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