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#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main (){
double x,y;
cout<<"Unesi strelice : ";
if (x==0 && y==0){
cout<<"20 Bodova ";
}else if(x>-5 and x<5 and y>-5 and y<5){
cout<<"10 bodova ";
}else if(x>-10 and x<-5 and y>-5 and y<-10){
cout<<"5 BODOVA ";
}else if(x>-10 and x<-5 and y>5 and y<10){
cout<<"5 BODOVA ";
}else if(x>5 and x<10 and y>5 and y<10){
cout<<"5 BODOVA ";
}else if(x>=5 and x<10 and y>-5 and y<-10){
cout<<"5 BODOVA ";
}else if(x==5 and (y>5 || y<-5 )){
cout<<"0 BODOVA ";
}else if(x==-5 and (y>5 || y<-5 )){
cout<<"0 BODOVA ";}
else if(y==5 and (x>5 || x<-5 )){
cout<<"0 BODOVA ";}
else if(y==-5 and (x>5 || x<-5 )){
cout<<"0 BODOVA ";}
else if(x==10 and (y>10 || y<-10 )){
cout<<"0 BODOVA ";}
else if(x==-10 and (y>10 || y<-10 )){
cout<<"0 BODOVA ";}
else if(y==10 and (x>10 || x<-10)){
cout<<"0 BODOVA ";}
else if(y==-10 and (x>10 || x<-10 )){
cout<<"0 BODOVA ";}
else if (x==5 || y==5 || x==10 || y==10){
cout<<"7 bodova";
}else if (x==-5 || y==-5 || x==-10 || y==-10){
cout<<"7 bodova";
cout<<"O BODOVA!";

return 0;

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