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1. Explain the various types of network topologies.

2. Compare OSI and TCP/IP reference model.
3. Explain the functions of 7-layers of OSI model in detail.
4. Group the OSI layers by function.
5. Why are protocols needed?
6. Define Shannon’s capacity and give its equation.
7. Mention various categories of networks and give their respective applications.
8. Discuss TCP/IP protocol and compare with OSI model.
9. Differentiate among LAN, MAN and WAN.
10. Explain the different transmission modes with example.
11. Define computer network
12. Give the uses of Computer network
13. What are the applications of Computer Network?
14. What do you understand by the impairment of transmission? Describe three causes of it.
15. What is wireless communication? How it is different from guided media? Explain
different guided media and unguided media into which they are divided broadly.
16. How does a computer network work? Explain all hardware and software requirements
for their implementation.
17. What are the two types of line configuration?
18. What is the difference between omnidirectional waves and unidirectional waves?



1. Why is multiplexing needed in networking and communication? Explain different types
of multiplexing used in communication.
2. Differentiate between TDM, FDM and WDM multiplexing.
3. Explain the features of WDM and give an illustration.
4. Compare the architectural design models of synchronous TDM and statistical TDM. Give
their respective applications.
5. What is multiplexing and demuliplexing?
6. Explain the working mechanism of FDM. Give an illustration. Give two applications of
7. What is wavelength and what is its relation with frequency?
8. Explain time and frequency domains in detail.
9. Differentiate between analog and digital data. Explain periodic and non-periodic signals
by giving examples.
10. Discuss composite signals with examples.
11. Define the following:
a. Bandwidth b. Bitrate c. Bit Length

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