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Picking Exercises

Many of our templates now allow users to pick their own exercises. If this is the
case you’ll see a tab at the bottom of the screen titled “Exercise Selection.” By
selecting that tab you’ll be brought to a series of drop-down menus that will
allow you to select your preferred exercise variations. If you do not see this tab, it
is because the template you purchased is designed in a particular way that we
feel is optimal for its intended use. Additionally, templates that do allow a user to
select their own variations come “pre-programmed” with our default
recommended programming.

1. Selecting the exercises

o Hover your mouse over the cell you’d like to select an exercise for.
You’ll see a small gray arrow in a box pointing downwards that
when selected, will show you the options you can choose for that
particular exercise slot.
o Click on the variation you’d like to select and that will place the
exercise variation in the appropriate place for the given program.
o Please select variations for all the available cells.

2. The templates that have user-selected variations come pre-programmed

with our recommended programming. We suggest users run the “default”
program first or only change exercise variations they don’t have the
equipment for or cannot perform.

Please refer to the “Overview” section of this document for a further discussion
of exercise variation selection where applicable.

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