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7AM RrORAT LON HIRE MATERIAL © LEIHMATERIAL This material is the property of the pubisher. Unauthexsed copying is illegal, and the materia ‘must not be hired to a thid party. Use of the material for performance purposes requires license from the publisher. Please erase ary markings after use. « Unverkduflches Eigentum ‘des Verlags. Veriatnen oder Vermieten des AuffUhrungsmaterials an Dritte sowie Fotokopieren lund Abschreiben Ist nicht gestatiet Die Nutzung des Materias fir. Auffuhrungscwecke ferfordert eine Liagor vorn Verag. Sdmtlche Einzeichrungen sind nach Gebrauch zu entfemen, Kurt Weill/ Bertolt Brecht The Threepenny Opera A play with music based on Elisabeth Hauptmann's translation of ‘The Beggar's Opera’ by John Gay English language adaption by Simon Stephens Libretto LEA 27098. European American Music Corporation a 2 2 2a 2 a “2 a a ed a a 2 a a —_ a a Macheath (known as Mack the Knife) Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum Celia Peachum Polly Peachum Chief Inspector Brown Lucy Brown Jenny Smith Pastor Kimble Filch ABalladeer AGang Matthias aka The Shadow Robert aka The Iceman Jimmy “Retail” Walter aka The Scholar ‘The Ladies of Grape Lane Vixen, Betty Ruby Various Police Officers The East End of London. Timeless. OVERTURE eo @ 2 2 @ 2 2 @ @ a a 2 2 @ 2 2 2 2 2 a 2 2 a a 2 2 =) 2 a a a 2 PROLOGUE A balladeer takes to the empty stage BALLADEER Ladies and Gentlemen. I welcome you to our glorious dirty ditch of a theatre. You are here, I will have you know, to watch an Opera. An Opera that could only have been carved out of the meat of our fair city. Itis an Opera that celebrates the music of the desperate folk of London Town. ‘There are some Operas that attempt to end with some kind of a moral. There will be no moralising tonight. This is an opera for a City that has gone beyond morality. This is a cheap Opera, dragged out of two hundred years of beggary. ‘This is a Threepenny Opera! The Balladeer introduces the Opera ‘A Banner Announces The Scone "On a night in the heart of London. ‘The beggars beg. The thieves steal. The whores whore. ‘And a balladeer sings a ballad.” BALLAD OF MACK THE KNIFE BALLADEER See a shark's teeth flash like diamonds Shine and sparkle in the night But Macheath wears just a switchblade And he keeps it out of sight Ona Sunday down a backstreet Lies a carcas turning grey With his back turned and his knife clean Mackie quietly slinks away In the city London's bankers Sitting pretty on their gold Mack the Knife steals all their money Saunters off to face the cold In the freezing stinking river Bobbing bodies rot and drown It's not typhoid that's the killer Mack the Knife has come to town. Peachum enters stage left. Mrs Peachum and Polly Peachum are with him. In the blazing fire of Soho Seven children burned in flame Mackie’s watching from the pavement Knowing nothing, not to blame In the city’s constant turmoil There is endless slow decay Mack the Knife grins as he watches Tips his hat and walks away. Mack the Knife grins as he watches Tips his hat and walks away. From the heart of a huddle of whores laughter erupts. Mack the Knife emerges from their midst. He takes in the whole stage as he exits. ACT ONE POS CULO BOOS AY, paved , wt a 1 Scene One A Banner Announces The Scene “With the intention of combating the conditions in which the poor of London find themselves, barber J} Peachum has extended his establishment to engage in an attempt to touch the the city's soul.” Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum and his staff of vagrants. His tailor’s shop. The back streets off Brick Lane MORNING CHORALE OF JJ PEACHUM PEACHUM Come forth you magnificent swine For money's the one thing we worship And don't waste a second of time Come practise your entrepreneurship The entitled will always do well While the rest of us all have to pay $o make sure you don’t end up in hell ‘Once down there you don’t get away Ayoung man, Filch, enters. Peachum turns to him. PEACHUM — You're late, FILCH Mr Peachum. I'm sorry. I couldn't find the place, PEACHUM — Honey and Sam told you to be here at 9. It's five past. FILCH Iknow Mr Peachum. I'm sorry. PEACHUM interrupting Curtain Road, wasn’t it? They found you in? FILCH Yesterday, PEACHUM Seven minutes past three in the afternoon. Broad daylight. You tried begging from them. On my territory. Didn't hurt you did they? Thold no truck with violence or criminality in any form. It upsets me. But if they see you one more time, setting your stall out on my street, I can't be held responsible for their actions. They're awful. FILCH It’s not my fault, Mr Peachum. I’m the unluckiest sod in the world I am. My Mother was a drunk. My father was a — PEACHUM faking sympathy to shut him up Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! FILCH PEACHUM FILCH PEACHUM Mr Peachum, Your boys battered me like a sausage. They gave me your business card. Told me to be here at 9. Walked away. What am I meant to do with that? If I take my coat off, you'll- Don't. No. Listen. Poppet. Round here vagrancy is a line of work run by professionals. There is a huge map of London set up on his restaurant wall. It hangs there. Peachum refers to it as he talks. It’s the power point to his pitch. FILCH PEACHUM FILCH East London is divided into 14 districts. Anybody wanting to work these districts needs to get themselves what we might call a license, And they get those licenses from me. Anyone. All of you. Fora price. Mr Peachum. All I've got in all the world is - It's twenty quid. Mr Peachumt Peachum stares him down. Unmoved. Icould stretch to six. PEACHUM And fifty percent of your weekly earnings. FILCH And let's say I went along with your idea - PEACHUM — Which you will. FILCH Which District could I work in? PEACHUM Canning Town. Corner of Butchers Road. Perfectly decent trade there. FILCH Right. He looks at the map. Isee. He thinks. Bugger. LY VEY OO PAP AVAD AD ABAD AR PADDY RRR LL Prep Re He pays. Here. PEACHUM — What's your name? FILCH Charlie Filch. PEACHUM It's not easy this business, ll warn you of that, Mr Filch. People are so cold. To keep working in times like this and to keep that work legal and proper requires determination and imagination. The key to success is your character. FILCH Idon't have a character. Peachum illustrates each type by referring to the vagrants in his shop. PEACHUM Clearly. There are four basic types of misery, Mr Filch, Just the sight of these four types puts any person into such a state of pity and horror they are prepared to part with money. With money! ‘Type One. The shell-shocked war veteran. Need to be particularly aggressive to pull this one off. Like you could do anything at any moment. A thousand yard stare helps, Like there are things you have seen you will never recover from. And while you're at it maybe get yourself a stupid dog. ‘Type Two. The immigrant. Roughen up your skin a bit and glare like a good’un, Wear a funny coat. ‘Type Three. The teenage runaway, Unquestionable victim of the most horrendous sexual abuse. A little come-hither smile from these big sad eyes like saucers, Pleading for somebody to take them away. We all know we want to really, Mr Filch, don’t we? ‘Type Four. Fresh from the asylum. The un-housed lunatic. This one’s your one, Go a bit cross eyed and you've nailed it. Works wonders down in Canning, Madness is the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of every beggar in this city. FILCH But. Wait. Right. Couldn’t I just be myself? PEACHUM —_Don'tbe so stupid. Nobody believes in their own misery, poppet. You've got to fake it for it to seem real. You start today. I'll speak to the boys. They'll leave you alone but you stay on that corner. Come anywhere near Curtain 10 Road again and I can't be responsible for their behaviour. Go ont All of you! Hop it! FILCH ‘Thank you Mr Peachum. PEACHUM And don't forget your fifty per cent. You hear me? Filch and the vagrants exit. PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM, PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM. PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM Mr darling wife. Good morning dear heart. Er, morning! Have you just got home? Did you miss me? Always. You know that, You smell rather striking, Imade an effort especially for you. Where have you been? Iwent to the Octopus Club. Oh lovely. The Octopus Club. Who got you in there? Agentleman I met. A distinguished gentleman. With an incredibly large spirit of generosity. Sounds exciting, Can I remind you, my love, of our little arrangement? You don’t need to remind me my darling, Idon’t mind you having the occasional dalliance, We all have itches we need to scratch, Even at your age. But do try to be discrete, And you took Polly with you did you? She sat in the corner all night doing your accounts, Good girl, It’s all she ever does. Never says boo to a goose that one. I Put her ina cab. Sent her home at 10 o'clock, She promised me she'd go straight to bed. ul PEACHUM I'm sure she did. MRS PEACHM You want to watch yourself with her JJ. You smother her. I worry that she does what you tell her to do because she ‘wants you to leave her alone, She does what | tell her to because she loves me. PEACHUM ‘And you told her to come home? MRSPEACHUM —_Of course I did. PEACHUM Wrap up like a good one. Don’t talk to the cabby. Skip right up to bed MRSPEACHUM That's right. PEACHUM Where is she then? MRS PEACHUM What do you mean “where is she”? PEACHUM What do you mean, what do I mean, what do you bleeding well think I mean? Where is she? MRS PEACHUM _ She's upstairs. PEACHUM You sure about that? Checked on her when you came in did you? Had alittle peek? Go and get her then. MRSPEACHUM — What? PEACHUM Go and get her if you're sure she’s so angelic, MRSPEACHUM Jj, PEACHUM Go and get her. Mrs Peachum leaves to look for Polly. She comes back after a while. MRSPEACHUM She'll have gone out for a morning walk somewhere. PEACHUM She hasn't. MRSPEACHUM Got up early while you were asleep. PEACHUM She didn't. MRSPEACHUM She'll have gone to the library, She loves it there. PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM. PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM. She never came home. Oh Jesus, Isat up all night. Where is she? Idon’t know. Where is she you bleeding harlot? Where is she? Oh God. She's ran away. I know it. Ran away? She won't necessarily- Of course she has, Use your brain you pickled up old soak. She's not a child JJ. This is your fault this is, My fault? You've driven her to this you have. That's rich coming from you. With your flirting and your romance. You're supposed to be her father. And your socialising. Not some floozy pooftah. And your endless, pitiless drinking. Poncing round in a pinny like a flamboyant cleaning lady. And your hugely, hugely desperate need for men to pay you just a bit of attention. Oh Jesus Christ. To try to convince yourself you're not decrepit. Give me a break for one second. 13 PEACHUM When you sodding well are, MRSPEACHUM —_You mithering old whingeing old stinking old bastard. “WHAT A TWAT” SONG PEACHUM Whata twat, what a twat Always liked to think yourself a thoroughbred “I deserve more’, “I deserve more” All my sorry life has been a fight to try to get ahead MRS PEACHUM I want the moon over Soho I want to be loved by someone who tells me they care Iwant to go anywhere with him and know that I'm wanted As the moon gazes down on the cold night air PEACHUM Stupid twats! Stupid twats! ‘Wasting every afternoon in reverie They make me sick, they make me sick Allyour sorry lives are justa fantasy MRS PEACHUM Lwant the moon over Soho. PEACHUM (SIMULTANEOUS) Well bugger your moon over Soho. MRS PEACHUM Twant to be loved by someone who tells me they care PEACHUM (SIMULTANEOUS) You'll never be loved by someone who tells you they care MRS PEACHUM T want to go anywhere with him and know that I'm wanted PEACHUM (SIMULTANEOUS) You'll never go anywhere with him and never be wanted MRS PEACHUM ‘As the moon gazes down on the cold night air PEACHUM (SIMULTANEOUS) As the moon gazes down on the cold night air 4 Scene Two A Banner Announces The Scene “In the Savoy Hotel the bandle Mack the Knife celebrates his wean to Poly Peachum, the youthful daughter ofthe King of ‘the Beggars." The Savoy Hotel. Mack the Knife has been celebrating his wedding to Polly Peachum. The two are alone. MACHEATH Polly. This is a night you will remember for the rest of your life. You know that don’t you? Polly belches POLLY I'm sorry Mack. I didn’t expect to be so nervous, MACHEATH It's perfectly understandable. I'm a powerful man. POLLY It's just that this is all so very new to me. I feel alittle bit overwhelmed. It won’t happen again. I promise. Polly belches again MACHEATH No it probably won't, He blows a signal whistle. The signal for his gang. MACHEATH Oi oi! He blows a signal whistle. The signal for his gang. His gang enters. Matthias “The Shadow’; Jimmy “Retail”, Robert “The Iceman” and Walter "The Scholar’. ROBERT —_Good evening captain. This is rather sumptuous isn’t it? jiMMy Beautiful this, Mack. Isn't it beautiful? Yes itis. I think it definitely is, WALTER _ Everything what you hoped for Guvnor? MACHEATH Everything's perfect Walter. POLLY Mack? What's going on? MACHEATH I just bought some friends with me, Polly. POLLY Friends? MACHEATH That's all right isn’t it? POLLY ROBERT 15 I suppose it is. Ws a wedding, Polly, isn't it? Nothing unusual about a party after a wedding is there? Do correct me if 'm mistaken. MATTHIAS a speech impediment makes him barely comprehensible, Buenos POLLY WALTER ROBERT POLLY jIMMY WALTER MATTHIAS WALTER MACHEATH MATTHIAS WALTER Nachas Polly. Oh er, good evening. I've been looking forward to meeting you all day. Savoy Hotel, Polly. An historical institution. Its, its, its lovely. ‘The rumours about this place, sweetheart. The shit that goes on in rooms like this. On beds like this. Barely imagine can you? I can’t. | try and all. [can't Jimmy, son. Don’t say "shit", Not in front of, of, of - Polly. Polly. Polly. That's just rude that is. Sorry sweetheart. Walter! A speech I think. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Itwould be my pleasure guvnor. He goes to make a speech. Thinks. Doesn't know how to start. WALTER MATTHIAS WALTER MATTHIAS WALTER GANG ‘On nights like this. Thank you, yes. On nights like this. These are the very best nights of our lives. They make everything seem so... Moist Moist with the passing of the river of our lives. I would like to offer the warmest and most heartfelt, heartfelt Vibrations Vibrations, to you, for the evening to come. For what she is about to receive - - may we be truly thankful. 16 The gang toast Polly more entertained by Walter's speech as they are moved by it. POLLY What am I about to receive Mack? The boys struggle to contain their laughter. MACHEATH Matthias you should give her your present boys. MATTHIAS Here, For you Polly. This is from all of us. For you. For tonight. He passes her a box. itis wrapped beautifully. She opens it and takes out a pair of exquisite extremely high-heeled shoes. POLLY Oh Matthias, how kind of you. Look, Mack. These are beautiful, aren't they? ROBERT —_ I was saying to Lucy only yesterday, Mack. You stop at absolutely nothing when it comes to making sure the finer details on our nights like this are of the highest order. The gang laugh. Macheath stops them. POLLY Who's Lucy, Mack? Some time. Macheath still staring at Robert, MACHEATH What have you got in your hand, Robert? ROBERT It's a teaspoon, Mack. MACHEATH And what's that there on the plate, Robert? ROBERT _{t's,er, I think you'll find it’s souffié Mack. MACHEATH Well, correct me if I'm wrong, But it looks to me as though you're eating souffle with a teaspoon. I've never seen anything like it Polly, He might speak like he’s a posh boy with a fork up his arse but he eats soufilé with a teaspoon. Everybody knows you eat soufflé with a dessert spoon, Robert. A dessert spoon or a knife, He takes his switchblade out. Dips it in Robert’s souffté. Holds it to Robert's mouth. MACHEATH Lick it. Robert licks the knife. MACHEATH Eatit, you lite pig. VEEN VEUVVUEUVUBUVUVVVEVUVUUVUUYUYUUUHUUVWUYUUUUUYBUUUUU UG 7 He eats. The men are still, They're aware of a shift in Macheath’s mood. A figure comes to the door. The gang freeze. Prepare themselves for an intruder. Poised. It is a Pastor. KIMBLE Polly. POLLY Pastor Kimble. I'm so pleased you could join us. The gang relax when they realise who it is. KIMBLE _ It's my pleasure assure you. POLLY It was such a lovely service. I had no idea they had churches in rooms above shops in Shadwell, KIMBLE —_ tradition from Huguenot times. It’s always an honor to have the opportunity to help Mack on these occasions. MACHEATH Yes Pastor Kimble. It is always lovely to see you too. KIMBLE _It's so easy nowadays to forget the sacrosanct and beautiful nature of marriage. Don't you think? I do. Gosh I really do. As he talks, the gang, entertained by his fuelled whittering sing underneath him. Perhaps humming or whistling at first. ‘That is why it is so moving for me to be invited here today. I say Polly you really do look quite stunning. Your lovely skin. So very young. The gang laugh and applaud. POLLY Mack? What's going on? KIMBLE Shall we have a hymn, to celebrate the joining of souls. WEDDING SONG GANG Bill Lawgen and Mary Sawyer Were made man and wife a week ago (Spoken) MATTHIAS — Three cheers for the happy couple. Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! MATTHIAS — Hip Hip— 18 GANG Hooray! MATTHIAS Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! GANG (sung) As his cock wriggled through her wedding dress He had not asked her name but nonetheless She was too pissed to see how far this thing would go Do you care who your wife sucked off? No! Do you know the last time she got spunked? No! (Spoken) MATTHIAS Three cheers for the happy couple. Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! MATTHIAS Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! MATTHIAS Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! GANG (sung) Billy Lawgen told me “Listen mate, She's got one hole that is fucking great—" Her arsel (shouted) Hooray! The gang find it hard to contain their laughter at the crudeness of their own song. Macheath observes them as they approach Polly, She stops them as they get close. ROBERT Keep your chin up, lovely. He grins. But if you do feel the need to, er, lower your chin just make sure none of us are necessarily in the vicinity. Of your chin, As it were. POLLY Well Gentlemen. | wonder if | might respond in kind. I think I'd like to sing a song myself, It's a song I heard a girl sing in a bar. A place full of the dirtiest, most low down scum in the whole of London. It was filthy. She worked there all day and all night. She had t put up with all these wretched drunks snearing at her. And where you are, that’s where the punters sat laughing at her. ‘She begins to wash one of the glasses. POLLY So. I'm her. And you, She points at the rest of the boys. vewwwvwowwuwwvewvuwwevuevuuvvuevuUUuuUUwuUe eeu euUuueuUueewvuUuuUuY 19 POLLY What you do is you laugh. And you laugh. And you laugh. And you laugh. And you laugh. And you laugh. And you laugh. Polly screams PIRATE JENNY POLLY All you gents can laugh as I wash up this glass And I sweat as you sit there drinking And you tip mea lousy shilling and you snigger at my smell In this ragged little hovel of a shitted up hotel But you'll never guess what | am thinking No you'll never guess what I am thinking Then one night you'll listen and hear a howl from the harbour And you'll ask: “what the bloody hell is that?” ‘And you'll watch as I go back and finish cleaning And ask why she’s grinning like a cat. But you don’t see the frigate With its fifty guns gleaming Pull into the quay You say “scrub that floor kid and get back to work” And you all sit there drunk and stinking And your money will be taken and your filthy beds get made But there's no-one that is sleeping and there's no-one getting laid And you still don't know what | am thinking No you still don't know what [ am thinking Late that night you'll tremble and hear a roar from the harbour ‘And you'll ask: “Jesus what the hell was that?” And you'll watch me standing right behind the window And observe me grinning like a cat Now you see the black frigate With its fifty guns firing Atyou from the quay At the height of noon ninety men come ashore From the boat in the deep black water And gather all you cowards hiding scared behind each door And they'll clap you in chains and make you kneel for this whore And they'll ask me “Madam who shall we slaughter?” They'll ask me "Madam who shall we slaughter?" As the midday passes there's a hush at the harbour When they ask which of you should die And it’s then you'll hear me whisper softly: (spoken) “all of them" ‘And as the heads fall it's then you'll hear me cry: Hoopla! (sung) And you'll see the black frigate Standing fifty guns gleaming Sail back home with me jimmy Well, Wasn't that something? I’m actually moved. [felt a,a,a lump in my throat. That's lovely. Wasn't it? It really was. Lovely that was. MACHEATH There was nothing “lovely” about that, you idiot. That was art is what that was. Polly. You are incredible. I mean you're wasting your time making art for this sorry shower. But it was magnificent. You are magnificent. Walter comes running in, Panicking. From outside the room BROWN Captain Macheath, WALTER Captain, It's the Chief Inspector. ROBERT You're joking! WALTER _ {'mnot, boss honestly. KIMBLE —_ Tiger Brown? Well, well, well, well. Goodness me. I really ought to be leaving, More, er, services to perform this afternoon. An absolute delight to meet you, Polly. Have a wonderful evening gentlemen. Forgive me Mack. Got to run, JIMMY Tiger? What the Tiger? Coming here? Oh my days. MATTHIAS Weare fucked. ROBERT He'll absolutely garotte the lot of us. The gang try to hide. Inspector Brown enters. A huge man. Terrifying. He and Macheath examine one another for a beat. MACHEATH Evening Jackie! BROWN — Mack. MACHEATH This is a surprise. BROWN _[ heard you were here. I hadn't expected, er, company. Brown examines Polly. MACHEATH Would you allow me the honour of introducing you to my wife? Polly Peachum. Poll this here is Tiger Brown. Limehouse’s very own Chief Super-intendant. Pillar of the Bow Road. bEUBELEDELE u weubbu IVSHVGSIVOUVYVIVUVVVUVOVODUBUY a He pats Brown on the back. BROWN _ It's nice to meet you Polly. Mack is a dear friend. POLLY No, Mr Brown, the pleasure is all mine. BROWN _I need to speak to you, Mack. MACHEATH And you lot must have all met at least once before, haven't you? The gang come out of their hiding places, BROWN Mack. I think it might be better if we speak alone MACHEATH Come on you lot, Say hello. It’s alright Jimmy, Robert, Walter! BROWN _ Really, Mack. I've not got much time. jimmy Evening officer. BROWN —_ jimmy. Robert. ROBERT Evening officer. BROWN Walter. WALTER Good evening officer. BROWN Matthias. Matthias shakes his hand. MATTHIAS _ Nice of you to make the effort on Mack's wedding day.You fucking bastard. BROWN Yes I'm sure. The gang shake their heads at Brown's rudeness. BROWN —_Ineed to talk to you about the coronation, Mack. MACHEATH Here? On my wedding day? BROWN They've changed the route of the procession. They're going to announce it tomorrow. The King’s going to come up through the East End. MATTHIAS — Fucking hell 22 MACHEATH My patch. BROWN My patch. That whole day has to be as smooth as silk. | don’t want distractions. MACHEATH Distractions? BROWN I'm warning you. MACHEATH Warning? The gang laugh. BROWN —_Youneed to listen to me, If you jeopardise that day for me. The consequences will be real, Macheath examines him. Thinks. MACHEATH Polly! Boys! You see before you a man who is endowed with the power of his majesty's constabulary. And yet he has remained my friend whatever has happened. It's been rare the times that I, simple soul that | am, would take so much as a perfectly innocent, shall we say fishing trip? Yes. A fishing trip without him being a major part of its planning, And rare have been the times that my friend would organize any sort of raid without giving me a heads up beforehand. Hakka dance here Do you remember, Jackie, me and you? BROWN No. MACHEATH Side by side. BROWN Not now. MACHEATH Even in the hell holes of Kandahar we managed to find the possibility of, what? Tenderness? BROWN _Leave it Mack. MACHEATH Do you remember? Jackie? Jackie. You bloody do don't you? Macheath starts singing to Brown. Brown moves as though to leave, Macheath’s singing arrests him where he is. Reluctantly Brown finds himself joining in. eee eee ee ee eee eee Ce oe Lee ee ee ee eee ee CANNON SONG 1. MACHEATH John was a Guard and Jim was a cook BROWN And Billy was the sergeant major MACHEATH Each of them hired with a comforting look BROWN Then their lives were dismissed in a wager TOGETHER The soldier's story Is guns and glory From the Somme to Kandahar BROWN And when the night turns black MACHEATH Ive always got your back BROWN ‘Thanks to the skills we learned there MACHEATH The bodies we killed and burned there ‘TOGETHER They taught us how to turn a man to beefsteak tartare 2. MACHEATH John said that whiskey gave him the shits BROWN And Jimmy thought he'd die of cold here MACHEATH Sergeant Bill scared them out of their wits BROWN Shouting "Boys, you know you're never getting old here" 24 TOGETHER The soldier's story Is guns and glory From the Somme to Kandahar BROWN And when the night turns black MACHEATH Pve always got your back BROWN ‘Thanks to the skills we learned there MACHEATH ‘The bodies we killed and burned there TOGETHER ‘They taught us how to turn a man to beefsteak tartare 3 MACHEATH Johnny and Jimmy have both gone to hell BROWN, And Billy started pissing on his deathbed MACHEATH All good men are reduced toa shell BROWN ‘The army makes a killing out of bloodshed THE WHOLE GANG The soldier's story Is guns and glory From the Somme to Kandahar BROWN And when the night turns black MACHEATH ve always got your back BROWN Thanks to the skills we learned there MACHEATH ‘The bodies we killed and burned there 25 TOGETHER ‘They taught us how to turn a man to beefsteak tartare As the song finishes Macheath goes to Brown. He kisses him fully and tenderly on the mouth. The gang are staggered. Macheath holds Brown at the back of his neck as he talks to him. MACHEATH Jackie. Can 1 ask you something? My Father-In-Law. He's a disgusting old horse is what I hear on the grapevine. If he tried anything against me, ifhe, let's say, started asking questions about me. Would you hear about it first? BROWN No questions have been asked about you Mack. MACHEATH I thought not. BROWN And if they were. I’ sort it Macheath smiles. Lets him go. MACHEATH Gentlemen. On your feet! Don’t worry about the boys Tiger. They never saw you were here. They never saw anything, Did you boys? WALTER —_No Guynor. yIMMY We didn’t see anything. See anything? Us? No. Not us, Not a thing. MATTHIAS Fuck all. ROBERT — Weare the very essence of discretion. BROWN to Polly It's such a great pleasure to meet you Polly. I wish you so much luck. POLLY ‘Thank you Mr Brown, Brown pauses, takes in the gang before he bids them goodnight. BROWN Goodnight gentlemen. Until we meet again, Brown leaves. They look at Macheath. They look at Polly. ROBERT —_A perfectly normal, fairly predictable series of events, I'd say, Polly wouldn't you? 26 Polly thinks. She starts to undress in front of Macheath and the rest of the gang. MACHEATH Robert. Boys. I think it’s time you're heading on your way. Don't you? ROBERT Sorry, Mack. I thought we were going to stay for a while. WALTER That's normally part of the deal boss if you remeber. jimmy You have your wedding and we get to join in. Yeah. No. What? MACHEATH Not tonight you don't boys. Tonight belongs to me and Polly. WALTER Are you being serious? ROBERT __Ishe being serious? JIMMY He can’t be, He is. MATTHIAS _ Bollocks. MACHEATH Off you go gentlemen, The men stand to leave and sing the song of Bill Lawgen. Quietly but with real life. WEDDING SONG (REPRISE) GANG Bill Lawgen and Mary Sawyer Were made man and wife a week ago (Spoken) MATTHIAS Three cheers for the happy couple. Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! MATTHIAS Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! MATTHIAS Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! GANG (sung) As his cock wriggled through her wedding dress He had not asked her name but nonetheless She was too pissed to see how far this thing would go Do you care who your wife sucked off No! Do you know the last time she got spunked? No! (Spoken) 2 MATTHIAS Three cheers for the happy couple. Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! MATTHIAS Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! MATTHIAS Hip Hip— GANG Hooray! GANG (sung) Billy Lawgen told me “Listen mate, She's got one hole that is fucking great! Her arse!” (shouted) Hooray! MACHEATH Like that did you? My little show with Tiger? POLLY Look at the moon over Soho MACHEATH I see it my love. POLLY care so much for you my darling, MACHEATH I care for you too, love. POLLY I'd cross the sky if you asked me to. MACHEATH And('d follow wherever you went. LOVE SONG POLLY AND MACHEATH, ‘There may be no bridesmaid to hold my/your hand No table plan, no vintage champagne No first dance together to a wedding band No diamond to shine in the rain The plates that we ate from mean nothing at all And the bride's bouquet isn’t real For love may last or it may disappear You see how you make me feel 28 Scene Three ‘A Banner Announces The Scene “For J Peachum, who understands the injustice of the world, the loss of his daughter means ‘complete ruin.” Peachum's Shop. Peachum and Mrs Peachum prepare to inspect their team of beggars. The Beggars arrange themselves ready for inspection. The Peachums begin to inspect them and their stumps in the manner of military commanders. PEACHUM BEGGARS Right. You gorgeous rabble, Let’s have a look at you, The route for the procession from the Wharf to the Tower has been announced. Come Coronation Day His highness is breaking with all regal convention and embarking on a tour of the old East End. From Rotherhithe to Tower Hill, through Wapping Wall, the Tobacco Dock up to Royal Mint Street. There will be thousands of people marking the route. There will be serious money to be made. But, darling lowers of my heart, I need artists. If you can raise your practise to the level of artists you will have those crowds eating out of the palm of your hands. The best of you get the best spots. Over the next five days you've got to Prove yourselves to me. You understand? Yes Mr Peachum. Polly enters. She has a suitcase in her hand. She belches. MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM POLLY They are stunned. PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM POLLY Poll! Darling! You're safe! Where have you been? I’ve been with Mackie. With who? Mackie, Captain Macheath. Are you being serious? She can’t be, lam. MRS PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM, POLLY MRS PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM MRS PEACHUM 29 ‘She must be confused. Vm not. How the hell did you meet Captain Macheath? Mum introduced me to him at the Octopus. She didn’t. Did she? Did you? You did. ‘That was two days ago. Tknow. I'm absolutely exhausted, Oh my God save her wretched soul! (to the Beggars) Get out! ‘There's no need to worry about God, Dad. I married him first. You did what? We got married, Me and Mackie. At the Church of the Grace of Our Lady in Shadwell, And then we went to the Savoy for our Honeymoon. It was beautiful. I've just come back to get my things. After everything he said to me. Did he threaten you? Of course he didn’t threaten me Did he blackmail you? What would he have to blackmail me about? What's he after? [could tell you if you're sure you want to know. The scrotum. Polly, Darling. I don’t mind you having fun. Explore the world, Have the time of your life. | expected you to do that. God knows he's a talented man, 30 PEACHUM He’s what? How do you know? MRSPEACHUM _Shutit JJ. PEACHUM Ifhe hurt you - POLLY He really, really didn’t, Not in a bad way anyway. PEACHUM Iwill eviscerate him. MRS PEACHUM Polly, sweetheart. We all get like that with men like him. They're irresistible in a certain light. With their swagger and their cocksure confidence. We look after them. We let our minds wander. And then we bloody well leave them alone. We don't marry them. A golden light for BARBARA SONG POLLY 1 Lused to believe when | felt young and free That I dreamt of the same things as you ‘That someone someday would come calling on me And I'd know then exactly what to do If he was cultured And he was gentle And his shirt was shining white as snow And if he knew just how to treat a lady right ‘Then I would tell him No. Hold your head up Never bat your eye Never walk beneath the stars Hold his hand along the riverside Flatter him and pander to his silly pride But don’t let it go too far Never lie beside him in the pale moonlight Grab your heart and never let it go In the moonlight the night will shine bright Soll a girl can say is no. 2. The first man I met was a highly skilled vet He was all that a surgeon should be The next one had ships and the next one had gold And the next promised faith and love to me And they were cultured ISS SSSVVIISIVVVIOVIIVVIUVIVIVUVUVUUIUUUUUU UU UU UU 31 And they were gentle And their shirts were shining white as snow And oh they all knew how to treat a lady right So I would tell them No. Held my head up Didn't bat an eye Never walked beneath the stars Held his hand along the riverside Flattered them and pandered to their silly pride Didn’t let them go too far Never lie beside them in the pale moonlight Grab your heart and never let it go In the moonlight the night will shine bright So all a girl can say is no. 3. And then one fine day as the noon sun was high Came a man and he said not a word Hung his hat upon my door ran his fingernails through my hair Until my heart fluttered fast as a bird And he was vulgar ‘And he was brutal And he pulled my hair and wouldn't let it go ‘That bugger didn’t care if I was treated properly And I couldn't tell him no Burst my lungs and Let my shoulders shake ‘As we screamed beneath the stars Never made it to the riverside When he'd finished with me well I nearly died Never knew I'd go so far Every gir! should lie beneath the pale moonlight Every man should let his feelings show In the moonlight, the whole world shines bright And there's no reason to say no. MRSPEACHUM You're not the only one you know? POLLY What do you mean I'm not the only one? MRSPEACHUM He'll be doing some other stupid tart already. Given Pastor Kimble one of his little calls, gone up Shadwell and married her about as legitimately as he married you. POLLY Don't be ridiculous. 32 MRS PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM. POLLY MRS PEACHUM. POLLY MRS PEACHUM Ridiculous, me? That's ripe coming from you. I'm not the blind little tight-legged virgin T'm nota virgin, Mum. All trussed up in a wedding dress and kidding myself I'm in love, Mum. Imagine thinking that a man like Mack could ever possibly fall in love with a girl like you. He has. He hasn't. He told me, He's lying. I'm sure this must come as a disappointment to you Mum. You're nothing but a sugar smelling pot for his stinking muck. Speaking of which. The places he’s been putting, himself, you will be absolutely riddled. As the beggars struggle to contain their reaction Peachum turns on them, PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM Go on. Get out, The lot of you. My Mack's not like that. He's beautiful. ‘Sweetheart, Head down to Grape Lane. Have a smell. Grape Lane? Mack's favourite whorehouse is on Grape Lane. You ask your beautiful Mackie about the kind of things he gets his, end up down there. Mack’d rather hand himself in to Tiger Brown than visit a place like that now. ‘Tiger Brown? An old friend of Mackie’s. He came to the wedding. Didhe really? POLLY PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHIM POLLY MRS PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM. POLLY PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM POLLY PEACHUM 33 ‘They served together. In Kandahar They went through everything together. They would do anything for each other. Always have done, Always will do. So stick that up your bitter little backsides and smoke it. I'm going. “Served” What? Well that’s a picture isn't it? What is? What's a picture? Oh nothing sweetness. What? Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Why are you being nice to me? Let me tell you something poppet. In this would, power and domination come from one thing. Knowledge. What are you talking about? I'm talking about the little golden nugget of knowledge you just handed me. How have I? I've not done anything? You have, I'm afraid, rather handed me Mack the bleeding knife from his top to his testicles right there on a sodding silver platter. They step forward into song lighting. FIRST THREEPENNNY FINALE Concerning the Uncertainty of Human Relationships POLLY What I want most, what I've planned Somewhere I can be respected In this house I'm just neglected Is that such a strange demand? Is that such a strange demand? Peachum holds a bible in his hand. PEACHUM Well ev'ry man believes he should be granted Ahappiness before he dies alone To livea life that’s lavish and enchanted To savour each new day before he turns to stone Yes ev'ry man believes this should be granted But sadly life's a pitiful frustration The source of this injustice is unclear We stagger through the heartbreak and stagnation Wellive in misery and die in fear MRS PEACHUM There is goodness in my heart could live a life of duty Full of grace and full of beauty 1 was broken from the start Iwas broken from the start PEACHUM Well doesn’t ev'ry man try to be good? And try to do the things he thinks are right? To grease their way to God as if they could They try and try and try with all their might Yes which of us does not want to be good? These self-deluded fools are all mistaken Their money’s running out and hearts are mean We've got to watch our backs and save our bacon This world’s a den of snakes as we have seen MRS PEACHUM AND POLLY It seems to me the man is right That life is shit From day to night PEACHUM Of course it is Of course I'm right ‘The world is shit And life's a fight So can our goodness free us from despair Can it be possible to make life fair? No! No! The world is never fair. Your brother may be fond of you But if he's hungry, then it's true He'll grin at you and hide his hate And eat the food right off your plate Your wife she may be keen on you But love won't see her hunger through She'll stab a knife into your heart Cause hunger cuts that love apart Your son he may depend on you But if he's skint here's what he'll do He'll kick you in your crooked face Humanity’s a bastard race MRS PEACHUM AND POLLY No wonder he feels bitter We're trapped here in the shitter Apretty sight a sorry shame The world’s a mess we do declaim PEACHUM You know it's true You know I'm right The world is shit and life's a fight We could be good We could do right But life's a travesty And all is shite We could be true And see the light But that's a waste of time And so we're shite MRS PEACHUM AND POLLY This life's a mis'rable disgrace And so's the sorry human race PEACHUM Of course it is of course we're right ‘The world is cruel and life's a fight ALL THREE We do our best but fuck it We're going to kick the bucket And that is all there is to it The world is fucked and life is shit 35 36 ' ACT TWO Scene Four ‘A Banner Announces The Scene “In which, on Thursday Evening, Mack the Knife bids farewell eo his wife n order to escape from his blood thirsty step-father and fle tothe Port of Dover’ A Warehouse in Tobacco Dock. Polly has found Macheath. MACHEATH Bastards. Bastards. POLLY Mack? MACHEATH Bastards. POLLY Mack? Mack? Where are you? MACHEATH Bastards, Bastards, Bastards. | will disembowel them. I'mall over the paper. Somebody must have found out, about me and Tiger. POLLY Is this where you live Mack? MACHEATH Iv'll be Robert mouthing off to his bloody Dad. POLLY Where do you keep all your things? MACHEATH Or Jimmy. Trying to impress some corner boy on Brick Lane. POLLY You should start thinking about packing, MACHEATH I swear if I find out which lowlife coward grassed on me. | will cut them, POLLY You're wanted on suspicion of over thirty violent assaults. MACHEATH They smile at you when you walk in the room, POLLY Of twenty-three street robberies. Of four act of arson. MACHEATH Given half a chance they will take everything you have. POLLY Of dismembering two shopkeepers in Dalston. Alive. MACHEATH Bastards. a G a a a a o co a o co a o 7 : - = Cc . Cc c eH c c c c POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY 37 It says that in Leyton you seduced two fourteen year-old sisters. They told me they were twenty, Polly. I swear. I'm sure they did. [can’t help thinking you'll be better off keeping a bit of a low profile for a while. ‘And leave one of those traitorous spitballs in charge? Mack. Stop. You don’t fancy it do you? Fancy what? Actually that is one hell of a good idea. Whatis? Accountants are always the ones you've got to keep your eye on, What are you talking about? I'm talking about you. When I'm gone, keeping an eye on the management of the organisation. Are you being serious? Deadly. ‘That's just ridiculous. Itbloody isn't. These are the books. Have a look at these, You keep your accounts in there? This is the list of staff, This is a list of their earnings. Look after these boys, Polly. They're a delicate bunch. Robert. “The Iceman’. Specialises in diamonds. He doesn’t need itis the problem with him. His Dad's minted. Only doing it to stick two fingers up at him, Jimmy Retail, The dealer. Do anything for a fix. Make sure you look after him. Marshal his desire. 38 MACHEATH POLLY He smiles at her. MACHEATH Quite. Walter. The Scholar. Reckons himself as my second in command, He's loyal. He'll do absolutely anything you ask him, Buthe's an idiot. The smart one is Matthias. Everybody underestimates him. He does what he wants. Does who he wants. Nobody even notices. You can see it in his grin. He’s smarter than the three of them put together. Take care of these boys Polly and they will be like putty in your hands. ‘Macheath signals for the gang. “Oi, Oi!” The gang enter. WALTER ROBERT jimmy MATTHIAS MACHEATH POLLY WALTER JIMMY ROBERT MATHIAS WALTER jimmy. Guvnor Captain Boss Mack Arright boys. Hello gentlemen, Guvnor. I've got my hands on the final schedule for the coronation. I copied it out for you. They are coming right through your neighbourhood boss. They are like walking right right up to us and giving us a big whole party full of treats to sell and money to nick and pockets to pick and everything. The quintessence of the folly of the establishment. Wankers, You're going to love it boss. We're gonna have one hell of a day. PEON OO OOOOH OHN NOOO NANNAMAANANOOK OO KE KOO OKC EE MACHEATH WALTER MACHEATH WALTER 39 Yes mate, you probably will. Why "You?" Mack? Why are you saying “you"? Seems I've been put in a position where I've got to take a bit ofa holiday. Are they gonna bring you in? MATTHIAS barely comprehensible _Butit’s the Coronation! WALTER jimmy WALTER MATTHIAS WALTER ROBERT MACHEATH ROBERT jimmy ROBERT yiMMy WALTER JIMMY WALTER MATTHIAS ‘They can't do that. Oh my Jesus they can. ‘What are we going to do without you? We will be completely, completely, completely. Fucked. Fucked. ‘You understand that you can rely on us. Ido hope so Robert. We aire the very essence of constancy and steadfastness. What you talking about? I don’t even understand the words you say like half the time. He just says word and none of them mean anything do they? James, my dear boy, I was merely suggesting that the Captain can depend upon our fidelity to his commission. See what I mean? He's like speaky speaky speaky speaky. Ican watch the properties for you, boss. What you think you're gonna be like in charge now do you? Ofall of us? You think that? No way man. You are joking. Not in charge. Just temporarily in ... Charge. overlapping jimmy WALTER JIMMY ROBERT JIMMY MATTHIAS MACHEATH WALTER JIMMY MATTHIAS POLLY = ll watch your money for you Mack - = You can trust me to do that ~ - Leave the money with me. It will definitely be fine. Absolutely promise you. On my life — How can you do that, Jimmy. You can't even count. Ican, I can so count. One, Two, three, Five, Nine, Seven, Twelve. See? Dickhead - Boys, boys, boys, boys. (Mack pulls out his knife to shush them) Don’t worry about it chaps. I'm leaving Polly in charge. Polly? Holy shit. Classic. Gentlemen. I don't think the Captain needs to worry about anything while he’s away. Does he? The men look at her. Stunned, ROBERT POLLY ROBERT POLLY ROBERT POLLY uuuy Er. [ don't want to say anything inappropirate, But. It just seems a bit odd to leave a lady in control, Do you think? There are some skills needed that, and forgive me for saying this, a lady doesn't ordinarily possess. Oh Robert. When you put it like that it all makes such perfect sense, | don't know what I was thinking. Vl tell you what, when the King comes to town and you're all working the streets. I'll stay at home shall I? That is entirely your prerogative my dear, Make a cake or something. Tove cake me. 4 3 * i 3 41 POLLY Do your laundry for you. WALTER That's very kind of you. POLLY Spot of dusting, Il stay inside, In the houses. And while everyone's out lining up the Wapping Wall or in some street party off the Roman Road. Tl fleece every last penny they have. MATTHIAS — Ha! POLLY The money next week isn’t going to be on the streets is it, Walter? WALTER No. What? Sorry. What? POLLY All those good people round here will be they'll be so tooted up they won't even notice their houses have been emptied. WALTER Now that is a point to be fair: jimmy When you putit like that. When she puts it like that, When you put it like that. Oh my Lord it all makes sense. It’s like magic in her mind. POLLY And while we're on that subject, Jimmy. Watch your medication. You lack focus when you're using. You get sloppy. So. Robert. Keep your chin up. The gang look at her. Appreciative of their new boss. MATTHIAS barely comprehensible Polly, you're fucking brilliant. POLLY ‘Thank you Matthias. She gives him a kiss on his cheek. Strokes tt like he’s her puppy. JIMMY Bloody hell she does know how to motivate her workers doesn't she? Yes she really does. MACHEATH — Happy boys? WALTER Yes boss. JIMMY Definitely boss. 2 MATTHIAS Dead right. MACHEATH Robert? ROBERT Yes boss. MACHEATH Good lad. 'Il see you on my return boys. Not sure when that will be. When you least expect it. They leave. MACHEATH You're amazing. She smiles at him, ‘Send the profit to this man. Jack Poole. His office is on Silk Street. He can move money out of this country faster than any other man in London, POLLY Mook into him. The petty cash is here. MACHEATH He pulls out an address and a key from a pocket. POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH You'll find this safehold in the left luggage in Liverpool Street. Ina train station? In this book is a list of other people who owe me some favours. ‘That sounds important. Itis. What's the secret one? ‘The secret one? ‘There must be one big one. I don’t know what you're talking about. ‘There must be something that you've got over everybody. For you to stay out of trouble for so long. There must be one piece of knowledge. Tuse my skill, Polly. gee eee §, eueray 3 } } 43 She looks at him. He thinks. He takes out a pink envelope. MACHEATH Here. In this pink envelope is information about a man who 1am going to call Our Important Friend from Windsor. He writes down a name. Shows it to her. She's stunned. POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH Don’t say a word. To anybody. Ever. How did you get to meet him? We met during his time in the military. There was a period in his younger years when Our Important Friend from Windsor came to depend on me for what we might call his essentials, In the world he moves in his tastes can be rather exposing unless handled extremely carefully. can imagine. He relied on my discretion, He'd let me watch him sometimes he was so very grateful. There is enough information in here on him to bring the whole country to its knees. Photographs. Signed contracts. Witness statements. Affidavits. There are no copies. He puts it back where he got it from. POLLY MACHEATH POLLY Macheath laughs POLLY MACHEATH Silence MACHEATH POLLY keep this one with me. Mack, promise me you're going to leave London as soon as you can. What are you talking about? Stay out of Grape Lane. Don't laugh at me. Why should I waste my time pissing in an empty bucket when I have you, my love? Til be in Dover by nightfall. I swear. Thad a dream last night. [The Melodrama starts to play] | looked out of the window and I heard the most horrible laughter in the lane. And { looked up and the laughter had made everything turn grey. I saw the moon and the moon was very, very thin. Like a worn out penny. Don’t Jaugh at, me, Mack. I'l always notice. MACHEATH I won't forget you, Polly, | promise. Kiss me. They kiss. He starts to leave, POLLY Goodbye, Mack, MACHEATH Goodbye, Polly. MELODRAMA AND POLLY’S LIED MACHEATH as he goes For love may last or it may disappear You see how you make me feel? POLLY Fun for a short while But now it's all over Whisper me gently “Goodbye, my lover” There's no point resisting ‘And there's no use in crying Even my dear old mother Told me he was lying Interlude ‘Banner Announces The Scene “inthe backstreet of Shoreditch MrsPeachum strikes a deal™ Mrs Peachum and Jenny. Outside on Grape Lane. Mrs Peachum has a wrap of heroin and a clean needle with her. Jenny can’t take her eyes off them. Scratching, edgy, anxious, needy. JENNY Giv' me it. MRS PEACHUM ——Macheath. If he comes here, at any time in the next couple of days - JENNY He won't. MRS PEACHUM _This is what you need to do. roxy, Hale nat chumid 45 MRSPEACHUM The light in the basement window in Grape Lane. If he arrives you turn it off and then turn it back on again straight away. I'll have the police on the street watching out for it. It'll be their signal, You can manage that can’t you. Turn a light off and then turn it on again. ‘Mrs Peachum holds out a bag of heroin. JENNY Just give it. Will you? MRSPEACHUM little taste. And when you've done everything there’s a thousand pounds waiting for you. That would keep you going for a fair while wouldn't it? JENNY Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Mrs Peachum passes her the heroin. JENNY You think he’s a fucking idiot. You don’t know Mack. He stops at nothing when it comes to looking after his own arse, MRSPEACHUM —_I wish I was mistaken, Jenny. But you know Mack more than any of us. The entire population of London could be on his tail and there'd still be one thing he wouldn't be able to say noto. While she sings Mrs Peachum administers Jenny’s heroin. BALLAD OF LUST AND DESIRE MRS PEACHUM You think Macheath is brutal and malicious You think his mind is resolute and viscious As if his principles were born in Hades But watch him crumble and dissolve for ladies Itdoesn't matter what the cost may be He can't control his sexuality He ridicules the Bible Never pays his taxes ‘Thinks that he's the king of all he sees But when the scent of woman passes near He's bound to fall down on his knees By day he turns away from pretty faces But come the night his cock finds other places And every man knows this is nature’s ruling luscious arse will leave a good man drooling He sees his comrade fall in fields of slaughter And at his graveside hungers for his daughter It doesn’t matter what the cost may be They can’t control their sexuality So one devours the Bible One will pay his taxes One a joker, one an anarchist And every morning waking pure of heart They have the wank they can’t resist He tries to live his days with airs and graces But come the night his cock finds other places Jenny unwraps the wrap. Scene Five Adlanner Announces The Seane “inside a brothel on Grape Lane the girls and thetr clients speculate as to the whereabouts of the good Capeain.” A typical night. The girls clean their clothes and wash themselves and play poker and smoke. It is an idyll of a working day. jimmy is there. He racks up a line. And Walter and Robert. Jenny is rocking slightly. Rubbing her arms like she’s freezing cold. Humming. WALTER {don't think we should be here too late. I gave Polly my word that Td be on top of things tonight. jimmy You're like some kind of like teacher’s pet you are. I swear. It's like properly ridiculous. MATTHIAS — Shutit Jimmy. ROBERT The beloved Polly. Our captain's bespoke, slightly overly studious, lover and heir. WALTER If Mack says she's the boss then she’s the boss and don't you go saying anything other. ROBERT Walter, old boy, don’t you think our Captain had abdicated some of his status in our organization? yIMMY One more word from his perfumed gob and [ am gonna lose it. ROBERT ——_He's fucked up. Whose fault is all this if not his? WATTRD Ie nat Marie fault if camahndy erassed on him. is it posh bov? Pee AM ANAK KANKAENOKNRAKOHKHEOKHOCEE ROBERT WALTER MATTHIAS ROBERT yiIMMY ROBERT JIMMY ROBERT MATTHIAS ROBERT jimmy MATTHIAS ROBERT MATTHIAS ROBERT JIMMY JENNY JIMMY JENNY jimmy MATTHIAS jimmy 47 Walter, dear chap. This isn't the playground any more. You really aaa hear how you speak. Who could possibly have “grassed” on I don’t know Robert. You tell me. Hal Oh behave. I'm not an utter buffoon. I think | know who. Do you really? Jolly good, I think that fucking, fucking, fucking Tiger Brown, The thing they did. The way they looked at each other. I don’t trust him. One bit. 1 don't. f really. It could have been one of us of course. It wasn't, It could have been, Shit man that’s dark man, You are dark posh boy. Your mind. It wasn’t How do you know Matthias? Ian tell. 'm sure you can, It must be singularly empowering, Jenny mate. What's going on with you? What's all your shivering about? Nothing. You need something to warm you up a bit? You offering something on the house? What are you humming Jenny? Leave her alone Jimmy. Nah. Its good. [like it, Bit of music. Oy Jenny. 48 MATTHIAS — Jimmy shut it. RUBY You tell him lover. yIMMY Jenny, you skanky old horse. Gissa tune. BETTY Oh please God no. JENNY Did you say something, Betty? ROBERT __ It was Jimmy, Jenny. He was wondering if you'd do us the favour of gracing us with a song? BETTY Pissing hell. yiMMY Oh go on Jen. Don't listen to her. Lovely voice she’s got. ROBERT — Aremarkably talented mouth in all manner of ways I have no doubt, Shame about the blisters. JENNY No. yIMMY Come on Jen. Show this whippersnapper what a real woman's got. Liven the place up a bit. [tis doing my head in this place. It is getting me down. RUBY Ifyou don’t like it jimmy you know where the door is. ROBERT Goon Jenny you miserable lump! BETTY Have you heard her? All she does is sit in the corner sweating and muttering and shitting herself. She can’t even speak properly, how’s she gonna be able to sing? [NOTE: IN THis SPOT IN THE 2016 NATIONAL THEATRE PRODUCTION, JENNY SANG A NEW VERSION OF “SURABAYA JOHNNY” WITH LYRICS BY SIMON STEPHENS WITH PERMISSION AND UNDER SEPARATE LICENSE FROM TH OWNERS AND PUBLISHERS OF "SURABAYA JOHNNY] Macheath enters GANG and GIRLS Mack! MACHEATH Been a long time since I've heard you sing for me Jenny. JENNY Mack. I knew you'd come. WALTER What the hell are you doing here? The whole, whole, whole ~ cog ge cere eee LOAM rIAH AANA aagagaagagggggNggg 50 He tries to loosen his hand. She holds it tighter. JENNY And then I can see a letter. The letter, BETTY Betty. ROBERT Bestiality. yIMMY Buggery up the anus. MACHEATH Betrayal. Jenny says nothing. MACHEATH Jenny. Who gave you your gear? JENNY I can’t tell that Mack. AIL I can tell is that you should go. MACHEATH Oh sweetheart. What have you done? VIXEN “What have you done?” JENNY I've not done anything Mack. Not yet. ‘She looks at him. She lets go of his hand. Leaves him standing slightly stunned. Matthias laughs as he looks at the two of them. MACHEATH Betty. RUBY Leave her alone, Mack. MACHEATH Come here. BETTY You know which room's my room, Mack. Only need to ask. MACHEATH I don't want to go into your room Betty. I want to do you here. RUBY She's a kid Mack. Don't take it out on her. VIXEN “Don't take it out on her” MACHEATH Betty. I told you to come here. BETTY All right lover boy. Keep it together. I'm coming. MACHEATH Now. ame N eM AO ANNAN AANANRAKANAAKAAHKKOEKEKE st JENNY Mack, you should get out of here as soon as you can. Betty approaches him, He takes her. He lifts her onto a table, He reaches under her dresses, He takes down her underwear. BETTY Steady on handsome. It's not a bleeding race. Macheath squeezes a bit. BETTY Mack, That hurts, VIXEN "Mack. That hurts.” BETTY We should just go to my room. Just me and you. Get away from her. Get away- Ouch. VIXEN “Ouch” BETTY Please. Jenny watches, Then she goes to the lamp by the window. She turns it off She turns it back on again. Macheath sees her. MACHEATH You all right jenny? You got a problem with the light in here or something? The others look around. Nobody knows what to say. JENNY Just felt a bit gloomy all of a sudden. MACHEATH Is that right? He turns back to Betty. Holds her face in his hands. Unclear whether he's going or kiss her or strangle her. MACHEATH I'l tell you something Betty; there was a time, long before you were even born, | lived in the sewers and the gutters and the dirt. And this girl here, my Jenny—what did you call her, this “skanky old witch”?—she stood by me all that time. I'm not gonna turn my back on her now. No matter what she just did to me. 2 PIMP’S BALLAD 1. MACHEATH ‘There was atime, a time long, long ago We lived the life we dreamed of, bold and free I knew no fear and I protected you You sold your arse and you supported me It was just something you knew you had to do ‘And when a punter came I crept out of your bed I'd go outside and get some booze for you instead ‘And when he'd done I'd always clean his glass Invite him back again to kiss your ass For all that time we lived beneath our stars Itwas a crazy life but it was ours JENNY For all that time, a time, long, long ago ‘You were so sweet to me in ev'ry deed But when the cash ran out you'd scream that we were through You'd sell my soul to satisfy your greed It was just something you knew you had to do ‘And then one night I turned to you and told you no told you fuck right off you bastard please, just go You smashed your fist against me and you broke my jaw ‘And left me crying on our bedroom floor BOTH It was so beautiful beneath our stars It was a crazy life but it was ours 2 BOTH And in that time, a time long, long ago MACHEATH ‘They were the brightest days we ever saw JENNY We'd lie in bed and promise to be true MACHEATH ‘Then night would fall, you'd rise to work once more It was just something we knew we had to do JENNY goers sggeng AAA ANanananaaaaaagaaanaagag 3 MACHEATH I'd fuck you gently from behind then fall asleep JENNY Because you didn’t want to cause our baby pain MACHEATH But it still died and so I flushed it down the drain BOTH Within a year we'd put outall the stars Above the crazy life that we called ours Suddenly and with startling violence the door of the brothel is smashed down and the place is raided. Five police enter. Led by Officer Smith. They've not come for the girls though. They've not come for the gang. They've come for Macheath. Mrs Peachum enters after them. He sees them, He's ready for them. His gang get into character. Each of them taking on a police officer. Each of them far handier than they may have seemed. Officer Smith takes a gun out. He aims it at Macheath, Macheath grabs Betty. Uses her as a shield. Smith shoots. Shoots Betty. Kills her. Blood splashes all over ‘Macheath’s white shirt. The blood splash more than the death of Betty distracts lim. He drops her to the floor. He looks down in disgust at his white shirt. he gang and the girls watch horrified. RSPEACHUM —-Mr Macheath, let’s see your cock wriggle its way out of this ‘one now, should we, my love? facheath sings the rest of the cast assemble, The girls from Grape Lane, the ers, the gang, the beggars, the Peachums, Lucy, Jenny, Polly, the works. They achorus. “COND THREEPENNY FINALE lity is not a simple matter Bt judge us for the things that you have seen B Nighteounsess would very quickly shatter id been half the places we have been Wval's not betrayal to a desperate man Norid of chaos makes it difficult to plan have ethics that we can’t afford 54 ‘And so just ask yourself, say what would you choose Ifyou were ever standing here in our shoes? How does a man survive in this damnation? He lives by cheating, choking, grabbing all he can see ‘Aman can stay alive and find salvation By beating down his own humanity CHORUS You men must look inside the darkest hole It’s there you'll find the truth about your soul 2. MRS PEACHUM You say we need to live with grace and virtue ‘And keep our filthy feelings out of sight You're scared our darkest dealings will pervert you Well let me tell you sunshine, that ain't right Debauchery is nothing to a starving man Avice is not a vice when there's no food Take your hypocrisy and shove it down the can Don't judge the screwing when we've just been screwed ‘And so just ask yourself, say what would you chose Ifyou were ever standing here in our shoes? How does a man survive in this damnation? He lives by cheating, choking, grabbing all he can see ‘Aman can stay alive and find salvation By beating down his own humanity CHORUS You men must look inside the darkest hole Its there you'll find the truth about your soul INTERVAL, NA EO NEN OENHNANNNAANNANNOEAANANKAANKAGAGAgAAS ES 55 Scene Six ‘ABanner Announces The Scene “In the prison cells underneath Limehouse Station Tiger Brown makes a last request.” Macheath comes to the stage. He addresses the audience. MACHEATH It must be alarming for people like you to come here and find a man of my calibre in a situation so distasteful. Certainly nothing you've watched here can be what people like you were hoping to see. Your world is much too elegant and your lives too beautiful to be spent on a night so wasteful, Shall I tell you something about this elegant life of yours? And this freedom and beauty? ‘The Opening bars of the Ballad of the Free punctuate Macheath’s speech Let me tell you... In this world, ladies and gentlemen... Only those with cash are truly free, BALLAD OF THE FREE MACHEATH 1. We praise all those who give their lives to thinking And read until their eyes are raw and burning All huddled up they keep the pages turning But everything downstairs is grey and shrinking Well just between ourselves I'd rather choke To live a thinker's life would be a sham ‘There's not a dog from here to Amsterdam ‘Who doesn't know that life's a dirty joke Well take your learning ‘cause its not for me And only those with cash are ever free 2. The world is full of bleeding hearts exploring Engaged upon an altruistic mission ‘They underwrite each noble expedition Their earnestness is frankly rather boring But watch them closely in the cold night air All sadly wanking to the memry of their wives They spend each sorry moment of their lives Lamenting with delight man’s deep despair Well take your honour, ‘cause it’s not for me ‘And only those with cash are really free Fe Tunderstand I ought to soon surrender ‘And value honour, intellect, and glory But frankly, sweetheart mine's a diffrent story I'd rather die in decadence and splendour Because the thinker's life is so damn grim And glory carries with it such despair You're poor and lonely and you're looking thin ‘And I'm afraid that no-one seems to care Well here’s your answer, cock an ear to me ‘Cause only those with cash are truly free Brown enters. Macheath is brought in by Officer Smith. Tied up. Chained. Accompanied by the other police. His head is held high. MACHEATH Well thanks very much for the ride, Smithy. Macheath notices Brown and stares him down. BROWN _Don’tyank at him, you stupid pig, This man isa soldier. Treat him with respect for God's sake. Alll police but Smith leave. SMITH can stay with him if you want me to Guvnor. I don’t mind. BROWN Thank you Officer Smith. I suspect I'll manage perfectly well without you. Get out. Reluctantly Smith exits to wait outside the cell. BROWN _ I did everything I could. I tried to convince the courts that there was no evidence. I tried to stop the charge sheets being published. Itried everything, Mack. Peachum had me by the balls. He knows about us. Macheath says nothing. BROWN What were you even doing there? | told Polly to warn you. I gave you a twenty-four hour head start. 7 BROWN All you needed to do was get out of the country and he couldn’t have done anything. You can’t stop yourself, can you? Macheath looks at him. Says nothing. BROWN Aren't you going to say anything Mack? MACHEATH Kandahar. Brown is stunned, He recovers. Macheath doesn’t look at him. BROWN _ I gave youa really good chance. You blew it. I have no idea how Peachum knows the things that he knows but ifit got out I would be filleted alive. 1am not letting that happen. Brown exits, After a while Smith enters. SMITH Well here's a cocking turn up. Macheath says nothing. SMITH Guvnor’s daughter's outside, Macheath says nothing. SMITH His cocking Lucy. Funny thing is. She definitely doesn’t want to see him, She definitely does want to see you. MACHEATH Don’tlether in. Smith bursts out laughing. SMITH You bleeding dirty little cock. Smith exits laughing to himself, Lucy enters, Lucy After everything I put up with, MACHEATH Lucy, sweetheart. Do you have to do this now? Lucy Do you think I've not heard about Polly Peachum? I should cut your eyes out. 58 MACHEATH You're not seriously jealous of Polly are you? LUCY You married her. In front of everybody. I can tolerate a lot Mack. But there are lines and marriage crosses just about all of them. MACHEATH Isa business arrangement Lucy. [means nothing. It comes with certain tax advantages. Lucy, she’s an accountant, Her brain is a razor. She's useful. But you, my love. You're everything, You're eternity. You are music. Lucy Oh Mack. You sentimental lowlife. Do you really think I'm going to fall for a line like that? Polly approaches Smith. POLLY off Where's Captain Macheath? SMITH You're not allowed in there. POLLY I'm his wife. SMITH Oh this is cocking priceless. Right this way, madam. She enters. Smith gets himself seat to watch the exchange. POLLY Mack, MACHEATH Hello. POLLY [need to talk to you. LUCY Is this her? POLLY I don't believe you went to Grape Lane. I could have told you what they'd do to you. It was amateurish. MACHEATH Officer! Smith laughs. Maybe opens up his packed lunch to snack on while he watches the entertainment. Lucy This skinny little bit of chicken wing? POLLY I'm sorry? Mack, who is this? MACHEATH Oh, Lucy. Hello. Polly. This is Lucy. She’s a good friend of mine. She's Tiger’s daughter. gece ge HANAN TAININATAAAAAAANANNNNOO NNO OLN HS POLLY Lucy POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY Lucy MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY Lucy MACHEATH POLLY Lucy MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH Lucy 39 Pleased to meet you. Like your boots. I'm Mrs Macheath. For real? ‘The company accounts are secured and the ledgers are all cleaned up. Good girl. (to Lucy) You see? ‘The money's taken care of. The boys are prepared. (to Lucy) Like a razor. So don't allow yourself to be distracted by slags like her. She's the Chief Inspector's weak spot, Polly. You understand how important itis to have friends like her and keep them close. There are times and places Mack. Her? Here? Now? Not smart. What is this flat chested little cutlet prattling on about, now Mack? Work, Lucy. Work. Really nothing to worry about. Mack. I need you to sign this. What? It's for the accounts. I need your signature, Here. Lcan't believe that people are saying my man would take a second glance ata bit like that. Lucy! And here. Mack, Look at her Lucy, You don’t really think your reputations at stake do you? And here. I'm only interested in her for her remarkable head for figures. Well it can’t be for her little piggy eyes. MACHEATH POLLY LUCY POLLY MACHEATH LUCY MACHEATH Lucy MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH POLLY Quite. Mack. Concentrate, Just now a public presentation of unity and a little bit of focus from you, my darling, might get you out of the mess your cock has got you into. “Darling?!?” This woman just can't seem to stop talking, I'm trying to focus you here. Polly. “This woman", Lucy. Listen, bucktooth ~ She's a mathematician with a widow complex. Mack, I understand that you might have urges. Polly - But you need to concentrate, just for second, if we're going to get you out of here. MACHEATH sotto voce Polly, I'm playing her. You can see that can’t you? Lucy MACHEATH POLLY MACHEATH LUCY MACHEATH POLLY Lucy Ithought you were meant to have some brains about you, Miss Peachum. | would have thought even a girl with your dress sense might have some kind of pride. Lucy. You know what you need to do. Learn a bit of respect. Polly. Respect? Girlfriend. For your greasy skin and your scraggly hair? Officer! I'm his wife. Can you hear me? Can I hear you? With your voice I could hardly miss you. HOMO MAMMAAEAAANAANKACHANDAACHAHHKEHHEEHE ee viatantaataly 1 POLLY Just shut your bastard mouth, you stinking bitch. I'll smash your teeth down your throat myself, MACHEATH Oh sod it. Lucy spits at Polly JEALOUSY DUET 1 LUCY With a mind as wonderful as yours Itis no surprise that you're so ugly Those piggy eyes need a little shading That may stop them staring at me smugly Itseems that you have an iron grip upon my Mackie POLLY Yes I do! Yes I do! LUCY Well you're clever but you look so tacky POLLY Isn’t true! Isn't true! Lucy Don’t think he belongs to you POLLY Don’t think he belongs to you LUCY Push your luck and you are through POLLY Like to see what you could do LUCY I'd have thought a girl like you should learn Your place is with his tax return POLLY Come and show me what you've got Lucy Tcan show you what I've got POLLY Honey pie you're talking rot LUCY Honey pie you've lost the plot Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha BOTH Sometimes in life, an asset needs protecting ‘Women like me you're better off respecting So let's be in no doubt here You may have got some clout here But don’t you push your luck, dear Understand? 2. POLLY With an arse as wonderful as yours Itis no surprise you're so moronic You shake your hips and the world comes running ‘They don’t care your brain is catatonic it seems that my Mack's intoxicated by your beauty Lucy Bet he is! Bet he is! POLLY By your perfect rack and ample booty LUCY Yes he is! Yes he is! POLLY Sad you're not exactly smart Lucy Shut your mouth you stupid tart POLLY Simple minded from the start Lucy Iwill rip your face apart POLLY Gentlemen I ask you to be true ‘And say does she appeal to you? Lucy ‘Think that you've got more than me? POLLY Anyone can clearly see Lucy Show me what itis they see POLLY It’s amere formality Ha ha ha haha ha ha ha haha PRISONERS (spoken) Very nice. BOTH Sometimes in life, an asset needs protecting Women like me you're better off respecting So let’s be in no doubt here You may have got some clout here But don’t you push your luck dear Silly bitch! Mrs Peachum enters. Smith smiles broadly as he opens the door for her. SMITH You've got another visitor Mack. Don't normally let them all in at once but you've got to admit it’s entertaining, MRSPEACHUM _I just thought I'd pop by my angel. See how you were getting on in here. MACHEATH 1am positively sparkling, Mrs P. Just like your eyes. MRSPEACHUM —_ I could have solved everything for you, you know? The shit ve got on my husband. All you would have needed to do was promise you were gonna come with me. MACHEATH I still could. MRSPEACHUM —_Oh the mistakes we make, Mack. You charming, charming bastard. POLLY Mum? Lucy Who's the old lady? POLLY Mum! 63 MRS PEACHUM LUCY MRS PEACHUM MACHEATH MRS PEACHUM Lucy MRS PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM POLLY MRS PEACHUM Oh you've got a couple of little children with you. Classy. 1 look forward to seeing how these two can help you out of this mess. This is crazy. Always knew you were a heart breaker, Mack, but you're scraping the bucket now aren't you. Don’t know about heart breaker. Arse breaker, maybe. Home. ‘Take her home where she belongs Mrs Peachum. Shut ityou. To Polly. Now. Don’t talk to me like that. Ill talk to you as ! damn well please. Don't worry, Mack. 'll get you out of here. Il sort, everything. I promise you. Move it. Wait till he’s dead. Drape yourself around him then. Polly leaves. Mrs Peachum follows. ‘Macheath and Lucy are left alone, MACHEATH LUCY MACHEATH Lucy MACHEATH Can I say? You were brilliant. | couldn't quite bring myself to be too hard on her. I think she must have spent a bit too much time with her head in her books. I did wonder, Do you really think that | would marry a little girl like her when I've got a woman like you? She’s an extremely valuable asset to me. Nothing more. Now. How the hell am I going to get out of here? Til speak to my Dad, We can finally tell him all about us. 1 can just imagine his little face. He'll be so happy. No really Lucy, don’t do that. gee eg 9 LAAN AN OANA NAAR AAA AANANATAANAHNLN backup plan. | brought you a present, She hands him his knife. MACHEATH Lucy. You beauty, Lucy Officer! Officer! Help. Get him off me! ‘Smith enters, panicking. She goes to Smith, Macheath stabs Smith in the arse. Smith feels the blood. He faints on the floor. Lucy grabs his keys and lets him out. Lucy Ishe dead? MACHEATH Course he’s not. stabbed him in the bum. ‘Macheath and Lucy go to leave with keys. PRISONERS ‘scuse me? ‘scuse me? ‘scuse me? Lucy throws the keys on the floor to them. Macheath and Lucy leave, The prisoners leave. Peachum enters. Sees Smith, PEACHUM Where's my wife? Have you seen my wife? What the hell has happened here? SMITH It’s Mack the Knife. He's escaped. The Governor’s daughter set me up. PEACHUM His daughter? SMITH Lucy. She brought a knife in, He stabbed me. In the jacksy. ‘Smith looks at the blood from his arse. Faints. Peachum looks down on him. Raises the alarm Brown comes in BROWN Officer Smith? What's going on? PEACHUM Oh dear, dear, dear. Haven't you heard? BROWN ‘What are you doing in here? PEACHUM Icame for my money, poppet. Four thousand pounds. For information leading to the capture of Captain Macheath. But you seem to have mislaid him. ELeesss ows BROWN What? on Ge PEACHUM He's not here. a BROWN What? What do you mean? What's the matter with him? or What the hell is going on. Officer Smith! ‘Smith wakes up. Sees the blood again. Faints. PEACHUM Mack's escaped. BROWN He bloody has, hasn't he? PEACHUM It’s awful news really. Your little friend from those days in the happy holes of Kandahar. He got away. BROWN You've got to admit he’s quite classy. PEACHUM You clearly feel dreadful. BROWN Funnily enough I feel rather chipper, Mr Peachum. This has nothing whatsoever to do with me. | assure you. PEACHUM ‘The pressure you must be under. And then something like this happens. Poppet. BROWN Prisoners escape, Mr Peachum. The jail guards are normally blamed. Not the Chief Superintendant of the Police. HAN NaNaegAAAAAAgNggg PEACHUM Ym not talking about the prisoner. I'm talking about your daughter, BROWN What's my daughter got to do with anything? 5 PEACHUM ‘Ask your little whipping boy. When he comes round again, 7 Poor love. It was her who orchestrated it. 4 BROWN Lucy? 3 PEACHUM Set the whole thing up. a BROWN She can’t have done. a PEACHUM Oh but she has. Brought an illegal weapon into the jail. j in the violent assault of an officer. BROWN PEACHUM BROWN PEACHUM BROWN PEACHUM BROWN PEACHUM BROWN PEACHUM 67 Managed the escape of a hardened killer. Harbours him now as we speak. Silly girl. I hear gaols aren't very jolly places for the loved ones of bent coppers. If anybody were to find out officer. You'd have to say she would be, I think the phrase is, properly twatted. Mr Peachum, you perfumed ponce, you threaten me one more time and I swear to God I will gut you. Bless. After everything I've done for him. I will crucify him. Saucy. Iwill hunt her down. I will find her. I will kill her, Awful is like him. ‘tit. The things our daughters do to us with men Nobody can find out. I want him captured again Officer Brown. You get him back here and nobody need know anything, You don’t, well lets see what happens should we? We do understand each other don't we, Chief, We do. Jolly Good, Ta ta. Peachum leaves. Brown watches him go. 68 ACT THREE Scene Seven Peachum’s Parlour | A gang of beggars is gathered. They are preparing their appearance for the coronation. They are smarter. They have cleaned themselves up. They are Preparing flags. They are wearing poppies. There is a collection of Poppy Trays and Collections tins being distrbuted amongst them. Mrs Peachum helps them. Peachum addresses them. PEACHUM Filch enters, FILCH MRS PEACHUM FILCH MRS PEACHUM FILCH Jenny enters, Lovelies. Right now. In eleven different locations from Aldgate to Barking there are eight hundred and thirty two men like you getting ready for the Coronation. And these men, as we speak, are all being told the same thing that | am about to tell you. Today is the day we've all been waiting for, Today will be a day the like of which you have never known. Today you have a new function. Today you will, all of you, have brand new characters to play. It's exciting isn’t it? Your job today will not be to inspire horror or pity or shame - but to inspire pride. Raising money for the war wounded, the veterans and the grieving. And the more patriotic you are, the more heroic you are, the more lucrative you will be, Today you will all of you, be patriots. Mrs Peachum. Mrs Peachum. What?! ‘There's a woman outside. She looks a right state, She wants to see you. She keeps cackling on about it. ‘Me? She reckons you owe her money. a a a o a Oo a a a e co ce c sana

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