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Deep Web

Watch the video and summarise in 1-2 sentences:

1) What is ransomware and how does it work?

Watch again and answer the questions below:

2) What are some reasons for its increase in recent years?

The price for stolen data has dropped

3) Why do businesses often pay the ransom?

To get back stolen data

4) What are some other possible targets of ransomware mentioned in the video?

Industrial control system, entire power grid

Group mini research task:

Find a recent news story about ransomware. Summarise it to the class by answering these
- Who was attacked? Exitxo Corp. in Tenessee
- What information is there about the ransomware/attackers? Trojan virus, hacker hacked
and got the password of the banking account of the company
- What were the effects? Important data get stolen, blackmail the company for
- Did the company pay? Why/why not? Yes, don’t want to lose the data

Add the link(s) you used below.

Final discussion: Imagine you work for a global corporation. What would you do to avoid these
kinds of attacks?
- Use anti-virus software
- Frequent file backup
- User training

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