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Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the confirmed cases is increasing everyday.

I would like to introduce some essential oils and share the tips of aromatherapy to protect

Lemon or any citrus essential oils , Ravintsara (桉油樟), tree tea and eucalyptus radiata (澳洲尤
加利) essential oils are cheap and easy to get.
All of them are safe for children or elderly people to use.
They not only can protect your respiratory tract (呼吸道) but also can stabilize your emotions.
Only one thing you might be careful is the certification mark.
Each of them can be used to identify the quality of products.
If the vendor cannot provide the certification, we cannot understand the resource.

Now, I am going to share the 3 ways which I use frequently.

First of all, Choose the 1 to 3 kinds of essential oil and adds 8 to 20 drops into the aroma
diffuser then diffuse it 15 minutes, 3 times a day.
3 times a day is enough to reduce the virus toxicity in the air.
Second, you can add 1-3 drops into the diffuser magnetic clip and wear the mask with it.
The last one which I like most is add 5 to 10 drops on the floor when you are showering.
Through the steam bath, you can heal your body and mind.

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