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Critical success factors for ICT project: A case study in project colocation government

data center

1.Full Bibliographic Reference

The title of the article is “Critical Success factors for ICT project: A case study in project
colocation government data center” written by Andytias Dwi Adywiratame, Cheilsin Ko,
Teguh Raharjo, Andi Wahbi in January 2022. It was published on the journal of Elsevier,
Volume 197, (pp. 385-392).


The head of the secretariat's data and information bureau implemented a data center colocation
project to the data center of the Ministry of State Secretariat to make the Secretariat reliable in
performing its duties and functions in a professional, transparent, and accountable manner and
with excellent quality of implementation, integrity, effectiveness, and efficiency. Budget, data
security, and other supporting facilities were a few factors that went into the decision of which
data center to colocate with the Secretariat.

However, several issues during project construction during the COVID-19 pandemic delayed the
project, and although it was eventually finished, it took longer than anticipated. If a project is
finished after the allotted time, over budget, or not in accordance with the client's expectations, it
is considered a failure. The project is deemed unsuccessful when the fundamental requirement
specifications are not met [3]. However, statistics on IT project failure appear to paint a gloomy
picture: in 2012, 18% of initiatives failed, 29% were successful, and 53% were deemed
challenging [4]. These assertions lead them to the conclusion that the data center colocation
project was underwhelming since it took longer than expected to complete. This failure has had
an impact on the Secretariat's day-to-day operations, which has also had an impact on how well it
serves the members of the Presidential Advisory Council.

The study's purpose was to investigate the critical factors that contribute to project management
failure in colocation of data center project Presidential Advisory Council Secretariat. based on
data from the Head of Administration, Household, and Protocol. Then the authors tried to
analyze the data and divide it into four major domains, namely the human resources domain, the
process domain, the technological domain, and not to be overlooked, the organizational domain
(Sommerville, I. 2016; Marchewka, J. T. 2016; Zaleski, Szymon, and Rafal Michalski, 2021).
As the author stated, the study employed a hybrid technique and an exploratory model. The
investigation started off with a qualitative method before switching to a quantitative one. The
first phase of the study's theoretical framework was developed by the authors after reviewing
relevant literature. Primary data for the study originated from interviews with government
project managers and ICT project experts while the author was used second questionnaire to
gather data in the second level which is analyzed using pairwise comparison scale, Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP),


As a result, the authors were identified and rank critical success factors of data center colocation
project, The final weight or rating assigned to each element based on the information gathered
from disseminated surveys as follows:

Conclusion and Recommendation

The study's conclusions include a rating of the most important elements for the Presidential
Advisory Council Secretariat's colocation data center project to succeed during the COVID-19
pandemic. By optimizing the determinants during the COVID19 pandemic or later, this study
enables the Secretariat to enhance project management in future ICT initiatives. Top
Management Support, Planning, and Communication are the key deciding elements.
Benchmarking, problem-solving, team performance, monitoring, and evaluation are listed after
them, then leadership, organizational structure, and culture.

The findings of the study may also be particularly helpful for teaching other people. Government
agencies in developing nations, especially those without a section whose primary responsibility
is managing ICT, should be informed about how to manage ICT projects in general and
colocation data center projects. It is advised to submit additional research on ICT Projects in
other government organizations in Indonesia because this study only investigates, identifies, and
ranks the characteristics that affect an ICT Project in one government organization. to improve
the findings of future studies. Additionally, to carry out weight Dematel or fuzzy AHP are two
potential methodologies for priority ranking calculations.

Critical Evaluation

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