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ASTROLOGICAL PHYSITIAN. Shewing, . ‘How to finde out the caufe and to the fecret rules of the Art of ASTROLOGY. Alfo generall Rules and Inftrudi- ons, teaching bow to difcover whac part of the body is afffiaed. With a perfett defcription of the Difeafes and Infirmities,fignified by the Planets, in any of the twelve Zodiacall ConRellations, together with a moff «xa@ method, fhewing bow to finde whether the Sick thal live or dye, according to Natural! Caufes ; with ‘an txa@ way how to finde the true Cryfis, Judiciall ‘or eriticall dayes. Being of excellent nfe for all fach a fiudy Phyfick, : By Wi1: ANDREVVS Student inthe Marhematicks and Aftrology, —— in LONDORN, - Printed for GeorgeJs awbridge, at the Bible on Lud-gate Hill, 1656. “hature of a Difeafe, according - . SLSARBALLIS Bde Sei oS? BeBe ke ENTS SSCTS SPEBROSVSESS TO THE READER. Conrteas Reader, ST i sot the ma- icioufnefs of the tee a times, or the detracting tongues of men inthis Cré- tical Age, that Shall binder A2 ‘me Tothe Reader. me from benefiting Pofterity svith my labour 5 for although this peevifh Generation might juftly canfe me to bury my Conceptions in filence and obfcurity, yet in regard of the great affection I bear unto all shofe who are lovers ef Art and Learning, Iam induced ‘soengage upon this {ubjedt : it were necdliffe here to fhew what great necefity there is fer every Phyfitian to bean Aftrologer, or to practice Phyfick Aftrologically, in ve- gard of the great influence and dominion the Planets and Starres have on our be- dies, feeing no rationall man -e4n deny er difpreve the fame, although many have indea. voured | | | To the Reader. voured what they can to con- tradi€é the truth. I confelfe many there are of Menin thefe eur Times, which labour firengly to prove, if it were pofiible, by their many weak Arguments, that the Heavens have no power or influence on infert- or things bere below; thefe 7 anfwer, Ars non haber ini- micum, prwier ignorantem, which indeed is really veria fied in thefe fort of men, which deny ‘the Starres to have influence apon the infe- vior and elementary things, jo regard Ignorance canfeth this their fettifh opinions bat I foall leave thefe, and 4p- Ply to the judiclowe and more 43 Sobers Tothe Reader. ‘fober (pivited man, for whofe fakes 1 have oompofed this enfuing worke, that fo I aight benefit all shofe who de- fire to proceed in the findy and practice of Phylick Aftro- sogically, whofe kinde accep- sion hereof fhall animate me toacqnaint Pofterity with my future labours. Inthe enfuing Treatife, I have ey briefly foemed bow to judge upon any Difeafe or Sicknefewhatfoever, and to finde ont and difcoucr the ‘Nature, canfe and quality thereof, according to the fe- cret rules of Astrology. I have alfo clearly themed she Difeafes and Infirmities fig- nifted by the feven Planets, by them- To the Reader. themfelves, and by their fe- verabl Pofitions, in any of the swelve figns : I have fur. ther forthe benefit of all An frrolegicall Phyfitians, or any others, who defire to fiudy Ply fick Aftrologicaly, plais- ly, and very copiou/ly oes how to difcover what part of the body i afflicted, whither the fick be. curable or not, en defigned for Life or Death, according to natural caufes with exact rules bow to difce- ver the fame, asalfo, a fuc- cindt methed to judge, whe- ther any fafcination br witch~ craft, canfe the fickneffe and diftemper, cr whether the difeafebe naurall or nos... A4 Z To the Reader. Ihave alfo foewed howto finde the exadl or true Cf, with the critical and judici- all dayes , yet notwithfland- ing, Ihave not been fo copi- ous upon the difcovery of the trae Crofis, as I doe intend hereafter (God willing) in another worke. If this fusall piece foall finde your kinde asceptation, it fhall enconrage me to profe- cute my Study in this kinde, for your benefit and profit hereafter : In the mean time, if any carping Criticks foal be offended with me for this worke, I fhall not much va. lwe or regard their malice and envy, being already acquain. sed herewith, knowing the bet- 7 ‘ ! To the Réader. Detter how tobear it s Ihave no more at prefent to informe 0n of, but that lam Reader, your reall friend more then ou expect, Drcimber 20, u ioe Anno Chrifti, 1655. Wilkam Andrews. 45 rt $524 .25.¢ 8 ie bide Sse Si bieba Shs Fey TEMAS EE In praife of the enfuing A- frologicall Phyfisian. Hough the Au.bor of th's Treas tile tswholly unkaowa unto me, yet.T could not bur give this little Book of his, and bimfelfe rhus much Commendations, v'. That be bath judicioufly ‘performed the work in hand, with mach brevity, and after a handfome and; eafic method, fo that a reafonable underftanding , after be can burtru'y ereGt_a Scheam of Hea ven. by Hirtgills Tables, may with much certainty difcover by bis Rules here laid down, the caufe and bumor offending 5 his direétions are fhort, plain and fignificant ; he hath deduced the Difeafes mankinde is fubje@ unto very. rationally and naturally from cach Planet, fo that what Afrologer foever, if bur meanly czpable, may now by bis indullry receive infinite ae atisfa@ion. And the Phyfitians of his Age, how learned foever , need bot difdain the peruafall or praGicall parthercof, inegard of the great be- efit, which from hence will accrew unto their Patients, who many times dye, ere the caufe of their Dileateis madeknown, for neither the Urine, Pulte, or words of che fick, can fo truly informe the DoGor , as a tight Polition of Heaven. Wiliam Lilly, Student in Aftrology. THE ASTRO LOGICALL PHYSITIAN, N the firft place for the bafis or foun- dation of our work, Wwe ought carefully to obferve that moment of time (if it may be obtained) that the fick party was firft op- preffed with the difeafe, fick< neffe or infirmity ; but if che exa@ time cannot be obtained of the parties firft falling fick, viz. the yeare, day, hour and minute, then we ought to ob- ferve that very moment when the urine was firft brought to the 2 The Aitrolegical the Phyfitian for his judgement thereon; but if no urine be: brought then the very time muft be accepted of, when firft the Phyfitian fpeakes with the fick party, and then recourfe being had toan Ephemerides ot Aftronomicall Tables, let a fi- gure of heaven be erected, and place the planets therein , ef- pecially the place ofthe Moon muft be exa@ly re@tified , ber caule the Cryfis of difeafes and criticall dayes are found out by her motion, having eredted a figure of heaven, obferve what figne is in the afcendant or firft houfe, what Planet or Planets are therein pofited or afpedting the houfe, then have regard unto the Lord of the afcendent, and confider what figne he-is in, and in what houfe he is po- ficed , what Planet or Planets are in configuration with him, - what Phyfitian. 3 what houfes they are Lords of, whether fortunate or un- fortunate , which being obfer- ved, have recourfe to the fixth houfe, and Lord thereof, and obferve what fign defcends on the cufpes of that ,houfe, and what Planet or Planets are po- fited therein, and what Planet or Planets are in configuration with the Lord thereof, and what afpe@ they have unto the afcendant, for from the fixth houfe and Lord thereof, doe ¢ we require the nature and qua- lity ofany difeafe, or fickneffe, having regard to the place of D and Lord of the afcendant, and thofe Planets placed there~ in, andthe fignes wherein they. fhall be found, we if 4 — The Affrologicalt af the party be really fick for a the queftion #s propoun= ded. eee difcovering whether the party be fick or not, we ought to confider, if that the Afcendant and Lord thereof be free from all manner ofimpe. diment, viz. If that no male- volent Planet be pofited in the Afcendant , ot in configurati- on with the Lord thereof, or ifany fixed Starre of the nature of the Lord of the fixth houfe, or of the nature of h, ord, or of the Lords ofthe 8h. or 1216, hioufes bein the Afcendant, or: with the Lord thereof, and if ¥ or 2 who be naturally for. tunes fhall be in the firft houfe, or with theLord thereof, and they not having any dignitiesin the fixth or St, houfes in the ” figure, cw Phyfitian. 5 figure, and the Lord of the Afcendant effentially fortified, well pofited-in a good houfe ofheaven, and not combuft or under the © beanies or retro- grade,then the particisnot fick, but is diftempered with fome accidentall_caufe , which may faddenly be re@ified : But howfoever the patty isnot na- turalty fick, but accidentally afflided with fome outward caufe, for if the Lord of the Afcendant be free from aflim- pediment, and in no Afpe& with the Lords of the fixth or 8:5 houfes, itis an affured tefti- mony that nature is ftrong: But on the contrary ; ifthe Af- cendant fhall be afflited, or the Lord thereof out of his effentiall dignities Retrograde, and affli@ed by the infortunes, or be in the fixth houfe, or the Lord of the fixth in the Afcen- . dant, 6 The Afirological dant, it is a ftrong argument the party for whom the quetti- On is demanded is really fick and difeafed, fo likewife ifany fixed Starres of the nature of the Lord of the fixth honfe arife inthe Afcendant, or be. with the Lord thereof ina bad houfe ofheaven, and, they likewife of a. malevolent, nature intimate the fame. Ofthe. Natave and quality of the difeafe er fickneffe. V Hen we have fopnd Ws that the party is fick, Wwe ought to difeover the nature of the humour offending , or guality of the difeafe, which that we may doe, obferve firft what fignis in the fixth houfe, and what fign Afcends in the “irft houfe, in what fign the zords of thofe.houfes are in; which Phyfitians 7 which being well underftood, will acquaint us with the nature of the difeafe, for if the Lord of the fixth houfe thall be in fiery figas, they intimate the difeafe or fickneffe proceeds from. Chollerick humours, and, that Choller abounds, fo like- wife ifthey thal! bein. watery figns, they declare that the caufe of the difeafe proceeds from moift caufes, and that the prefene diftemper arifeth from the abundance of moitt and wa- tery humors, and fo moreo- ver,ifthat the Lord of the Af cendant, and the Lord of the fixth koufe, andthe > fhall be in earthly fignes , it intimateth that the difeafe or fickneffe hath its originall from Melan- cholly, and that, black and ad. duft, choller abound , and fo. likewife when they thall be po- ficed in aiery figns, they ee that 8 The Aftrological that the fickneffe or infirmity proceedeth from corruption of blond, and that-the bloud is pu- trified, for the Lord ofthe Af. cendant, and Lord of tke fixth houfe, and» declareth the na- tare and quality of the difeafe to be according to the nature of the fign, or triplicity they arein, for as they are the prin- cipall fignificators in a difeafe, fo the fign wherein they are poficed doth in part fhew the nature of the difeafe or fick- neffe ; for as thereare 12 figns in the Zodiacke , fo are the 4 elements governed or fignified bythe 12 figns, viz, v. te role the fiery triplicity, sw. governe the Aiery tripli- city, &. my. YW. governe the earthly triplicity 5 @. m. ye. rule the watery triplicity ; and as in the body of Man there are 4 humours , viz. Choller ; Bloud, Phyfitian. 9 “Bloud, Fiegm,ard Melancholy, io are they reprefented and by che-12 figns ac- cording to their- feverall tripli« cities, for VY UZ are found to be of nature hot and dry, re- prefenting choller, +, hot and moift refembling the bloud, ‘vy MR We cold and dry refembling Melancholy, 93 mt cold, and moift reprefenting Flegm, now when the principal fignifica- tors ofa difeafe, or the Lord of the fixth houfe, or the D fhall be in either of the earthly, aiery , fiery or watery figns, judge the quality of the humor offending to be according to their nature, and your judge. ment will be the more fure, if that the fign of the fixth and Lord of the fixth be both of one nature, and pofited in a fign of the nature of the fign def- cending in the fixth houfe, others 10 © The Affrological otherwife ‘we muft make an.e- quall commixture , and jndge fo many humours, offends as are reprefented by the fign of the fixth houfe, Lord thereof, and fign, wherein the Lord of the fixth honfe, and D are po- ficed, as if V were in the cufpes ofthe fixth houfe, and h there- in, or the Lord of the fixth hovfe,and theD inv "® vy efpes cially the Lord of the fixth, then we may affuredly refolve, thae the difeafe proceedeth from Choller and Melancholly, Choller, becaufe V and 3 Lord thereof, are by nature hot and dry reprefentiug the Chollerick humour : Melancholly , be- ‘caufe h who is by nature cold and dry, reprefenting Melan- cholly is in the fixth houfe, and that the Lord of the fixth houfe is ina fign reprefenting the fame humour, the like may be obferved Phyfitian, 11 ebferved by any other of the figns and Planets, alwayes re- membring the former rules,viz, what humour is fignified by the fign in the-fixth houfe, and by the Lord thereof, and by the Planet ot Planets therein pofi« ted, and the fign wherein the Lord thereofis placed, and ace coring to their nature judge, making a right commi: before is thewed. ae Of the Members in mans bad governed by the-12 “hgee op ‘conftellations, and of the die Seafes fignified by them. * ¥ The firft fign of i acke rulech in the Body the head, face, eyes, nofe, eares, and mouth, and fignifieth all difeafes of a hot anddry nature, incident to thofe members, as head-aches of all forts, pulltes and 12 The Affrologicall and pimples in the face, all man? ner of {carres in the face, & Governeth the neck,throat and winde-pipe, and hath rela- tion unto all difeafes ofa cold and dry natore, fubje@ unto the throat,the Kings evill, hard kernels or fwellings in the neck and throat , ftopping of the Winde-pipe, and the like. a Ruleth the Armes, hands, fhoulders, and all difeafes ofa hot and moif nature fubje@ to thofe members are fignified by this fign, it hath relation to thebloud, and difeafes thence arifing. % Hath dominion over the breft, Stomach, Liver, & Lungs, and fignifieth putrefacion in the Stomach , ill digeftion, rottenneffe, and weakneffe 2 the Phyfitian. IZ the Stomach, and Lungs, aif manner 6f Impoftumes , Can- kers, horts, or bruifes inthe Breft or Stomach. 8 Goyerneth the Heart? Bagk,Ribbs and Sides, and fig. nifieth all hot and dry difeafes fubjed to them, as Plurifies, In- flammations , the Heart over- heated (this is to be underftood when d is herein) but otherwife it naturally fignifieth Heart- qualmes, faintings and fwound- ings, and all infirmities incident to the Heart: ® Hath the fole power over the Bowells, and Belly, the fmall Gutts and Intrailes , and hath relation unto al Difeates coming or arifing from winde; it figniticth griping inthe Belly and Guts, the Chollick (but that is when ord fhall be au- thor 14 ‘The Aftrologicall thor of the Difeafe, and po-~ fited in this figne) yet all-dif- eafes generally incident to the Belly, ofa cold and dry nature, as alfo hardneffe of dung in the Guts, or ftopping of the courfe of the Excrements,which we may affuredly judge, if h be author of a Difeafe, and pofited in this fign. # Rufeth the Reynes and Loynes, and hath fignification of thofe difeafes incident to them, itisof nature hot and moift, reprefenting the Bloud, and Difeafes thence arifing are attributed to this figne , italfo “hath relation to thofe Difeales fubje@ to the Bladder; and na . gorally fignifiech all impedi- ments therein, ¢ in this figne thewes heat of the Reynes, the Stone, Strangury and the like infirmities, &c. fometimes a Gonorrhea, wm Hath ‘ Phyfittan. a 5 Hath fignification of Difeafes in the Privy Members, in regard they are governed by this figne, naturally it fignifiely the Groin, it alfo hath fome re; lation tothe Bladder. , (tf Roleth the Thighs and Hipps, and the Sciatica, alfo o2 ther infirmitiesin thofe partsare fignified by this fign, as alfo the Gout,viz.the running Gout, — w Governeth the Knees; and is ofa cold and melancholy nature, all Difeafes incident to thofe places, as the Leprofie, Scurfs and Scabs in and about the Knees, and Hamms, as alfo all firains or fra@ures, are at- tributed co this fign. me Ishot and moift, repre- fenting Difeafes of that nature itrefembleth the bloud, in re- , B2 | gatd 36 The Aftrolegicall ‘gard ivis an aiery fign, itruteth in the body of Man, the Leggs ‘and Ankles, and fignifieth all snammer of lameneffe, and brui- Fes inthe Leggs, aid all impe- diments in thofe Members. 2 3¢'Isa watry fign, and hath dominion over the Feet, and the Gout, and all cold and moift difeafes, incident to thofe members , are’ fignified by this fign, D_ in this fign, and au- thor of the Difeafe, is an af- ‘fared ceftimony of the Gout in the Feet and Toes,and'fwellings in thofe- parts occafioned by cold and moift caufes. ‘phat part of the aody ts affliéted, 'E muft herein confider, V firft, what figo is in the fizth houfe, and what member an . Phyfitian. 17 and part of Mans: Body it go: verneth: Secondly,in what figa the Lord of the fisth is pofited, and what part or member that fign reprefenteth, in which. he is placed.: likewife we muft have regard unto the Lord of the afcendant, and the 3, and obferve what fign they arein ; which being well confidered, we fhall fuddenly finde and dif- cover, what part or member of the body is affti@ted, but in this we muft carefully heed the fign wherein the Lord of the fixth is pofited, for ufually that mem- ber governed or fignified by that fign, wherein the Lord of the fixth is placed; is moft af. fli&ted and diftempered, - Ifthe Lord of the fixe houfe beintheten firft degrees of a figne , the upper part of that member, fignified by that fign, is moftaflicted, if he be inthe B3 mid= 38 The Aftrologiesl middle of a figne, the middle ofthat member fign'fied there. by, is moft, oppreffed, if in the Jatter part orlaf degrees of a fign, the lower part of that member reprefented thereby is moftafflided. As for example, the Lord of the fixe houfe, at ahe time of the firft decumbi- ture of the fick, or at the time of the propounding of the queftion in ©, in the firft part thereof, then we may judge the upper part of the Stomach to be afflicted by fuch difeafes as. are incident to the upper part thereof, of the nature of the Lord of the fixth, the like may be obferved by any other figne. And here we mutt alfo ob- “ferve, that in difcovering the nature and quality of any dif- eafe, we muft not rely onely upon the natural! fignification ofthe fign, for not the figne only | Phy fitian? 19 onely to be confidered is e- nough, but the nature of the Planet, who is Author of the Difeafe, is pringspally to be re. garded. - Of the Difeafes fignified by thé Seven Planets, and firft of the Difeafes fignified by the Plax met Saturn. G. CQ Atwnis a Planet of ne= ture cold and dry, re= prefenting Melancholly , alt difeafes of the like nature are fignified by him: all quartane Agues, proceeding of cold, Black Jaundies, Palfies, Con- fumptions, Rhumes, the hand and foot Gout, Apoplexies, and all infirmities which have their original from Melancho- ly diftempers, are attributed to this Planet, he ruleth in the bo- dy of Man the Spleen, ° B4, Now. 20 0 The Aftyologicall Now when he fhall be Au- thor of the Difeafe, or Lord of the fixth houfe, or pofited therein, we may judge the fick- neffz to proceed from fuch cau. fes, ashe naturally fignifieth , but becaufe (would-be. plain in difcuffing of the nature of-the - Planets, and of thofe difeafes fignified by them, I have thought neceffary to infere thofe. infirmities, or difeafes, fignified by them in any of the twelve fignes, therefore obferva that which followeth, hin V. When Satuvn thall beLord of the fixt houfe, and pofited in V, e4rirs he ufually intimateth, that the Difeafe a- rifeth fromMelancholly diftem- pers, and that the fick party is much. oppreffed in the head, and troubled with Melancholy vapours there, as alfo thatthe ' fick Phifitian. ar fick party is very filent and’ dull, fubject co firange imagi- nations, fears, and terrible dreames, it hath been found by experience , that when % hath been author of the difeafe; and inthis fign, that the fick party hath been much afli@ed with heavineffe in the head, flepe very little , but exceedingly troubled with ftuffings in the head, fometimes he is oppreffed with diftillations of Rheume from thence, as alfo with noife and foundings in the bead and eares, many times the party is very dull of hearing; and hati great pain in the tcechs ine. When fhall be figs nificator of the Diféafe, and in v,he intimaceth fwellings in the throat, hoarfeneffe; bard kernells there, and many times he giveth fufpition of that dif+ Bs cafe 22. The Aftrologicall eafe wulgarly called ‘the Kings Evill, he alfo fignifieth wenns. and hard fwellings in the neck, and extream foare throats, hin I, Saturn author of the fickneffe and in, ufually de~ clareth all wounds or hurts in. the Armes or Shoulders, but in regard this figne hath relation to the bloud, therefore we may judge , that when % fhall be fignificator of a difeafe, and pofited herein, zhat the blood is too thick,and that the fick party is fubje& to difeafes of acold, a dry nature, incident to the blood, and fometimes the fick party is inclining to a Confume- tion, or the black Jaundies, bin, Satars principall fig- nificator of a difesfe, and in Cancer, the fick is commoaly afflitedwith putrifaction in the Sto: Phyfitian.” 23 Stomach, the difgeftive faculey is much weakned, and the fick party is much oppreffed with Coughs , proceeding from the indifpofition of the Lungs,com- monly it is obferved, that the Lungs are much decayed for want of moifture; from thence arifeth many infirmities, fome- times upon this pofiture the fick party is oppreffed with ulcera~ tion inthe Lungs, Ptifick or the fike, ufually melancholly. vapours affli@ the Stomach and Lungs, when }, being fignifica~ tor ofa difeafeis pofited in this figne, he alfo fignifieth -Can+ cers, Ulcers, and bruifes inthe Breft_ and Stomach, when he fhall be found hereins pin. Saturn in Leo, and of the difeafe, de- elareth the Heart to be oppre& fed. with melancholy and ftink~ ing, 24 ©The Aftrologicall ing vapours, the fick party is very fretfull, and complaineth ufually of great pain at the Heart, many times it hath beea obferved,that when f, hath been author ofa difeafe,or principal fignificator of afickneife, or in- firmity, and pofited in this ign, that the fick party hath taken fome inward griefe, and is much affliGed with melancholly di- ftempers at. the Heart, occafie oned by too much forrow, fometimes poyfon is to be fea- red to be the caufe of the fick= neffe, when other teftimonics concurre. pin. MW, Saturn in Virgo, ber ing Lord of the fixth houfe, and having moft power in a difeafe, demonftrates that the prefent fickneffe or diftemper, proceed- eth from melancholly obft: udti- ons in the Bowells. and {mall Y Guts, Phyfithag, 25 Guts, commonly and moft ufu- ally the fick party is gripedin the Belly, the. Collick is to be feared upon this pofition, fome- times I have known when the fick party hath been troubled with illiack paffions, and much oppreffed with hard dung inthe Guts, hath gone very feldom to ftool : in fuch a pofition as this, | let.a, glifter be adminiftred to the fick party. Hine. Saturnin Libra, and the onely fignificator of a fick- neffe, or infirmity, commonly intimateth great pain in the Reinesand Bladder : Stoppage of the Urine by cold, yet Libra being an aiery fign, the pofition of J) therein may declare fome diftemper in the blood, and. that che fick parties blood. is decaying, and isthick and wine dy : moreover when other, tee ~ ftimonies 26 = The Aftrolegicall ftimonies agree, the Strangury is to be feared, as alfo great paine in the Back and Kidneyes, whereby the fick party is much opprefed , or fome former bruifes. Fin, Saturn in Scorpio; and Lord of the fixth honfe,and author of the difeafe or infirmi- ty, fhews that the fick party is tormented in the privy mem- bers, he fignifieth botches and fcabbs there, as alfo bruifes, the fwellings of chofe members, and ulcers, in thofe parts, we may fear upon fuch a pofition, that thefics party is troubled with the Piles. } inp, When, fhall be fig-. nificator as aforefaid, and in the fign of 7, we have eminent caufe to judge, that the fick parcy is troubled with fwellings in che Hips, and Thighs, pain in T thle ee oo $$ Phyfisian. 207 thofe members by cold, old Aches, old Bruifes andthe like, and that the infirmity proceed- eth of fome former grief or im= pediment , however we may miftruft the Sciatica in the Hipps, as alfo Fiftulaes, and the like foars in thofe parts. Dinw. &.%, Satara in€a> pricorn, and author of the dif- cafe, fignifieth impediment in the Knees, lameneffe and brui« festhere , yet ome doe affirme that Suewrn, in any of thefe fignes,which are his houfes, viz, vp and sz doth reprefent the head, and foall other Planets, when they are in their owne houfes doth the like, now if h hall bein = or X, and fignifi-, cator as aforefaid, then we may judge the fick party to be op- preffed with the Gout in the Feet and Toes, and much pain in 28 ° The Aitrolegicall in thofe members , occafioned through: cold diftempers in thofe parts, fometimes the A- gue, ot fome other cold difeafe affli@s the fick party in thofe members,” We now come to treat of Jupiter, and shofe difeafes' fignified, by hina. % Fupiter is of nature hot and moift, and reprefenteth the blood, and all difeafes that have their originall from hot and moift caufes, are attributed to this Planet, he fignifieth all difeafes,in the Liver and Lungs, ~ Plurifies, Convulfions, inflam- mations of the Liver, Apoplex- ies, windineffe in the veincs and blood, and all difeafes arifing from putrefacion there , his fignification of difeafes in any of che twelve fignes is as fol- loweth : % in Phyfitian. 29 Yinv. When Fupiter thall bein ¥, and the principal fig- nificator ofa difeafe, he decla- reth that the fickneffe proceed- eth of the difaffedion of the bloud inthe head, many timas the fick parties face is fwelled, and the head much affliaed, ufually the Temples are red,and the fick party fleeps very un- quietly,is molefted with firgnge fancies and dreames, ufually the caufe of the diftemper ari- feth from the windineffe of the, bloud, in the veines of the heady, fometimes from an Impofthum, Yin wv. Fupiter inv, and: fignificator as aforefaid, giveth fafpition of the Quinfey, which is a difeafe ufually fubject to the throat, however we may: judge {wellings in that member. when we finde ¥ author of the difeafe,and in this fign, as ae. that 30 6 The Afralegicall that the blood istoo thick and dry. Min, Pupiter in I ,. inti mateth, thatthe difeafe arifeth from the overflowing of the blood, and that there is too gmuch: opening of a veine or Sweating, isan excellent remedy for fuch as are afflidted with this- infirmity, _ ding, Jupiter in &, and Principall fignificator of a dif eafe, fhews the blood to be thin and waterifh, the party incli- ning to a Dropfie, the bloodis filled with flegm, and many times the fcurvy and watry humors in the blood, caufeth the diflemper ; we may judge alfo, that the fick party hath no great appetite to his vidtu- als, and that his Stomach is of- fended, din Phyfitlan. 31 Yin SL. Papiter in K, inti- mateth , that the difeafe pro- ceedeth of putrified humors, that the bload is over-heated, the fick party inclining to aFea- ver, which may be confidently affirmed, if other teftimonies concur: yet nevertheleffe the difeafe hath its originall from putréfadtion at the Heart,bleed- ing and fweating is much to be commended in this infirmity, for fometimes the difeale is pes ftilentiall. 2 in tty. Papiter in Me fheweth the bloodto be oppreffed, and much infected with melancholy, and that by reafon of the cold- neffe and dryneffe in the Liver and Lungs, the fick party is much afflided : many times the Floxiis to be feared upon this pofiture :. however we may judge the blood to be thick,and too 32 © The Aftrological too groffe, and the. party in- clining to a Confumption, in women he fignifies fits of the mother. Hine. Pupiter ine hath reat fignification of the blood, in regard it isan aiery figne re- Prefenting the fame., we ufu- ally obferve upon this pofition the fick party hath great need of bleeding, for the bloud a- boundeth exceedingly , from whence fometimes arifeth cor-. rupt humors, and difeafes of putrifaction, many times adu- ftion of blood, if 9 be with ¥ in this fign. Yin. Jupsterinm hath ale moft the fame fignification, as in S ,only we finde that the fick party is more oppreffed wich, Salt humors in the blood,we alfo. ufually difcern fome grief in the privy members, in regard this fign hath fome relation tothem,. Phyfitian. +33 Yin PWM. Jupiter in F afually denoteth chollerick hu- mours in the blood, and thatit is over-heated by fome extra vagant exercife, from thence arife Feavers proceeding of Choler: fo likewife, when he isin w he declareth the blood to be affliGted withMelancholly, and in s+ he intimateth that from the abundance of the blood, arifeth the fickneffe or _ infirmity, and alfoin Xhe de- noteth the-blood to be water- ifh, and thin, and the Dropfe may be feared when # is in , and fignificator of a Difeafe, for the blood is much oppreffed with flegm, and watry humors upon fuch a pofiture. We now in order-come to fpeak of ¢, and the difeafes fig- nified by him, but in regard.that thofe difeafes attributed tod y differ not much from thofe fig- 72, the Scrangury. y in . nified 34 «© The Affrologicall nified by ©, in regard they are both ofene Nature, therefore for brevity fake, we will handle them both together, Of the Difeafes or Infirmiries Figuified by 8 and ©. @ ando, Fir, Mars is of mature hot and dry, and fo like- wife ©, they both reprefent the Cholerick humor in Man, yet the difeafes of 2, fomewhat differ from the difeafes fignified by ©: ford reprefenteth thefe difeafes, and they are wholly attributed to him, becanfe of his violent nature, #iz, all Im- poftumations, Burning Eeavers, the Plague, yellow Jaundies, all infirmities in the Privy Mem+ bers, the Bloody Flux, all pefti- lentiall fores, as Fiftula’s, Car- buncles, St. Anthonies fire, Cax lentures, &c, he ruleth the Gall, Becanfe it is the receptacle of oe Chollar Phy fitian, 35 Choller in mans body. * Now the Difeafes fignified by © are Swoundings and heart Paffions, red Choller, Cramps, all difeafesin generall incident tothe heart, he fignifiech the right eye of a Man, the left ofa Woman, the Brain is in fome part attributed to him, as alfo the mouth, The fignifications of thefe two Planets,and the difeafes fig- aiified by them, in any of the 12 fignes, are as followeth : viz, SorOin¥v. Whend fhall be author of a Difeale, or prin- cipail fignificator ofa fickneffe, andin Y, we may judge that. the fick party is much torment- ed in the head, troubled with extream pain there occafioned, through a hot & dry diftemper of the Brain,many times the {ick party is almoft or wholly di- Hraéted by reafon of Cholerick ue 36 The Affrologicall humors in the Brain,ufually the fick party fleepeth very little,oz not much, in regard of the di- - ftemper, fometimes the party is fabje@ to hot Rheumesin the Eyes, and Impofthumes in the ead: butif © be author, as aforefaid,then we may affuredly affirme, that the fick party is perplexed alfo in the Eyes, fub- Je@ to Catarrhs, and other in- firmities there, however judge the Head and Brain much di- ftempered, and the fick party almoft frantick,by reafor of the vehemency of the Cholerick diftempers there. _ do or Oin v. Adars Lord of the fixth hoyfe, and the onely fignificator of a difeafe, and pofited in’, intimateth ex- tream pain in the neck, pufhes of fcabs there : alfo harfhneffe and roughneffe in the Throat and Wind pipe, and on 7 an Phyfitian. 37 and extreame paine therein, the Kings evill may be miftrufted to be breeding when we finde ¢ herein. If O-thall be fignificator of difeafe, and: placed inthis fign we may judge as aforefaid, and likewife conje@ure that the heart is much affi@ed with Me; lancholly vapours. SorOind, Marsin Band fignificator as I have faid be- fore, declareth that the fick- neffe or difeafe commeth of heat and: adduftion of bloud, that the fick party is troubled with the itch or breaking out of humours in the body, bleeding is excellent for the fick, and Medicines that coole the bloud = For many times the fick party is farfeited by extraordinary heat of the blond, from thence arife Peftilentiall Feavers and difea« fes of putrifaction, by reafon 38 «© The Aftrological of the difaffeGion of the bloud. éandOins. When Afars fhall be principall fignificator’ ofa difeafe,and in Cancer,fhews: that the fick party. is very thir- fly, and: much afflited: by heat in the Stomach, dnd Cho. lerick humors there, ufually the fick party'is mach oppreffed with paine inthe Breaft and Stomach , the Lungs are dry, and want excrements , viz, Flegm and Spittle,the fick party. istroubled with’ avhot and dry Cough, many infitmities are in the Stomach and Lungs,occafio- ned through Choller and flegm: the like may be judged when Sol is author.ofa difeafe; and pofi- ted in this figne ; ifthe quefti- onbe for a woman, then we may miftrutt fhe hath received fome hurt in the breaft, from thence many times arifeth Can- cers, Fiftuia’s, or fome other rotten Phyfitten. 39 rotten putrified foars or impo- fumes. dand Oin QL. Afars or the Sanin Leo, and either of them author of the difeafe, or infir- mity, intimateth that the heart is over-heated,and that the fick party is chollerick, angry and peevifh, occafioned by the vex hemency of the hot and dry di- flemper of the heart; ufually upon this pofition the canfe of the fickneffe proceedeth from Choller, and thatthe fick party is-much fubje@ to fudden fwoundings,and heart paffions, inclining to a violent Feayer, or ftone in the Kidneyes. Sand in s Azars or the Sun, author or chief fignifica- tor of the fickneffe, doth de- note when they fhall be pofited in Virgo, that the originall of the difeafe arifeth of chollerick humorsin the Belly, & Bowells, ae Gre) mok 40 The Aftrolagicall moft commonly the fick party is oppreffed with the Chollick, which isaninfirmity inthe Gut called Colon, the fick party is extraordinarily bound in the Body, goeth very: feldome to ftoole, much tormented in the Bowells by reafon of chollerick obftruGions there, many times the Bloody Fluxis to be feared when Adars or the Sun are fig- nificators of the difeafe, and pofited in this fign, the wormes alfo in Children. Sand O in. Adars or ‘the Sun in Libra, either of them being Lord of the fixt houfe, declareth that the fick parties Bloud is much infe@ed with Choller, the blood is hot and dry, ‘and much diftempered , fuch things as cool the blood; are neceflary to be adminiftred to the fick party; however Mars or the San, principal hg: se Phyfitian. aA fignificators of a difeafe, and pofited in this fign, acquaints us, that the fick party is op- preffed with a great heat inthe Reines and Kidneyes, the Stone may be feared upon this pofiti- on,asalfo Gravell in the Urine, the fick party many times hath been found to be much tor- mented in the Bladder, the U- rine very hot, and fometimes the: paffage thereof ftopped, fometimes madneffe. =~ Sand Oinm. Adars or the Sanin Scorpio, and fignificator as I have faid before, intimateth great pain in the fecret and privy members, extraordinary heat in thofe parts, this pufition gives great fufpition of a clap of fome unclean woman, and that the difeafe came that way, ifit be a woman that propounds the queftion,then we may judge that fhe hath ufed too much C3 the. NN SORT 42 The Aftrologicall the {ports of Vent, and the hath coo great flux of the Whites and Reds, however we may conjzCture of great diftem- psts in thofe parts which are governed by Scorpio, viz. the fecret members, and that the fick party is tormented with fome {curvy difeafe there, pet's haps an Ulcer. g and © in 7.When thes or ‘Afars Thall be either of them in 2 and Lord of the xt houfe, or fignificator of a difease, judge the fick to be affli@ed in the Hipps, and Thighs, through peftilent and chollerick humors in thofe parts, Fiftula’s or cerri- ble fores there, or a Sciatica. 3 and © in wax. Now ‘Atars or the Sanin Capricoras, edquaries and Pifces, and au. thor of the infirmity as afore. faid, declareth the diftemper to arife from chollerick humors, ce Phyfitian. 43 Wefcénding ‘into the Knees, Legs and Feet, many times they fignifie {cabs and fores in thofe members, when there are other teftimonies of the fame, they figuifie alfo lameneffe in thofe parts,many tines the joint gout. Of the Difeafes fignified by Vex nus aad the Moon. Gand D. Venus and Luna are both of one nature, viz. cold and moift, and fo are the dif eafes attributed to them, the difeafes and infirmities fignified by are thefe, vix.Suffocations, .all defeGtions in the Matrix, weakneffe inthe at of genera- tion, debillity and weakneffe in the Stomach, Gonorrhea, the FrenchPox,fhe ruieth theSperm. or Seed in Man or Woman. Lua fignifiech the Falling fickneffe, Palfics, Menftrues in Women, Apofthumes, loofenefs inthe Belly; cold and raw hu- ” 4 mors 44 The Aftrologicall morsin any part of the body, Dropfies,Gouts, Surfets, rotten Coughs, Apoplexies , Rhumes in the Eyes, fhe ruleth the left Eyeofmen, and the right Eye of Women, , Now inregard 9 and:D ‘are both of one nature, we will therefore treat of them hoth together, aswe did of © and 3 the difeafes fignified by 9 or the D in any of the twelve figns, areas followeth, viz. Q andDin Ve Venss_ or the "Monin eAries, and fignifica- tors of the difeafe or infirmity, declareth that the fick party is molelted with cold humors in the head, troubled with too much rhume there, the brainis too cold and-moift, the fick parties Senfes are very dull, a- bundance of excrements flow from the Brain,ufually the fick- neffe proceedeth of cold, ao 7 the a Phyfittans” 4s the fick is very defirous of fleep, his head is fluffed with rhume, and the fick party very heavy,Lethargies, Coma Carss, and other difeafes of the head, that proceed of cold and moi- fture, may be. feared by the Phyfitian. gand Din’, Venus or the Mon in Tanrus, and fignifica~ tor, either of them as aforefaid, intimateth raw humors in the Neck, fivellings there, by reafon of abundance of moifture flowe, ing from the head; thereis ue fually upon this pofiture, fome cold rhume in the neck, or cold fwellings there ,, whereby the fick party is diflempered. g and Dini. Venws or Lane author of the Difeafe, and ia Gemini, denoteth that the Bloud is oppreffed with watery humors, the Dropfie may be feared upon this pofiture, and Cs other 46 ‘The Affrologicall other difeafes of that nature , the veins are full of waterith blood, and it is very neceffary to correét the cold and moilt diftemper of the blood, for from thence doth the fickreffe arife: the fick party is very faint and weake ufually, and fubjed to fwellings in the arms, and divers other places inthe body. gand Cin &. Venus or Lu- ma in Cancer, and principal Gignificators of the difeafe, de- clare that the fickneffe pro ceedeth of cold and raw mat+ ter in the Stomach, the fick party hath little appetite to vidualls, but is molefted with xbume, and cold and watry hu- mors inthe Stomach, flegm a- boundeth much there, and the fick is much perplexed with firaining to vomit,and ail the d- ftemper in the Stomach, arifeth - from Phiyjitlans 47 from too much moifture there. gand Din Q. Venus and Luna fignificator , either of them as aforefaid,:and'in Leo, acquaints us that the originall of the difeafe proceedeth of ‘cold and moift vapours at the heart, but feldome ,any great diftemper happens upon this pofition, in regard the heart is more afflicted by the pofi- ture of 7, or d inthis fign, then by any other Planet. gend Din. When Fenus ‘or Lunaisin Virgo, and either of them fignificator of a dif ‘eafe, we may judge that the fick party is much troubled with raw hamorsinthe Bowells and Guts, from whence cometh a Joofeneffz or Flux of the Belly, many times it,hath been found that the fick party hath been oppreffed, and cormented with wormes, and much sfili@ted by often. 48 TheAftrologicall often going to floole, occafior ned by cold and flimy humors in the Belly and Guts. gand Din. Venue or Lar nain Libra, and either of them author .of the difeafe or fickr. neffe, tellsus that the fick party is furfeted by over-much drink- ing and eating, it fometimes happeneth, that the fick. party is much troubled with the Go- norrhea., or running of the Reines, the Diabetes or piffing difeafe,any, difeafe arifing by in. ordinate Luk, is figaified by this pofition , for 9 naturally governeth and fignifieth fuch difeafes, and being fignificator ofa difeafe, and in this fign, imports weaknefs in the Reynes, yet we may judge the blood alfa to be too thin, and filled with flegm and water, in regard it is anaiery figne, Sand Phyfitian. 49 Qand) inm. Verse. or the Moon in Scorpio, and either of them fignificator of a fickneffe or difeafe, intimateth chat che original of the diftemper or in- firmity , cometh.of too much ufe of venereous aGions,ufually the fick party is troubled much inthe privy members, for the which he may thank his owne folly, ifa woman demands the queftiom for her-felfe, or-ifie be propounded for a Female Party, then judge that fhe hath been too familiar with Men: however we may conjecture upon this pofition, that the fickneffe is occafioned by too much Luft, and by the commen and too frequent ufe of thofe members reprefented by this figne, many times the Stones are fwelled. Qand Ding. Aden or Ves wus Cignificator of a difeafe in Sax 50 © The AStrelogical Sagitrary, declareth the Gout or fwellings in the Thighs, the Hipps, Gout, or Sciatica may be feared, botches. and fores in the Hips and-Thighs, cold and moift humors being the caufe thereof, Gand Din wax. Venus or the 4oon fignificator as afore« faid,and in either of thefe figns, wiz, Capricorn, Aquaries, or Pifces, importeth and fignifies the Gout’ in the Knees and Feet : - fwellings in the Leggs through. coli aguifh humors, there the Gout or Dropficall humors may be feared to be the caufe of the ficknefle or infir- mity, when 2 or Dare fignifi- cators, and in either of chefe fignes, of | | Phyfitian, 5x Of the Diftales fignified by the Planet Mercury fed by Aten in Order Aferen= vy ought to have been treated of before the AZoon, yet in regard 9 and ) were both of one nature, we held it conve- nient to treat of both their fig. nifications together, in any of the twelve fignes, therefore we now come to {peak of Aderenry, fe ofthe difeafes fignified by im. & Mercury is a Planet of nature cold and dry, reprefent- ing Melancholy , yet he is of 4 variable nature, fer his ine fluence is ufually according to the Nature of the Planet, with the which he is conjoyned 3 the difeafes fignified by him are thefe, viz, all fuch as proceed of cold and wind, Vertigoes, 7 Lethar- a 52 The Aftrologicall Lethargies, giddineffe in the Head, madneffe or lightneffe, or any other difeafe adherent to the Brain, all ftammering or imperfection in the Tongue, de- fects in the Memory, hoarfnefle or dry Coughs, Ptifick, all e- vills in the Intelle@ual! parts, &c. he hath principal relation to the Brain, Tongue, Lungs and Memory. The difeafes or infirmities fignified by Alercury,, in any of the twelve fignes. are as fol loweth, viz. g inv. When Afercary fhall be the principall author of a Difeafe.or Sickneffe, and in Aries, he fheweth that the fick Party is much troubled. with winde inthe Head, and Brain, yet the memory is pretty good, the fick party is almoft g ddy, and complaineth of lightneffe in. the head, talketh Sometimes idlely, Phyfitlan, 53 idlely, and if ¥ be with d in this fign the party is almoft diftra- Ged: if with h, he ftammereth much in fpeaking, fuch things 4s difpell winde and comfort the Animall, fpirits, and open ot- fruGions, are neceflary to be adminiftred in this infirmity. Sine. Mercury in Tanrus, and fignificator as aforefaid,ac- guaines us with hard Kernels inthe neck, ftifneffe there, as alfo koarfneffe in the Throat, and roughneffe inthe Winde- Pipe, toppings and. wheefing there, Bin. Mercaryin Gemini, and fignificator of the difeafe, fhews windineffe in the veines and bloud, in®, Mercury in Cancer, and principall fignificator as aforefaid , intimates the Sto- mach to be oppreffed with.cold and winde, the fick party saad le 54 The Aftrologicall bled with fowré belchings, and gvipings there, continuall pain by winde. Bin NX. Mercury in Leo, and author of the difeafe, declareth the heart co be -oppreffed with Melancholly, as alfo the fick party to be tormented with prickings and fhootings in the back, and at the heart. Rin. Adercury in Virgo, and fignificator as aforefaid, expreffeth the Bowclis to be tormented with winde, the fick party much oppreffed in the Belly, great pain therein, the Winde Chollick ufually affids the fick party upon this pofi- tion. Sins, Mercury in. Libra, and author of the Difeafe, tells us that the blood is windy, great pain in the Reynes by cold, the Urine {topped by reafon of the pain in the Reynes and Bladder, Phyfisians 55 Bladder, the Urine ufually is very windy and frothy. Zinm. Mercury in Scorpio, hath no great fignification,only declareth pain in the privy members by cold, as alfo windi- neffe in thofe parts. ying wa. Mercury in Sagittary, Capicorn, Aquaries or Pifces, denotes windy and cold {wellings in thofe members fignified by thofe fignes. Thus have! as plainly as po fible may be, given you the fig- nification of any of the feven Planets, in any af the twelve fignes, being Lord or ruler of the fixt houfe, or principall fig- nificator of the Difeafe or fick neffe; Imight now proceed to fpeak of the fignification of the Afpedts of the Planets one with another, efpecially of the Afo-, for we mutt diligently obferve what Planet fhe is in configu- ration 56 «= The Aftrologicall ration with , and what Planet the Lord ofthe afcendant, and Lord of the fixt houfe are in configuration with , in what figne, the nature and quality of the figne, and nature of the Afpect, and accordingly we are to judge; but in regard I have been fo plain in my former rules, I thinke it not expedient to treat of the Afpeds, by rear fon we may eafily judge of the fignification of the configura tions of the Planets, one with the other, in any.of the twelve fignes , by the foregoing rules, ever remembring the nature of the Planet, in configuration with the Lord of the afcendant, Lord of the fixe houfe, or the 4oon, and according to his nature judge, making a right commixture as I have formerly faid. I will now {peak fomewhat concerning the afcendant and Tord thereof, Firft Phyfitian. 37 Firft therefore, we muft ob? ferve what! figne afcends, and the Nature of the Lord of the afcendant, and ‘figne wherein heis,areto be confidered, for it fignifieth much in this man< ner of judgement, the afcen- dant reprefents the Head and Face, it declareth the fick par- ties complexion, it further in- timateth whether the Brain is diftutbed or not, or whether the Difeafe lyeth more in the Minde then in the Body, viz. it fhewes whether the parties Sences be troubled or oppreffed more then any part of the Bo- dy, the fignification of any of the feven Planets in the afcen: dant, is as followeth, viz. When Satsrn fhall be inthe afcendant affliéted , and chiefe fignificator of the difeafe, and henot Lord of the afcendant, then we may judge that the fick party 58 The Aftrolegical party is much afflided in the head with Melancholly vapours, is filent, {peaks very little, com. plaineth of great. noyfe and ftuffings. in the Head, and Ears, ufually if bein the afcendant, the fick parties Head and Brain is much diftempered. Fupiter Lord of the fixt houfe, or principall fignificator of the difeafe, and in. the afcendant or firft houfe,, declareth that the Head and Face is much oppref- fed by hot and moift humors flowing thither, occafioned by “too much blood, ‘the fick party hath a very high colour, and many times the veines in the Temples gre fwelled, and like- wife inthe Face ajfo,this diftems per afflicts the fick party mot, whea the winde is South. Mars fignificator as aforefaid, and the not Lord of the afcens dant, and pofited accidentally ~ theres * Phyfitian. 59 therein’, doth thew that the fick: party. is perplexed in the head by Cholierick humors, is alfo much'troubled in the Brain almoft frentick’,, and molefted with extream pain-in the head, fleepeth very. unquietly ; nor is the fick much fabje& to fleep, when A4ars is in the afcendant, by reafon of the hot and dry di- fremper of the Brain, ~. : Sol fignificator or Author.of the difeafe, and in the afcen- dant, ufually fignifieth the fame that d:doth:, onely fometimes. the fick party is troubled with: terrible fore eyes, and inflam- mations therein,or Cattaraés,a difeafe which ufually rakech a-: way the fight. . aye ett the Adcom in the afcendant, and either of them. fignificator as aforefaid, tells us thatthe fick party is ftuffed in the head by cold, troubled with , rhume —— 60 The Aftrologicall rhume in the head and eyes? occafioned by the cold and moiftneffe of the brain, from thence arifeth Apoplexies, the Falling Sickneffe, Palfies, Le- thargics, Coma Carus, and o- ther difeafes incident to the Head and Brain, proceeding of cold and moift humors, - Mercury in the firt houfe; and author of fickneffe , as I have faid before intimateth,that the fick parties headis much diz ftempered by wind and cold, and the braine is alfo much af- flided by the fame, the fick party is alfo very giddy and light headed fabje& tovertigoes and thedike difeafes, alfo Cans da_draconis in the afcendant fig- nifieth much diftemper in the head, By what hath been- delivered, the Phyfitian may now faddenly sad moft eafily find the a an Phyfitian, 61 and ‘quality ofa difeafe or fick- neffe by che heavens, which is the-onely way, and moft affared for difcovering of the quality of the humor offending in any difeafe, asGallen, Hippocrates, and the’ firft founders of the Art of Phyfick affirme. Now wiht hath been faid concerning the pofition of the fignificator of the difeafe in the afcendant, the like may al- fo be obferved Iby the pofition of the Lord of the fixt honfe,or author of the difeafe, in any of the other houfes; for as the firft honfe or afcendant doth fighifie the Head and Face, fo doe’ the other houfes fignifie thefe feverall parts or members in mans body, viz, The fecond houfe fignifieth Neck and Throat, The third, Arms, Hands and Shoulders, ——" D The 62 The Aftrolegical The fourth; Breal, Stomach, and Lungs. : The fifth, Liver, Heatt,Si es and Back, The fixth , the Belly ad Bowells. The feventh, the ‘Hownches, and Navili ta.che Buttocks. The eight, the Bladder. and rivy parts. THe aa the. Hipps. and Thighs. . Thet ear the. Kets “and The oaventh, the Leggs and Ancles. The twelfth, the Feet.: Having . now -plainly. fhewed how ta difcover the: nature. of any difeafe, and judge upon any diftemper, the quality and caufe theseof-in a natural] way, we hold icin. the orgs place conve- tient: $o declare. show to. ! finde cout the fhort and long oo | =| Phyfitian 63 ance of any fickneffe or difeafe, for the which obferve the fuce ceeding method. Whether the fickwefs Will be fart or of long continuance. F we defire to know how long the fickneffe will con- tinue, we muft confider and carefully obferve what figne ig ini the fixt honfe, and what Pla- net is author of the difeafé, or * principal fignificator, for thofe difeafes or infirmities fignified by}, are long and permanente - by reafon of his flowneffey dif cafes fignified by 2 or. oO: are very fhort, although terrible, y alfo fi fgnifieth fliort difeates. and 9 a mean betwixt both, y Sach as are unconftant, and > fignifieth fadden ‘change, and alteratiomof the difeafe, either for better. or worfe ; more- . Da over 64 the Afiralogicall over the figne, as I have {faid” before , which is in the fixe houfe, and in which che fignifi- cator is pofited, are alfo to be regarded, for fome fignes are moveable, fome fixed, and fome are common, the moveable are, Vv Sx, fixed fignes are thefe, viz, 0m Le. common fignes are, 1% 2%. Now if we finde a moveable‘fign inthe fixth houfe, and the Lord there- of, (and the Adcon or princi- pall fignificator of the difeafe in a moveable figne, then we may judge the fickneffe to be Mhort, if they dhall be in fixed fignes, judge long and tedious fickneffe, but if they bein com. mon fignes, judge a mediocrity, cand that thedifeafe will neither be too fhort orlong, but that you may be better inftructed in this ,. obferve thefe Apho- cifmes, - 1, Lord { Phyfitian.’ «65 x. Lord ofthe fixth, in the fizth, fignifieth a durable and tedious fickpeffe. 2. Lord of the fixt houfe in Bor#totheafcendant, or ap- plying to the Lord thereof, ar- gueth the fame, and that the difeafe is not in its full force and power. 3. The Lord of the fixth re. trograde fignifieth a relapfe. " 4. The Lord of the fixth houfe removing out of one fign into another, and: alfo-the lat- ter degrees of any fign, upon the cufps of the fixth houfé, denoteth fudden change, and alteration of the difeafe. 5. The Lord of the afcen- dant in- the fixth houfe, or the Eord of the fixth in the afcen- dant, intimatech a great fick- neffe, and:of long continuance, if chey be in fixed fignes. 6. And Laftly, if the princi - D3 pall 66 «= The Aftrologicall pall fignificators of the difeafe, be in moveable fignes , judge a a fudden change of the difeafe, if they be in fixed fignes or common, judg as aforefaid. If the fick party fhall recover from his fickneffe or nat JEN refolving this queftion, we are to confider the ftrength of the Lord of the afcendant, and what favourable afpeé is caft unto him, and we are to. ‘fee if there be any benevolent Planet in the afcendant, for if % or Q who are naturally For- tunes, fhall be in the afcendant, orwith the Lord thereof in a good houfe of Heaven, and they not Lords of the fixth, eighth, or twelfth houfes, then we may judge natureis ftrong, fo like- wife if the Lord of the afcendant be free fram misfortune, effen- -tially \ -Phyfitlan. 67 fially trong & more powerfull, then the Lord of the 6houfe, itisa good figne, for Nature feems then to be more ftrong, ‘and better’ fortified then the Difeafe, and alfo able to worke out the offending humor:more= cover'if the Lord of the afcen- dant be free froin any afped of the Lord of the eight houfe, or Planet pofitedin the eight, and alfo free from combuttion, and not under the Sus-beames, it is a:ftrong argamentof recovery, fikewifeif there be no tranfla- tion of light between:the Lord of the cighth, and Lord of the afcendant,. and if the Afoon be free from any Afged of the Lord ofthe eight Houfe,or Pla- not poficed therein, then it fig- _nifieth good to the fick party, and giveth-hopes of recovery. The Lord of the tenth houfe » ina friendly. afped with, .che 3 D4, Lord 68 «The Aftrologicall Lord‘of the afcendant, argueth that the fick party fhall be cured by Medicine, the like fig. nification hath ¥ or 9, beingin the afcendant, or with the Lord thereof: now itis to be noted, that the 7 houfe reprefents the Phyfitian , the tenth houfe his Medicine, if therefore the feventh houfe be afilidted, the Phyfitian fhall not cure the fick party, ifthe tenth houfe be alfo affiGed , the Phyfick which hath been, or is adminiftred to the fick, is not proper for-the difeafe, and worketh no good effed. Teftimonies of Death, The moft affured argument of the death of the fick party, is when the Lord of the eighth houfe is in the afcendant, or with the Lord thereof, for if the Lord of the eighth honfe, fhall be in the afcendant,we may juft- 4 ly Phyfittans” 65 ly.feare the death of the fick, fo likewife if any Planet in the. eighth houfe affli@ the afcen. dant, or Lord thereof, death ~ may be feared; alfo ifany Pla- net tranflate the light.or in- fluence of the Lord of the eighth, or Planet in the eighth, tothe Lord:of the afcendant, ehenit isan ill Omen, and of dangeious confequence to the fick party. The Lerd of the fixth houfe ia the eighth, and affi@ing the Lord of the afcendant, or tranf= Jating the vertue and influence ~ of the Lord of the eighth, or principall fignificacor of death, to the Lord of theafcendant, then we may: miftruft and feare thatthe difeafe will kill the fick party,and that death isathand, dikewife if the A4con fhall be af- AiGed by the Lord of the eight houfe, or fignificator of death, Ds. or. 9Q. Fhe Aftrological or tranflate the vertue of the Lord of the eight,to the Lord of the afcendant, then the difeafe is mortall. When the Lord.of the afcen- dant isin conjun@ion with the Lord of the eight, or in @ or &, of him or any Planet pofited in that houfe,without the benevo- lent A or >K of or 9 inter- vening declareth death. The Lord of.the afcendane combult in the 8, imports the death of the fick, and if alfo the Lord of the afcendant, fhall be inthe 4houfe, in conjunction with the Lord of the 8, we may confidently affirm, that the fick party will dye,in regard the fig- nificator of life isthen afflied by che Lord of the 8. Subterra-, nean, When the Lord of the afcen= dantalfo fhall bes Cadent, and. the Lord of the fixt angular, ; shea Phyfiitans: cis then we may judge a terrible ftrong fickneffe. The moft affared rules to be obferved in pronouncing death ofthe fick, are thefe,viz, Lord of the afcendant in the 8, affli- ed,or Lord of the 8 inthe af. cendant, or the Din the 8, ap plyingto the Lord of the afcen- dant By 2" or &, ‘or any other Planet in the 8; inthe like con- figuration with the Lord of the afcendant, the afcendant alfo af flied by the prefence of any fiked Star,of a violent influence of the nature of the Lord of the B-houfe, thefe pofitions & con- figurations, or any of them, are Tfay affured teftimonies of the death .of the fick party, for whom the queftion is demanded. Nowifwe defire to be reful- ved, how long it will be ere the death of the fick party, if we finde ceftimony of death, as a- ° forefaid.. 72 The Aftrologicall forefaid, then we muft obferve how many degrees. are between the Lord of the 8, and Lord of theafcendant, or between the Planet pofited in the 8,applying to the Lord of the afcendant, or what number of degrees are be- fore the Lord of the afcendane, or the Afcon, are in pete of or 8 of the principal fignificar tor of death, or Lord of the 8 houfe; ifthe Planet who is fig. nificator of death as aforelaid, be in the afvendane, obferve then. how many degrees he ‘wants of the cufps of the houfe, Sclikewife farther have regard tothe Lord of the afcendant, if he be going to combuftion, or under the © beames, and note how many degrees are between she. Sun and him, before they come totheir perfed.g, for if they bein movable.fignes, then fo many degrees, asthey are.di- ftant, Phyfitian. 73 fant one from the other, denoz teth fo many dayes, it’ will be before the fick party dye ; ifthe fignificator of death fhall bein acommon fign, andthe lord of the afcendent alfo ina common fign, affli&ed by the lord of the 8. by any afped, then it deno- teth fo many weeks as are de- grees between their conjun@ion or afpe; fo likewife in fixed fignes they denote months, as for example, admit thelord of the 8. houfe to be haftning to ¢ of the Lord of the afcendant, or the Lord of the afcendantap- plying to him by any afpe@and they in fixed fignes, and atthe time of the propounding of. the queftion for the fick party; di- fant from each other, 1,2,3,0r 4 degrees or, more, ‘then we may judge the death of the fick, ere fo many months. from the Sime of the queftion, butif the : afped 74 ~The Aftrilégical’ afped bein. movable: fignes ; judge fo many dayes as they are diftant in degrees from their true afpedts, in common fignes fo many weeks, making a right obfervation from every fignifi- cator,for not upob one bare te» Kimony :doe . :we’ pronounce death but when we fade thofe affared rules afore delivered,do manifelt the fame; Having now plainly thewed how-to judge upon any difeafe bappeniog according to natural samses, we bold not amiffe to difcover the right way in find-, ing out, whether the difeafe be naturall or not, vis. ifthe fick Party be fick or diftempered by fach difeafes as are incident to mankinde,or is bewitched:when the queftion fhall be fo deman- ded for the fick, obferve that which followeth, Uf Phyfitians "5 “If the fick party be bewitched ‘OF not, When it fhall be demanded whether one be bewitched or not, then have regard to the Lord of the 12 houfe, and ob- ferve whether he be in any ma- levolent afpeét of the Lord of the afcendant, or pofited in the afcendant, for if the Lord of the, 12,affli@ the afcendant or Lord thereof, either by his corporall prefence, or by g or 8 afpects, or if they be affli@ed or oppref- fed by any malevolent Planet in the 12, then the fickneffe or difeafe is. more then naturall: likewife the Lord of the afcen- dant in the 12,argues the fame ; butin delivering judgement up= .on this quere, obferve thefe Ae Phorifmes. . 1. If the afcendant fhall be op- preffed by the Lord of the 12, ox the Lord thereof, afflided in 76 = The Aftrological in the-12, thenitis to be feared, the fick party is bewitched. 2. The Din the r2, or any o« ther Planet therein in &to the lord of the afcendant, argueth that an evill fpirie hath power ‘over the fick party. 3. Lord of the afcendant com. buft in the 12; intimateeh the fame. . 4. Lord of the afcendant in the fixth,in8 , to theLord of | the 12 houfe, gives fufpition of witchcraft, 5: Lord of the afcendantalfo, Lord of the 12, & unfortunate, deelareth thatthe fick party is under anill tongue, fo likewife the fign-of the afcendant, and ‘ign of the 12 both one, intima~ teth che fame, 6. The Lord of the 8 in the 12, or applying to the Lord thereof, and then immediate! Joyning to the Lord of the af- cendant, \ Phy@itian, 77 cendant, tranflating thereby the influence of the 12 honfe, and Lord thereof, to the afcendant, fignifieth ‘the death of the fick party by witchcrafe. 7. The Lord of the 6 houfe, inthe 8,12 or 6. fignifieth a fecret and occult difeafe, more then natural. Thefe Aphorifmes, or any of them fignifieth and declareth the moft approved and affured way in judging of witchcraft. _ Nowin judging or difcove- ting what party it is that be- witcheth the fick, or hath ine chanted him, then defcribe the Planet that is Lord of the 12 honfe, and you. fhall have the conipleGion, ftature, and con- dition of the Witch, ever con- fidering in what houfe of Hea- ven he is pofited, & out of what houffe he affli@s the afcendant, orLord thereof,and what are ic 78 The Affrélegical ‘he is Lord of befides the 12-; fo thal you have with due confi- Aeration, the caufe of the Wit- ches inchanting the fick party. Lord of the 3, Lord alfo of the 12, or pofited therein, or affli@ing the afcendant,or Lord thereaf,or Lord ofthe 12 inthe 3 houfe,affliing the afcendant, or Lord thereof, thews the Witch a dear neighbour to the fick party,8cc.and fo if we confider in what houfe the lord of the.82 isinyand out of what houfe he affti@s the Lord of the afcendant,we fhall have aifo the caufe of inchantment, &c. Of the true Cryfis or Critical and Fudiciall dayes. alee true Cryfis is fourgtout bythe motion of the Afcom, viz.-by her fquare and oppofite Place to the fign,degree and mi- nate in which he was placed at the .parties firft falling: fick, . there- Phyfisian. 19 therefore for finding the exact Cryfis,or Critical dayes,obferve thefe enfuing rules. 1 1. Ache time of the parties firft falling fick, let the placeof the oon be exadily rectified : note in what fign, degree, and minute of the Zodiack fhe is then placed, 2. Obferve when the cometh to.the {quare thereof, for that is she ficit Cryfis. 3. Whenthe A4oon comes to her true oppofition, viz. to the oppofite place in the which fhe was atthe parties ifirft fat ling fick then is the 2d. Cryfis. 4. When fhe comes to the next Square, it is the 3d Cryfis. 5. When the A4con hath run round the Heavens, and comes to the very fame fign, degree ° and minate, in the which was’ placed at the time of the parties firft falling fick,. it is the fourth Cry fis. Now. 80 The Aftrologicall Now the Judicial! dayes are the middle between the two Cryfis, theré may be difcerned alfo an alteration of the difeafe, or fudden ehange thereof, when the Azoon comes to be diftant from her true place, at the time of the parties firft falling fick 45 degrees,fo likewife when fhe is diftant 90 degrees, and alfo when fhe is diftant 135 degrees: and asthe Cryfis is the fudden change of the difeafe, or altera- tionfor better for worfe, viz. tending either to health, or a further fickneffe, fo the dayes criticall, and decretory, fhewa more certaine and fure judge- ment, whereby the Phyfitian may fally difcerne which way the difeate will tend,or whereby the Cryfis may be exadly judg- ed, for the decretory or crytical ayes,declares a more fare judg- + tent of che infirmity afflicting, ize Phyfitlen, 8x viz. whether it will be more powerfull, or ina leffe meafure at thofe times, when the exact Cryfis is,for when the Cryfisis, there is a fharp contention bee twixt nature and the difeafe,and if at the time of this Cryfis, na- tureis more prevalent then the difeafe, it isthen a good figne; but on the contrary, if the fick- neffe prevaile, then the cryfis is dangerous, but I fhall leave the profecution of thefe things un- till fome other opportunity be offered : onely by the way, ob= ferve thefe Aphorifmes. x, Then feeing that it is moft certaine. that the Adoon by her motion fheweth the true cryfis, and that alfo the judicial or cri- ticall dayes are found out by her motion in the Zodiack,then we muft be fureto have regard how fhe is difpofed, whether fortunate or unfortunate, and - mina es how: 82 The Aftrolegicall how fhe is afpected by the bene= volentPlanets,orthe malevolent or malignant Planets: and far- ther obferve, at the time of the’ trne-cryfis, whether fhe be in configuration with thé Lord of tite 6houle, or Lord of the 8, for if fhe fhall'be at the time of the cryfisin any malevolent a- fpect of the Lord of the 6, it is an ill fign, fo likewife if fhe fhall ean by: the'Lord-of the , it gives great’ canfe to jud; the death of the fick perty upon that cryfis, 2. If fhe be then going to the 2 or § of theLord of the 6, the difeafe and ‘fickneffe en- creafeth , if fhe be fortunately afpected at the time of the cry- fis, by 4% or?, and they not Lords of the 6, 8, or 12 honfes, itis a good cryfis. 3. The D tranfiting the cufps ‘of the 12,8, or6, at thetime of . Blyfistan. 83 of the-cryfis, death or prolone gation, of she difeafe-ie- to, be feared. - - 4. In. Judiciall dayea ,., th D fortunate and welt afpected, declares ¢. good Cryfis tobe ox-s -pected:: bug. if the bewnfortu.- nate, the dectares the-cantrary. . Some dee thinke shag. she fe- venth and fourteenth dayes are criticall,.-ang-thist “thefa' dayes: after the fir felting fick of ‘the party, arethe firft and fecond ceyfis, which isa very abfurd o- pinion, in regard that the cri- ticall and decretory dayes pro- ceed“fot from, inferigur caules, as fone men :thinka, for the learned doe obferve, that the Moon hath great influence and dominion upon our inferior bodies; whereby the humors are ftirred up by her motion, fo that thereby the true cryfis of the difeafe is declared: and in ree 84 The Afirologicall Bcc. regard the ‘AZoin “fortietimes thoves very {wiftly; and apaite at other times very Slowly being: thany. tinies unconftane in her. motion, therefore fhe maketh tlie tive cryfis, not évery fe~ venth day, as-many conceive's hereafter to {peak more copi- oufly thereof, ‘therefore at pres fent let the former rules faftice, bor ‘of thefe'mattersI Mall have . occafion in another treatife™

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