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1 Introduction to 2-3
2 Origin of Python 4-5
3 1.Password
2.Duty of
Password 6-8
3.Type of
4 Source code 8-13
5 Output 13-17
6 Conclusion
7 Bibliography


Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming

language. It has efficient high-level data structures
and a simple but effective approach to object-
oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and
dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature,
make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid
application development in many areas on most

The Python interpreter and the extensive standard

library are freely available in source or binary form
for all major ..

 Standard Functionality – The number of essential
functions were included in by default in libraries.
They’re useful for almost any programming task.
Python makes the work easier for developers by
offering solutions for data science, image and device
processing, and other tasks.
 Variable – Python, unlike many other languages,
does not involve the definition of variables. They are
generated at the time of their initialization, which is
when the variable is given its first value. The type of
assigned value determines the type of variable.
 Portability – Python is a versatile language that can
run on a variety of platforms and devices (Windows,

Linux, macOS, and so on) without requiring a lengthy
code revision.
 Speed – Speed and efficiency are higher thanks to
increased opportunities for technological
management process, object-oriented architecture,
and deep integration. Python is an excellent choice for
building complex multi-protocol web applications.

Pythons a widely-used general-purpose, high-level
programming language. It was initially designed by Guido
van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software
Foundation. It was mainly developed for emphasis on
code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to
express concepts in fewer lines of code.
In the late 1980s, history was about to be written. It was
that time when working on Python started. Soon after
that, Guido Van Rossum began doing its application-
based work in December of 1989 at Centrum Wiskunde &
Informatica (CWI) which is situated in the Netherlands.
It was started firstly as a hobby project because he was
looking for an interesting project to keep him occupied
during Christmas. The programming language in which
Python is said to have succeeded is ABC Programming
Language, which had interfacing with the Amoeba
Operating System and had the feature of exception
handling. He had already helped to create ABC earlier in
his career and he had seen some issues with ABC but liked
most of the features. After that what he did was really very
clever. He had taken the syntax of ABC, and some of its
good features. It came with a lot of complaints too, so he
fixed those issues completely and had created a good
scripting language that had removed all the flaws. The
inspiration for the name came from BBC’s TV Show –
‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’, as he was a big fan of the
TV show and also he wanted a short, unique and slightly
mysterious name for his invention and hence he named it

Python! He was the “Benevolent dictator for life” (BDFL)
until he stepped down from the position as the leader on
12th July 2018. For quite some time he used to work for
Google, but currently, he is working at


A password manager is a computer program that
allows users to store, generate, and manage their
passwords for local applications and online services.
A password manager assists in generating and retrieving
complex passwords, storing such passwords in
an encrypted database or calculating them on demand.
Types of password managers include:
 locally installed software applications
 online services accessed through website portals

 locally accessed hardware devices that serve as keys

Depending on the type of password manager used and on

the functionality offered by its developers, the encrypted
database is either stored locally on the user's device or
stored remotely through an online file-hosting service.
Password managers typically require a user to generate
and remember one "master" password to unlock and
access any information stored in their databases. Many
password manager applications offer additional
capabilities that enhance both convenience and security
such as storage of credit card and frequent flyer
information and autofill functionality.
Remembering a lot of passwords is difficult, but security
experts (including ISO) recommend that you DO
NOT reuse passwords. So, how do you manage the
hundreds or even thousands of passwords you need to
remember in your daily life?
Passwords managers help you generate unique and strong
passwords, store them in one safe (encrypted) place, and
use them while only needing to remember one master
password. The master password unlocks your encrypted
vault which grants you access to each of your passwords.

The biggest decision to make is whether you want your

passwords to be stored locally on your own computers and
mobile devices, or in the cloud on someone else's servers


Storage hampers the user experience but forces hackers to
resort to difficult malware-based approaches like using
keyloggers and other advanced tools. Since the password is
stored on the user's device, the user has total control over
its security.

Password manager licenses can only be used on one device,

meaning multiple licenses need to be purchased for every
single device needed to sync passwords. If the device is lost
and/or stolen the passwords are all compromised.
Storage improves accessibility and user convenience. Since
encrypted passwords are stored on cloud servers, users
can access them from any number of devices and sync
passwords between devices relatively easily without any
required additional steps. These services keep encrypted
copies of your vault on their own servers, ensure that all
your devices are always synced and encrypt the
transmissions between your devices and their servers.
Cloud storage also makes passwords recoverable if the
user loses the device.


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Password manager was created to keep

our password safe and secure.
It helps us to reach our password
whenever we need. It also help us to get
our password if we forget it.

We can get our password with our

connected name email, phone no. with
using password manager .It can help us to
store password of any website or
application. It also helps companies to
manage their employees password. Like
this way we can use password manager in
many field.

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I would like to acknowledge all those without

whom this project would not have been
successful. Firstly, I would wish to thank our
Computer Science teacher Ma’am HARPREET
KAUR who guided me throughout the project
and gave her immense support. She made us
understand how to successfully complete this
project and without him, the project would not
have been complete.
This project has been a source to learn and
bring our theoretical knowledge to the real-life
world. So, I would really acknowledge his help
and guidance for this project.
I would also like to thank my parents who have
always been there whenever needed.

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