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4 June
Luious Sherman‘s jewelers was one of the richest jeweler store in the whole Greenwich city of London.
Its owners MR. oak Sherman and his wife Mrs. jasmine oak lived in the most expensive apartment of the
city. It was all made of expensive marbles and ceilings of expensive limestone, all because of mrs.oak
unconditional love for jewels. She was quite pretty in her looks but unlike Mr. Oak she was a litter rude
in her behavior. Mr.oak was a fine little fat gentleman and as sweet as sugar. He was particular in his
works and perfections and as well as pleasing his wife in everything. Mr.oak was not only sweet with his
costumers but to his workers too who worked in his store. He barely had any enemy who would think
either of stealing his jewels or murdering him for money. It was said that Sherman is the gift of god who
came on this earth to make everyone understand the value of life all because of Sherman’s another
business for little ones of the city to make them understand the value of life and their purpose for which
the god has sent them on this earth. It named “YOUNG ARTISTS” with slogan- the main motive of life is
find your purpose and take over responsibilities that helps each and every one grow up. This slogan was
not as effective as his words. The little ones of the city after attending Mr. Sherman’s classes came home
with different level of excitement and enthusiasm towards life. However the problem with this was that,
Mr. Sherman used to take classes only at Sundays and because this day for the city was considered as
the most luckiest day and the only day in which that can have naps without any disturbances the
parents requested Mr. Sherman to shift his classes to Mondays or maybe Saturday.

As a request from every parent Mr. Sherman’s big heart melts and he decided to take classes on two
days Saturday and Monday with new timings 6 pm to 7 pm. After consulting with every parent Mr.
Sherman and his pretty wife stared taking classes from 6 to 7 in the evening. Everything was going
smoothly but one day Mr.sherman noticed something very odd in the day. His costumers were not
happy with his jewels and his pretty wife lost one of her favorite earring. One of his worker got severally
sick and got fainted in the store. He somehow managed to take him to the hospital and called his family.
The family arrived at the hospital as soon as Sherman called them. When he came back from the
hospital he found his wife crying because she broke one of the jewel and feared that now Sherman will
not forgive her but Sherman was so in love with her that he cannot afford to every get angry on her. He
consoled his wife and sent her back to home. That day was really not favorable for him as he had to
shout at one of his student in his class for not behaving properly.

After the class got over Mr. Sherman decided to go home and having some peace after such a hectic
day. But that day was really not good for him. While going back to home he noticed something odd
happening in his jeweler shop. The lights were on but he switched off the lights before leaving the store,
he thought. After hearing some noises from his shop in the uppermost part of his house where he kept
his one most ever expensive jewel which was the pink star which worth more than 100 millions. He then
decided to check what on earth was happening in his shop. As he climbed up the shop he heard
unrecognizable noises which said “Mr. Dorset what will you do with all these jewels, what if someone
caught us? Said a tall thin with a big hat that looked exactly like the famous cartoon Mr. Detective’s hat.
“Fool will you do your wok which I have given you. Just open that locks and keep your stupid mouth
shut”. Said a tall handsome man with gun in of his hand standing behind that man who was opening that
lock and pretty young tall women with a scarf around her neck was standing beside him. “My lord the
lock is open now you can take off the jewels”. Sherman’s anger was out of control now. He just cannot
see his most precious jewels getting robbed in front of his eyes. He tried to get out of his hidden place
and but then a thought stuck him what if they killed him??? Then who will take care of his wife and his
family. He tried to be hidden from the robbers; suddenly he heard a shrill soft voice behind his back

“Look my darling we have got a little disturbance in our work “it was the woman with scarf who was
standing beside the man few minutes ago. “Stop this nonsense miss, you have to leave my store now,
how dare you entered my store and who are you? Why are you doing this? What wrong have I done to
both of you that made you do such a terrible thing????? “Your all questions will be answered soon Mr.
Sherman but just let us took off the jewels”. Said the man, he might be the husband of this young
woman thought Mr. Sherman. “Really and you believe that I will let you go with my jewels so easily, I
will call the police this instant’’ said Mr.sherman with a bold voice. “ so you will stop us from stealing the
jewels” asked the man . “do you have any doubt gentleman ” asked Mr. Sherman in bold voice which
was more bold than before. “ no, it’s not that, I don’t have any doubt, of course you will stop us but will
you able to stop us”?? Asked the man in firm voice. “YES, let will call the police “said Sherman.

“Max grab him’’ said the man. Max grabbed Sherman’s hand and took off his phone. “Mack ‘’! The man
ordered his wife. The woman took out the gun and shot Sherman at his head. “ we have to get out of
this place as soon as possible , max have you taken out the jewels and Mack what about the cameras’’?
Asked the man. ‘’ Yes the cameras work I have done and max has given me the jewels ‘’said the woman
while looking at max. ‘’ fine so let’s get out of this place, Mack give me the necklace”.


‘’ well, I don’t think the whole things which we are doing is good’’ said Mackenzie who was sitting with
the scarf in her one hand and a glass of champagne in another in a small attic room, tears falling down
her beautiful face. ‘’ what has happened to you suddenly? I just don’t understand you sometimes Mack’’
said Dorset surprisingly looking at his pretty wife’s blue eyes which were now filled with tears,
comforting himself on her wife’s lap . ‘’’well Dorset you don’t realize, but I do , first you stole some
handcrafts from the theatre and then you killed a man ‘’ said Mackenzie sobbing hard. ‘’ well this is what
I do, this is my job. And I don’t kill people for fun they force me’’ said Dorset while standing up with a
glass of champagne from his wife’s lap who was sobbing harder than before. ‘’ it’s not good, you have to
quite this job, it’s very dangerous, what If someone gets to know about it? What if they got to know
about all the robberies? You heard max warning you right? And what will you do with these jewels, after
they gets to know about Sherman’s death we can’t get out of this city for some days’’ said Mackenzie
taking sip of champagne. ‘’ you are right my dear but they won’t be able to catch us and get this in your
mind and your second question was why am I doing all this?’’ said Dorsett who suddenly dropped the
glass o champagne and lean towards her chair ‘’ I am doing this because I want to get rich , I want my
son to go to school like everyone, do you ever realize how bad he feels when he looks at every child who
goes to school , his best friend oliver was passing through the street one day yelling at him because he
wasn’t able to read the rules of their stupid game’’ said Dorset looking at Mackenzie with blood shooted
eyes twisting his jaws while speaking. Mackenzie’s face was red with shocked with Dorset’s words about
her son ‘’ what? Oliver yelled at my son just because he wasn’t able to read the rules, ohh no I thought
he was yelling at some other boy, I-I- I am s-sorry-y I thought you are doing this because you just want to
become rich’’ said Mackenzie with shock. ‘’ yeah I want to get rich but more importantly I want my son
to go to school’’ said Dorsett. “okay Dorset I am back I am very sorry for what I said, I thought you were
doing it only for you, so now honey it’s a great achievement that we have stolen the jewels successfully
and it’s great that we are safe and I hope everything goes alright till the end, bye I am just going take
quick nap’’ and she kissed Dorsett on her checks softly and went to a small room. Max who was listening
to the whole conversation while standing at the corner of the door said ‘’ its seems Mr. Dorset that your
wife isn’t happy with the jewels.’’ “Doesn’t matter, I don’t care if she wants the jewels or not, and who is
giving her the jewels?’’ said Dorset taking another sip of champagne. “ so what about the jewels now,
means these are not for Mrs. Dorset than for whom these are for?”said max staring at Dorset
expressions. ‘’ well what do you have to do with that, here is your money now get lost.’’ Ordered Mr.
Dorset throwing 50 dollars at max’s face and settling himself at the empty chair. ‘’as you say my lord’’.
Max went out of the small house and went off while Dorset was constantly staring at the glass of
champagne with wide eyes.

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