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CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Doc lip - Tw do— Hanh phic SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence - Freedom- Happiness HQP DONG MUA BAN PURCHASE AND SALES CONTRACT $6: 0301/2022/ SMCD-NOROO No: 0301/2022/ SMCD-NOROO Hom nay, ngay 01 thang 01 nim 2022, tai Van phong Céng ty TNHH San Xudt Xe Chuyén Dung Thaco, ching tdi gdm: Today, January 01 th, 2022 in Office of Thaco Special Vehicles Manufacturing Limited Company, we are. BEN BAN: CONG TY TNHH NOROO-NANPAO PAINTS & COATINGS (VIET NAM) SELLER: NOROO-NANPAO PAINTS & COATINGS (VIET NAM) CO., LTD Dia chi = KCN Nhon Trach Il, Thj Tran Hiép Phuée, huygn Nhon Trach, tinh Dang Nai Address Nhon Trach Industrial Zone Il, Hiep Phuoe Town, Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai Province, Viet Nam, Dign thoai — : 025.1356.9966-77 Fax: 0251.3569955 Telephone 0251.356.9966-77 Fax: 0251.3569955 Masé thué — : 3600 999 484 Tax code: 3600999 484 Taikhoan —_: 907180517930 tai NH CTBC - CN TP.HCM Bank Account : 907180517930 tai NH CTBC - CN TP.HCM Dai dién Ong FAN CHIH HAO Chic vy: Tong Giim Dée Represented by : Mr. FAN CHIH HAO Position: Director General BEN MUA: CONG TY TNHH SAN XUAT XE CHUYEN DUNG THACO BUYER : THACO SPECIAL VEHICLES MANUFACTURING LIMITED COMPANY Dia chi KCN Co Khi O 16 Chu Lai Trung Hai, xi Tam Hiép, huyén Nui Thanh, tinh Quang Nam Address : Co Khi O To Chu Lai Truong Hai Industrial Zone, Tam Hiep Village, Nui Thanh District, Quang Nam Province, Viet Nam Dign thoai = 0235 3965 327 Fax: 0235 2226 555 Telephone: 0235 3565 327 thué : 4001049929 1/10 Tax code 400 104 9929 ‘Tai Khoan 0651000792761 tai Ngdn hang Vietcombank - CN Quang Nam Bank Account —: 0651000792761 Vietcombank, Quang Nam Branch Dai dign Ong VUONG NGQC MAN Chie vu: GIAM DOC Represented by : Mr, VUONG NGOC MAN Position : Director Sau khi ban bac, Hai bén déng y thee hién ky két hop déng mua ban (Sau day goi tit la “Hop déng") v6i cde ndi dung sar After discussing, the two parties agree to sign the purchase and sale contract (hereinafier referred as the "contract" for short) with the following contents: DIEU 1: DINH NGHIA ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS ~ “Hang héa” la cic logi Son, dung méi son thuge Céng ty Noroo - Nanpao. - "Goods" are paints and paint solvents belonging to Noroo - Nanpao Company. ~ “Hai bén” la Bén mua va Bén bin. = "Two parties" means the Buyer and the Seller. ~ “Baio gid” la van ban théng béo don gid Hang héa do Bén bén giri dén Bén mua va chi c6 gid tri 4p dung sau khi duge dai dién cé tham quyén cla Bén ban xée nhan. ~ "Quotation" means a written notice of the unit price of goods sent by the Seller to the Buyer and is valid only after it is confirmed by the competent representative of the Seller. - “Don dit hing” la van bin do Bén mua giri Bén ban dé dat hang yéu cdu cung cép sé lugng Hang h6a nhét djnh, Don dit hang 1A m@t phan khong thé tach roi cla Hop dong va cé su xéc nhan cla Hai bén. - "Order" means a written request sent by the Buyer to the Seller for ordering a given quantity of Goods. Orders are an integral part of the Contract and are confirmed by both parties. ~ “Sy kign bat kha khang” 1a sir kién xdy ra mOt eéch Khach quan, KhOng thé luéng truée duge va khéng thé khie phye duge mic di da 4p dung moi bién phép can thiét va kha nang cho phép, bao gém (nhung khéng giéi han) cdc yéu cau ban hanh béi Chinh phi, Co quan dia phuong, chign tranh, bai cOng, déng cira nh may, bao dong, dich bénh, thién tai, biéu tinh. - "Force majeure event" is an event that occurs objectively, cannot be foreseen and cannot be overcome despite all necessary measures and permissible ability, including (but not). Limited) requests issued by Government, Local Agencies, war, strike, factory shutdown, riot, epidemic, natural disaster, demonstration. DIU 2: MO TA HANG HOA ARTICLE 2: DESCRIPTION OF GOODS: %n Hang héa: la cdc logi Son, dung mdi son thude Cong ty Noroo - Nanpao cde logi theo yéu cu cu thé cita Bén mua. 21 2/10 2.1 Name of Goods: are paints and paint solvents belonging to Noroo - Nanpao Company of all kinds according to the buyer's specific requirements. 2.2 Sé lugng Hang héa: Theo timg Don dat hang cy thé vao timg thoi diém c6 su xée nhan cla Hai ben. 2.2 Quantity of Goods: According to each specific Order from time to time, with the confirmation of both Parties. 2.3 Tiéu chuan va chat long: Hang héa mdi 100%, theo tiéu chudn do Bén mua yéu cau va c6 su théng nhat cia Hai én, 24 Standards and quality:100% new goods, according to the standards requested by the Purchaser and agreed by the Parties DIEU 3: YEU CAU PHAT TRIEN SAN PHAM MOI ARTICLE 3: REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Bén mua sé giti cho Bén ban yéu cdu phat trién sén phém méi. Yéu cdu phat trién san phim chi 6 higu lye thye hign khi cé su x4c nhén eta Hai bén. 31 The Purchaser will send the Seller a request to develop a new product. Product development requirements shall be valid only when certified by both parties 3.2 Thdi gian va quy dinh dénh gia san phim mau duge Hai bén théng nhdt bing van ban. 3.2 The time and rules for assessing sample products are agreed in writing by both parties. 3.3 Bén ban phai cung cp cho Bén mua bé hé so phat trién san pham theo su théng nhat gitta Hai bén bing van ban. 33° The Seller must provide the Purchaser with a file of product development as agreed by the Parties. DIBU 4: DON GIA VA PHUONG THUC THANH TOAN Ye ARTICLE 4: PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT 4.1 Don gia: 4.1 Unit price 4.1.1 Theo bang Bao gid cia Bén ban cung cap. Don gié duge théng nhét khi Bén mua thé hién trén. timg Don dat hang tai tig thi diém. 41.1 According to the price list provided by Seller. The unit price is agreed upon when the Purchaser shows on each Purchase Order from time to time. 4.12 Bén ban cam két gift gié ban cho Bén mua ké tir ngay hai bén théng nhat don gid. Khi c6 su thay d6i gia Ben bin sé théng bdo cho Bén mua. bling van ban ft nhdt 15 ngay trude ngay dur kién 4p dung don gid méi 41.2 The Seller undertakes to keep the Purchaser's price from the date the two parties agree on the unit price, When there is a change in the price, the Seller shail notify the Purchaser in writing at least 15 days prior to the expected date of application of the new unit price, 4.2, Phwong thie thanh toan: 4.2 Payment method: 3/10 oa 4.21 422 42.2 423 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.24 Thanh toan chuyén khoan bing tién Vigt Nam Déng vao tai khoan cia Bén ban trong Hop déng, phi chuyén khoan do Bén mua chiu. Payment is transferred in VND to the Seller's account in the Contract, transfer fee is borne by the Buyer. ‘Thoi han thanh toén: Bén mua hoan thanh nghia vu thanh ton cho Bén ban trong thoi han khéng qué 30 (ba muoi) ngay ké tir ngay nhan duge b6 chtmg tir thanh tofn. Term of payment: The Purchaser shail fulfill the payment obligation to the Seller within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the set of payment documents. BG chiing tir thanh toén gdm: héa don GTGT, bien ban giao nhgn Hang héa, Don dat hang e6 dong dau xdc nhan cia Bén ban, bién ban déi chiéu céng ng cé xéc nhan béi dai dién co thim quyén cia Hai bén, ching nhan chat lugng cho timg loai son (COA). A set of payment documents, including: VAT invoice, Goods delivery note, Order stamped by the Seller, the debt reconciliation record certified by the authorized representative of two sides, quality certification for each paint (COA). Hai bén thye hién viée déi chiéu, cn trix céng ng dink ky vao cudi thang hode phat sinh timg thoi diém va dugc lp thanh bién ban c6 sy xée nhan béi ngudi cé tham quyén cia Hai bén. The two parties shalll carry out the reconciliation, clearing debt periodically at the end of the ‘month or arising from time to time and mate it in a record certified by the authorized person of the two parties DIEU 5: DAT HANG, DONG GOI, GIAO HANG ARTICLE 5: ORDER, PACKING, DELIVERY 5.1 Sl 5.11 Sui S.4 Dit hang: Ordering: Dit hang: Bén mua giti Don dat hang cho Bén ban, Don dat hang chi e6 gia tri khi c6 sy xc nhan gitta Hai bén. Order: The Purchaser sends the Order to the Seller. Orders are only valid when there is a confirmation between the two parties. ‘Vao ngay 20 (hai muoi Jhiing thang cudi cia mdi Quy, Bén mua cung cdp ké hoach dat hang dy kién cho 03 (ba) thang cla Quy tiép theo. On the last 20 (twenty) days of each quarter, the Purchaser provides an expected order schedule for 03 (three) months of the next quarter. Don dat hang duge lap va giti cho Bén bin bing m6t trong cée céch thite sau: email, fax, gti tryc tiép. Bon dat hang phai bao gém céc théng tin: Tén, ching loai, s6 lvgng, don gid, ngay nhdn, céc thong sé ky thuat phat sinh theo Hang héa (néu c6), Orders are made and sent to the Seller by one of the following methods: email, fax, direct delivery. Orders must include the following information: Name, type, quantity, unit price, receipt date, specifications arising from the Goods (if any). 4/10 5.15 SAS 5.2 ba 53 53 53.1 S31 53.2 5.3.3 53.3 Trong vong 24 gids (trir ngay 18/ Chit nhgt) ké tir khi nh@n duge Don dat hang, Ben bén c6 tréch nhiém ky xée nhan va giti Iai cho Bén mua bang mt trong céc céch thite sau: email, fax, giti true tiép. Bon dat hang chi c6 gid tri khi c6 sw xéc nhén gitta Hai bén. Within 24 hours (except holidays / Sundays) since receipt of the Order, Seller is responsible for signing for confirmation and returning it to the Buyer by one of the following methods: email, fax, send directly. Orders are only valid when there is a confirmation between the two parties. Trudng hop thay di ngi dung Don dat hang da durge xéc nhn thi Hai bén théa thuan bing van ban cho ting trudng hop. Incase the content of the Purchase Order has been confirmed, the two parties shall agree in writing on a case-by-case basis. Dong giz Packing: Tat ca cdc sin phém phai duge dong géi tun theo phuong phép déng géi, dam bao day dui tinh an toan cho san phém theo diéu kign giao hang, luu trot va ‘van chuyén. Alll products must be packed according to the packaging method, ensuring full product safety according to the conditions of delivery, storage and transportation. Giao hang: Delivery: Dia diém giao hang: Kho Bén mua tai KCN Tam Higp, x Tam Higp, huyén Nai Thanh, tinh Quing Nam. Delivery location: Buyer warehouse at Tam Hiep Industrial Park, Tam Hiep Commune, Nui Thanh District, Quang Nam Province. ‘Thoi gian giao hang: Theo yéu céu trong Don dat hing hog ké hoach giao nhin hing da duge xdc nhfn gitta Hai bén. Delivery time: As required in the Order or delivery plan has been confirmed between the two parties. Phuong thifc giao nhan hang: Method of delivery and receipt of goods: Ben mua ¢6 tréch nhiém cir ngudi cé thm quyén thyc hign viée nhan hang tai diém giao hang, Buyer is responsible for appointing competent person to receive goods at delivery place. Vige giao nhiin Hang héa phai duge lap thinh bign ban va c6 chit ky xéc nhan cia dai dign gitta Hai bén, The delivery and receipt of goods must be made in a minute and signed by the representative between the wo parties. Bén ban béo dim cung cap gidy t8 lién quan dén hang h6a tai thoi diém giao hang gém: Bién ban giao hang, Don dat hang photo co déng dau xéc nhén cia Bén ban, héa don thué GTGT. 5/10 ~The Seller secures to provide documents related to the goods at the time of delivery, including: Delivery records, Photo orders with the Seller's confirmation stamp, VAT invoices, DIEU 6: KIEM TRA VA KHIEU NAL AR: ‘TICLE 6: INSPECTION AND COMPLAINTS 61 61 62 6.2 63 63 64 Tai thdi diém giao nhan hang hoa, Bén mua tién hanh kiém tra s6 Iugng, chét lugng, quy céch hang héa. Trung hop Bén mua phat hign bat cit sy khéng phi hgp nao gitta Hang héa va Don dat hang, Bén mua e6 quyén tir chéi nhan hang hoc yéu cau di lai hang va duoc Bén mua ghi tryc tigp vao bién ban giao nhan hang, At the time of delivery, the Purchaser shall check the quantity, quality and specifications of the goods. In case the Purchaser discovers any mismatch between the Goods and the Purchase Order, the Purchaser has the right to refuse to accept the goods or request a return of the goods and be directly recorded in the delivery record by the Buyer. Trong thai han 10 ngay ké tir ngay ky bién ban giao nhén hang, Ben mua c6 quyén khiéu nai vé bat ky sur khong phit hop nao cha Hang héa. Bén ban chiu trich nhiém gidi quyét va phan hdi trong vong 03 ngay lam vige ké tirngay nhén duge van ban khiéu nai cia Bén mua, Within 10 days from the date of signing the delivery note, the Purchaser has the right to appeal any non-conformity of the Goods. The Seller is responsible for resolving and responding within 93 working days from the date of receiving the Buyer's written complaint. Ben bén chju chi phi va chju trich nhigm nhén lai hang bj tir chéi/tra lei hoe giao bd sung hang thiéu hoac khac phuc khiém khuyét cia Hang héa theo diéu 6.1 trong thdi han khong qua 05 ngay lam vigc ké tirngay nhfn duge yéu cdu tir Bén mua. The seller bears the cost and is responsible for taking back the rejected / returned or additionally delivered goods or remedy the defect of the Goods under Article 6.1 within a Period of no more than 05 working days from the date of receipt request from Buyer. Sau théi gian quy dinh tai Khoan 6.3 néu Bén bén chura thyc hién khie phue, Bén mua cd quyén mua bi sé lugng cén thiéu tir Nha cung cdp khdc, khée phuc khiém khuyét hodc thanh ly hang 16i voi moi chi phi phat sinh do Bén ban chiu. Afier the period specified in Clause 6.3 if the Seller has not yet remedied, the Purchaser has the right to make up for the missing amount from another Supplier, remedy the defect or liquidate the defective goods with all costs incurred due to The seller bears. DIEU 7: DANH GIA NANG LUC AR: TICLE 7: CAPACITY ASSESSMENT WW Bén ban phai cung cép béo céo kiém tra chat long déi véi bat ky 16 hang nao trong vong 2 (hai) ngay lam vige ké tir ngay nhan duge yéu cau tir Bén mua. The Seller must provide a quality control report for any shipment within 2 (two) business days of receipt of the request from the Buyer 6/10 7.2 Moi sy thay ddi vé nguyén vat ligu, quy trinh san xuét, may méc, thiét bj lién quan dén qua trinh san xudt Hang héa, Bén ban phai giri théng bao bang van ban dé Bén mua tién hanh kiém tra danh gid. 7.2 Any change in materials, manufacturing processes, machinery and equipment related to the production of the Goods, the Seller must send a written notice to the Purchaser for examination and evaluation 7.3 Bén mua c6 quyén tién hanh kiém tra, danh gid nang luc ciia Bén ban vao bat ctr hic nao. 7.3 The Purchaser has the right to check and evaluate the Seller's capacity at any time. 7-4 Hang muc danh gid bao gdm: Quy trinh san xudt, may méc thiét bi, nguyén vat ligu, nhén su, kiém soat chat lwgng, layout lién quan dén qué trinh san xudt Hang héa. 7.4 — Evaluation items include: Manufacturing processes, machinery, materials, personnel, quality control, layouts related to the production of Goods. DIEU 8: BAO HANH SAN PHAM 8.1 Pham vi bdo hanh: Bén Bén chi thy hign bio anh d6i voi trxong hop Hing héa bj I6i do qué trinh sén xuat cita Bén ban vi/hode Idi tiém dn phat sinh cia Hang héa sau khi ban giao cho Bén mua. Bén ban khéng thye hign bdo hanh déi véi hang héa bj I6i do Bén mua van hanh sai uy dinh, $1 Scope of warranty: The Seller only makes a warranty in case the Goods are defective due to the Seller's manufacturing process and/or potential defects arising from the Goods after handing i over to the Buyer. The Seller does not provide warranty for defective goods caused by the Buyer's improper operation of the provisions. 8.2 Chi phi béo hanh: Bén bén chiu trich nhiém thanh todn toan b6 chi phi lien quan dén viée béo hanh Hang héa cho Bén mua. J 82 Warranty cost: Seller is responsible for paying all costs related to the warranty of the Goods to a Buyer. 344 8.3 Phuong thite thc hién béo hank : 83 Method of implementation of warranty. 4 + Khi hing héa bj I6i, Bén mua thong béo yéu cdu bao hanh cho Bén ban bing hink thire van Al ban hoac email. : + When the goods are defective, the Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing or email the warranty request, + Bén ban 6 trich nhiém xée nhan bao hanh cho Ben mua trong thoi han 01 (mét) ngay ké tir ngay Bén mua théng bdo 16i bang hinh thire twong img. Truong hyp Hang héa bi 18i thuge pham vi bao hanh néu tai Khodn 8,2 Diéu 8 Hop déng nay, Bén Ban phai néu ro ké hoach thye hign bao hanh Hang héa. Dia diém Bén ban thye hign bao hinh: tai kho bén Mua. + The Seller is responsible for confirming the warranty for the Buyer within 01 (one) day from the date the Buyer notices the error in a corresponding form. In case the Goods are defective within the scope of warranty specified in Clause 8.2, Article 8 of this Agreement, the Seller 710 must clearly state the Goods warranty implementation plan, Location the Seller performs warranty: at the Buyer's warehouse + Bén Ban thye hign bao hanh Hang héa trong vong 03 (ba) ngay Ké tir ngay théng bao xéc nhfn bio hanh cho Bén Mua. + The Seller shail carry out the Goods warranty within 03 (three) days from the date of the notice of confirmation of warranty to the Buyer. + Truong hop Bén ban khéng thy hign bao hanh hoge thyc hign khOng diing thoi gian quy djnh hoge ¢6 thye hign bao hanh nhung Hang héa khOng thé str dung duge nhu yéu cdu ban du thi Bén Mua c6 quyén yéu edu Bén thir ba siia chita hoc Bén Mua mua Hang héa méi véi chi phi do Bén Ban chiu. + Incase the Seller does not perform the warranty or does not comply with the specified time or has performed the warranty but the Goods cannot be used as originally requested, the Buyer hhas the right to request the Third Party to repair. or Buyer purchases new Goods at Seller's expense. DIEU 9: VI PHAM HOP DONG ARTICLE 9: VIOLATION OF CONTRACT 91 9.2 92 93 9.3 Moi trudng hop Bén ban vi pham vé nghia vu giao hang, Bén mua cé quyén 4p dung ché tai phat vi pham v6i mite 1% (mgt phan trdm) phin gid tri nghia vy bj vi pham cho méi ngay cham tré nhung t6i da khong qué 05 ngay lam vige. Qué thoi han néu trén, Bén mua c6 quyén dinh chi thye hién Don dat hang va ap dung ché tai phat vi pham v6i mute 8%6(tdm phan tram) gid tri Don dit hang bj vi pham. Incase of any breach of the obligation by the Seller, the Purchaser has the right to impose a Sine of 1% (one per cent) of the value of the breached obligation for each day of delay but ‘maximum no more than 05 working days. Past the above-mentioned time limit, the Purchaser hhas the right fo suspend the execution of the Order and impose a sanction of 8% (eight per cent) of the value of the breached Order. Moi trudng hop vi pham thi gian giao hang, Bén ban phai thyc hién viée giao hang theo yéu cau tir Bén mua va tit c chi phi phat sinh sé duge Bén ban chi tra. In case of any breach of the delivery time, the Seller must deliver the goods requested by the Purchaser and all costs incurred will be paid by the Seller. Phat cham thanh toan: Trong trudng hop Bén mua vi pham nghia vu thanh tofn, Ben mua phai chju mite lai sudt huy dng ky hgn 6 thang cng bién 49 3,5% do Ngan hang Ngoai thuong Viét ‘Nam céng bé tai thoi diém thanh todn tinh trén gid trj chua thanh toan tuong img véi thoi gian cham thanh toan, Late payment penalty: In case the Buyer violates the payment obligations, the Purchaser must bear the 6-month mobilizing interest rate plus the amplitude of 3.5% announced by the Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam at the time. payment calculated on the unpaid value corresponding to the time of delayed payment. DIEU 10: BOI THUONG THIET HAT ARTICLE 10: COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGE 8/10

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