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30(4):38%399, 1989
Raven Press, Ltd., New York
0 International League Against Epilepsy

Proposal for Revised Classification of Epilepsies and

Epileptic Syndromes

Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League

Against Epilepsy
Preface records and communication between collaborators
Since the Proposal for Classificationof Epilepsies conducting clinical trials. An epileptic syndrome is
and Epileptic Syndromes was presented to the Gen- an epileptic disorder characterized by a cluster of
eral Assembly of the International League Against signs and symptoms customarily occurring to-
Epilepsy (ILAE) in 1985, the Commission on Clas- gether; these include such items as type of seizure,
sification and Terminology of the ILAE has refined etiology, anatomy, precipitating factors, age of on-
and revised the Proposal in light of findings and set, severity, chronicity, diurnal and circadian cy-
suggestions emanating from experience in use of the cling, and sometimes prognosis. However, in con-
1985 schema. tradistinction to a disease, a syndrome does not
The purpose of the International Classification of necessarily have a common etiology and prognosis.
Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes (ICE) is to sup- On the other hand, some of the epileptic disorders
plement the International Classificationof Epileptic included in this ICE are diseases, and in others,
Seizures (ICES), the revised form of which was ac- currently considered syndromes, a common etiol-
cepted by the General Assembly of the ILAE in ogy may still be discovered. For the sake of conve-
September 1981. The international epilepsy com- nience, all these disorders are included in one ICE.
munity contributed experience in use of the ICE, It is recognized that even now the ICE is not
and refinements were introduced at subsequent totally satisfactory. Patients may move from one
meetings of the Commission held in Paris in 1986, in syndrome to another during the evolution of their
Esclimont in 1987, and in Bielefeld in 1988. The epileptic condition; e.g., a child with West syn-
members of the Commission were Joseph Roger drome may later satisfy the criteria for the Lennox-
(Marseille), Chairman, Fritz E. Dreifuss (Char- Gastaut syndrome. Thus it may be difficult to de-
lottesville), Manuel Martinez-Lage (Pamplona), cide at any particular time into which particular
Claudio Munari (Paris), Roger J. Porter (Bethesda), syndrome and classification the patient belongs, as
Masakazu Seino (Shizuoka), and Peter Wolf a result of an evolutionary progression, possibly re-
(Bielefeld). Consultants who contributed to the lated to the stage of maturation of the nervous sys-
work of the Commission included Jean Bancaud tem at the time. While the course may to a large
(Paris), Patrick Chauvel (Paris), A. V. Delgado- extent be predetermined by the cause, it is as yet
Escueta (Los Angeles), Jerome Engel, Jr. (Los An- not always predictable, and misdiagnoses are al-
geles), Richard H. Mattson (New Haven), Timothy ways possible.
A. Pedley (New York), J. W i n Penry (Winston- Two divisions continue to be widely used in this
Salem), L. F. Quesney (Montreal), and Heinz- ICE to shape the major classes: The first separates
Gregor Wieser (Zurich). These consultants contrib- epilepsies with generalized seizures (generalized
uted and discussed video-documented data in epilepsy) from epilepsies with partial or focal sei-
patients with defined loci studied with depth zures (localization-related, partial or focal epilep-
electrodes. The present ICE represents a consensus sies). The other separates epilepsies of known eti-
statement compatible with the view of the majority ology (symptomatic or “secondary” epilepsies)
of international epileptologists and believed to be from those that are idiopathic (primary) and those
suitable for mutual exchange of ideas. that are cryptogenic.
The limitation of the ICES, which is confined to The term idiopathic derives from the Greek “id-
description of individual seizure types, is that the ios,” meaning self, own, or personal. Idiopathic e p
terminology used in daily communication between ilepsies and syndromes are described as disorders
colleagues consists of descriptions of syndromes. “not preceded or occasioned by another,” accord-
This is also true of diagnostic entries in hospital ing to the Oxford English Dictionary. There is no


underlying cause other than a possible hereditary of ictal events can reflect its further propagation
predisposition. Idiopathic epilepsies are defined by through the brain. This sequence, however, can still
age-related onset, clinical and electroencephalo- be of high localizing importance. One must bear in
graphic characteristics, and a presumed genetic eti- mind that a seizure may start in a clinically silent
ology. region, so that the first clinical event occurs only
Symptomatic epilepsies and syndromes are con- after spread to a site more or less distant from the
sidered the consequence of a known or suspected locus of initial discharge. The following tentative
disorder of the central nervous system (CNS). descriptions of syndromes related to anatomic lo-
The term cryptogenic refers to a disorder whose calizations q e based on data which include findings
cause is hidden or occult. Cryptogenic epilepsies in studies with depth electrodes.
are presumed to be symptomatic, but the etiology is
not known. The cryptogenic epilepsies are also age 0 Temporal lobe epilepsies
related but often do not have well-defined electro- Temporal lobe syndromes are characterized by
clinical characteristics. simple partial seizures, complex partial seizures,
In the approach to the problem of the ICE these and secondarily generalized seizures, or combina-
factors are taken into account. The outline of the tions of these. Frequently, there is a history of fe-
ICE follows. brile seizures, and a family history of seizures is
common. Memory deficits may occur. On meta-
LNTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF bolic imaging studies, hypometabolism is frequently
EPILEPSIES AND EPILEPTIC SYNDROMES observed [e.g., positron emission tomography
(PET)]. Unilateral or bilateral temporal lobe spikes
1. Localization-related (focal, local, partial) epilep- are common on EEG. Onset is frequently in child-
sies and syndromes hood or young adulthood. Seizures occur in clusters
1.1 Idiopathic (with age-related onset) at intervals or randomly.
At present, the following syndromes are es-
tablished, but more may be identified in the General characteristics
future: Features strongly suggestive of the diagnosis
Benign childhood epilepsy with centro- when present include:
temporal spike 1. Simple partial seizures typically characterized
0 Childhood epilepsy with occipital parox- by autonomic andor psychic symptoms and
ysms certain sensory phenomena such as olfactory
primary reading epilepsy and auditory (including illusions). Most com-
1.2 Symptomatic (Appendix I) mon is an epigastric, often rising, sensation.
. 0 Chronic progressive epilepsia partialis 2. Complex partial seizures often but not always
continua of childhood (Kojewnikow's beginning with motor arrest typically followed
syndrome) by oroalimentary automatism. Other automa-
0 Syndromes characterized by seizures with tisms frequently follow. The duration is typi-
specific modes of precipitation (see Ap- cally >1 min. Postictal confusion usually oc-
pendix 11) curs. The attacks are followed by amnesia.
Apart from these rare conditions, the symptom- Recovery is gradual.
atic category comprises syndromes of great individ-
ual variability which are based mainly on seizure Electroencephalographic characteristics
types and other clinical features as well as anatomic In temporal lobe epilepsies the interictal scalp
localization and etiology-as far as these are known EEG may show the following:
The seizure types refer to the ICES. Inferences 1. No abnormality.
regarding anatomic localization must be drawn 2. Slight or marked asymmetry of the back-
carefully. The scalp EEG (both interictal and ictal) ground activity.
may be misleading, and even local morphological 3. Temporal spikes, sharp waves andor slow
findings detected by neuroimaging techniques are waves, unilateral or bilateral, synchronous but
not necessarily identical with an epileptogenic le- also asynchronous. These findings are not al-
sion. Seizure symptomatology and, sometimes, ad- ways confhed to the temporal region.
ditional clinical features often provide important 4. In addition to scalp EEG findings, intracranial
clues. The first sign or symptom of a seizure is often recordings may allow better definition of the
the most important indicator of the site of origin of intracranial distribution of the interictal abnor-
seizure discharge, whereas the following sequence malities.

Epilepsia. Vd.30, No.4, 1989


In temporal lobe epilepsies various EEG patterns 4. Prominent motor manifestations which are
may accompany the initial clinical ictal symptom- tonic or postural.
atology, including (a) a unilateral or bilateral inter- 5. Complex gestural automatisms frequent at on-
ruption of background activity; and (b) temporal or set.
multilobar low-amplitude fast activity, rhythmic 6. Frequent falling when the discharge is bilat-
spikes, or rhythmic slow waves. The onset of the eral.
EEG may not correlate with the clinical onset de- A number of seizure types are described below;
pending on methodology. Intracranial recordings however, multiple frontal areas may be involved
may provide additional information regarding the rapidly and specific seizure types may not be dis-
chronologic and spatial evolution of the discharges. cernible.
Amygdalo-hippocampal(mesiobasallimbic or rhin- Supplementary motor seizures. In supplementary
encephalic) seizures. Hippocampal seizures are the motor seizures, the seizure patterns are postural,
most common form; the symptoms are those de- focal tonic, with vocalization, speech arrest, and
scribed in the previous paragraphs except that au- fencing postures.
ditory symptoms may not occur. The interictal Cingulate.Cingulate seizure patterns are complex
scalp EEG may be normal, may show interictal uni- partial with complex motor gestural automatisms at
lateral temporal sharp or slow waves, may show onset. Autonomic signs are common, as are
bilateral sharp or slow waves, synchronous or asyn- changes in mood and affect.
chronous. The intracranial interictal EEG may Anterior frontopolar region. Anterior frontopolar
show mesial anterior temporal spikes or sharp seizure patterns include forced thinking or initial
waves. Seizures are characterized by rising epigas- loss of contact and adversive movements of head
tric discomfort, nausea, marked autonomic signs, and eyes, with possible evolution including contra-
and other symptoms, including borborygmi, belch- versive movements and axial clonic jerks and falls
ing, pallor, fullness of the face, flushing of the face, and autonomic signs.
arrest of respiration, pupillary dilatation, fear, Orbitofmntal. The orbitofrontal seizure pattern is
panic, and olfactory-gustatory hallucinations. one of complex partial seizures with initial motor
Lateral temporal seizures. Simple seizures charac- and gestural automatisms, olfactory hallucinations
terized by auditory hallucinations or illusions or and illusions, and autonomic signs.
dreamy states, visual misperceptions, or language Dorsolateral. Dorsolateral seizure patterns may
disorders in case of language dominant hemisphere be tonic or, less commonly, clonic with versive eye
focus. These may progress to complex partial sei- and head movements and speech arrest.
zures if propagation to mesial temporal or extratem- Opercular. Opercular seizure characteristics in-
poral structures occur. The scalp EEG shows uni- clude mastication, salivation, swallowing, laryngeal
lateral or bilateral midtemporal or posterior tempo- symptoms, speech arrest, epigastric aura, fear, and
ral spikes which are most prominent in the lateral autonomic phenomena. Simple partial seizures,
derivations. particularly partial clonic facial seizures, are com-
mon and may be ipsilateral. If secondary sensory
0 Frontal lobe epilepsies
changes occur, numbness may be a symptom, par-
Frontal lobe epilepsies are characterized by sim- ticularly in the hands. Gustatory hallucinations are
ple partial, complex partial, secondarily generalized particularly common in this area.
seizures or combinations of these. Seizures often
Motor cortex. Motor cortex epilepsies are mainly
occur several times a day and frequently occur dur- characterized by simple partial seizures, and their
ing sleep. Frontal lobe partial seizures are some-
localization depends on the side and topography of
times mistaken for psychogenic seizures. Status ep- the area involved. In cases of the lower prerolandic
ilepticus is a frequent complication. area there may be speech arrest, vocalization or
General characteristics dysphasia, tonic-clonic movements of the face on
Features strongly suggestive of the diagnosis in- the contralateral side, or swallowing. Generaliza-
clude: tion of the seizure frequently occurs. In the rolandic
1. Generally short seizures. area, partial motor seizures without march or jack-
2. Complex partial seizures arising from the fron- sonian seizures occur, particularly beginning in the
tal lobe, often with minimal or no postictal contralateral upper extremities. In the case of sei-
confusion. zures involving the paracentral lobule, tonic move-
3. Rapid secondary generalization (more com- ments of the ipsilateral foot may occur as well as the
mon in seizures of frontal than of temporal lobe expected contralateral leg movements. Postictal or
epilepsy). Todd’s paralysis is frequent.

Epikpsia. Vd.30,No. 4,1989


Kojewnikow’s syndrome. Two types of Kojewni- the following features: Seizures are predominantly
kow’s syndrome are recognized, one of which is sensory with many characteristics. Positive phe-
also known as Rasmussen’s syndrome and is in- nomena consist of tingling and a feeling of electric-
cluded among the epileptic syndromes of childhood ity, which may be confined or may spread in a Jack-
noted under symptomatic seizures. The other type sonian manner. There may be a desire to move a
represents a particular form of rolandic partial epi- body part or a sensation as if a part were being
lepsy in both adults and children and is related to a moved. Muscle tone may be lost. The parts most
variable lesion of the motor cortex. Its principal frequently involved are those with the largest cor-
features are (a) motor partial seizures, always well tical representation (e.g., the hand, arm,and face).
localized; (b) often late appearance of myoclonus in There may be tongue sensations of crawling, stiff-
the same site where somatomotor seizures occur; ness, or coldness, and facial sensory phenomena
(c) an EEG with normal background activity and a may occur bilaterally. Occasionally, an intraabdom-
focal paroxysmal abnormality (spikes and slow inal sensation of sinking, choking, or nausea may
waves); (d) occurrence at any age in childhood and occur, particularly in cases of inferior and lateral
adulthood; (e) frequently demonstrable etiology (tu- parietal lobe involvement. Rarely, there may be
mor, vascular); and (0no progressive evolution of pain, which may take the form of a superficial burn-
the syndrome (clinical, electroencephalographic or ing dysesthesia, or a vague, very severe, painful
psychological, except in relation to the evolution of sensation. Parietal lobe visual phenomena may oc-
the causal lesion). This condition may result from cur as hallucinations of a formed variety. Metamor-
mitochondrial encephalopathy (MELAS). phopsia with distortions, foreshortenings, and elon-
NOTE: Anatomical origins of some epilepsies are gations may occur, and are more frequently ob-
difficult to assign to specific lobes. Such epilepsies served in cases of nondominant hemisphere
include those with pre- and postcentral symptom- discharges. Negative phenomena include numb-
atology (perirolandic seizures). Such overlap to ad- ness, a feeling that a body part is absent, and a loss
jacent anatomic regions also occurs in opercular ep- of awareness of a part or a half of the body, known
ilepsy. as asomatognosia. This is particularly the case with
In frontal lobe epilepsies, the interictal scalp re- nondominant hemisphere involvement. Severe ver-
cordings may show (a) no abnormality; (b) some- tigo or disorientation in space may be indicative of
times background asymmetry, frontal spikes or inferior parietal lobe seizures. Seizures in the dom-
sharp waves; or (c) sharp waves or slow waves (ei- inant parietal lobe result in a variety of receptive or
ther unilateral or frequently bilateral or unilateral conductive languages disturbances. Some well-
multilobar). Intracranial recordings can sometimes lateralized genital sensations may occur with para-
distinguish unilateral from bilateral involvement. central involvement. Some rotatory or postural mo-
In frontal lobe seizures, various EEG patterns tor phenomena may occur. Seizures of the paracen-
can accompany the initial clinical symptomatology. tral lobule have a tendency to become secondarily
Uncommonly, the EEG abnormality precedes the generalized.
seizure onset and then provides important localiz-
ing information, such as: (a) frontal or multilobar, 0 Occipital lobe epilepsies
often bilateral, low-amplitude fast activity, mixed Occipital lobe epilepsy syndromes are usually
spikes, rhythmic spikes, rhythmic spike waves, or characterized by simple partial and secondarily gen-
rhythmic slow waves; or (b) bilateral high amplitude eralized seizures. Complex partial seizures may oc-
single sharp waves followed by diffuse flattening. cur with spread beyond the occipital lobe. The fre-
Depending on the methodology, intracranial re- quent association of occipital lobe seizures and mi-
cordings may provide additional information re- graine is complicated and controversial. The
garding the chronologic and spatial evolution of the clinical seizure manifestations usually, but not al-
discharges; localization may be difficult. ways, include visual manifestations. Elementary vi-
sual seizures are characterized by fleeting visual
0 P a r i d lobe epilepsies manifestations which may be either negative (sco-
Partial lobe epilepsy syndromes are usually char- toma, hemianopsia, amaurosis) or, more com-
acterized by simple partial and secondarily general- monly, positive (sparks or flashes, phosphenes).
ized seizures. Most seizures arising in the parietal Such sensations appear in the visual field contralat-
lobe remain as simple partial seizures, but complex eral to the discharge in the specific visual cortex,
partial seizures may arise out of simple partial sei- but can spread to the entire visual field. Perceptive
zures and occur with spread beyond the parietal illusions, in which the objects appear to be dis-
lobe. Seizures arising from the parietal lobe have torted, may occur. The following varieties can be

Epilcpsio, Vd.30. No.4, 19.59


distinguished: a change in size (macropsia or mi- Epilepsy with myoclonic absences

cropsia), or a change in distance, an inclination of 2.3 Symptomatic
objects in a given plane of space and distortion of 2.3.1 Non-specific etiology
objects or a sudden change of shape (metamorphop 0 Early myoclonic encephalopathy
sia). Visual hallucinatory seizures are occasionally 0 Early infantile epileptic encephalop
characterized by complex visual perceptions (e.g., athy with suppression burst
colorful scenes of varying complexity). In some 0 Other symptomatic generalized epi-
cases, the scene is distorted or made smaller, and in lepsies not defined above
rare instances. the subject sees his own image 2.3.2 Specific syndromes
(heautoscopy).Such illusional and hallucinatory vi- 0 Epileptic seizures may complicate
sual seizures involve epileptic discharge in the tem- many disease states. Under this
poroparietoacipitd junction. The initial signs may heading are included diseases in
also include tonic and/or clonic contraversion of which seizures are a presenting or
eyes and head or eyes only (oculoclonic or oculo- predominant feature
gyric deviation),palpebraljerks, and forced closure 3. Epilepsies and syndromes undetermined wheth-
of eyelids. Sensation of ocular oscillation or of the er focal or generalized
whole body may occur. The discharge may spread 3. I With both generalized and focal seizures
lo the temporal lobe. producing seizure manifesta- 0 Neonatal seizures
tions of either lateral posterior temporal or hippo- 0 Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy
campoamygdala seizures. When the primary focus 0 Epilepsy with continuous spike-waves
is located in the supracalcarine area, the discharge during slow wave sleep
can spread forward to the suprasylvian convexity or Acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleff-
the mesial surface, mimicking those of parietal or ner-sy ndrome)
frontal lobe seizures. Spread to contralateral occip Other undetermined epilepsies not de-
ital lobe may be rapid. Occasionally the seizure fined above
tends to become secondarily generalized. 3.2 Without unequivocal generalized or focal
I .3 Cryptogenic features. All cases with generalized tonic-
Cryptogenic epilepsies are presumed to be clonic seizures in which clinical and EEG
symptomatic and the etiology is unknown. findings do not permit classification as
This category thus differs from the previous clearly generalized or localization related,
one by the lack of etiologic evidence (See such as in many cases of sleepgrand mal
definitions). (GTCS)are considered not to have unequiv-
2. Generalized epilepsies and syndromes ocal generalized or focal features.
2. I Idiopathic (with age-related onset-listed in 4. Special syndromes
order of age) 4.1 Situation-related seizures (Gelegenheitsan-
0 Benign neonatal familial convulsions Falle)
0 Benign neonatal convulsions 0 Febrile convulsions
0 Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy 0 Isolated seizures or isolated status epilep
0 Childhood absence epilepsy (pyknolepsy) ticus
0 Juvenile absence epilepsy Seizures occurring only when there is an
0 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (impulsive acute metabolic or toxic event due to fac-
petit mal) tors such as alcohol, drugs, eclampsia,
Epilepsy with grand mal (GTCS) seizures nonketotic hyperglycemia
on awakening
0 Other generalized idiopathic epilepsies
not defined above DEFINITIONS
0 Epilepsies with seizures precipitated by
specific modes of activation (see Appen-
dix 11) Localization-related(focal, local, partial) epikppks
2.2 Cryptogenic or symptomatic (in order of and syndromes
age) Localization-related epilepsies and syndromes
West syndrome (infantile spasms, Blitz- are epileptic disorders in which seizure semiology
Nick-Salaam Krjdmpfe) or findings at investigation disclose a localized ori-
0 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome gin of the seizures. This includes not only patients
0 Epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures with small circumscribed constant epileptogenic le-

W e p s i a , Vd.30.No. 4.1W

sions (anatomic or functional), i.e., true focal epi- somatosensory symptoms which have a tendency to
lepsies, but also patients with less well-defined le- evolve into GTCS. Both seizure types are often re-
sions, whose seizures may originate from variable lated to sleep. Onset occurs between the ages of 3
loci. In most symptomatic localization-related epi- and 13 years (peak 9-10 years), and recovery occurs
lepsies, the epileptogenic lesions can be traced to before the age of 15-16 years. Genetic predisposi-
one part of one cerebral hemisphere, but in idio- tion is frequent, and there is male predominance.
pathic age-related epilepsies with focal seizures, The EEG has blunt high-voltage centrotemporal
corresponding regions of both hemispheres may be spikes, often followed by slow waves that are acti-
functionally involved. vated by sleep and tend to spread or shift from side
to side.
Generalized epilepsies and syndromes
According to ICE, generalized epilepsies and Childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms
syndromes are epileptic disorders with generalized The syndrome of childhood epilepsy with occip-
seizures, i.e., “seizures in which the first clinical ital paroxysms is, in general respects, similar to that
changes indicate initial involvement of both of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal
hemispheres. . . . The ictal encephalographic pat- spikes. The seizures start with visual symptoms
terns initially are bilateral.” (amaurosis, phosphenes, illusions, or hallucina-
tions) and are often followed by a hemiclonic sei-
Epilepsies and syndromes undetermined as to zure or automatisms. In 25% of cases, the seizures
whether they are focal or generalized are immediately followed by migrainous headache.
There may be two reasons why a determination The EEG has paroxysms of high-amplitude spike-
of whether seizures are focal or generalized cannot waves or sharp waves recurring rhythmically on the
be made: (a) The patient has both focal and gener- occipital and posterior temporal areas of one or
alized seizures together or in succession (e.g., par- both hemispheres, but only when the eyes are
tial seizures plus absences), and has both focal and closed. During seizures, the occipital discharge may
generalized EEG seizure discharges (e.g., temporal spread to the central or temporal region. At present,
spike focus plus independent bilateral spike-wave no definite statement on prognosis is possible.
discharges); and (b) there are no positive signs of
either focal or generalized seizure onset. The most Idiopathic generalized epilepsies (age-related)
common reasons for this are that the seizures occur Idiopathic generalized epilepsies are forms of
during sleep, the patient recalls no aura, and ancil- generalized epilepsies in which all seizures are ini-
lary investigations including EEG are not revealing. tially generalized, with an EEG expression that is a
generalized, bilateral, synchronous, symmetrical
Idiopathic localization-relatedepilepsies
discharge (such as is described in the seizure clas-
Idiopathic localization-related epilepsies are
sification of the corresponding type). The patient
childhood epilepsies with partial seizures and focal
usually has a normal interictal state, without neuro-
EEG abnormalities. They are age-related, without
logic or neuroradiologic signs. In general, interictal
demonstrable anatomic lesions, and are subject to
EEGs show normal background activity and gener-
spontaneous remission. Clinically, patients have
alized discharges, such as spikes, polyspike, spike-
neither neurologic and intellectual deficit nor a his-
wave, and polyspike waves 2 3 Hz. The discharges
tory of antecedent illness, but frequently have a
are increased by slow sleep. The various syndromes
family history of benign epilepsy. The seizures are
of idiopathic generalized epilepsies differ mainly in
usually brief and rare, but may be frequent early in
age of onset.
the course of the disorder. The seizure patterns may
vary from case to case, but usually remain constant Benign neonatal familial convulsions
in the same child. The EEG is characterized by nor- Benign neonatal familial convulsions are rare,
mal background activity and localized high-voltage dominantly inherited disorders manifesting mostly
repetitive spikes, which are sometimes indepen- on the second and third days of life, with clonic or
dently multifocal. Brief bursts of generalized spike- apneic seizures and no specific EEG criteria. His-
waves can occur. Focal abnormalities are increased tory and investigations reveal no etiologic factors.
by sleep and are without change in morphology. About 14% of these patients later develop epilepsy.
Benign childhood epilepsy with Benign neonatal convulsions
centrotemporal spikes Benign neonatal convulsions are very frequently
Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal repeated clonic or apneic seizures occurring at
spikes is a syndrome of brief, simple, partial, hemi- about the frfth day of life, without known etiology
facial motor seizures, frequently having associated or concomitant metabolic disturbance. Interictal

Epilepsia. Vol. 30, No. 4, 1989


EEG often shows alternating sharp theta waves. tal and ictal EEG have rapid, generalized, often ir-
There is no recurrence of seizures, and the psycho- regular spike-waves and polyspike-waves; there is
motor development is not affected. no close phase correlation between EEG spikes and
Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy jerks. Frequently, the patients are photosensitive.
Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy is charac- Response to appropriate drugs is good.
terized by brief bursts of generalized myoclonus Epilepsy with GTCS on awakening
that occur during the first or second year of life in Epilepsy with GTCS on awakening is a syndrome
otherwise normal children who often have a family with onset occurring mostly in the second decade of
history of convulsions or epilepsy. EEG recording life. The GTCS occur exclusively or predominantly
shows generalized spike-waves occumng in brief (30% of the time) shortly after awakening regard-
bursts during the early stages of sleep. These at- less of the time of day or in a second seizure peak in
tacks are easily controlled by appropriate treat- the evening period of relaxation. If other seizures
ment. They are not accompanied by any other type occur, they are mostly absence or myoclonic, as in
of seizure, although GTCS may occur during ado- juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Seizures may be pre-
lescence. The epilepsy may be accompanied by a cipitated by sleep deprivation and other external
relative delay of intellectual development and minor factors. Genetic predisposition is relatively fre-
personality disorders. quent. The EEG shows one of the patterns of idio-
pathic generalized epilepsy. There is a signifcant
Childhood absence epilepsy (pyknolepsy)
correlation with photosensitivity.
Pyknolepsy occurs in childrtn of school age
(peak manifestation age 6 7 years), with a strong Generalized cryptogenic or symptomatic
genetic predisposition in otherwise normal children. epilepsies (age-related)
It appears more frequently in girls than in boys. It is
West syndrome (infantile spasms,
characterized by very frequent (several to many per
Blitz-Nick-Salaam Krampfe)
day) absences. The EEG reveals bilateral, synchro-
Usually, West syndrome consists of a character-
nous symmetrical spike-waves, usually 3 Hz, on a
istic triad: infantile spasms, arrest of psychomotor
normal background activity. During adolescence,
development, and hypsarrhythmia, although one el-
GTCS often develop. Otherwise, absences may re-
ement may be missing. Spasms may be flexor, ex-
mit or, more rarely, persist as the only seizure type.
tensor, lightning, or nods, but most commonly they
Juvenile absence epilepsy are mixed. Onset peaks between the ages of 4 and 7
The absences of juvenile absence epilepsy are the months and always occurs before the age of 1 year.
same as in pyknolepsy, but absences with retropul- Boys are more commonly affected. The prognosis is
sive movements are less common. Manifestation generally poor. West syndrome may be separated
occurs around puberty. Seizure frequency is lower into two groups. The symptomatic gro is charac-
than in pyknolepsy, with absences occurring less terized by previous existence of brain % age signs
frequently than every day, mostly sporadically. As- (psychomotor retardation, neurologic signs, radio-
sociation with GTCS is frequent, and GTCS pre- logic signs, or other types of seizures) or by a
cede the absence manifestations more often than in known etiology. The smaller, cryptogenic group is
childhood absence epilepsy, often occurring on characterized by a lack of previous signs of brain
awakening. Not infrequently, the patients also have damage and of known etiology. The prognosis ap-
myoclonic seizures. Sex distribution is equal. The pears to be partly based on early therapy with ad-
spike-waves are often >3 Hz. Response to therapy renocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or oral ste-
is excellent. roids.
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (impulsive petit mal) Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Impulsive petit mal appears around puberty and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome manifests itself in
is characterized by seizures with bilateral, single or children aged 1-8 years, but appears mainly in pre-
repetitive, arrhythmic, irregular myoclonic jerks, school-age children. The most common seizure
predominantly in the arms. Jerks may cause some types are tonic-axial, atonic, and absence seizures,
patients to fall suddenly. No disturbance of con- but other types such as myoclonic, GTCS, or partial
sciousness is noticeable. The disorder may be in- are frequently associated with this syndrome. Sei-
herited, and sex distribution is equal. Often, there zure frequency is high, and status epilepticus is fre-
are GTCS and, less often, infrequent absences. The quent (stuporous states with myoclonias, tonic, and
seizures usually occur shortly after awakening and atonic seizures). The EEG usually has abnormal
are often precipitated by sleep deprivation. Interic- background activity, slow spike-waves C3 Hz and,

Wlepsia, Vd.30,No,4, I

often, multifocal abnormalities. During sleep, fast rhythms. Focal abnormalities may be associ-
bursts of fast rhythms (-10 Hz) appear. In general, ated with any of the above. There are clinical, neu-
there is mental retardation. Seizures are difficult to ropsychologic, and neuroradiologic signs of a usu-
control, and the development is mostly unfavor- ally diffuse, specific, or nonspecific encephalopa-
able. In 60% of cases, the syndrome occurs in chil- thy.
dren suffering from a previous encephalopathy, but Generalized symptomatic epilepsies of nonspecific
is primary in other cases.
etiology (age-related)
Epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures Early myoclonic encephalopathy
Manifestations of myoclonic-astatic seizures be- The principal features of early myoclonic enceph-
gin between the ages of 7 months and 6 years alopathy are onset occurring before age 3 months,
(mostly between the ages of 2 and 5 years), with initially fragmentary myoclonus, and then erratic
(except if seizures begin in the first year) twice as partial seizures, massive myoclonias, or tonic
many boys affected. There is frequently hereditary spasms. The EEG is characterized by suppression-
predisposition and usually a normal developmental burst activity, which may evolve into hypsarrhyth-
background. The seizures are myoclonic, astatic, mia. The course is severe, psychomotor develop-
myoclonic-astatic, absence with clonic and tonic ment is arrested, and death may occur in the first
components, and tonic-clonic. Status frequently oc- year. Familial cases are frequent and suggest the
curs. Tonic seizures develop late in the course of influence of one or several congenital metabolic er-
unfavorable cases. The EEG, initially often normal rors, but there is no constant genetic pattern.
except for 4-7-Hz rhythms, may have irregular fast
spike-wave or polyspike wave. Course and out- Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with
come are variable. suppression burst
This syndrome, described by Ohtahara et al.
Epilepsy with myoclonic absences (1976), is defined by very early onset, within the
The syndrome of epilepsy with myoclonic ab- first few months of life, frequent tonic spasms, and
sences is clinically characterized by. absences ac- suppression burst EEG pattern in both waking and
companied by severe bilateral rhythmical clonic sleeping states. Partial seizures may occur. Myo-
jerks, often associated with a tonic contraction. On clonic seizures are rare. Etiology and underlying
the EEG, these clinical features are always accom- pathology are obscure. The prognosis is serious
panied by bilateral, synchronous, and symmetrical with severe psychomotor retardation and seizure
discharge of rhythmical spike-waves at 3 Hz, simi- intractability; often there is evolution to the West
lar to childhood absence. Seizures occur many syndrome at age 4-6 months.
times a day. Awareness of the jerks may be main-
tained. Associated seizures are rare. Age of onset is Epilepsies and syndromes undetermined as to
-7 years, and there is a male preponderance. Prog- whether they are focal or generalized
nosis is less favorable than in pyknolepsy owing to
resistance to therapy of the seizures, mental dete- Neonatal seizures
rioration, and possible evolution to other types of Neonatal seizures differ from those of older chil-
epilepsy such as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. dren and adults. The most frequent neonatal sei-
zures are described as subtle because the clinical
Symptomatic generalized epilepsies manifestationsare frequently overlooked. These in-
and syndromes clude tonic, horizontal deviation of the eyes with or
Symptomatic generalized epilepsies, most often without jerking, eyelid blinking or fluttering, suck-
occumng in infancy and childhood, are character- ing, smacking, or other buccal-lingual oral move-
ized by generalized seizures with clinical and EEG ments, swimming or pedaling movements and, oc-
features different from those of idiopathic general- casionally, apneic spells. Other neonatal seizures
ized epilepsies. There may be only one type, but occur as tonic extension of the limbs, mimicking
more often there are several types, including myo- decerebrate or decorticate posturing. These occur
clonic jerks, tonic seizures, atonic seizures, and particularly in premature infants. Multifocal clonic
atypical absences. EEG expression is bilateral but seizures characterized by clonic movements of a
less rhythmical than in idiopathic generalized epi- limb, which may migrate to other body parts or
lepsies and is more or less asymmetrical. Interictal other limbs, or focal clonic seizures, which are
EEG abnormalities differ from idiopathic general- much more localized, may occur. In the latter, the
ized epilepsies, apearing as suppression bursts, infant is usually not unconscious. Rarely, myo-
hypsarrhythmia, slow spike-waves, or generalized clonic seizures may occur, and the EEG pattern is

Epdrpsia, Vol. 30, No.4, I 9 8 9


frequently that of suppression-burst activity. The some may be more prolonged and followed by tran-
tonic seizures have a poor prognosis because they sient or permanent neurologic sequelae, such as the
frequently accompany intraventricular hemorrhage. hemiplegia-hemiatrophy-epilepsy(HHE)syn-
The myoclonic seizures also have a poor prognosis drome. Febrile convulsions tend to recur in about
because they are frequently a part of the early myo- one-third of affected patients. Controversy about
clonic encephalopathy syndrome. the risks of developing epilepsy later have largely
been resolved by some recent large studies; the
Severe myoclonk epilepsy in infancy overall risk is probably not more than 4%. The in-
Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy is a re- dications for prolonged drug prophylaxis against re-
cently defined syndrome. The characteristics in- currence of febrile convulsions are now more
clude a family history of epilepsy or febrile convul- clearly defined, and most individuals do not require
sions, normal development before onset, seizures prophylaxis. Essentially, this condition is a rela-
beginning during the first year of life in the form of tively benign disorder of early childhood.
generalized or unilateral febrile clonic seizures, sec-
ondary appearance of myoclonic jerks, and often
partial seizures. EEGs show generalized spike- APPENDIX I. SYMPTOMATIC GENERALIZED
waves and polyspike-waves, early photosensitivity, EPILEPSIES OF SPECIFIC ETIOLOGIES
and focal abnormalities. Psychomotor development (adapted from Roger et al., 1985)
is retarded from the second year of life on, and
ataxia, pyramidal signs, and interictal myoclonus Only diseases in which epileptic seizures are the
appear. This type of epilepsy is very resistant to all presenting or a prominent feature are classified.
forms of treatment. These diseases often have epileptic pictures that re-
semble symptomatic generalized epilepsies without
Epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during specific etiology, appearing at similar ages.
slow-wave sleep
Epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during Malformations
slow sleep results from the association of various Aicardi syndrome occurs in females and is noted
seizure types, partial or generalized, occurring dur- for retinal lacunae and absence of the corpus cal-
ing sleep, and atypical absences when awake. Tonic losum; infantile spasms with early onset; and often
seizures do not occur. The characteristic EEG pat- asymmetric, diffuse EEG abnormalities generally
tern consists of continuous diffuse spike-waves dur- asynchronous with suppression burst andor atypi-
ing slow wave sleep, which is noted after onset of cal hypsarrhythmia.
seizures. Duration varies from months to years. De- Lissencephaly-pachygyriais characterized by fa-
spite the usually benign evolution of seizures, prog- cial abnormalities and specific computed tomogra-
nosis is guarded because of the appearance of neu- phy (CT) scan features, axial hypotonia, and infan-
ropsychologic disorders. tile spasms. The EEG shows fast activity of high
voltage “alpha-like” patterns without change dur-
Acquired epileptic aphasia ing wakefulness and sleep.
(Landau-Kleffnersyndrome) The individual phacomatoses have no typical
The Landau-Kleffner syndrome is a childhood electroclinical pattern. We emphasize that West
disorder in which an acquired aphasia, multifocal syndrome is frequent in tuberous sclerosis, and that
spike, and spike and wave discharges are associ- generalized and partial seizures may follow the oth-
ated. Epileptic seizures and behavioral and psycho- erwise typical course of infantile spasms. Sturge-
motor disturbances occur in two-thirds of the pa- Weber syndrome is a frequent cause of simple par-
tients. There is verbal auditory agnosia and rapid tial seizures followed by hemiparesis.
reduction of spontaneous speech. The seizures, Hypothalamic hamartomas may present with
usually GTCS or partial motor, are rare, and remit gelastic seizures, precocious puberty, and retarda-
before the age of 15 years, as do the EEG abnor- tion.
Proven or suspected inborn errors of metabolism
Special syndromes
Febrile convulsions Metabolism errors in the neonate include nonke-
Febrile convulsions are an age-related disorder totic hyperglycinemia and D-glycericacidemia,
almost always characterized by generalized sei- showing early myoclonic encephalopathy with er-
zures occurring during an acute febrile illness. Most ratic myoclonus, partial seizures, and suppression-
febrile convulsions are brief and uncomplicated, but burst EEG patterns.

Epilepsia. Vd.30, No.4, I ! W


Infant EEG shows bursts of slow waves and slow spikes

The classifid phenylketonuria can express itself and waves.
as a West syndrome. A variant of phenylketonuria Onset of Lafora disease occurs between the ages
with biopterins deficiency causes seizures starting of 6 and 19 years (mean 11.5 years) and is charac-
in the second 6 months of life in infants who have terized by generalized clonic, GTCS, with a fre-
been hyptonic since birth. The seizures are gener- quent association of partial seizures with visual
alized motor seizures associated with erratic myo- symptomatology, constant myoclonic jerks (frag-
clonic jerks and oculogyric seizures. mentary, segmental, and massive myoclonus), and
Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff disease present with rapidly progressive mental deterioration. The EEG
acoustic startle or myoclonus in the first months of shows discharges of fast spike-waves and poly-
life, without EEG manifestations. In the second spike-waves, photosensitivity, deterioration of
year, myoclonic jerks and erratic partial seizures background activity, and the appearance of multi-
occur, along with marked slowing of the-back- focal abnormalities, particularly posteriorly. On the
ground rhythms. average, death occurs 5.5 years after onset.
Another type of metabolic error is early infantile The so-called degenerative progressive myo-
type of ceroid-lipofuscinosis (Santuavori Haltia clonic epilepsy (Lundborg type) also falls into this
Hagberg disease). Massive myoclonus begins be- category. The only significant well-individualized
tween the ages of 5 and 18 months, with a highly group is the Finnish type, described by Koskiniemi
suggestive EEG pattern of vanishing EEG. et al. (1974). Onset occurs between the ages of 8 and
Pyridoxine dependency is manifested by seizures 13 years, with myoclonus (segmental, fragmentary,
that have no suggestive characteristics, but this and massive) and GTCS, associated cerebellar
condition must always be suspected since therapeu- ataxia, and slowly progressive although generally
tic intervention is possible. mild mental deterioration. The EEG shows slow
abnormalities (theta rhythms and later, delta
Child rhythms), with generalized spike-waves predomi-
Late infantile ceroid-lipofuscinosis(Jansky Biels- nantly in the frontal area and photosensitivity. Pa-
chowski disease) is characterized by onset between tients survive 215 years.
the ages of 2 and 4 years of massive myoclonic Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonia (DCM) with
jerks, atonic, or astatic seizures. The EEG shows epilepsy (Ramsay-Hunt syndrome) appears be-
slow background rhythms, multifocal spikes, and a tween the ages of 6 and 20 years (mean l l years)
characteristic response to intermittent photic stim- with myoclonias or GTCS. Above all, the myo-
ulation at a slow rate. clonic syndrome is characterized by action and in-
An infantile type of Huntington’s disease appears tention myoclonus. The GTCS are rare and sensi-
after age 3 years, with a slowing of mental develop- tive to therapy. Mental deterioration, when present,
ment, followed by dystonia, GTCS, atypical ab- is slow. Most of the neurologic manifestations are
sence seizures, and myoclonic seizures. The EEG limited to cerebellar signs. In the EEG, the back-
shows discharges of generalized spike-waves and ground activity remains normal, with generalized
plyspike-waves, with the usual photic stimulation paroxysmal abnormalities (spikes, spike-waves,
rate. and polyspike-waves), and photosensitivity. During
REM sleep, rapid plyspikes appear, localized in
Child and adolescent the central and vertex regions.
A juvenile form of Gaucher disease is marked by The clinical picture for the cherry red spot my-
onset at -6-8 years of age, with epileptic seizures oclonus syndrome (sialidosis with isolated deficit in
of various types, most commonly GTCS or partial neuraminidase) is very similar to that of the Ram-
motor. The EEG shows progressive deterioration of say-Hunt syndrome, with myoclonus, photosensi-
background activity, abnormal photic response, dif- tivity, and cerebellar syndrome. Other characteris-
fuse paroxysmal abnormalities, and multifocal ab- tics include the nearly constant existence of ambly-
normalities with a clear posterior predominance. opia and presence of a cherry red spot on
The juvenile form of ceroid-lipofuscinosis (Spiel- fundoscopic examination. The EEG is similar to
meyer-Vogt-Sj6gren disease) is characterized by that of DCM with the following specific features:
onset between the ages of 6 and 8 years, a decrease The plyspike-wave discharges always correspond
in visual acuity, slowing of psychomotor develop- to a massive myoclonus and there is no photosen-
ment, and appearance of cerebellar and extrapyra- sitivity.
midal signs. After 1 4 years, GTCS and fragmen- A Ramsay-Hunt-like syndrome can also be asso-
tary, segmental, and massive myoclonus occur. The ciated with a mitochondrial myopathy, with abnor-

Epikpsia. Vol. 30. No.4. 1989


malities of lactate and pyruvate metabolism (Fuku- may also occur following acquired lesions, usually
hara et al., 1980). involving tactile or proprioceptive stimuli.
Adult Epileptic seizures may also be precipitated by
sudden arousal (startle epilepsy); the stimulus is un-
Kuf s disease (adult ceroid lipofuscinosis)is a rel-
atively slow, progressive storage disease with fre- expected in nature. The seizures are usually gener-
alized tonic but may be partial and are usually
quent generalized seizures that may be very intrac-
table. Unlike juvenile storage disease, the optic
Seizures precipitated by integration of higher ce-
fundi may be normal. The main characteristic is an
rebral function such as memory or pattern recogni-
extreme photic sensitivity on slow photic stimula-
tion are most often associated with complex partial
epilepsies, but are occasionally observed in gener-
A large number of epilepsy-related diseases in alized epilepsies (such as reading epilepsy). Sei-
childhood, adulthood, and old age are not enumer- zures also occur spontaneously in most such pa-
ated here because the seizures are not distinctively tients.
different from other seizure types and are not crit-
Primary reading epilepsy
ical for diagnosis.
All or almost all seizures in this syndrome are
precipitated by reading (especially aloud) and are
APPENDIX I1 independent of the content of the text. They are
simple partial motor-involving masticatory mus-
Precipitated seizures are those in which environ-
cles, or visual, and if the stimulus is not interrupted,
mental or internal factors consistently precede the
GTCs may occur. The syndrome may be inherited.
attacks and are differentiated from spontaneous ep-
Onset is typically in late puberty and the course is
ileptic attacks in which precipitating factors cannot benign with little tendency to spontaneous seizures.
be identified. Certain nonspecific factors (e.g., Physical examination and imaging studies are nor-
sleeplessness, alcohol or drug withdrawal, or hy- mal but EEG shows spikes or spike-waves in the
perventilation) are common precipitators and are dominant parieto-temporal region. Generalized
not specijk modes of seizure precipitation. In cer- spike and wave may also occur.
tain epileptic syndromes, the seizures clearly may
be somewhat more susceptible to nonspecific fac- REFERENCES
tors, but this is only occasionally useful in classify- Commission on Classification and Terminology of the Interna-
ing epileptic syndromes. An epilepsy characterized tional League Against Epilepsy. Proposal for classification of
by specific modes of seizure precipitation, how- epilepsy and epileptic syndromes. Epilepsia 1985;2626&78.
ever, is one in which a consistent relationship can Commission of Classification and Terminology of the Interna-
tional League Against Epilepsy. Proposal for revised clinical
be recognized between the occurrence of one or and electroencephalographic classification of epileptic sei-
more definable nonictal events and subsequent oc- zures. Epilepsia 1981 ;22489-501.
currence of a specific stereotyped seizure. Some Fukuhara N, Tokiguchi S, Shhkawa K, Tsubaki K. Myoclonus
epilepsy associated with ragged red fibers. Disease entity or
epilepsies have seizures precipitated by specific syndrome? I Neurol Sci l!%O;47117-33.
sensation or perception (the reflex epilepsies) in Koskiniemi M,Donner M, Majuri H, Haltia M, Nono R. Pro-
which seizures occur in response to discrete or spe- gressive myoclonic epilepsy: a clinical and neuropathologid
study. Acta Neurol Scand 1974;50307-32.
cific stimuli. These stimuli are usually limited in Ohtahara S , Ishida T, Oka E, et al. On the age-dependent epi-
individual patients to a single specific stimulus or a leptic syndromes: the early infantile encephalopathy with
limited number of closely related stimuli. Although suppression burst. Bruin Dev 1976;827W.
Roger J, Dravet C, Bureau M, Dreifuss FE, Wolf P Epileptic
the epilepsies which result are usually generalized syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence. London:
and of idiopathic nature, certain partial seizures John Libbey, Eurotext, 1985.

Epilepsia, Vd.30, No.4, 1989

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