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The Symbol of China

 The dragon dance is one of China's symbols.

When I was little, spending the Chinese New Year with my grandmother was what I anticipated
most. Our community would participate in a parade with nearby villages led by the dragon dance.
To a little child's eyes, it was amazing. My friends and I used to sneak into the rehearsal space
before the event began and move the dragon around. We occasionally had disagreements over who
should be in charge. And I always felt let down when others took the initiative and questioned why
one person couldn't do this. However, I was unaware at the time that collaboration is the essence
of dragon dance.

Performers must work together to make the dragonfly lively, or the entire performance will fail.
This spirit coincides with the national requirement of the times. We have previously had
tremendous success in our fight against Covid-19 and poverty through collaborative efforts. We
are performing the most magnificent dragon dance ever, making China soar like a true dragon.

Outside of China, dragon dance is gaining popularity. It was a favorite of foreigners and appeared
on the Times Square New Year's Eve celebration for two consecutive years. The flying dragon and
the image of China are uniting, displaying the wonders of Chinese culture while spreading
communism. It allows the world to see China and invites the rest of the world to join China in
actively achieving a human's collective future, one globe, one family.

With roots dating back more than 2000 years, the dragon dance continues to march on with pride, 
carrying its spirit of cooperation and serving as a striking representation of China. 
How else could it not serve as China's symbol?

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