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Riddles in Hinduism is one of his many works B.R.

Ambedkar did not get to publish in his lifetime. As I began

the process of selecting and annotating Riddles, the book
itself posed a major riddle. While the first and second
editions of an iconic work like Annihilation of Caste (1936,
1944) that Ambedkar oversaw to the last detail could
be traced, we had no choice but to base our edition of
Riddles on the version that appears in Vol. 4 of the ongoing
multi-volume series called 'Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar:
Writings and Speeches', known by the acronym BAWS,
produced by the Maharashtra government's education
department. The BAWS editors say at the outset: "We,
however, regret that the final manuscript of this volume has
not been found."

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