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What makes a movie interesting to you?
I love suspense movies like thrillers. When I go to the cinema, I want to forget about my
everyday problems and the stress I have at school/work. This is exactly what happens when
I watch a thriller – I get completely absorbed in it. I get so caught up in the action that I
forget about difficulties and just have a wonderful time. I also think that the plot is very
important, and thrillers are always full of suspense. They are exciting and keep me on the
edge of my seat.

Could you tell me about the plot of a thriller you saw recently, and tell me why you liked
Yes, of course! I recently saw “ Now You See Me”, starring Morgan Freeman and several
other actors who were all very talented and famous. The film takes place in the United
States, and it’s about some magicians who do different types of tricks. One day, they are
mysteriously called together, and then suddenly, we fast-forward to one year later. Now
they’ve all become famous magicians in Las Vegas and they do an incredible trick – they rob
a bank in Paris! Things get even crazier after that. When I saw this film, I felt like I was riding
a roller coaster. There were so many twists and turns that I never knew what to expect.
There was also a lot of humor so I laughed a lot. I consider it a perfect movie to watch if you
want to be highly entertained and forget about life outside the cinema. I also enjoyed this
movie because all of the actors put on a great performance. They were very convincing in
their roles, especially the main character, who was an FBI agent.


Do you think that people who make television programs have a responsibility to produce
quality shows?

1. Yes: television is a public means of education and information / people who are
responsible for the content of the programs have an obligation to offer high-quality
material to the public / if television content is of low quality, this will have a negative
impact on the whole of society (e.g. reality shows).
2. Yes: people of all ages, and especially young children, watch TV / we should be
particularly sensitive to what youngsters are exposed to (e.g. scenes of violence,
inappropriate content)
3. (additional points) television is a business whose aim is to make money and TV
producers cannot ignore this / controlling quality is very difficult and sometimes
impractical to enforce / many people enjoy watching “trash”
I want you to imagine that your best friend wants to move to another city only because
her boyfriend lives there. What advice would you give her?

1. Think about it carefully: consider how many things she has at home (e.g. family,
friends, acquaintances)
2. Things might not be as she expects: there will be no one else around apart from her
boyfriend / no friends or relatives / may want her boyfriend to keep her company all
the time / this will lead to arguments / ruin their relationship / may even cause
psychological problems
3. If she were determined to go, I would support her decision: I would stand by her and
ask her to call me whenever she felt lonely / that’s what friends are for / maybe I
would visit her now and again

What quality do you consider to be most important in a good friendship?

1. Respect for one another: showing respect for one another is the only way for a
friendship to last / it shows you care about each other’s feelings / you are deeply
interested in the other person.
2. Trust and honesty: you must know that your friend won’t betray you or let you
down / if there is equality and honesty, you will enjoy each other’s company / you
can depend on the other person for help when you need it.
3. (additional points) unfortunately, the concept of real friendship has been
misunderstood / a lot of friendships nowadays are superficial, only about hanging out
or having fun / fortunately, this is not the case with my friends, as I believe we trust
and have respect for each other in general.

I suppose you’re on Facebook, aren’t you? Do you think that these sites bring people
closer together or just make them more isolated?

1. YES: I have a Facebook account and I usually go on Facebook for about ___ every
day / I spend ______ chatting with my friends online / it helps me keep in touch with
them / it’s not easy for us to meet every day / it’s very practical and communication
is immediate / it helps me keep in touch with people who are far away
2. NO: I’m not that keen on Facebook / Facebook chats aren’t really so personal /
mostly comments on posts and superficial conversations, not real communication /
no personal contact and face-to-face interaction / no exchange of feelings when
there’s a computer screen separating you from the person you are talking to
3. Social network sites are good for instant communication and short chats but they
don’t promote real communication / talking on the phone and hearing your friend’s
voice or sharing your feelings while having a cup of coffee is much more personal and
this is what brings people closer together

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