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in the gas.

The second process is one patented by Fritz

reduced metallurgically by the action of molten iron. Various

milk thus adulterated outside that of genuine milk. In reality

and, sweeping to the south-west, terminate in the lofty

the Great Indian Peninsula line. Pop. (1901) 34,216, showing

``An Act donating public lands to the several states and

Ibrahim, often called Place Ste Catherine, from the Roman

of the Alps where one would not expect to find them Roughly

is of rare occurrence. On the whole, tin-plate is a very

on Charleston, South Carolina, had been made by Sir Henry

Henry the Lion, and peace being made in 1169, Albert divided

Maize, grain, 30 bushels 1,680 1500 22 28 1.8 6.5

From the root of Aconitum Napellus are prepared a liniment

coasts of Peru and Guayaquil, who exposes his bare head to

however (as Mommsen points out in C.I.L. v. p. 885), suppose

but some of them, such as those of gold, silver, copper and

which in both respects the altar of Zeus Hypatos at Athens

most recent types of symbols, and as we have no intermediate

Ireland, or either of such jurisdictions as used in any act

proposed terms of peace, which were scornfully rejected by

whilst on the more distant and terminal prolongations it is

Testament to be an historical person, even as the fact that

u. Pampanini, ``Sur la distribution des plantes des alpes

his pupils, that the drawings he made during a period of four

hunt and migrations had to do with the animal world.

3. Climate.---It is well known that as we rise from the

expedition against the island of Leuke, at the mouth of the

ye nat but heerdemen with their catell, shepeherdes with their

is a certain flexibility and elasticity with which it

that the faculty of inducing dissociation possessed by the

educationalist, was born at Shutesbury (near Amherst),

the central channel, which is not exposed to the fire-gases,

pictograoh than the various meaningless forms of k (@, &c.).

Spring, Kentucky, at Richmond and at Lexington, Missouri, and

ALTITUDE (Lat. altitudo, from altus, high), height or

At the south-east corner we find the hen and duck house, and

as identical in meaning (``to degrade from a higher tribe

formed the chapel and the western contained the apartments of

of any position which involves lowering the patient's head.

stone in a loaf of bread or in a lump of butter, a bullet in

by a breakwater, has been cut out of the rock (shingle).

counsel), son of King Edgar by his second wife AElfthryth, was

account of its treatment of the sexual problem, had for the

19th century considerations of various kinds excluded from

associates. In them Abbott did for one or two generations

(1803-1882) Nature (1836), Nathaniel Hawthorne's (1804-1864)

to treat the aether as a plenum, which places it in a class

its success to his intelligent and unwearied efforts. He had

Tissaphernes. But in a few months he had lost the confidence

which new thinkers had developed. Aenesidemus was content

the above drugs is by inhalation, and has to be continued

unbleached rhubarb are both largely consumed, both raw and cooked.

point in Algeria, in the Aures range, has a height of 7611

salmon-fishing in the Rhine being among the chief industries.

and strategic line, and in both particulars is of far

not fairly comparable one with the other, because they are

but natural from the Austrian point of view, first opened his

altar ``Yahwehnissi'' (``Yahweh my banner'' or ``memorial''),

crops are wheat, pulse, maize, millet, with some cotton and

of Cappadocia, he placed himself at the head of the Turkish

Harbor (so named, it is said, because a Dutch vessel was the

athlothetae were elected for four years to superintend the

between the alpaca and vicuna have not proved satisfactory.

ordinates, and so obtain a freezing-point surface, or liquidus;

was of noble birth. He entered the army at an early age,

for each year from 1895 to 1906 are given in Table XVIII. The

the inauguration of the Old Covenant at Sinai (cf. Philo, De

parallel ridges, in some places upwards of 2200 ft. in

chapel,'' such as was usually attached to Ptolemaic temples

as a centre to the conquest of the world. The town being

and home talent. One poet, John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887)

youthful offence in opposing the prophet, although Mahomet had

1890, Belgium had again an opportunity of annexing the Congo

authority of the Roman congregations, Acton felt that there

on the motion of Themistocles rejected the proposition of

the revolt, was proclaimed king by the rebels, and Apries,

repress this revolt culminated in the capture of London in 885

& Stahl, Altonas topographische Entwickelung (Alt., 1894).

his sister, and thence to the family of Clary and Aldringen.

Gestarum Alexandri magni, an abridgment made in the 4th or

pronounced a glowing panegyric on the French Academy as a

Grimsby. Fish trains are despatched to London daily. Most

should cross or pass around the heads of the fjords of the

ff.). There is no reason to doubt that Peter largely agreed

3 In Giles v. Harris, 189 U.S. 474, a negro asked that the

generosity. They used as their sources Valerius, the letter

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