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8 Week Bodyweight Program


8 Week Body Weight Program

2-3 times a week/ With one of those days strictly cardio!

The fitness plan developed is all body weight exercises, however you can
add weight if comfortable, but make sure that you start off with weight that
you can control. The exercises are meant to be done at a medium to high
intensity in order to get good muscle activation. This is why it is important
that when you add weight, to be able to control and stabilize yourself.
Preferably, it is only necessary that you add weight when doing squats,
lunges, etc..

Also, make sure you get CARDIO in before you start workout or after….or
Before and after !!

Stationary bike: 10mins .... (optional intervals 30 sec up 30 sec down
complete 10 mins)… Find a good resistance level to start at, adjust as you
go. This will really help your legs tone up. Treadmill: 15mins... (optional
intervals 30 sec up 30 sec down complete 10 mins)

If you have any questions let me know!!

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