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LITTLE STAR SCHOOL SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TEST CLASS -2 ENGLISH DRAG AND DROP THE CORRECT MEANINGS: 1. TINY 2. FOREST 3. LARGE 4, RIGHT 5. SILENT [JUNGLE CORRECT SMALL QUITE BIG] CHOOSE THE CORRECT VERB 1. Sohan milk. [ drinks / drink ] 2. Vinu his bicycle. [ ride / rides ] 3.1 a story book. [ reads / read ] 4. We together. [ dance / dances ] 5. Fruits good for health. [ is / are ] NUMBER THE STORY IN CORRECT ORDER: 1. The piper played yet another tune, and took the children away. 2. The piper took out his pipe and started playing a merry tune. 3. Once upon a time, the city of Hamelin was filled with rats. ( 4. The mayor was greedy and refused to pay the money. CJ 5. All the rats came running out of the houses. (~~

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