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Date Shift supervisor Sample description Test Units

1-Oct-20 kevin Malaxer 1 FFA % Oleic acid

1-Oct-20 kevin Malaxer 2 FFA % Oleic acid

2-Oct-20 kevin Malaxer 1 FFA %Oleic acid

2-Oct-20 kevin Malaxer 1 FFA %Oleic acid

3-Oct-20 kevin Malaxer 1 FFA %Oleic acid

3-Oct-20 kevin Malaxer 3 FFA %Oleic acid

4-Oct-20 kevin Malaxer 3 FFA %Oleic acid

5-Oct-20 kevin Malaxer 2 FFA %Oleic acid

5-0ct-20 kevin Malaxer 1 FFA %Oleic acid

Results Comments

6.1 Sample taken in the morning

6.15 Sample taken in the afternoon

6.18 Sample taken in the morning

4.84 Sample taken in the afternoon

7.72 Sample taken in the morning

7.44 Sample taken in the afternoon

8.25 Sample taken in the afternoon

6.81 Sample taken in the morning

5.45 Sample taken in the afternoon

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