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A requiem for the use of the geometric mean in evaluating portfolio


Article  in  Applied Financial Economics Letters · November 2007

DOI: 10.1080/17446540601018964 · Source: RePEc


8 804

3 authors:

Spyros Missiakoulis Dimitrios Vasiliou

Hellenic Open University National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Nikolaos Eriotis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


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Applied Financial Economics Letters

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A requiem for the use of the geometric mean in

evaluating portfolio performance
a b c
Spyros Missiakoulis , Dimitrios Vasiliou & Nikolaos Eriotis
Department of Public Administration, Panteion University of Athens and Omega Insurance,
Alkyonidon 191, Voula, 166 73 Athens, Greece
School of Social Sciences, Hellenic Open University, Sahtouri 16 & Ag. Andreou Street, 262
22 Patras, Greece
Department of Business and Finance, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Stadiou 5, 105 62 Athens, Greece
Version of record first published: 14 Nov 2007.

To cite this article: Spyros Missiakoulis, Dimitrios Vasiliou & Nikolaos Eriotis (2007): A requiem for the use of the geometric
mean in evaluating portfolio performance, Applied Financial Economics Letters, 3:6, 403-408

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Applied Financial Economics Letters, 2007, 3, 403–408

A requiem for the use of the

geometric mean in evaluating
portfolio performance
Spyros Missiakoulisa, Dimitrios Vasilioub,* and Nikolaos Eriotisc
Department of Public Administration, Panteion University of Athens and
Omega Insurance, Alkyonidon 191, Voula, 166 73 Athens, Greece
Downloaded by [Nat and Kapodistran Univ of Athens ] at 08:00 05 November 2012

School of Social Sciences, Hellenic Open University, Sahtouri 16
& Ag. Andreou Street, 262 22 Patras, Greece
Department of Business and Finance, National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens, Stadiou 5, 105 62 Athens, Greece

Although the geometric mean procedure is very popular among financial

analysts, it is shown that when it is applied on rates of returns for
evaluating portfolio performance it does not produce efficient results.
Valuable past performance information is ignored since the geometric
mean procedure applied on rates of returns uses only three specific pieces
of information, namely the initial value, the terminal value and the total
number of time periods under evaluation.

I. Introduction may have been the result of bad luck, or it may have
been derived from excessive turnover, high manage-
In finance, as in all social sciences, the application of ment fees or other costs associated with an unskilled
quantitative theory and methods focuses not on the investment manager. These possibilities suggest that
estimate itself, but on the estimator. That is, the the first task in evaluating portfolio performance is to
formula by which the data are transformed into calculate the return realized by the investment
an actual estimate. Because there are no manager over the evaluation period. Because different
‘superestimators’, researchers are looking for those methodologies for calculating a portfolio’s return are
estimators satisfying specific criteria (e.g. unbiased- available and the methodologies can lead to quite
ness, asymptotic properties, etc.) as well as being disparate results, it was difficult to compare the
algebraic functions of all available data and informa- performance of investment managers. In consequence,
tion. To disregard or ignore some of the known or there was a great deal of confusion concerning the
given information will result ‘bad’ estimators. meaning of data provided by investment managers to
This note considers the inappropriateness, due to their clients. This has led to abuses by some managers
the oversight of actual data, of the geometric mean as in reporting performance results that were better than
an estimator of the average return on a financial actual performance. To mitigate this problem the
asset, or index of returns on a portfolio of such assets, Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFAI) has
over a series of time periods. established standards both for calculating perfor-
Performance evaluation is an essential part of the mance results and for presenting those results.
process of managing investment portfolios. Superior Mean returns are usually estimated by averaging
performance in the past may have resulted from good past returns. A procedure which is logical, simple and
luck or from the actions of a highly skilled investment in many cases, appropriate. Average returns are
manager. Conversely, inferior performance in the past affected by the start and terminal periods used

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Applied Financial Economics Letters ISSN 1744–6546 print/ISSN 1744–6554 online ß 2007 Taylor & Francis 403
DOI: 10.1080/17446540601018964
404 S. Missiakoulis et al.
in measurement. Among financial professionals, the ‘If we want to use a compound return on value to
most popular mean return used is the geometric one. estimate a forward-looking cost of capital, the
geometric mean of the simple returns, which treats
all years the same, is probably the better choice.’
II. The Geometric Mean Return (Fama and French, 1999, p. 1964)

In 1993, the Association for Investment Management ‘Geometric mean return should be used for
and Research (AIMR) in order to prevent fraud in measuring historical returns that are compounded
money management performance advertisements, over multiple time periods.’ (Francis and
as well as to promote comparability, has adopted a Ibbotson, 2002, p. 283)
series of standards providing guidelines and recom-
mendations for reporting. These standards, known as ‘The correct method to determine the annual rate
the AIMR Performance Presentation Standards, are of return is to use a geometric average.’
‘a set of guiding ethical principles intended to promote
(Mayo, 2006, p. 313)
Downloaded by [Nat and Kapodistran Univ of Athens ] at 08:00 05 November 2012

full disclosure and fair representation by investment

managers in reporting their investment results’.
‘Some practitioners prefer the geometric mean
Furthermore, the AIMR Performance
because it reflects their view that outperforming a
Presentation Standards require that the under
benchmark by a fixed amount in a down market is
evaluation time-period should be divided in specific
indeed more difficult than doing so in an up
subperiods (e.g. into months or quarters) and for
market.’ (Menchero, 2004, p. 77)
each subperiod, its return is calculated. Then
the geometric average of all subperiod returns is
‘Investors are typically concerned with long-term
In May of 2004, AIMR changed its name to CFAI. performance when comparing alternative invest-
Nowadays, CFAI has issue the revised Global ments. Geometric mean is considered a superior
Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), which measure of the long-term.mean rate of return.’
‘create a single global standard of investment perfor- (Reilly and Brown, 2003, p. 9)
mance reporting and increase minimum standards
worldwide. The revised GIPS standards represent In financial literature, a lot of articles are
the most comprehensive and significant upgrade to concerned with the comparison of arithmetic and
the Standards since their introduction.’ geometric mean in evaluating portfolio performance.
CFAI is very explicit in the use of geometric mean Also, many more considered the problem of predict-
in evaluating rates of return. It is characteristic of ing unbiased forecast of the terminal value. See, for
CFAI’s views that in seven times where an average example, Blume (1974), Cooper (1996), Indro and
must be computed, the phrase ‘returns must be Lee (1997), or more recent articles such as Menchero
geometrically linked ’ is found in the 2006 revision (2004, 2005), Jacquier et al. (2003, 2005). None of
of CFAI’s Guidance Statement on Calculation them, however, states clearly the deficiency associated
Methodology. with geometric mean.
One may ask why use the geometric mean and not We are certain, that if we ask any financial analyst
some other average statistic such as for example the about using geometric mean in portfolio evaluation,
arithmetic mean. There are numerous articles and he will most probably answer ‘it is known that
books in financial literature explaining and support- geometric mean is an imperfect performance measure’
ing the use of geometric mean in evaluating financial without stating why it is imperfect and what are the
rates of return. To quote a few: consequences of using it.
When estimating the average rates of return
‘The geometric mean has considerable appeal based on historical data, all approaches that exist
because it represents the constant rate of return to calculate the historical mean assume a standard
we would have needed to earn in each year to and constant method of transforming the initial
match actual performance over some past invest- value of given historical data to the terminal value.
ment period. It is an excellent measure for past Given annual data, the geometric mean assumes
performance.’ (Bodie et al., 2002, p. 810) that a constant annualized measure of the propor-
tional change in value occurs until the terminal
‘. . . returns were averaged, with the preferred value. The geometric mean therefore reflects the
method being geometric averaging’ (Fabozzi, compound rate of return that would have been
1999, p. 713). earned by an investor who invested at the start of a
Using the geometric mean in evaluating portfolio performance 405
number of time periods. In other words, it assumes Equation 4 is also derived from a straightforward
that the initial value grew at a constant rate of application of the geometric mean formula, i.e.
return. vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
uT uT  
It is well known that the mathematics of u Y uY Xi  Xi1
g ¼ t ri ¼ t
T1 T1

geometric mean require nonnegative numbers. On 1þ

i¼2 i¼2
the other hand, a financial rate of return could be vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
any number, either positive, or negative, or zero. uY Xi1 þ Xi  Xi1 
¼ t
Therefore, a transformation is required in order to
make our data applicable. We transform each
uT  rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffi
rate of return to an index of return, i.e. if Rt is uY Xi  T1 X2 X3 . . . XT T1 XT
the rate of return for year t, we compute the index ¼ t
¼ ¼
rt as rt ¼ 100 þ Rt and we base all our computations i¼2
Xi1 X1 X2 . . . XT1 X1
on rt.
Mathematically speaking, if rt, t ¼ 1, . . . , T denote
Downloaded by [Nat and Kapodistran Univ of Athens ] at 08:00 05 November 2012

the T observed values of random annual returns

(index form), the geometric mean of r is defined as III. The Inappropriateness of the
the Tth root of the product of all the values of the Geometric Mean
set, i.e.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Equation 4 tells us that the geometric mean return is
g ¼ T r1 r2 . . . rT ð1Þ independent of the middle periods. It depends only on
three specific parameters, the initial value, the
A second and more practical way to
terminal value and the total number of time periods.
calculate the geometric mean is to take the
What was happened between initial and terminal
antilog of the arithmetic average of the logarithms
periods is irrelevant and does not affect neither our
of r’s, i.e.
computation nor our evaluation. So, valuable infor-
! mation about the in between performance has been
g ¼ anti log logðrt Þ ¼ eð1=T Þ t¼1 logðrt Þ ð2Þ totally lost. Some, they argue that ‘the reason for
T t¼1 using the three points of data is the limitation on
providing interim data points’. Obviously such a
As we said it earlier, the geometric mean return statement is outdated. Nowadays with the extreme
assumes that the initial value grew at a constant rate availability of information no one can argue for lack
of return. If g is the geometric mean return as of data.
aforementioned and X1 and XT represent the initial For our discussion, consider an investment starts at
and terminal values respectively, then the following a market value of 1000, falls to 800 (20% fall or an
equation holds index return of 80) and then increases again to 1000
(25% rise or an index return of 125). The geometric
XT ¼ X1 gT1 ð3Þ
mean of index return is 100. This outcome will always
which in turn gives be the same (100) no matter the investment perfor-
rffiffiffiffiffiffi mance during the first time period. To illustrate it
T1 further, consider the following four cases presented
g¼ ð4Þ
X1 in Table 1.

Table 1. Example of four different cases of returns

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

Value Return Value Return Value Return Value Return

1000 1000 1000 1000
1000 100 2000 200 800 80 2000 200
1000 100 3000 150 600 75 1000 50
1000 100 4000 133 400 67 500 50
1000 100 5000 125 200 50 1500 300
1000 100 1000 20 1000 500 1000 67
G.M.R. 1 100 G.M.R. 2 100 G.M.R. 3 100 G.M.R. 4 100
406 S. Missiakoulis et al.
Table 2. The CFA example

Date Market value Cash flow Market value post cash flow
12/31/99 500 000
1/31/00 509 000
2/19/00 513 000 50 000 563 000
2/28/00 575 000
3/12/00 585 000 20 000 565 000
3/31/00 570 000

As we can see, in all four cases, the geometric mean at 1 000 000. Suppose further that February was a
return is the same simply because all four initial disaster. On 19th of February the market value fell to
values and all four terminal values are exactly 513 000, then the investor added the 50 000 but
Downloaded by [Nat and Kapodistran Univ of Athens ] at 08:00 05 November 2012

the same. on 28th of February the market value reached at

A more interested illustration is the example given 100. We now have Table 3.
on the last page of CFA Guidance Statement on It is crystal clear that the two percentages are
Calculation Methodology (revised edition January exactly the same. What had happened during the
2006). quarter, no mater how extreme or not it was, played
Given the following information, the analyst is no role at all in the final outcome.
asked to calculate the rate of return for this portfolio From the aforementioned it is obvious that the
for January, February, March and the first quarter geometric mean has a deficiency that can lead to less
of 2000, using a true time-weighted (i.e. geometric) than completely satisfactory results. It does not take
rate of return (See Table 2 above). into account the sub-period returns, but only the

ð509 000  500 000Þ
January RJAN ¼ ¼ 1:80%
500 000
ð513 000  509 000Þ
February 1=31=00  2=19=00 R¼ ¼ 0:79%
509 000
ð575 000  563 000Þ
2=19=00  2=28=00 R¼ ¼ 2:13%
563 000
1=31=00  2=28=00 RFEB ¼ ðð1 þ 0:008Þ  ð1 þ 0:021ÞÞ  1 ¼ 2:92%
ð585 000  575 000Þ
March 2=28=00  3=12=00 R¼ ¼ 1:74%
575 000
ð570 000  565 000Þ
3=12=00  3=31=00 R¼ ¼ 0:88%
565 000
2=28=00  3=31=00 RMAR ¼ ðð1 þ 0:017Þ  ð1 þ 0:009ÞÞ  1 ¼ 2:62%
Quarter 1 RQT1 ¼ ðð1 þ 0:018Þ  ð1 þ 0:029Þ  ð1 þ 0:026ÞÞ  1 ¼ 7:48%

Before proceeding any further, we should note that beginning and the ending values of the evaluation
the correct figure for the first quarter is 7.55% and period. An inferior money manager will be granted
not 7.48%. This difference occurs due to the round- with the same performance return with a superior
ing of the figures that was applied by the author of money manager, if the latter was misfortunate
the Guidance at each calculation. enough to end up with the same portfolio
Let us now examine two extreme changes to the value with the former (provided of course that
aforementioned example. Suppose that January was a both portfolios started with the same value).
big success. The manager has doubled the market The superior manager’s portfolio performance may
value of the portfolio so on the 31st of January it was be affected by factors which were beyond his/her
Using the geometric mean in evaluating portfolio performance 407
Table 3. The modified CFA example

Date Market value Cash flow Market value post cash flow
12/31/99 500 000
1/31/00 1 000 000
2/19/00 513 000 50 000 563 000
2/28/00 100
3/12/00 585 000 20 000 565 000
3/31/00 570 000

ð1 000 000  500 000Þ

January RJAN ¼ ¼ 100:00%
Downloaded by [Nat and Kapodistran Univ of Athens ] at 08:00 05 November 2012

500 000
ð513 000  1 000 000Þ
February 1=31=00  2=19=00 R¼ ¼ 48:70%
509 000
ð100  563 000Þ
2=19=00  2=28=00 R¼ ¼ 99:98%
563 000
1=31=00  2=28=00 RFEB ¼ ðð1  0:487Þ  ð1  0:9998ÞÞ  1 ¼ 0:00911%
ð585 000  100Þ
March 2=28=00  3=12=00 R¼ ¼ 584 900:00%
ð570 000  565 000Þ
3=12=00  3=31=00 R¼ ¼ 0:88%
565 000
2=28=00  3=31=00 RMAR ¼ ðð1 þ 5849:00Þ  ð1 þ 0:0088ÞÞ  1 ¼ 590 176:99%
Quarter1 RQT1 ¼ ðð1 þ 1:00Þ  ð1 þ 0:0000911Þ  ð1 þ 5901:77ÞÞ  1 ¼ 7:55%

control, or the inferior manager’s portfolio IV. Conclusions

performance may be achieved by chance or coin-
cidence. However, the currently return measure Financial literature is full of both theoretical and
requirement of the revised Global Investment applied texts on using the geometric mean in
Performance Standards is not likely to be powerful evaluating financial rates of return. The geometric
enough to clearly detect such a degree of superiority mean procedure is applied on past returns in order
or inferiority. Information that is vital to investors in to produce comparable statistics. Although, theoret-
order to compare investment performance among ically speaking, the said procedure is based on all
investment management is lost. In consequence, available data, in fact, it utilizes only the rate of
the employment of the geometric mean is unable return at the starting period, the equivalent value at
to assure investors neither that the performance the terminal period and the number of time periods
information is both complete and fairly presented, under evaluation. Therefore, the geometric mean of
nor that the investment management firms compete rates of return is, computationally, independent of
on an equal footing. What can we do to resolve the middle periods. What was happened between
this problem? This question remains to be answered initial and terminal periods is irrelevant and does not
by future research undertaken by scholars of affect neither our computations nor our evaluations.
finance. Of course an obvious and easy answer to So, valuable information about the in between
our question is to use the arithmetic mean. A statistic performance has been totally lost when the geometric
which under certain assumptions is unbiased mean of rates of return is applied. In consequence, the
and most important it utilizes all available data employment of the geometric mean procedure is
and information. unable to assure investors neither that the
408 S. Missiakoulis et al.
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