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The three As of successful job hunting

The Three As underpin successful job hunting in the kind of conditions everyone has had to get
used to in recent years. The three As are as follows:

When you apply for a job, an employer has got to be able to see what you have done and what
you are capable of doing in a compressed period of time. What you have to say about yourself
in your CV (and any cover letter accompanying it) plays a key part in determining how you
score in terms of accessibility. In a CV and cover letter, what’s good about you has got to come
over straight away because you won’t get another chance.

You need to be there when employers want to talk to you. You need to be someone who can
be contacted by phone or by email without any difficulty. You need to be able to attend
interviews on cue.

Sometimes you strike lucky but, more often than not, getting the job you want comes at the end
of a long hard slog with a few kicks in the teeth along the way. You need to have the staying
power to stand up to this kind of treatment. Success is to keep going. Failure is to give way to
feelings of disappointment and discouragement.

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