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B.Sc. Nursing Part-I

Mid Term-II Examination
January -2023
Subject: Nursing Foundation
Subject code:5130

Time: 3 Hrs. M.M : 80

Note: Attempt all questions. All question carry equal marks

1. a) What are vital signs 02

b) Define pyrexia, explain the types of fever 07
c)Sites of taking pulse & the factors causing variations in pulse rate

2.a)What is PPE. 02
b) Write the types of PPE. 07
c) Uses & techniques of wearing & removing PPE 07

3. a) Define infection, explain the infection process cycle 08

b) Explain in detail the barrier techniques or barrier nursing 08

4 . Write down the difference between the following. (Any four) (4x4=16)
a) LAMA & Abscond
b) Hypothermia & Hyperthermia
c) Medical asepsis & Surgical asepsis
d) Isolation & Quarantine
e) Autopsy & embalming

5.Write short notes on following. (Any four) (4x4=16)

a) Euthanasia
b) Grief
c) Clinical death
d) BMW
e) Nosocomial infection
f) Dimension of health

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