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Ernst and Peter Neufert Architects’ Data Third Edition Edited by Bousmaha Baiche DipArch, MPhil, PhD School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University and Nicholas Walliman DipArch, PhD, RIBA School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University b Blackwell Science This book provides architects and designers with a concise source of core information needed to form a framework for the detailed planning of any building project. The objective is 10 save time for building designers during ther basic inves tigations. The information includes the principles of the design process, basic information on siting, servicing and constructing buildings, as well a illustrations and descrip. tions of a wide range of building types. Designers need to be well informed about the requirements for all the constituent parts of new projects in order to ensure that their designs Satisfy the requirements of the briefs and thet the buildings conform to accepted standards and regulations ‘The extended contents list shows how the Book is orga rised and the order of tho subjects discussed. To help ead: ls to identify relevant background information easily, the Bibliography (page $88) and list of related British and inter. national standards (page 885) have beon structured in a way that mirrors the organisation of the main sections of the book. To avoid repetition and keep the book to @ manageable length, the different subjects are covered only once in full Readers should therefore refer to several sections ta glean all Of the information they require. For instance, a designer ‘wanting to prepare a scheme fora college will need to reer to ‘ther sections apart from that on colleges, such as — ‘raughting guidelines; mulistorey buildings: the various sections on services and environmental contol estaurants for the catering facilities; hotels, Rastels and fate for the student accommodation; office’ buildings for details on working environments; libraries; carparks; disabled access (in the Rousing and residential section|; indoor and outdoor sports feities gardens; as well as details on doors, windows, Stairs, and the section on construction management, ete, Readers should note that the majority of the material is from European contributors snd this means that the detail ABOUT THIS BOOK ‘on, for example, climate an daylight is from the perspective ‘of a temperate climate in the northern hemisphere, The Conditions at the location of the proposed building wil always have to be ascertained from specific information on the locality. similar situation isto be seen in the section on roads, where the illustrations show traffic driving on the righthand side of the road. Again, local conditions must be taken into consideration for each individual case The terminology and style of the texts UK English and this clearly will ned to be taken into account by readers accu tomed to American English. These readers will need to be aware that, for example, ‘it’ has been used in place of ‘elevator’ and ‘ground floor’ is used instead of fist floor (and ‘ist floor for ‘second’, et. ‘The data and examples included in the text are drawn from 48 wide range of sources and as a result a combination of conventions is used throughout for dimensions. The mea: surements shown are all metric but a mixture of metres entimetres and milimetis is used and they are in the main ot identified Readers will also find some superscript numbers asso: ciated with the measurements. Where these appear by dimensions in metres with centimetres, for instance, they represent the additional millimetre component of the mea sure (e9. 1.26" denotes 1m, 260m, 5mm). Anybody familiar with the metric system will not find this troublesome and those people who are less camfortable with metvic units ean use the Conversion Tables given on pages 611 to 627 t0 clarify any ambiguities, The plans and diagrams of bulldings do not have scales as the purpose here isto show the general layout and express relationships between different spaces, making exact sealing Unnecessary. However, al elevant dimensions are given on the detailed drawings and diagrams of installations, to assist in the design of specific spaces and constructions. ‘The Publishers wish to thank, in particular, Dr Bousmaha Baiche, of the Postgraduate Research School, School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University, for his enormous, tfors and patience in overseeing the final English language tition. They would also like to thank his colleague, Dr Nicholas Walliman, also of the Postgraduate Research School, for his valuable contribution on questions of content {and terminology. The Publishers are also especially grateful to Paul Stringer for his efforts in managing the editorial and production work ‘on the new edition and for his exceptional attention to detail “They would also lke to thank Mark Straker of Vector for his ‘work on the ilustrations and text, Richard Moore for proot reading, and the following for thele work on the translation: Bantrans Services, Chris Charlesworth, Chiltern Language Services, Katharina Hesse, Jeff Howell, Keith Murray, Amy Newland and Wordswo, Finally, they would like to thank the following for con- ‘wibuting information and illustrations to ths edition: Martin Pugh, Trevor Fish, Group Property Services, Barclays Bank Pie Petor J. Clement, Group Property, NatWest Group Mary Heighway and members of staf, Public Relations, Environment Agency Pick Everard, Graham Brown, Andrew Robinson, Pick Ever: ‘ard (Architects, Surveyors, and Consulting Engineers) and 4. Sainsbury's Ple AsdalWCEC Architects Lesley Bailie, Office of Health Economics ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Simon Marshall, railway expert Stanley Partnership, Architects, Cheltenham ‘Malcom Lee, National Small Bore Rifle Association (NSRA} British Stee! Strip Products Matthew Foreman, Katy Harris, Jo Olsen and members of statt, Foster and Partners, London Liza Kershaw and colleagues at RIBA Publications, the Royal Institute of the British Architects for permission to repro ‘duce forms on page 48 (copyright RIBA Publications 1999) Derek Wolferdale, Principal Track and Gauge Engineer at Railtrack, and members of staf of Railtrack Graeme Loudon, The Met. Office Pam Beckley (Copyright Administrator, the Controller, and members of staff of the Copyright Unit, HMSO for per mmission to reproduce illustrations (Fig 1, page 541 and Fig 8, page 542) from Health Building Note 36 (Crown copy: right material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Hor Majesty's Stationery Office) Addison Wesley Longman for permission to reproduce ilustrations (Fig. 1. page 101 and Fig. 18 page 184) from The Climate ofthe British isles (Chandler & Gregory) Dr Ray Ogden, Professor Mike Jenks, Margaret Ackil Postgraduate Research School, School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University Chris Kendrick, School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes Uni versity ‘The illustrations on pages 134-7 are reproduced from The Building Regulations Explained and llustrated (Powell Smith & Billington), Blackwell Scionce Ltd, Throughout history man has created things to be of service to him using measurements relating to his body. Until relatively recent times, the limbs of humans ware the basis for all the units of measurement, Even today many people would have a better understanding of the size of an abject if they were told that it was so many men high, so many paces long, 80 many feet wider ar so many heads bigger. These are concepts we have from birth, the sizes of which can be said to be in our nature. However, the introduction of metric dimensions put an end to that way of depicting our world Using the metric scale, architects have to try to create ‘9 mental picture that is as accurate and as vivid as possible, Clients are doing the same when they measure fooms on a plan to envisage the dimensions in reality. Architects should familiarise themselves with the size of rooms and the objects they contain so that they can Picture and convey the real size of yet-to-be designed furniture, zooms of buildings in each line they draw and ach dimension they measure. We immediately have an accurate idea of the size of an jobject when we see a man (real or imaginary) next toi It i a sign of our times that pictures of buildings and rooms presented in our trade and professional journals are too fften shown without people present in them. From pictures alone, we often obtain a false idea of the size of these rooms and buildings and are surprised how different they appear in reality ~ frequently, they seem ‘much smaller than expected. One of the reasons for the failure of buildings to have cohesive relationships with fone another is because the designers have based their work on different arbitrary scales and not on the only true Scale, namely that of human beings. It this is ever to be changed, architects and designers must be shown how these thoughtlessly accepted measurements have developed and how they can be avoided. They have to understand the relationship between the sizes of human limbs and what space a person requires in various postures and whilst moving around, They must also know the sizes of objects Utensils, clothing ete. in everyday use to be able to determine suitable dimensions for containers and furnitue. In addition, architects and designers have to know what space humans need between furniture ~ both in the hhome and in the workplace ~ as well as how the furniture ‘can best be positioned. Without this knowledge, they will bbe unable to ereate an environment in which no space is wasted and people can comfortably perform their duties ‘or enjoy relaxation time, Finally, architects and designers must know the ‘dimensions for minimum space requirements for people moving around in, for example, railways and vehicles, These minimum space requirements produce strongly fixed impressions from which, often unconsciously, other dimensions of spaces are derived ‘Man is not simply a physical being, who needs room, Emotional response is no less important; the way people feel about any space depends crucially on how it is divided up, painted, lit, entered, and furnishes. ‘Starting ‘out from all these considerations and perceptions, Ernst Neufert began in 1926 to collect ‘methodically the experiences gained in a varied practice ‘and teaching activities. He developed a ‘theory of planning’ based on the human being and provided 8 framework for assessing the dimensions of buildings and their constituent parts. The results were embodied in this INTRODUCTION book. Many questions of principle were examined, developed and weighed against one another for the fist In the current edition up-to-date technical options are included to the fullest extent and common standards are taken into consideration, Description is Kept to the absolute minimum necessary and is augmented or replaced as far as possible by drawings. Creative building ‘designers can thus obtain the necessary information for design in an orderly, briel, and coherent form, which otherwise they would have to collect together laboriously from many reference sources or obtain by detailed measurement of completed buildings. Importance has been attached to giving anly a summary; the funclamental data and experiences are compared with finished buildings only if it is necessary to provide a suitable example BY and large, apart from the requirements of pertinent standards, each project is differant and so should be studied, approached and designed afresh by the architect. Only in this way can there be lively progress within the spit of the times. However, executed projects lend themselves too readily to imitation, or establish Conventions fram which architects of similar projects may find difficulty in detaching themselves. It creative ‘atchitects are given only constituent parts, a8 is the intention here, they ate compelled to weave the components together into their own imaginative and unified constuction Finally, the component parts presented here have been systematically researched from the literature to provide the data necessary for individual building tasks, checked ut on well-known buildings of a similar type and, where necessary, determined from models and experiments The objective of this is always that of saving practising building planners from having to carry out all of these basic investigations, thereby enabling them to devote themselves to the important creative aspects of the task Fy H A A H PM H 4 5 H H H FH H UNITS AND SYMBOLS @® eramoter of deriving $1 wit © Sambo and wit ata mete ® sama fan erved ana © ‘rte nd site: sand UNITS AND SYMBOLS © Stand sattory unit or the consretion indir, Mathematical symbols reater than sreatr than or equal to smaller han sum of angle tengent sapere equals idemtcaly equa not equals roughly equate, about ‘aymptatially equal {simian to infinity paral ‘equa ad paral ‘ot identically equal to ‘rutipes by vided by solid angle twangle same avec, parallel ‘oppose direction, paral Greek alphabet ap 36 2, Hn (o)atpna (oi beta (a) aen (et epsiton teh 2eta lee Ia theta 1 kappe ames te) oo {e)omeron (opi fotho (2) some oa (uh upsion (ot pi (omens (0s) psi (olomegs © sep tomate QD Leone at winder © rote tctaing carbone © seen od wine vets Lic IN! IL__] D-@ sae ot paper formers _ ® Forma sips a DOCUMENTATION AND DRAWINGS The format of documentation (whether in the form of plans, reports, letters, envelopes ete.) has, apart fromm inthe USA. generaily been standardised to conform to the internationally accepted {ISO} series of paper sheet sizes in the ‘A, ’B, ‘Cand ‘D’ ranges. These standard paper formats are derived from a rectangular sheet with an area ‘of 1m2, Using the ‘golden square’, the lengths of the sides are chosen as x = 0.841m and y = 1.189m such that xy 192 This forms the basis for the A series, Maintaining the same Fatio of length to width, the sheet sizes are worked out by progressively halving (or, the other way round, doubling! the sheet area, as would happen ifthe rectangular sheet ‘was repeatedly folded exactly in half (9) Additional ranges (B, C, and D) ste provided for the associated products that require larger paper sizes, i. posters, envelopes, loose-leaf fle binders, folders et. The formats of range B are designed for posters and wall charts. The formats in ranges C and D are the geometric mean dimensions of ranges A and B and are used to ‘manufacture the envelopes and folders to take the A sizes, @ The extra size needed for loose-leat binders, folders ‘and box files will depend on the size and type of clamping device employed. The strip of side margin formats are formed by halves, quarters, and eighths of the main formats for envelopes, signs, drawings etc.) +5) + 6) Pads and duplicate books using carbonless paper also have standard formats but may have a perforated edge or border, which means the resulting pages will be a ‘corresponding amount smaller than the standard sheet size @) During book-binding, a further trim is usually necessary, siving pages somewhat smaller than the standard format size, However, commercial printers use paper supplied in the RA or SRA sizes and this has an allowance for rimming, which allows the final page sizes to match the standard formats, T ven th =a 16 7 m Me seer 3 w @-a a [eA [om [Som [RO [Soe] @ sreetsiees oe [ I { I I @ Woven a2: a1; 00 r= ==>) pop DOCUMENTATION AND DRAWINGS The use of standard drawing formats makes it easior for architects to lay out drawings for discussion in the design office or on the building site, and also facilitates posting and filing. The trimmed, original drawing or print must therefore conform to the formats of the ISO A series. . Q)~(@) The box for written details should be the following distance from the edge of the drawing: for formats AO-A3 tomm for formats At-AG 5mm For small drawings, a fling margin of up to 25mm can be used, with the result that the usable area of the finished format will be smaller ‘AS an exception, narrow formats can be arrived at by stringing together a row of identical or adjacent formats out of the format range. From normal rol widths, the following sizes can be used to give formats in the A series for drawing paper tracing paper 1500, 1560mm {derived trom this 7250, 1250, 660, 900mm) for print paper 1650, 900, 120mm If all the drawing formats up to AO are to be cut from a paper web, a roll width of at least 900mm will be necessary. ‘Drawings which are to be stored in AA box files should be folded as follows: + ® (1)The weting box must always be uppermost, in the correct place and clearly visible. (2}0n starting to fold, the width of 210 mm (fold 1) ‘must always be maintained, and itis useful to use a 210 x 297 mm template (@)Fold 2's a triangular fold started 297 mm up from the bottom leftthand corner, so that on the completely folded drawing only the left bottom field, indicated with @ cross, will be punched or clamped. (4) The drawing is next folded back parallel to side ‘a! using a 185 x 298mm template. Any remaining area is concertina-folded so as to even out the sheet size {and this leaves the writing box on the top surface. If itis not possible to have even folds throughout, the final fold should simply halve the area left (eg. Al fold 5, AO fold 7). Any longer standard formats can be folded in a similar way. (5) The resulting strip should be folded from side ’b’ to sive a final size of 210 « 297 mm. To reinforce holes and fling edges, piece of AS size cardboard (148 x 210 mm) can be glued to the back of the punched part of the drawing, © oimensions se seme tor aang DOCUMENTATION AND DRAWINGS en e CFT hi © sense eramgemont os constrain ing SHH $f — © suiadt arrangement of eae dete eset eeras next to th F » ” ‘The main scale of the drawing must be given in large type in the box for wr details. Other scales must be in smaller type and these scales must be repeated respective diagrams. All objects should be drawn to scale; where the drawing isnot to seale the dimensions must be underlined. As the following scales: for construction drawings: 1:1, 1:25, 15, 1:10, 1:20, 1:25, 50, 1100, 1:200, 1:250, {or site layouts: 1500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:2600, 1:5000, 110000, 1:25000, displayed in a square or a rectangle capital | Arrangement Leave a Sem wide blank strip down the left hhand edge of the sheet for binding or stapling. The writing box on the extreme Fight = @ should contain the following details: (type of drawing (sketch, protiminary ‘design, design ete) Q2)type of view or the part of the building illustrated (layout drawing, plan view, section, elevation, ete.) (a)scale (4) dimensions, f necessary. (On drawings used for statutory approvals (and those used by supervisors during construction) it might also eantain {i the client's name (and signature) {2}the building supervisor's name (and signature) {3} the main contractor's signature (8 the building supervisor's comments about inspection and the building permit lif necessary on the back of the sheet A north-point must be shown on the ‘drawings for site layouts, plan views et. Scales 5 a8 possible, use Inscriptions In continental Europe, for structural engineering and architectural drawings, dimensions under 11m are generally given in cm and those above 1m in m. However, recently the trend has been to give all dimensions in mm, and this is standard practice in the UK. Chimney stack flues, pressurised gas pipes and air ducts are shown with their internal dimensions as fraction (width over length) and, assuming they are circular, by the use of the symbol @ for diameter. ‘Squared timber is also shown as @ fraction written as width over height. ‘The rise of stairs is shown along the course of the centre-ine, with the tread depth given underneath (+p. 12) ‘Window and door opening dimensions are shown, as with stats along the central ‘axis. The width is shoven above, and the internal height below, the line Details of floor heights and other heights are measured from the finished floor level ofthe ground floor (FFL: zero height = 0.00), Room numbers are written inside a circle and surface area details, in m?, are +@. Section lines in plan views are drawn in chain dot lines and are labelled with lors, usually in alphabetical order, to indicate where the section cuts through the building, As well as standard dimensional arrows ~ ®) oblique arrows. and extent marks > @) + @) are commonly used. The position of the dimensional figures must be such thatthe viewer, standing infront of the drawing, can read the dimensions 3 easily as possible, without having to turn the drawing round, and they must be printed in the same direction as the dimension lines, 13) © — we —- @ wey CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS Detgners ute drawings and Somtiguovs end geometre Gund roving hie Ws spl broponats nd alo ge hens a Convincing plcure of how Ihe wean to on ard on the ee stching: cotton ‘itoranates tagrmeiorting D Prove ® Seonmeoe © Cuming paper to size Seow aa aston or Sketch pads with graph fontimete and fine rls for the. millimetre divisions Different paper is used or engineering grids» Qs Use Suitable. sheet sizes for rawings ean be cut straight ‘on the underside ofthe T square "Construction drawings ae bordered with protected edges = @oandsoredin drawers or hing © taweare rawing oord (designed for Standard formats), made of limewood or poplar using 1B) Fist torn over 2em wih of the drawing. paper edge, eGo ® orawing ait bottom) The drawing can be than foots. @) 9 plastic Underlay backing is used The” Faquare has adit Used to. draw lines at varying angles. They are provided wih fivisions +“). Im general however the Tequare has been feplaced by parallel motion board "Other drawing ae include diferent measuring ad degree divisions, ‘®. ® @ Astor tatering © Ser neo ttsnn« tnd Fronch curves =@) CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS 10 CAD application in architectural design The acronym CAD usually means either computer-aided design or computer aided draughting. CADD is sometimes used to mean computer-aided draughting and design Computer-aided design is a highly valued technique because it not only enables a substantial increase in productivity but ‘also helps to achieve neater and clearer drawings then those produced using the conventional manual drafting techniques scribed in the preceding pages. Standard symbols or building elements can be compiled as a library of items, stored and used to create new designs. There is also a possibilty of minimising the repetition of tasks by linking CAD data directly with other computer systems. ie scheduling databases, bills of quantities etc. Another advantage of CAD is that it minimises the need for storage space: electronic storage and retrieval, of araphic and data features clearly requires a fraction of the space needed for a paper-based system. Drawings currently being worked on may be stored in the CAD program memory whereas finished design drawings that are not immediately required may be archived in high-capacity electronic storage media, such as magnetic tapes oF ‘compact disks A drawback relating to the sophisticated technology required for professional CAD has been the high expense of the software packages, many of which would only be tun on large, costly computer systems. However, various cheap, ‘hough stil relatively powerful, packages are now available and these will run on a wide range of low-cost personal computers CAD software A CAD software package consists of the CAD program, which contains the program files and accessories such os help files and interfaces with other programs, and an ‘extensive reference manual. In the past, the program files were stored on either 51/4" oF 342" floppy disks. The low storage capacity of the 51" floppy disks and their susceptibility to damage has rendered them obsolete Besides thei higher storage density, 312" disks are stronger and easier to handle. Nowadays, the program files are usually stored on compact discs (CO-ROM) because of theit high capacity and the ever increasing size of programs: they are even capable of staring several programs When installing a CAD program onto the computer system, the program files must be copied onto the hard disk ‘of the computer. In the past, CAD was. run on ‘microcomputers using the MS-DOS operating system only. ‘New versions of the CAD programs are run using MS-DOS andlor Microsoft Windows operating systems —Yy CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: CAD Hardware requirements Once the desired CAD software has been selected, it is important to ensure that the appropriate hardware {equipment needed to run the pragram is in place. A typi computer system usually includes the following hardware: Visual Display Unit (VOU): Also called a screen or monitor, these are now always fullcolour displays. The level of resolution will dictate how clear and neat the design ‘appears on the screen. For intricate design work itis better to use 3 large, high-resolution screen. The prices of such Graphic screens have fallen substantially in recent years making them affordable to a wide range of businesses and they are hence becoming commonplace. In the past. using CAD required two screens, one for text and the other for ‘raphics. This is not necessary now because some of the latest CAD programs have a ‘ip screen’ facility thet allows the user to alternate between the graphics and text display. In addition, the Windows version of some CAD programs also has a re-sizable text display that may be viewed in parallel with the graphics display. Disk drives and disks: The most usual combination of disk drives for desktop CAD systems initially was one hard drive ‘and one 312" floppy drive. The storage capacity of hard disks increased rapidly throughout the 1990s, from early 40 MB (megabyte) standard hard drives to capacities measured in gigabytes (GB) by the end of the decade. The storage capability of floppy disks is now generally far too festrictive and this has led to the universal addition of compact disc drives in new PCs. These can hold up to 850MB. This storage limitation has also led to the use of stand-alone zip drives and CD writers (ar CD burners) 10 allow large files to be saved easily. Keyboard: Virtually every computer is supplied with @ standard alphanumeric keyboard. This is @ very common input device in CAD but it has an intrinsic drawback: it is @ felatively slow method of moving the cursor around the screen and selecting draughting options. For maximum flexibility and speed, therefore, the support of other input devices is required ‘Mouse: The advantage of the mouse over the keyboard as ‘an input device in CAD is in speeding up the movement of the cursor around the screen. The mouse is fitted with a Dutton which allows point locations an the screen to be specified and commands from screen menus (and icons in ‘the Windows systom) to be selected. There are several types of mouse, but nowadays a standard CAD mouse has ‘two buttons: one used for PICKing and the other for RETURNing LF Graphic tablet, digitising tablet (aigitsen: A digitiser consists of a flat plate with a clear area in the centre, representing the sereen area, the rest divided into small ‘squares providing menu options. An electric pen (stylus) or puck is used to insert points on the sereen and to pick ‘commands from menus. The selection of a command is made by touching @ command square on the menu with the stylus for puck) and at @ press of @ button the command is carried out. Data can be read from an overlay menu of 8 document map or chart. The document should first be placed on the surface of the digitiser and its boundaries marked with the stylus or puck. The position of the puck on the digitiser may be directly related to the position of the cursor on the screen. ‘Most pucks have four buttons: they all have a PICK button for selecting the screen cursor position and a RETURN button for completing commands but, in Addition, they have two or more buttons for quick Selection of frequently used commands, Printers: Hard-copy drawings from CAD software can be produced by using an appropriately configured printer. Printers are usvally simple and fast to operate, and may also be used for producing hard copies from other programs installed in the computer. There are several types of printer, principally: dot-matrix, inkjet, and laser printers. The graphic output of dot-matrix printers is not fof an acceptable standard, particularly when handling lines that diverge from the horizontal or vertical axes. Inkjet and laser printers are fast and quiet and allow the production of high-quality monochrome and coloured CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: CAD ‘graphic diagrams up to A3 size, Colour prints are also no longer a problem since there is now a wide range of printers that can produce high-quality colour graphic prints at a reasonably low cost Plotters: Unlike printers, conventional plotters draw by using small ink pens of different colours and widths. Most pen plotters have up to eight pens or more. Usually the CAD software is programmed to enable the nomination of the pen for each element in the drawing Flatbed plotters hold the drawing paper tightly on 2 bed, and the pens move over the surface to create the desired drawing. Although they ate slow, their availability in small sizes (some with a single pen, for instance! ‘means that @ good-quality output device can be installed at low cost, Rotary (drum) plotters operate by rolling the drawing surface over @ rotating cylinder, with the pens moving perpendicularly back and forth across the direction of the flow. They can achieve high plotting speeds. With large. format drafting plotters, it is possible to produce drawings on paper up to AO size. Depending on the plotter model, cut size sheets or continuous rolls of paper can be used, Modern printer technology has been used to develop electrostatic plotters, inkjet plotters and laser printeriplotters. These are more efficient and reliable, and Produce higher line quality than pen plotters. A well as ‘drawing plans and line diagrams, they can also be used to create large colour plots of shaded and rendered 30 images that are close to photographic quality. ORS an @ ropes te 70-100 @ omrersngrabie © serseoss0 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: SYMBOLS tex @ saint rote 1060 @ vesson00.120 @ cvrvoma eon 20 : i E Blea eaf| g =O) aq ~ el @ Bono BBB oe @ BTR 0.20 15.90 ] | @ om tr @ eerste CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: SYMBOLS Windows set in reveals Windows without reve: i @ Mento tame setin external) @ indo trae sein ay [i ie EEE = . ow © ‘iattet door © ‘intent dor pat © ‘inate doo oar se EE Hg HEEL ® Posing oor @ seins sor eo D Revolving dor we tape Windows are always drawn with the niche shown on the fenton ‘sone lefthand side but not on the right. Revolving doors are often used in place of lobbies to ive @ draught-free entrance, However, they restrict through-taffic so the arrangement should allow the door flaps to be folded away during peak times. ‘Wooden construction is suitable for single flights of stairs, whereas double flights generally require stone or In every plan view of a storey, the horizontal section through the staircase is displayed about 1/3 of the storey height above the floor. The steps are to be numbered continuously from +0.00 upwards and downwards. The numbers for the steps that lie below =0.00 ara given the prefix ~ (minus). The numbers start on the fist step and finish on the landing. The contretine begins atthe start with we ‘circle and ends atthe exit with an arrow (including for the @ oownie tne basement 13 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: SYMBOLS. YOLLTT, seo | vasa ane won wine L sranton terme [on [oo GREER [oon [ae © ring conemon fr watrrcting mantras an ter © Srmbots an estou in plan views and stone TOON, nm © ovina comamton tr tema! ination MAN: THE UNIVERSAL STANDARD = } J 1 € J | ‘The oldest known code of dimensional relationships of man was found in a burial chamber of the pyramids near Memphis and are estimated to date back to roughly 3000 fac. Certainly since then, scientists and artists have been trying hard to refine human proportional relationships, We know about the proportional systems of the Empire fof the Pharaohs, of the time of Ptolemy, the Greeks and the Romans, and even the system of Polycletes, which fo ong time was applied as the standard, the details given by Albert, Leonarde da Vinci, Michelangela and the people of the Middle Ages. In particular, the work of Direr is known throughout the world. In all of these works, the calculations for a man’s body were based on the lengths of heads, faces or feet. These were then subdivided and brought into relationship with each other, so that they were applicable throughout general lif, Even within our ‘own lifetimes, feet and ells have been in common use as measurements ‘The dotails worked out by Durer became a common standard and were used extensively. He started with the height of man and expressed the subdivisions as actions Yah = the whole of the top half of the body, from the crotch upwards ‘Y4h = leg length from the ankle to the knee and from the chin to the navel length of foot head length from the hair parting to the bottom of the chin, distance between the nipples ‘Wioh= face height and width (including the ears), hand length to the wri ‘ii2h= face width at the level of the bottom of the nose, leg width (above the ankle) and so on. The sub-divisions go up to Yeoh. Yen Yeh During the last century, A. Zeising, brought gre clarity with his investigations of the dimensional relationship of man’s proportions. He made exact ‘measurements and comparisons on the basis of the golden section. Unfortunately, this work did not receive the attention it deserved ‘until recently, when a significant researcher in this field, E. Moessel, endorsed Zeising’s work by making thorough tests carried out following his methods. From 1945 onwards, Le Corbusier used forall his projects the sectional relationships in accordance with the {golden section, which he called ‘Le Modulor’~ p. 30. 15 MAN: DIMENSIONS AND SPACE REQUIREMENTS Body measurements ” | I WAUMUAU JAW : 8 @ a 7 TNS eo ) @ eee ‘A : ip PEEL Soman aon MAN: SMALL SPACES @ sevine D riod sou ©-@ eredin ot ern seen water vga bamane ‘The function of housing is to protect man against the woat and to provide an environment that maintains his well-being ‘Tho required inside atmosphore comprises gently moving te. ‘ot draughty), well oxygenated air, pleasant warmth and sir humidity and sufficient light. To provide these conditions, important factors are the location and orientation of the housing in the landscape (»p. 272) a8 well asthe rangement ‘of spaces in the house and its typeof construction The prime requirements for promoting a lasting feeling of wellbeing are an inuated construction, with appropriately Sed windows placed correctly in relation to the roam furnishings, sufficient hesting and corresponding draught-tre ventlation “The need for air Man breathes in oxygen withthe air and expels carbon dioxide ‘and water vapour when he exhales. These vary in quantity ‘epending on the individual's weight, food intake, activity and Ssuteounding environment ~ (= Ie has Bean calevated that on average human beings produce 0.020m%m of carton dioxide and 40gih of water "A carbon dioxide content between 1 and 3% can stimulate deeper breathing, 80 the si inthe dweling should not s far as possible, contain more than Ti. This means, with a single change a ar per hour, a requirement fr an ar space of 32m? por ‘adult and 151m? foreach chil. However, because the natural rate fof air exchange in freestanding buildings, even with closed ‘windows, reaches 12 to 2 times this amount, 16-24" is Sulciont (depending on the design) as a normal ar space for adults and 8-121? for children. Expressed another way, wih 3 oom height 225m, a room floor area of 6 4-8.6m foreach adult is adequate and 32-4 8m? for each child With a greater rate of air exchange, fe. sleeping with a window open, oF ventilation ‘ia ducting), the volume of space per person for ving rooms can be reduced to 75m? and fr bedrooms to 10m! per bed Where air quality is likely to deteriorate because of naked lights, vapours and other pollutant as in hospitals or factories) {and in enclosed spaces (such as you in an auditorium) rate of ‘exchange of air must be artificially boosted in order to provide the lacking oxygen and remove the hermful substances. ‘Space heating ‘The room temperature for humans at rest i atts most pleasant bbetwoon 18" and 20°C, and for work between TS%and 18°C, depending on the level of activity. A human being produces ‘about 1.5kcalh per kg of body weight. An adult weighing 7Okg therefore generates 2520kcal of heat energy per day, although the quantity produced varies according to the circumstances. For instance itinereases with & drop in oom temperature just ‘asi does with exercise ‘When heating 8 foom, cate must be taken to ensure that low ‘temperature heat is used to warm the room aie on tho cold side the room. With surface temperatures above 70-80°C decom position can take place, which may irritate the mucous membrane, mouth and pharynx and mako the air feel too dry Because ofthis, steam heating and iron stoves, with their high surface temperature, are not suitable for use in Blocks of flats MAN AND HIS HOUSING ee Room humidity Room ar is most pleasant with 2 hhumiaty of 50-60%, & should be maintained between limits 40% and 70%. Room air which is toa moist promotes germs, maul ald bridging, rot and condensation. ~ @). ‘The production of water vapour in humo beings varies in accordance with. the prevailing conditions and performs an Important cooling function. Production inereases with rising warmth of the room, particularly when the temperature goes bove 37°C blood temperature © sat accumsan ond ose. © Maman expenditure ot anarsy — 7 2 yg © mententn Saar 19 20 © seaesart osuuseezesa © Fatt comfort eat © Fats ot coment © Hen nn tows © nse| HA © Fits of contort ® ‘aa ot contort ROOM CLIMATE Inthe same way asthe earth has a cima, th neds of bung alsa have climote wth mansurble valves for rpressre, Mum, ‘empeatre, velocity ofr eeation and mara sunshine the or ‘trated eat Eton contol of toes factor ado optima oom omlo and cones fo mans overall heath and sty to peor \satever tasks hee engaged in. Thermal orto expr when ‘he thermal processes hin the bady aren blanc ohn ebay ‘Ssspated rom the Boaycoresoonds with the equim loss of est tothe surrounding area Temperature regulation and heat loss from the body ‘The human body ean is torr the atest which owes hea ing increasing the Blood cxculation speed, vascular dilation and secreting Seca. en cold the ody uses msclar siweing 1 gover Heat is Tost from the Bodin three main ways: conduction, onvection and radiation, Conduction sth races of hal Wane Hors tne surfoce to another surface when they ae in contact (a. fet in ontact wt the foo Tha rat of heat taser dope o the erase Brea in contac, the temperature frente! and the thermal Eondvctvies ofthe matte involved. Copp for example has 3 high thermal conductivity whe tat of as owe making porousinauiatng ‘mato. Convection is tha prowess of yest ben tse the sek ‘arm the surroundings ‘This process goveroad bythe weossy of {he ereulting atin te oom andthe temperature ferent between the cated and undated teas fh body. Ai eteuation azo civen by convecson: nr wotms troy contact wth hot objects fey. ‘adits rises, cool off on the caling and sks again, As suites the a caries stand floating partls wr The ua the heating tedium fows eg water in radiator ta ques the development Steeulaion All sbjects sncluding the human body, em heat sa in szordance to fomperstaresifferonoe bebween the body sage ad that ofthe ambient ares. re proportional ete power a othe boys $Sooolut fomperature and thoretors 1 mes oe hgh the temperature ‘Sutles Tha wavelength of ha action lo changes wt temps the higher the surface temperatre he shore the wavelength Abo 500°C: heat bogomes wale as gh. The rosaton below thi bent Is {led ina reanont raion rales no cectons, penta th ‘Srathout eating te ands absorbed by for rfectad of ther sd Sods In absorbing fe vadaton,theea sod bodies nlusing Maran Bote) are warmed This rion heat absorption by the body te ram te stoves! isthe mort passant anasto for humans for pysloe ‘easans and als the most hel ‘ther heat exchange mechanisms used bythe human body are ot moisture trom the sweat glands and breathing, The four pressure eifermtiolhetweon the sin and Surrounding areas are key factors here [an air temperature of 20-24 rs comvortble Both in summer ang in ‘ter The surrounding surtace areas shoul not ier by move tan 253° rom the sir temperature Achange n thea tempersture ca be Compensated or by changing ths Secresing st torperatore meron the ‘soo grast For coma, heal conduction to the Floor vis the ost mut be avoided io. tho Noor temperature should be 17 on more The surface temperature ofthe ceing dopants upon the Height o the tom. The temperate seed by humane is sommunere athe overage ten f important to contol sir maverent and humidity 35 fa 96 possible The movemant can be sensed a draughts ond tis has bret of focal eoting ofthe Body relive nr mums of 400% = Comfort With afomer humdy eg, 9) parte ae aba To mintoin the quality of he a controlied ventions ideal. The co; euntant ofthe ar must bo replaced by oxygen. ACO, content of Ose by volume should not be exceeded and thereore in ving ooms and bedrooms provide fortwo to three mr emanges par hoot “ho Tran eb requirement at humans comes to about 32 mh s0 the Bir change ining rooms should be 04-0. timer the room ‘main ea surface re ee s [sane ws “a Soon Comparative elative humidity values @ eth bed on am intrseton samen @ Seamer ony HEHE tt SSreccteettneeattore! ©) Srtirrnmed etrosinee BUILDING BIOLOGY For aver a decade, medical doctors such as Or Palo and Dr Hartmann et the Research Forum for Geobiology, Eberbach: Woldbrunn Waldkatzenbach, among others, have been researching the effects thatthe environment has an people: articular the effects of the ground, buildings, rooms, building materials and installations, Stretched across the whole of the earth isa so-calld ‘global net 1 consisting of stationary waves, thought 10 be induced by the sun. However ts regularity, according to Hartmann ss sch that Soagests an earthly radiation which emanates from inside the sarin and i effected! by erstaline structures in th earths crust, ‘which orders it in such @ network. The network ie orientated ‘magnetically, n tps of about 200mm wih from the magnetic 2 spacing of about 250m. At ght angles to these ae other strips Tuning n an eastiwestcvection ata spacing of about 2m = These strips have been revesled, through experience, 10 have psychologically detimental effects, particulary when one is repeatedly at rest over a point of intersection for long periods (eg. when in bed). In addltion to this, rooms which correspond to the right angles of the net do not display the ‘same pathogenic influences, These intersection points only become really pathogenic when they coincide with geological disturbances, such as fouls fre the most influential 3) Henge, there a cumulative effect involved so the best situation isto make use ofthe undisturbed zone or area of 180+220m between the global stip = ‘ecording to Hartmann, the most effective action isto mave the bed out of the cisturbance area, particularly away from the According 10 Palm. the apparent global net of about 2<250m is made up of half distance ines. The actual network ‘vould be, asa result,» global net with strips at 5m and S-6m fenties, running dead straight in the eastwest direction all round the earth: Every Th one of these net sips i¢ reported to be of a so-called 2nd order and have an influence many times Greater than the others. Also based on sevenths, an even Songer disturbance zane has been identified asa so-called 3 trder: This 8 t @ spacing of about 250 and 300m respectively. The intersection points here aro also felt particularly srongiy ‘Also according to Palm, in Europe thee are deviations from the above norm of up to 18% rom the norhisouth and the eastwest directions, Americans have observed such sips with the aid of very sensitive cameras fram aeroplanes fving at 2 height of Several thousand meters. Io addition to this, the diagonais also form ther own globsl net, running north-east 10 southwest and from north west to eouthveast = @. This, {00 has its own pattern of strong sevenths, which are about one Auarer as song again in thee eect This stated tht locating of the global strips depends on the reliably of he compass, and that modern building constuction Cam infvence the neode ofthe compass. Thus variations of 1-2 Sslready result in faulty location and ts is sigaficant because the f2dges ofthe stps are particularly pathogenic. Careful detection athe relationships requires much time and experience, art bfton needs several investigations to cross check the results. The fisturbance zones are located with divining rods or radio fequipment Just a the radition pattern is broken vertically athe interesction between ground and aire. atthe earth's surface), Endros has demonstrated with models that these brake ar also ‘detectable on the solid floors of multitorey buildings. 7. He has shown @ clear ilustration of these breaks caused by an linderground sear) and measured the strength of the ‘istrbances above a watercourse 3) ‘The main detrimental affect of such pathogenic zones is that of ‘devitalisation' Tor example, twedness, disturbances of the heart, kidneys, circulation, breathing, stomach and metabolis and could extend as far ae serious chronic diseases such a Eancer-In most cases, moving the bed 0 @ disturbance: tie zone fives rele wthin a short space of me». The effect of so Called neutralising apparate debatable, many of them having been discovered to be a source of dsturbanos, Disturbance does not occu, seems, n rooms proportioned to the golden section eg. height 3m, wth 4, length Sem) ond round houses oF hexagonal plans honeycomb) are also praised 2 2 smasatanonephoce” © matte ahd pane ° ° o°0 00 54 ° Po ° C6 ° se z ® 8: Sen © Pome srctr of ete ‘Atphat sheeting diverts the south inlined radiation ‘mre ot emanatians ote begining of tenet oom ae thick (at comprened end ead: bitomen ‘couted) beer BUILDING BIOLOGY Physicist recognise that mater exist n three ‘phate’, depending on ‘ae tomperatre and extonalpressur (al sah (hd ae fe) (Gaseous. For example, wih eter whon under OC i exste 989 sod (Gi namely ce at norma temperature = (b= water wien over 100" ‘Tel= eam. Other matera change phase at ierant tempat ‘The atoms of molacie that makeup the material ae in coneart ration. In sod metas, for example, the atoms worte around Fed bocomes incessingyaptated unt the mating pint reached A this temperature, tho Bonds holding specie atoms together are broken ‘doe and metal quetsctonoceurs enabling te atoms fo move more frety 2. Furor heating eauses more exatation othe tome unt the ting point reached. Her, the mation i eo enerpete thatthe sams an escape al ner atom forces ofatacon and tapers to form the fmieous state" @. On the vere sii, a ome or maeclat ‘movement tops compel t absolute zero, O kevin OK =-273 1810). “Those transitons in metals ars, however not typical ol al raters. Tae atomic or molecular arangement of each material {Gvesitits awn properties and setotes how treet a and atc te Surroundings. In the case of glass, for example, although st Spparenty soldat room temperature, it does not have a crstaline Structure, the atoms being in random, amorphous state Kl therefore, technically, a supercooled liquid. The density of vapour ‘molecules in air depends on the tomporatur, so the wate’ molecules Aifuse to the cooler sie (where the density is ower. To replace thom, aie molecules aise to the lnsige, both movements being Indore bythe ifaion resistance ofthe wal construction = Many yoars of research ‘on building materia by Schrader Speck suggest tht organic materials abeor or bres up raciation of neal ‘ngin For instance, saphat mating, wth 100mm stp edge overs _ilround plac on concrete Moors verte he previously penetrating fedation. The adjcant room, however received bundled diverted ‘ays. = -. in an aternaive xperment. p granuleteg crt floor ‘showed 3 capacity fo abso the radiation, Conk aheats 2530 thick {not compressed and sealed), tongued and grooved al ound ses stable ‘Clay i regarded asa “healthy earth’ and brieks and rooting tos fied at about 850°C give the optimum living conditions. For breklaying,sulphueeee white ime is recommended, produced by aking burnt imo i a saking pit and where fety limes produced fvough maturation” Hydraulic ime should, however, be used in walls subject to damp. Lime has wellknown antaeptic qualities and |S common uted as ime wosh in sables end cow shed, Plaster is considered best whe i ed ae far alow 200°C as possible, preferabiy with a constant humic sila to. ama textes leather sk ete} Sandstone a natural ime-randstone ie stzeptab ut should not be used for compete wall, Timber is light and warm and is the most vital of buling ‘materials, Timber preservation treatments sould be derived fom the dilaton of wood welt (eg. 26 wood vinegar, wood olor wood tar) Timber reacts well to odours and. a therefore ‘eeommendd that gnuine timber be used for ter cladding, necessary a8 plywood using natrat glues. Ideally the “ld ules Should be fllowod: timber fled only in winter, during the waning ‘moan, then watered for one year ina cly pit before ti sow Howover this every expensive For inslation, nara! building materials such a8 cork granules and cork sheets (ineluding those with bitumen coating! ee Fecommended, 26 well as al plant based mating (eg. sen gre, coconut fibre ete together with expended tay end datomaceous ‘arth fossil meal Pastis, mineral floes, mineral woo, gas bre, berated concrete, foamed concrete and corrugated surmni tt {te not considered tobe sattartory [Norm lasso lanng o erytl gs counts as neutral Geter sail is quartz glass for bi-glass), which vansmite 70-00% ofthe Sits'ilet ight. Doubts exist about coloured glass. Glazing units With glass wolded edges ae preterabie to those with metal or plate Ssiled edges. One is seopteal about coloured gas Mats fjected by Palm for extorar wal, a well ¢ for vse on largo areas. This icles copper for rots on dwelinge (but not On churches. Ganeraly the adic st avoid the extensive oe of meta Coppers oarated he baton i ejected raster, logy, case ‘turbance in radi of fm) Zine ale tolerated, ase end Bronce, too, acceptabe 275% copper and aluminium i regarded 9s having ‘ature, Asbestos sould not be used With pstog is ecomnended at searell study ie made ofthe contents and method of manuteture ‘ofthe paint in oxder to prevent the troducton of damon adation Piast are_genorly ogorded having no harmful ade effects Concrete, partcully renforeed coneet, i rojected in abe and arches bis however, permed in foundotions and calor Sen os setae oS ron Bo © Qy'ancrte Moor rien “2980 produced se rele [rPiediphn dopant om {he in of dy isco © circa econ bot te 2 occonng to Lat BUILDING BIOLOGY A differentiation should be made between concrete with clinker ‘aggregate and man-made plaster {which have extremly high fadistion values} and ‘natural cement and plaster Lightweight oncrete with expanded clay aggregate is tolerable. ‘All pipes for water [cold oF hot), sewage oF gas radiate to theie surroundings and can influence the organs of living ‘creatures as well as plants. Therefore, rooms thal are occupied ‘by humans and animals for long periods of time e.g. bedrooms | land living roams) should be as far away a5 possible from Pinework Consequently, is recommended that all Installations are concentrated inthe centre of the dweling in the kitchen oF bathroom, ar collected together in a service wall, (p.277 @). ‘There is @ similar problem with electrical witing carrying aiternating current. Even sf cutrent does not flow, electrical fields with pathogenic effects are formed, and when current is being drawn, the electromagnetic fields created are reputed to be even more havmful. Dr Hartmann found an immediate cure irone case of disturbed well-being by getting the pation pull ‘out the plug and therefore eliminate the current in the flex ‘which went around the head of his bed ~ (Dn another case Similar symptoms were cured by moving a cable running ‘between an elatric heater and the thermostat from behind the head of the double bed to the other side of the room» Loose cables are particularly woublesome, as they produce 3 50H? alternating field syndrome. In addition, lectrical frquipment, such as heaters, washing machines, dish washer, boilers and, particulary, microwave ovens with defective seas, situated next to or beneath bedrooms send oUt pathogenic Faciation thraugh the walls and floor, 80 that the inhabitants fare often in an area of soveral influences ~ (3). Radiation can largely be avoided in new buildings by using wiring with npropriate insulating sheathing. In existing structures the only Solution isto relay the cables or switch off the current at the ‘meter For this purpose it's now possible to obtain automatic shutoff switches when no current is being consumed. In this fase, a separate circuit is required for appliances that cun constantly (eg. freezers, refrigerators, boilers et ‘Additionally, harmful radiation covers large areas around transformer stations (Schroder Speck measured radiation from 23-10-20000V station as far away as 30-50m to the north and 420-150m to the south), electric raiiways and high volage power lines, Even the power earthing of many closely spaced houses ean give rise to pathogenic effects, ‘The human metabolism is influenced by ions (electically charged particles). A person in the open air I subjected to an Slectrcal voltage of about 180Y, although under very sight turrent due tothe lack of @ charge casi There can be up to Several thousand ions in one cuble metre of air. depending on ‘Geographical location and local conditions» @). They vary in ‘Sze and it the medium and small ions that have a biological elect. A strong electrical force fold is produced between the ‘mostly negatively charged surface of the earth and the [ostvely charged air and this affects the body. The esearch of ‘Tachishewsk) inthe 1920s revealed the beneficial influence of negative ions on animals and humans, and showed 3 progressive reduction inthe electrical potential of humans with Increasing age. In edltion, the more negative ions there are in the air the slower the rate at which humans age. Research in the last 50 years has also confirmed the beneficial effects of Iegative ions in the treatment of high Blood pressure, ath, Cireulation problems and rheumatism. The positive ions are predominant in closed rooms, particularly they are dusty. Fooms; but only negatively charged oxygenated air is biologically valuable. There isa large choice of devices which fan be placed in work and utility rooms to artificially produce the negative ios 8. which produce the desirable steady fil Such steady fields (continuous current fields) change the polarisation of undesirably charged ions to create improved oom air conditions. The devices are available in the form of Celing electrodes and table or floor mounted units (SU ie.a measurement value; derived trom Suhr, the home town of Schrader Speck! 23 THE EYE: PERCEPTION 00 00 00 00 000000 00 H }/00 0000 oO} eso ne unualy ‘igonometry| JL Te, © spar rt into ot {oe seen bat ste so ‘Tanta woicniepercoved——_profectins must bs paced ‘rom ground inet Sotcienty bi wp ose a THE EYE: PERCEPTION Interpretation ‘The activity of the eve is divided into seeing and observing. Seeing first of all serves our physical safety but observing takes over where seeing finishes; it leads to enjoyment of the ‘pictures’ registered through seeing. One can differentiate between a sill and a scanned picture by the way that the eye stays on an object or scans along it. The Stil picture is displayed in a segment of the area ofa circle, whose diameter isthe same as the distance of the eye from the object. Inside this ied of view the objects appear tothe eye ‘at a glance’ ~The ideal still picture is displayed in balance. Balance is the first characteristic of architectural beauty, (Physiologists are working on a theory of the sixth ‘sense ~the sense of balance or static sense -that underpins the sense of beauty we feel with regard to symmetrical harmonious things and proportions |~ pp. 27-30) or when we are faced with elements that are in balance.) Outside this framework, the eye receives its impressions bby scanning the picture. The scanning eye works forward along the obstacles of resistance which it meets as it directs itself away from us in width or depth. Ostacies ofthe same ‘oF recurring distances are detected by the eye as a beat’ or ‘2 ‘mhythm’, which has the same appeal as the sounds received by the ear from music. ‘Architecture is Frozen Music, This effect occurs even when regarding still or ‘scanned picture of an enclosed area (P and @ ‘A room whose top demarcation (the ceiling) we recognise in the still picture gives @ feeling of security, but fon the other hand in long rooms it gives a feeling of depression. With a high ceiling, which the eye can only recognise at frst by scanning, the room appears free and sublime, provided that the distance between the wall, and hence the general proportions, are in harmony. Designers ‘must be careful with this because the eye is susceptible to ‘optical illusions. It estimates the extent of width more fexactly than depths or heights, the latter always appearing larger. Thus @ tower seems much higher when seen from ‘above rather than from below ~ p. 24 {9 and GB. Vertical ‘edges have the effect of overhanging at the top and horizontal ones of curving up in the middle ~ p. 28 () ~ & 88. When taking these things into account, the designer should not resort to the other extreme (Baroque) and, for example, reinforce the effect of perspective by inclined Windows and cornices (St Peter's in Rome) of even by Comnices and vaulting painted in perspective and the like The decisive factor for the measurement of size is the size of the field of view and, if applicable, the field of vision +) and, for the exact differentiation of details the size of the field of reading») and ). The distance of the latter datermines the size ofthe details to be differentiated ‘The Greeks complied exactly with this rule. The size of the emallast moulding under the cornice of the individual temples of varying height is so dimensioned that, at an angular distance of 27°» @), it complies with the reading field of 0°, From this alsa results the reading distances for ‘books (which varies with the size of the letters) and the seating plans for auditoriums etc. 25 26 see aon tel ‘toe tt ang See Inet the sane oe ight sda are ona Oneonta @ ightness of surfaces © romecras sae © White «dominant ote MAN AND COLOUR Colours have a power over humans, They can create feclings of well-being, unease, activity or passivity, for instance. Colouring in factories, offices or schools can lenhance or reduce performance; in hospitals it can have a positive influence on patients’ health. Ths influence works indirectly through making rooms appear wider ar narrower, thereby giving an impression of space, which promotes a feeling of restriction or freedom. S)- 7) I also works directly through the physical reactions or impulses evoked by the individual colours .2)and @). The strongest impulse offect comes from orange: then follow yellow, red, green, and purple, The weakest impulse effect comes from bive, ‘reeny blue and violet (i.e. cold and passive colours) ‘Strong impulse colours are suitable only for small areas ina room. Conversely, ow impulse colours can be used for large areas. Warm colours have an active and stimulating effect, which in certain circumstances can be exciting. Cold colours have a passive effect - calming and spiritual. Green causes nervous tension, The effects produced by colour ‘iso depend on brightness and location. Warm and bright colours viewed overhead have @ spiritually stimulating effect; viewed from the side, 2 warming, drawing closer effect; and, seen below, @ lightening, elevating eect. Warm and dark colours viewed above are enclosing or dignified; seen from the side, embracing; and, seen below, suggest safe to grip and to read on, Cold and bright colours above brighten things up and are relaxing: from the side they seem to lead away; and, seen below, look smooth and stimulating for walking an. Cold and dark colours are threatening when above; cold and sad from the side; and burdensome, dragging down, ‘when below. ‘White is the colour of total purity, cleanliness and order White plays a leading role in the colour design of rooms, breaking up and neutralising other groups of colours, and thereby create an invigorating brightness, As the colour of order, white is used as the characteristic surface for warehouses and storage places, for road lines and traffic markings» B. © rman sien Values between theoretical white (100%) and absolute black (0%) white paper a chalky white 80 citron yellow 70 ivory approx. 70, cream approx. 70, gold yellow, pure 60 straw yellow 6 light ochre approx. 60, pure chrome yellow 50 pure orange 25-20 light brown pure beige mid brown simon pink full scarlet deep violet light blue deep sky blue turquoise blue, ps approx. 25, approx. 25, approx. 15, approx. 40, 16 10 approx. 5 140-50 30 wre 18. {grass green approx. 20 asphalt, ry approx. 20 lime green,pastel approx 50 asphalt, wet approx. 5 silver grey approx. 35 oak dark approx. 18 grey lime plaster approx. 82 09k light approx. 33 try concrete, grey approx 32 walnut approx. 18 plywood approx. 38 light spruce approx. 50 yellow brick approx. 32 aluminium foil 8 Fed brick approx. 18 galvanised iron sheet 16 dark clinker approx. 10, mid stone colour 35 © Ween yconter ma” © Fire © eewinaa ante nsegon © @ decaoon and te goean DIMENSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Basis ‘There have been agreements on the dimensioning of buildings since eally times. Essential specific data originated in the time of Pythagoras. He started from the basis that the numerical proportions found in acoustics ‘must also be optically harmonious. From this, Pythagoras developed his right-angled triangle (). It contains all the harmonious interval proportions, but excludes both the disharmonious intervals (.e. the second and seventh ‘Space measurements are supposed to have been derived from these numerical proportions. Pythagoras or diophantine equations resulted in groups of numerals.» 2) = that should be used for the width, height and length of rooms. These groups can be calculated using the formula er ae beoe Wy? 2) t2exey my? + x2) In this x and y are all whole numbers, xis smaller than y, and mis the magnification or reduction factor ne shapes named by Plato and Vitruvius are portance (ie. cele, triangle (6) and square (© from which polygonal traverses can be constructed. The respective bisection then results in further polygonal traverses. Other polygonal traverses (e.9. heptagon. » ‘nonagon fi) can only be formed by approximation or by superimposition, So we can construct a fifteen sided figure *@ by superimposing the equilateral triangle on the 1900 OF pentagram has 2 natural relationship with the golden section, just like the decagon which is derived from it 9, and + p. 90. However, in earlier times its particular dimensional relationships found hardly any application. Polygonal traverses are necessary for the ‘design and construction of so-called ‘round’ structures. The ‘determination of the most important measurements (radius Band r. chord c, and height ofa triangle h} are shown in 8. © soos ‘Aporoximatad nonage So @ Meonrement cateiaionn polvgonal averse p28 (3 formate a 28 © Sete rend ram ne AE © ver nto © mapreertecrrtaes @s DIMENSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Basis A ightangled jose te. raving wo ties ingle ih ¢baseto ses ‘aloof 2 tne ngle stones av oozl angle wt» bose and sie at con be contanes by angen Secs se by Knee ot Catal cratucon fr nedetermntn LV of the devenslonal elaionshipe for the Seasoury Cath Greate cele = @ is someuhat ‘nae pointed tanto prveus one seabed oe tag Iermined byte pot ofa slowes ease hoe Shores sed for ells soo roman ‘pot om eve gue, he snore Sroporions of she Setagon canbe deta o's hoe ate of Stctures, The scales dogonl angers Shas fore The ianglos het sth dagen ore saree neve OD Th sis oth ectangle depicted in nave a rai of 1st inacordane wih a halving or soubogs of thereon ove ha some ao a0 The sop ees crectogon mate ovale georene ates , Th tape ofoqoreronirom crac oncuren The conneston newoan sare vot of whole numbers s own nh The process of otrng mates posible the apc of square rots for busing in non tecengur canoes By buling up approximated voce tr car een MengenghaitonSeelopod the MERO space ames Te Drinaleethes-celd ani The nocrates Orin ight angio areconpenssted tory" te eee Sonnestona ofthe fode at ea, A aut ateenned ‘opronmatedcallaton of sqrercot ot enolenenta ‘itor nonvecanguly compan mca fae le af goninued octone [a'p, Solute eons cerca an +8=1 146 il sereaons— sls —$_- aver — a ss = a tet @ Hamam steae aecorang to) Gace ner tna) aometrca!princnte DIMENSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Appli cof geometrical and dimensional relationships on details given earlier was described by Vitruvius. investigations the Roman theatre for example ‘The applies ‘According is built onthe triangle tuned four times» (Dthe Greek theatre fon a square turned three times.» 2\ Both designs result in a ‘dodecagon, This is recognisable onthe stars. Moessel has tied to detect the use of proportional relationships ia accordance with the golden section 3. although this not obvious. The only {Greek theatre whose plan view is based on a pentagon stands in Epidaurus Ina housing estate recently uncovered in Anica: Osta the ole harbour of Rome, the golden section is recognised 3s being the design principle. This principle consists of a bisection of the tiagonal ofa square he points at which the arc oftheccle cuts the sides of the square are joined with \22, a nine-pan grid is ‘obtained. The square the miles called the square ofthe Holy Section. The are AB has up to 8 0.6% deviation and the same length #8 the diagonal CD of the base square. Thus the Holy Section shows an approximate method for squaring the circle = @) The whale buning complex, rom ste pian to the general frrangament deals, s but with thse dimensional proportions, In his four books on architecture, Palladio gives eometical Key, which is based on the detals given by Pythagoras. He uses the same spsce relationships ‘crle Iwlangle, square, ete) and harmonies for his structures (» 3) fn fa ‘Such laws of proportion can be found formulated in ansolutely clear rus by the cultures of the ancient peoples of the For East. > 49. Toe indians with their "Manasara’. the Chinese with their modulation in accordance withthe Toukou’ ‘and, particularly, the Japanese with their ‘Kiwatiho! method have created “structural systemotics, which guarantee Traditional “development and offer immense economic advantages. Inthe Téth century and later, it was net 2 harmonic but an additive arrangement of dimensions which was preferred» 2. ‘The Octametor system developed trom this. Iwas only with the introduction of the modular ordering system that the Understanding of harmonic and proportional dimensional telationships returned ~ € tals of the coordination System and coordination dimensions ae given on pp. 34-5, © marae @ saoenese weary utang @ oui © Ser ey Pat's © Reno bates ecm mede ot ven ‘Sctped am ange DIMENSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Application of Le Modulor The architect Le Corbusier developed 9 theory of 8 Proportion, which is based on the golden section and the o GS) [a] (am) [ae] ‘oo Kanga @ reprenatin fhe Sandor umber Sr Standard measurements ‘The conttoling dimensions are dimensions between key reference planes (e.9, floortoloor height: they provide nat ‘only a framework for design but olso basis which components ‘and assemblies may refer to 3 ‘Standard dimensions are theoretical but, in practice, they provide the basis for individual, basie stuctural and finshed ‘measurements; thus all bulding components ae linked in an ‘organised way (eg. standard building brick length ~ 260mm {225mm in URI, in situ concrete wal thickness = 250mm.) © Horizont contraing mension 31 8 eae ® © stands wing snenvone © Avettstevation stating brick ies nthe 2 Cc es L Le | JODIE ig BASIC MEASUREMENTS Individual (mostly small) dimensions are used for details of basic construction finishing (e.g, thickness of joints! plaster, dimensions of rebates, wall fixingsitolerances). Basic structural measurements relate, for example, to masoney (excluding plaster thicknesses), structural floor thicknesses, Unplastered doors and window openings. Finished measurements refer to the finished building (eg. net ‘measurements of surface finished roams and openings, net areas and finished floor levels). For building construction without joints, nominal dimensions equal the standard dimensions; with joints, the allowance for the joint is subtracted: e.g. building brick nominal length = standard Tength (250mm ~ thickness of intermediate joint (10mm) = 240mm; nominal thickness of in-situ concrete walls = standard thickness = 250mm. In accordance with the standard number and measurement systems, small dimensions (=25mm), ate chosen {in rym) a8 28,20, 1612.8, 10, 8, 63, 5, 32, 25, 2, 16, 1.25, 1. In many European countries, even simall structural components conform with the standard building numbering system, ©. standardised ‘building bricks. A nominal brick dimension of 240% 115mm reconciles the old non-metric format (250% 120mm or 260%130mm with joints) with the new standard (250:125mm with joints). With the appropriate height, with joint, of 625mm {nominal brick dimension » S2mm), this ‘ives an aspect ratio of 250% 125%62.5- 42:1. ~ 2) ‘Other basic construction component dimensions (e.9. conerete blocks . p. 63, window and door openings.» p. 176-87 and floor levels) ate similarly aligned, so these numerical values reoccur. The UK brickwork dimensions differ: in the past, large variations in the size of ordinary fired clay products often led to critical problems when bonding clay bricks; now, BS 3921: 1895 provides one standard for dimensioning ( @): coordinating size (225%1125%75mm, including 10mm in each direction for joints and tolerances), and the relating work size (215 (2 headers plus 1 joint) « 102.5 « 65mm © eoeceneecton Japan has the oldest building size regulations where, iollowing the great fire in Tokyo in 1657, the style and size fof houses were laid down on the basis of systematic measurement according to the 'Kiwarho method. The basic dimension was the Ken = 6 Japanese feet = 1.818m, ‘The cistances between the wall axes were measured in half for whole Ken, windows doors and even mat sizes were determined on this basis, which considerably simplified hhouse building in Japan, ‘making it quicker and cheaper. Examples ~ BOL. In Germany, @ similar system was developed in the area of halftimbered construction, prior to the introduction of the metre. The determining ‘nit was the Prussian foot, Which was most widely propagated and corresponded to the Rhenish and Danish foot. ‘The dimension between the axes of uprights was mostly 1 Gefach = 2 Ellen = 4 feet »(D. The Prussian, Ahenish and Danish foot, still a use in building practice in Denmark, 1s translated as 312.5mm, the Elle as 625mm and the Gefach {as 125m, in the metric system, Private construction firms hhad adopted a similar system of 1.25m, for their system buildings, particulary for wood panel construction ‘The UK and USA adopted a system of measurement based on 4 feet, which is close to 1.25m, with 4 English fect ='1219m, Building panels (e.g. hardboard) manufactured fon US machines are therefore 1.25m wide in countries Using the metric system. German pumice boards for roots also have the standard dimension of 2 1.25 ~ 250m, the same as plaster boards. Finally, 125 is the preferred number in the standard number system. The series of measurements resulting from 1.25m was standardised in Germany in 1942 with the corresponding roof slopes = @ Inthe meantime, thousands of types of structural components have been produced to this system of ‘measurement, The distance between the axes of beams in finished ceilings today is, accordingly, usually 125/2 = 625mm = the length of the stride of @ human adult p. 17. Unified distances between axes for factory and Industrial premises and accommodation Industrial structures and structures for accommodation ace mostly subdivided in plan into @ series of axes at right Angles. The line of measurement for these axes is always the axis of the structural system of the construction, The separations between axes are dimensional components of the plan, which determine the position af columns, Supports, the centres of walls, ete. In the case of rigid frames, the centre axes of the bearing points of the foundations are decisive. The measurements are always referenced to the horizontal plan and vertical projection plane, even in the case of sloping roofs In industrial structures, a basic measurement of 2.5m applies to the spacing of axes. Multiples of thie give axis spacing of 50, 75 and 10.0m, ete. In special cages yi im hy “ieee Sai Aa a wes ae @ 04 Boneh framed bing with 1 “Gatech’saparation etme © We are of the wprghte BASIC MEASUREMENTS {accommodation oF slab structures), a basic measurement of 25072 = 1.25m, or a multiple thereof, can be used. This fesults in intermediate dimensions of 125, 3.75, 6.25, 8,75m, However, so far a5 possible, these sub-dimensions should not be used above 10m ‘Appropriate geometric stops over 10m are recommended a follows: 120m, 15.00m, 20.00m, 25.00m, 30.00m, 40,00, 50.00m, 60.00m, (62.50m), 80.00m, 100.00, Roof slopes depend on the type of roofing and the sub: construction employed, The following root slopes have been established to correspond with practical raquirements: 1:20 for boarded roofing on steel and reinforced concrete structures and wood cement roots, with the exception of special designs such as shell and ‘saw-tooth roofs, ete 45128 for boarded rooting on wooden structures 14 for corrugated coment roofing, ridged zinc roofing, corrugated sheet rooting, steel roots on lattice work or casings, ribbed ‘steel roots of galvanised, double folded sheet and roofing in waterproof paper-based materials for ‘accommodation premises 4:2 for flat roofs, ete. The systematic unification of industrial and accommadation structures has been gradual process of type development. ‘The cited axis spacings influence the individual structural components: columns, walls, ceilings, trustes, purlins, rafters, roof planking, windows, glazing, doors, fates, crane runways and other elements, The establishment of a specified basic measurement for the spacing of axes creates the prerequisites for a hierarchical system of measurement standardisation for individual Structural components and their matching interconnection. The spacings between axes are simply added together, without intermediate measurements. However, masonry, Glass panes, eeinforced concrete panels ete., must include an element forthe jointing arrangements, The points of support for a travelling crane can be Unified on the basis of the standardised axis spacings The matched, standardised components and assemblies are interchangeable, can be prepared offsite and used in @ Versatile manner, Mass production, interchangeabilty of componentsiassemblies and the availabilty of standardised components and assemblies in store result in savings in work, materials, costs and time, The arrangement of the Structural axes brings considerable simplification to building supervision, (a eee eee 33 34 or bre ones © soammuass 5) Allonmen of coordinate ‘oneainte ayer aa mal Oman LO © wrest components to ona. Jal] © meena ab fag © Prema eign mors serine MODULAR SYSTEM International agreements on the planning and execution of building work and for the design and-manulacture of building components and semi-finished products are incorporated inta national standards. The modular system is a means of coordinating the dimensions applicable to building work. The term ‘coordination’ is the key, indicating that the ‘modular layout involves an arrangement of dimensions and the spatial coordination of structural components. Therefor, the standards deal with geometrical and dimensional requitements. The modular system develops a mothod of ‘design and construction which uses a coordinate system 98 8 means of planning and executing building projects. A coordinate system is always related to specific objects, Geometric considerations By means of the system of coordinates, buildings and components are arranged and their exact positions and ies specified. The nominal dimensions of components a8 well a6 the dimensions of joints and interconnections can thereby be derived. »)-@) 2 ‘A coordinate system consists of planes at right angles to each other, spaced according to the coordinate measurements. Depending on the system, the planes can be different in sie and in all three dimensions. [As @ rule, components are arranged in one dimension between parallel coordinate planes so that they fil up the coordinate dimension, including the allowance allocated to the joints and also taking the tolerances into account. Hence ‘8 component can be specified in one dimension in terms of its size and position. This is referred to as boundary relerence, =) -% In other eases, it can be advantageous not to arrange 2 ‘component between two planes, but rather 10 make the central axis coincide with one plane of the coordinate system. The component is initially specified in one dimension with reference tits axis, But in terms of position only. = (7) +42 ‘A coordinate system can be divided into sub-systems for different component groups, e.9. load-bearing structure, component demarcating space, ete. + @ thas been established that individual components need not be modularised, e.g, individual steps on stairways, windows, doors, ete. <8 For non-madular components which run along or across the whole building, a so-called ‘non-madular’ zone can be roduced, which divides the coordinate system into two Sub systems. The assumption is thatthe dimension of the component in the non-modular zone is already known at the time of setting out the coordinate system, since the non: ‘modular zone can only have completely specified dimensions. - Further possible arrangements of _non-modular components are the so-called centre position and edge position within modular zones. «08 ~ 1) ® mintrce concrete ssicae nit © smn. fonygonal woven ote lan © Modi pongo weve COORDINATE SYSTEM AND DIMENSIONING Modular Arrangements in Building Practice The units for the modular arrangement are M = 100mm for the basic module and 3M = 300mm, 6M = 600mm, and 12M = 1200mm, for the multirmodules. The limited ‘multiples of the preferred numerical series are generated in this way. The coordinate dimensions - theoretical standard dimensions ~ are, ideally, generated from these. These limitations are the result of functional, constructional and ‘economic factors. In addition, there are standardised, non-modular ‘extending dimensions, |= 25mm, S0mm and 75mm, efor matching and overlapping connection of components. - @) The coordinate Using rules of coi can also be arranged in practical uss 1, different sizes of components in 8 modular coordinate system With the help of calculations with numerical groups (e.g. Pythagoras) or by fectorisation (e.g. continued fractions), on-rectangular components can also be arranged within @ ‘modular coordinate system. + 2) + @) By constructing polygonal traverses (e.g. triangular, rectangular, pentagonal and the halves of the same), the so called ‘round’ building structures can be devised, » 7) ~ Using modular arrangements, technical areas such as those for structural engineering, electrotechnology, transport ation, which are dependent on each other from a ‘geometrical and dimensional viewpoint, can be combined. “@ 3 rotation about 48° wing 12M in the plan wines @ same ote ae of tcl ress sing med armgement 35 © eT cr sed in © Mecteatand economia! © cr stppors strat burpet wall supported by @ Painter concrete Seiteeetcmmmte , —— @ Menieend ene 36 Srl tome by outer at of BUILDING DETAILS Functional Use of Materials In the earliest civilisations, building form was dictated by the techniques of binding, knotting, tying, plaiting and weaving. Building in timber followed later, and in nearly all civilisations became the basis for architectural form (see th example of the Greek temple 1) and 2) Recognition of this is relatively recent, but there is an increasing number of examples which support the accuracy Of this theory. Unde researched this matter at length and established that Moorish architectural skills originate from timber construction, in particular the Alhambra at Granada. The internal surface decor of Moorish buildings has its source in weaving techniques (like the ribbons and beaded astragals on Greek buildings), although it was actually pressed into the gypsum by moulds or inlaid a8 ‘Azujelos (glazed strips of clay. In several coams of the Alcazar in Seville one can clearly see in the corners of the rooms the knotting together of the walls in the gypsum finish exactly in the way that the wall carpets of the tents were knotted at the corners in earlier centuries. Here the form derived from tent construction was simply transferred to the gypsum mould, Under the same conditions, forms which result from the material, construction and functional requirements. are similar or even identical in every country and time The ‘eternal form’ was traced by V. Wersin with convincing examples. He showed that utensils used in the Far East and in Europe in 3000 ec are strikingly similar to those in use today. With new material, new technology and changing use, a uifferent form inevitably evolves, even though embellishments can obscure or conceal the tue form, or even give the impression of something quite different tbaroquel. The sprit of the age tends to decide the form of the building, Today, in the buildings of other periods, we study not so ‘much the result as the origin of the art Each style arrives at its “eternal form’, its tue culmination, after which it is developed and refined. We still sive after a true expression with our use of concrete, steel and glass. We have achieved success in finding some new and convincing solutions for factories and monumental buildings, in which the need for ‘extensive window areas determines and expresses the The plain and distinct representation of the building pant, in conformity with their technical functions, provides possibilities for new forms in the details and the outward expression of buildings. Herein lies the new challenge for architects today. It is wrong to believe that our age needs only to develop clean technological solutions and leave it ta the next period to cultivate a new form emanating from these structures - 2). On the contrary, every architect has the duty to harness contemporary technical possibilities sively and to exploit their artistic potential to create ings that express the ethos of the modern world (= p This requires tact, restraint, respect for the surroundings, organic unity of building, space and construction, and harmonious relationship between the articulation of interior spaces and the exterior form, in addition to fulfilling technological, organisational and ‘economic demands. Even major artists with tue creative drive ("those who have something to say’) are subject to these restrictions and are influenced by the spit of the age, The clearer the artistic vision or the view of life of the ats the more mature and rich the content of his work, and the longer it will endure as a beautiful abject of true art for alltime. FORM vauerina . The Result of Construction To begin with itis always construction that isthe basis of form, Later it develops onto apure, and often abstract form, which is intially adopted when new building materials ae introduced, Numerous examples of this can be found in history, from ancient stone tombs, in which even the lay observer can discern the basic timber form. to. the ‘automobile of 1900 that imitated the horse-drawn carriage leven down to the provision of a whip holder. 37 38 Slender supports give steel ramed construction the lightest possible appearance. (P). However, this form is not Permitted everywhere. Exterior unenclosed supports are rarely allowed 2) but, if combined with externally visible For many building types, building regulations require fire resistant or even fire proof construction and encased stee! members consequently resemble reinforced concrete, © @ In shell structures, forces ate distributed uniformly in all directions. Types include: cupola with segments 3) oblong Cable structures for long spans have been in use since early times 2 Circus tents are the best-known lightweight Suspended diaphragm structure» €8. Modern reinforced The challenge for architects is to ereste form based on a fusion of architectural expression and knowledge of the technological principles of modern construction techniques. This unity was lost in the wake of the Industrial Revolution, before which available forms were used on a ‘decorative’ basis. in any construction type, whether in stone, wood or plaster. FORM Modern Construction Techniques and Forms horizontal giders, can create an especially light but solid appearance of unobstructed space»). Steel and aluminium structures are particulary suitable for light open halls with few supports and cantilevered roofs sw © Faroe Typical characteristics are cantilevered floors on beams. © from tower cores.» @, oF house core supports.) oF ‘as mushroom structures, © BE Reep @ ruse “a shell, rhythmically arranged transverse shells (of shells with inclined supports at neutral points» conerete suspended diaphragms with rigid edge beams can create economical and impressive buildings » 98, and may be used as basis for cantilever constructions.» 96 ‘The latest fire protection techniques can obviate the need for concrete encasement altogether, Intumescent coatings are often used for protecting structural steelwork against fire (especially the visually expressed elements). These look like normal paint but, in the event of fire, they foam, thus ‘creating a protective layer around the steel. ‘inde: through THE DESIGN OF HOUSES ‘The Expression of the Period and its Conventions In the time between the beginning of the 16th century (the period of witch-hunts, superstition, leaded lights and fort like houses, a form whieh is stil occasionally in demand) {and the present day, astonishing advances have been made in science, technology and industry. As a result the outlook fof society has changed radically. In the intervening Centuries it is clearly evident trom buildings and their details, as well as other aspects of life, that people have become freer and more self-aware, and their buildings lighter and brighter. The house today is no longer perceived a8 a fortress offering protection against enemies, robbers or ‘demons’ but rather as a complementary framework for our way of life - open to nature and yet in every respect protected against its inclemency. People generally see and feel things differently Designers must therefore use their creativity as far as possible to translate our shared experience into reality and ‘express it through the materials at their disposal. The ititude of the client is of the greatest significance in this issue, In some ways, many clients and architects are stil living in the 18th century while few of each have arrived in the new millennium. Ifthe ‘centuries’ meetin the right way, then a happy marriage between client and architect is assured 39 0 © WerCimrarteteces pe: propesl © ee Seite ana pare {he ates natural slope: Building programme The work begins with the drawing-up of a detailed briet, withthe help of an experienced architect and guided by the questionnaire shown on the following pages. Before planning starts the following must be known: 1 Site: ocation, size, site and access levels, location of Services, building and planning regulations and Conditions, Ths information should be sought from the local authority, service providers and legal representatives, and a layout plan to camply with this should be developed, 2 Space requirements with regard to areas, heights, Positioning and their particular relationship with one another, 3 Dimensions of existing furnitu 4 Finance: site acquisition, legal fees, mortgages ete. pp, 43-50, 5 Proposed method of construction (brick, construction, stoping roof, fat roof et. frame DESIGN METHOD Working Process The sketch scheme is begun by drawing up individual rooms of the required areas as simple rectangles drawn to scale and put provisionally ito graups. After studying the movements of the people and goods thorizantaly and vertically), analyse circulation and the relationships of rooms to each other and the sun = p. 272, During this stage the designer will progressively obtain a clearer understanding of the design prablems involved. Instead of starting to design at this stage they should, on the basis of their previous work to establish the building area determine the position of the building on the site, by exploring the various means of access, the prevailing wing, twee growth, contours, aspect, and neighbourhood. Ty out several solutions to explore all possibilities <) and use their pros and cons for @ searching examination ~ unless of course a single obvious solution presents itself. Based on the foregoing, decision-making is narmally fairly quick, and the ‘ides’ becomes clearer: then the real picture of the building emerges - 2) Now the first design stage can begin, firstly as an ‘organisational and spiritual impression in the mind, From this, a schematic representation of the general Configuration of the building and its spatial atmosphere is built up, from which the designer can develop the real proposal, in the form of plans and elevations. Depending tupon temperament and drawing ability a quick charcoal sketch, ora spidery doodle, forms the frst tangible result of thi ‘birt The first impetus may become lost if the efforts of assistants are clumsy. With growing experience and "maturity the clarity of the mental image impraves, allowing 'tto be communicated more easily. Older, mature architects are often able to draw up a final design in freehand, correctly dimensioned and detailed. Some refined mature works are created this way, but the verve of their earlier Work is often lacking. After completion ofthe preliminary design, 3), pause of 3-14 days is recommended, because it provides a distancing from the design and lets shortcomings reveal themselves more clearly, It also often disposes of assumptions, because in the intervening time preconceived ideas are put asiae, not least as a result of discussions with staff and clients. Then the detailed design of the project is begun with the assistance of various consultants (eg. @ structural engineer, service engineers for heating. water and electricity) firmly establishing the construction and installations, Following this, but usually before, the plans are ‘submitted {0 the relevant authorities for examination and permission (which might take about 3-6 months). During this time the costs are estimated and specification and Bill ‘of Quantities produced, and the tendering procedure is undertaken, so that as soon as the permission to proceed is received, contracts can be granted and the work on site commenced. All these activities, rom receiving the commission to the start of building operations for a medium-sized family house, takes on average 2-3 months of the architect's time, for larger projects thosptals, etc.) 6-12 manths should be allowed. It is not advisable to try to make savings at this juncture; the extra time spent is soon recovered during building operations ifthe preparation has been thoroughiy carried out, The client thus saves money and mortgage interest payments. The questionnaire (pp. 41 and 42) and the room specification folder (. p. 31) will be important ais, Preparatory work is often done in a rush, Preparatory Work: Collaboration with Ci BUILDING DESIGN sulting in an insufficiently detailed scheme being put out to tender and commenced on site. This is how final’ drawings and costs only became available when the building is nearly complete Explanations are of no help to the client, The only way of solving the problem is faster and better organised work by the architect and sufficient preparation in the design office and on the construction sit. ‘Similar information i required for most building projects $0 detailed question res and pro formas, available when the commission is received, ean be used to speed things up. Certainly there will be some variations, but many factors are Common and make questionnaires useful to all those involved inthe project, even if they are only used as checklist, “The following questionnaire is only one of the labour saving pro formas which an efficient and well-run architect's office should have available, along with pre formas for costing purposes, etc Briefing Questionnaire Commission No, Employer Project Description Information collected by: Copies t: oformation 00 the cleat 1 What is their financial status? Business outlook? Total capital employed? Where was the information obtained? | 2. How doos the business seem to be conducted? 3 Who i our main contact? Who is our contact is his ‘absence? Who has the final authority? 4 Has the client any special requests regarding design? 5 Have they any special interest in ar? (In particular with regard to our attitude and design metnod) 16 What personal views of the cent need to be taken into account? 7 Who is liable to cause us difficulties and why? What could be the effects? @ Is the customer interested in publication of his building later on? 9 Do the drawings have to be capable of being understood by laymen? 10 Who was the client's architect previously? 11 For what reason did he or she not receive this 12 Isthe client thinking of further buildings? Ifso, when, what type, how large? Have they already been designed? Is there the possibility that we might obtain this ‘commission? What steps have been taken in this iretion? With what success? | confidential Agreements on foes 1. On what agreement with the client are the conditions of tengagement and scale of professional charges based? 2 What stages ofthe work are included inthe commission? 43 Is tho estimated project cost the basis for the fee caleulation? 44 What is the estimated projet cost? 5 Are we commissioned to carryout the interior design? 5 Has a form of agreement between employer and architect been signed and exchanged? | Persans and firms involved inthe project 1 With whom do we have to conduct preliminary aiscussions? Who is responsible fr what special areas of activity? Whois responsible for checking the invoices? Which system of ordering and checking will be used? Will we have authorty to grant contracts in the name of the chent? Iso, to what value? Do we have written confirmation for this? Who does the client recommend as Contractor or subcontractor? (Trade: Name; Address; Telephone) 6 Is a clerk of works essential or merely desirable, and should he or she be experienced or junior? When is he or she requited, and for how long (duration of job or only part? 7 Have we explained duties and position of clerk of works to client? 8 Is accommodation available for site offices and material storage? What about furniture, telephone, computers, fax, heating, lighting, WC and water? WV Generat 1 Is hoarding required? Can it be let for advertising? Is signboard requited and, itso, what will be on it? 2 Exact address of the new building and name after completion? 3. Nearest railway station? 4 Postal disticitown? 5s there a telephone on site, and if not when will one be ‘available? Aiternatvely is there a telephane inthe vicinity? 6 Have we obtained a local edition of the national working rules for the building industry? Are there any additional clauses? V The project 1 Who has drawn up the building programme? Is it ‘exhaustive oF has it t0 be supplemented by us or others? Has the client to agree again before the design work stats? 2 Has the new building t0 be related to existing and future buildings? 3. Which local regulations have to be observed? Who is building inspector or district surveyor? Who is town planning officer? 14 What special literature is available on this typeof building? What do we have in our files? 5 Whore have similar buildings been built?” Have we taken steps to view thom? Vi Basic design factors 11 What are the surroundings like? Are landscaping and treos tobe considered? What about climate, aspect, access, anc prevailing wind? 2 What is the architecture of existing buildings? What ‘materials were employed? 3. Do we have photographs of neighbourhood with viewpoints marked on plan? if not, have they been ordered? {4 What other factors have to be considered in our design? 5 What are the existing floorto-floor heights and heights of buildings? What is the situation with regard to roads, building lines, future coads, trees (types and sizesI? 6 What future development has to be considered? 7 sit desirable to plan an area layout? 8 Are there regulations or restrictions concerning elevational treatment in istic? 8 What is known of attitude of town planning officer or committee towards architecture? Is it advisable to discuss Inial sketches with town planning officer before proceeding? 10 Incase of appeal, is anything known of the time taken and the ministry's decision in similar cases inthis cistriet? a

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