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december | 2017

Mario Monzoni

december | 2017 Vice-Coordinator

Paulo Durval Branco

Amália Safatle

GVces Researchers
Mariana Nicolletti, Natalia
Lutti, Thaís Camolesi

Communications Coordinator
Amália Safatle

Production Manager
Bel Brunharo

Amália Safatle, Bruno Toledo,
Cíntya Feitosa, Magali Cabral

Copy Editor
José Genulino Moura Ribeiro

Amália Safatle and Oscar
Freitas Neto (in collaboration)

José Roosevelt Junior

To the team at Trends in
Ecosystem Services Business
Initiative (TeSE)

Editorial Board
Annelise Vendramini, Aron
Belinky, Daniela Gomes Pinto,
Fernanda Carreira, Guarany
Ipê do Sol Osório, Livia
Menezes Pagotto, Mariana
Nicolletti, Mario Monzoni,
Mauricio Jerozolimski, Paulo

Fundação Grupo Boticário

Durval Branco

Photo: Fundação Grupo

P22_ON is a product of Page22.

december 2017
videoscribe script and production: Magali Cabral
Voiceover: Bruno Toledo

what are

Nature has evolved over 3.8 bil- mans and nature lived side by
lion years to develop and har- side without major environmen-
monise all existent life forms tal disturbance. That is, environ-
on earth. mental degradation has always
occurred through contempo-
We humans are a relatively re- rary History, but in doses that
cent species within this small, allowed for the natural replen-
delicate and beautiful blue ishment of extracted resources.
planet. These interventions are called In practice, it works like this: – To deliver an effective solution to – To link sources of public and The reports and statements
However, in the last 60 years, Nature-based Solutions (NbS), Imagine a marine environment a global challenge using nature; private funding; produced should help deepen
Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sa- we have begun to alter the nat- and help deal with problems which the fishing industry has ex- the reader’s knowledge about
piens, A Brief History of Human- ural environment as never be- such as: sea level rise; water ploited to its final consequences. – To provide the benefits of biodi- Here in Brazil, the Fundação the concept of NbS and get to
kind, says that if it were possible fore in the History of our planet. scarcity, which overlaps in are- The disappearance of biodiversi- versity through the good manag- Grupo Boticário (Boticário know in detail 15 selected cas-
to go on a hike in East Africa 2 as where there was previously ty would, in this case, affect the ing of diversity and ecosystems; Group Foundation), in affiliation es from the call - organized by
million years ago, we would have We have put our own existence an abundance of water; floods; quality of life of local fishermen. with the IUCN, has taken action types of solution for societal
encountered human figures in fa- at risk. the disappearance of biodiversi- – To present the best cost-effec- to disseminate these concepts demands: water supply, munici-
miliar groups completely adapt- ty on land, sea, etc. A Nature-based Solution which tiveness when compared to and practices. pal management, quality of wa-
ed to nature, just like chimpan- Over time, we realised that we can restore this marine ecosys- other solutions; ter and marine environments.
zees, elephants and baboons. But were closing our eyes to the bil- Since our emergence, we have tem - by, for example, building This edition of P22_ON pre-
that was still Pre-History. lions of years of nature’s accu- depended on the resources we artificial reefs - would benefit –Can be communicated in a sents the results of the first call Happy reading!
mulated experience. extract from nature. That de- the region environmentally, so- simple and effective manner; for NbS cases made in Brazil,
Only 70,000 years ago did the pendency will continue. cially and economically. by initiative of the Foundation.
Homo sapiens form more elabo- The last decade saw the emer- The International Union for Con- – Can be measured, verified and The objective is to identify
rate cultures and begin to write gence of the first projects using As such, by protecting the servation of Nature (IUCN), the replicated; and recognise projects which
History proper. human intervention based on the environment, NbS are also organization which coined the – To respect and strengthen demonstrate how nature can
functions of healthy ecosystems protecting the local econo- term, has established seven ba- community rights over natural be part of the solution to the
During those 70 millennia, hu- to tackle pressing challenges. my and wellbeing of people. sic principles for a NbS: resources; various demands of society.

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

andrew preble
context by amália safatle

s much as the human Boticário Group Foundation, in cation of NbS has been more
mind has become ingen- affiliation with the IUCN, has strongly disseminated by the Eu-
ious in its short and recent adopted for use in its initiatives ropean Commission, which has
period in Earth’s timeline, it has for disseminating NbS concepts adapted it to its own develop-
no comparison with the 3,8 bil- and practices in Brazil - among ment outlook. But what about in
lion years of evolution of nature. them, the call for cases which Brazil, a recognised environmen-
If there is a place where the hu- is the subject of this edition, in tal power with profound eco-
man being can find most of the which the Boticário Group Foun- nomic and socio-environmental
answers and solutions relating dation in partnership with the problems?
to quality of life, it is within this Centre for Sustainability Studies
formidable open-air laboratory, at FGV-Eaesp and the Ministry “There is little available informa-
which is constantly being de- of the Environment selected tion on the subject, and most of
signed and re-designed. proposals from various regions it is international, which makes
of the country. it difficult to apply to Brazilian
Human intelligence doesn’t reality”, says Maria de Lourdes
seem so brilliant when, instead NbS uses the attributes and (Malu) Nunes, executive director
of drawing inspiration form processes of the complex of the Boticário Group Founda-
the accumulated expertise of system of nature, such as its tion. “Through this initiative, we
nature, it modifies and alters ability to store carbon and reg- are showing that it is possible to
the services it provides, to the ulate water flow, with the aim face the various problems that
point of endangering its very of attaining certain results, e.g. exist in our society using nature
own existence. According to the reducing the risk of disasters, as part of the solution.”
Millennium Ecosystem Assess- improving human wellbeing and
ment (2005), we humans have promoting a green and socially The greatest advantage NbS
changed the natural environ- inclusive economy. By doing so, has, is its broad approach.
ment more rapidly in the last it can transform environmen- Solutions draw on a range of
60 years than ever before in the tal and social challenges into actions in several fields, such
planet’s history. innovative opportunities, trans- as restoration, infrastructure,
forming natural capital into a management and protection to
The result is a corrosion of the source of prosperity. face social challenges - among
environment’s foundations, them access to clean water,
which support not only econom- Abroad, the concept and appli- food, income generation and
ic activity but also the wellbeing
of people and life of all species.
Happily, there is a growing per-
ception that it is possible to find
answers in Nature-based Solu-
tions - a term coined between
2009 and 2010 by the Interna-
tional Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN).

nature’s answers
But what exactly are Na-
ture-based Solutions? Ac-
cording to the IUCN, they are

to human problems
interventions which use nature
and the natural functions of
healthy ecosystems to address
the most pressing demands of
our time. It is a type of solution
which helps protect the envi-
ronment, as well as providing
numerous economic and social
“In nature there are no rewards or punishments; there are consequences.”
James Abbott McNeill Whistler, American painter and artist. This is the definition which the

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


climate balance - with the aim ognises the role ecosystem urban flooding (Prefecture of Program (UNEP) and the World of everything: life on earth it could inadvertently create a repositioned its action strat-
of providing human wellbeing, services play in reducing human Campinas); and those pertinent Conservation Monitoring Cen- (SDG 15, life under water (14), hierarchy among SDGs, instead egy, seeking to amplify the
at the same time as generating vulnerability, and has among to the reduction of coastal vul- tre (WCMC). clean water and sanitation (6) of viewing them transversally. effects of its performance/ principles of
benefits for conservation. its guiding principles the prior- nerability through the recov- and the fight against climate operations/actions. According NbS
itization of Ecosystem-based ery of sandbanks (Fluminense However, Couto thinks that it is change (13). This approach, For André Ferretti, the wedding to Ferretti, the Foundation,
“NbS helps us reach the objec- Adaptation (EbA) measures for Federal University) and the necessary to assess, case by which proposes a new un- cake diagram helps reinforce which has worked in conserva-
tives of the UN conventions on adaptation to climate change in improvement of water quality case, when solutions should be derstanding of the SDGs, was the understanding that the oth- tion since 1990, had focused its • Delivers an effective solu-
Climate Change, Biodiversity the country. (Phytorestore). sought in nature, in engineer- presented in June last year by er goals cannot be reached if activity on the conservation of tion to a global challenge
and Desertification”, says André ing, or in hybrid models, which Stockholm Resilience Center the natural foundation is not protected areas and support- using nature
Ferretti, biodiversity econom- “The concepts of EbA and NbS “The development of studies mix the two. Those based on director Johan Rockström, and well preserved. According to ing projects through grants.
ics manager at Boticário Group are so similar and synergistic for monitoring the results of nature are not always both Pavan Sukhdev who is on the Ferretti, as well as serving as • Supplies biodiversity ben-
Foundation. that they blend together. It can these initiatives in the long term more effective and more ac- board of the Center. a pillar, nature, and those solu- The Foundation eventually efits in terms of well-man-
be said that EbA measures are could provide technical and sci- cessible in financial terms (af- tions based on nature, end up decided to go beyond philan- aged diversity and ecosys-
They also contribute to achiev- Nature-based Solutions focused entific subsidies for consolidat- fordables). Sometimes, paths As the ‘wedding cake’ image generating additional benefits, thropy, acting on a par with tems
ing the Sustainable Develop- on the challenges of climate ing those actions, in comparison which integrate NbS with engi- shows, the four SDGs which contributing to the attainment the private sector via Payment
ment Goals (SDGs) and the change”, says Mariana Egler, en- to grey initiatives, especially if neering can be better, from this form part of the base support of other goals. for Environmental Services • Better cost-effectiveness
fulfilment of the Brazilian Na- vironmental analyst at the Minis- we consider the multiple bene- point of view. the eight social goals, among (PES), a system of remunera- in relation to other solu-
tional Adaptation Plan (NAP). try of the Environment. fits of AbE measures and their them the eradication of poverty, When restoring a forest area, tion through which the agent tions
Launched by the government in long-term financial viability” This is shown in the Resilience gender equality and quality ed- for example, the gains for cli- promoting the environmental
2016, one of the plan’s principles Egler points out that, among says Egler. to Extreme Weather report, ucation. From there, it is possi- mate and water quality and benefit is rewarded and the • Can be communicated in
is Ecosystem-based Adaptation the selected projects in this published in 2014 by The Royal ble to reach the four economic supply are linked to food, hu- beneficiary must pay the rele- a simple and convincing
(EbA). EbA, in turn, is a form of case call, around seven could Society’s Perception Society Science Policy Centre, goals, such as decent employ- man wellbeing and income gen- vant economic cost. manner
Nature-based Solution. equally be considered Ecosys- regarding impact reduction of ment, growth and responsible eration benefits if fruit plants
tem-based Adaptation solu- Society often does not realise extreme events, such as heat consumption. Running across are used among the species. It took a further leap from • Can be measured, verified
According to Malu Nunes, in- tions, as they are based on the that the benefits it is receiving waves, tidal waves, floods and them all is the 17th goal, which there to stronger action relat- and replicated
clusion of the EbA in the Na- recovery of ecosystems seek- come from ecosystem ser- droughts (see figure 12 of the is the partnerships needed to Another example: in containing ed to water, climate adaptation
tional Adaptation Plan opens ing the provision of ecosystem vices, such as access to clean study). achieve these goals. Watch the a hillside susceptible to land- and mitigation. • Respects and reinforces
up an important space for the services which reduce vulnera- water and food. “The concept video explaining the diagram. slides, if a nature-based resto- the rights of communities
strategic use of Nature-based bility to climate change. of Nature-based Solutions is a In any case, for Couto, there ration is carried out instead of “Since 2015, we have had over natural resources
Solutions, as NAP guidelines way of raising people’s aware- is the need for different solu- In short, Rockström and Sukh- a conventional retaining wall, more contact with EbA and
are passed on to local govern- These are: projects related to ness about the services nature tions as a form of increasing dev’s message is that the econ- there will also be associated NbS, which has to do with our • Links public and private
ment and companies of various the conservation and supply of provides, and in the process the conservation of biodiver- omy must serve society in or- gains - in terms of landscape, institution, which is a business sources of finance
sectors. water (proposed by WRI, IAV attaining the Sustainable De- sity and natural systems. This der for it to evolve within the microclimate and ecosystem foundation”, says Ferretti.
Vale Environmental Institute, velopment Goals (SDGs)”, says is because of the fact that of planet’s safe operational space. recomposition. This is because NbS can be a Source: IUCN. 2012. The
The National Adaptation Plan The Bioatlântica Institute and Matheus Couto, an analyst of the 17 SDGs, there are four Such an approach, however, part of private investments, IUCN Programme 2013-2016
(NAP), a National Policy on Cli- Prefecture of Catende); those the cooperation between the which are related to the bio- has not gained traction with By encouraging NbS, the Bot- generating profit while pro-
mate Change instrument, rec- focused on the reduction of United Nations Environment sphere, and form the basis the United Nations, for whom icário Group Foundation has moting conservation.

The call for cases is a result of

this new front of action. “We
hope this material will inspire
other companies, universities

Azote Images for Stockholm Resilience Centre

and governments to help their
why now? – reasons for implementing Nbs regions benefit by using nature
as a solution”, says Malu Nunes.

• Raising awareness and • Demonstrable financial ad- the resistance and resilience Source: European Commis- Find out how proposals were
interest in managing and vantages through the reduc- of socio-ecological services sion, 2015. Nature-based selected.
maintaining biodiversi- tion of initial capital expendi- in relation to global changes Solutions and Re-Naturing
ty and ecosystem ser- tures and operational costs. and unforeseeable extreme Cities
vices as a means of re- events, as well as providing
ducing economic risks by • It is an umbrella term which ecosystem services which
guaranteeing the continued promotes our dependency positively contribute to hu-
supply of essential resources. on biodiversity to increase man health and wellbeing.

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

hugues de buyer mimeure
methodology by Amália Safatle

step by step:
case selection

aunched on 12th July this tion respected and driven by the • Clarity in the presentation and After individual analysis, an
year, the “Call for Na- initiative. argumentation of the pro- alignment and consensus meet-
ture-based Solutions” is posed NbS; ing was held, in which 15 cases
the first record of cases using There were 21 proposals which were selected - presented in
NbS developed for private and went through to the second • Aspects of the conservation this NbS edition of P22_ON.
public sector decision-mak- stage of assessment, submit- of biodiversity respected and Five belong to the Third Sector,
ers in Brazil. Its objective is to ted to a Specialist Committee driven by the initiative; four to the private sector, four
identify and recognize initiatives formed by the FGV Eaesp Cen- to academia and two to the
which demonstrate how nature tre for Sustainability Studies, • Identification of potential ben- public sector.
can be a part of the solution for the Boticário Group Foundation eficiaries of the solution;
many of society’s demands. and the Ministry of the Environ- The following reports present
ment, represented by the Sec- • Comparison of the NbS with the cases organized into types
Initially, the call received 91 re- retariat of Biodiversity, Forests the possible use of grey infra- of solution by societal demand:
sponses from interested par- and Climate Change. The pre- structure for solving the iden- water supply, municipal man-
ties, with 40 proposals being screened proposals were read tified demand/problem; agement, production chains,
effectively registered - 15 of and given a score by at least water quality and marine envi-
which came from the private three professionals from the • Clarity in the analysis of in- ronments.
sector, 12 from the Third Sec- different institutions. vestments versus benefits
tor, 7 from the academic com- generated; Proposals may in their history
munity and 6 from the public For assigning a score, evalua- be linked to some of the insti-
sector. tors used the following rule: 0 - • Indication of how the pro- tutions involved in this initiative,
not met or not applicable; 1 - the posed solution contributes to however, selection by three
Following from this, a pre-com- criteria is insufficiently explored increasing local resilience to different parties ensures they
mittee formed by the Boticário by the proposal; 3 - the propos- climate change; are exempt from the selective
Group and the Boticário Group al clearly meets the criteria; process.
Foundation carried out an initial or 5 - the proposal meets the • Indication of results with their
screening, to verify whether criteria in exemplary fashion. contribution to reaching global All selected proposals refer to
proposals met the minimum The following criteria was used, or national targets; the major objectives of the Na-
eligibility criteria: clarity and with the first three considered tional Plan for Adapting to Cli-
relevance of the demand to be to be essential (a score of 0 • Demonstration of viability of mate Change and UN Sustaina-
solved through Nature-based was not permissible): scale or replicability; ble Development Goals.
Solutions (NbS); clarity in the
presentation and argumenta- • Clarity and relevance of the • Indication of benefits to socie-
tion for the proposed NbS; as- demand to be solved through ty, as well as those directly re-
pects of biodiversity conserva- a Nature-based Solution (NbS); lated to a demand to be solved.

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

Fundação Grupo Boticário
water supply by magali cabral

the role of forests

in watercourses

any of the residents of at increasing the supply of wa- in this sector, the economic ob- results for the economic bene-
the Southeast Region of ter resources are underway. jective of the project, entitled fits of forest restoration, native
Brazil have felt or are Natural Infrastructure for Water seedlings have been planted on
feeling the effects of the water In a public call, the Boticário in Brazil: Restoration as a Public 4,000 hectares of areas provid-
crisis which has taken place in Group Foundation selected Sanitation Strategy, is impor- ing water resources and in bad
recent years in rural and urban four SbN cases from this seg- tant. The implementation of a conservation status in RMSP - a
areas. Among the measures ment, among which the World forest is not cheap, hence the task undertaken by non-govern-
taken by water supply compa- Resources Institute (WRI) case relevance of calculating cost-ef- mental organization The Nature
nies, ‘grey infrastructure’ works should be highlighted, which fectiveness. Barbieri explains Conservancy (TNC), in partner-
were much talked about, such proposes green infrastructure that there is already a good the- ship with ‘Projeto Nascentes’, of
as building new reservoirs or as a complementary solution oretical basis for the services the Department of the Environ-
transposing water from one ba- to conventional measures to provided by a forest, particularly ment of the State of São Paulo.
sin to another. improve water production in the the retention of sediment.
Cantareira System, which sup- According to the WRI, direct
Although they may be nec- plies water to nearly 9 million Sediment, which is carried by benefits outweigh costs by up
essary, these works do not people in the Metropolitan Re- watercourses, is the main cause to 16.54%, excluding positive
forgo initiatives for restoring gion of São Paulo (RMSP). of turbidity. Supplying clean wa- externalities generated by other
the natural environment as ter to a population involves high eventual ecosystem services,
the crisis may be related to “We understand that forests expenditure on chemical prod- such as carbon sequestration,
forest degradation and the can bring further advantages ucts, power and the workforce pollination, microclimatic ther- lower than costs (-5.68%), which approximate reduction of 72% In addition to improving wa- water from the Cantareira ba-
unsustainable exploitation of to conventional structures. It is of the public utility company. mal comfort, biodiversity pro- indicates that the restoration can of the current load. The net ter quality, restoring forests sin will grow by 10% over the
water resources. It should our job to try to assess the cost When the presence of a forest tection, etc. practically be paid for with the benefit (in present value) could in aquifer recharge areas in- next 20 years. Plantation of
be added, of course, that cli- and benefit of planting forests impedes leaching of the soil, savings generated by avoiding reach R$30 million, or R$1 mil- creases soil capacity for rain- forests will be monitored for
mate change has been alter- in priority areas”, says WRI biol- sedimentation is greatly reduced Even at the high discount rate of water treatment. lion per year - the project has water absorption. “The more 3 years.
ing rainfall regimes all over ogist and economist Rafael Fel- and creates a positive impact on 15.46% (12% + Average Brazil a 30 year duration. As such the quality water in aquifers, the
the planet. What few people tran-Barbieri. the cost of water treatment. Risk of the last 5 years + stand- It is expected that 132,000 water treatment company will lower the need for building The eventual purchase of lands
know is that Nature-based ard deviation of Average Risk), tonnes of sediment per year cut power, water and chemical new reservoirs”, says Bar- whose vegetation needs to be
Solution (NbS) projects aimed Given the high costs of works As calculations gave positive benefits would be only slightly will not be carried, equal to an product costs by R$ 138 million. bieri, noting that demand for restored is also factored into

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

water supply

calculations in the economic scale of forest restoration and fied and IBio started the project, formation, rural roads”.
model applied by WRI. Barbieri ensure water availability. To this there were many reports of an-
recalls that there is an alterna- end, an institutional arrange- imals from the two biological Country roads play a significant
tive to the acquisition of lands ment was formed with actors reserves, which are located in role in the production of sedi-
where the proprietor is in debt from several sectors: private the Cupido and Pau river basins ment - they are generally bad-
with the Forest Code. “The land- (Leão Alimentos / Coca-Cola), respectively, leaving the Conser- ly made, poorly managed and
owner could receive an incen- Third Sector (TNC), Government vation Units in search of water. leach in the rain, silting water-
tive to carry out the restora- of the State of Espírito Santo “We even heard reports of an- courses. “The project was con-
tion, or lease it out”. The model (Reflorestar Program) and the imals which had died of thirst ceived of taking all possible ad-
also allows for the possibility Barra Seca River and Foz do Rio inside the reserves”. ditionalities into account”, says
of Payment for Environmental Doce basin committee. Belote.
Services to owners who have The NbS initiative in Barra Seca
legal forest. 51 rural properties with up to is also complementary to grey the future in the rearview
150 hectares of priority areas infrastructure. “We know that mirror
This same project is being rep- to be recovered over five years the forest regulates water cy-
licated in Espírito Santo, in the were identified. By agreeing to cles and holds more water in the Back to the Cantareira Sys-
Environmental compli-
Jucu River Basin, which supplies participate in the initiative, farm- territory, but we see grey infra- tem, this time with a NbS with
ance of rural properties
Grande Vitória, and in Rio de Ja- ers gained advantage from the structure as an important strat- a long title: Compensation for in the Barra Seca and
neiro, in the River Guandu Basin. forest restoration process it- egy in regions with water crises, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Foz do Rio Doce basins
Barbieri says these are different self and increased water avail- where there has been less fre- from Companies, Products and
cases. ability in the region, as well as quent rainfall”, says Belote. Processes via Ecological Resto-
the Rural Environmental Reg- ration for the Increase of Green
While the Cantareira System is istry (CAR) and Payment for But the message is that grey in- Infrastructure in the Cantareira
formed of six reservoirs (the Environmental Services (PES). frastructure should not be sole- System, Main Water Source for and Greenpeace”, he says. municipalities of Brazil. “In 12 ing works (slope containment, located within the region. There
quantity of sediment which Additional benefits include ba- ly relied on. “Investing in forests São Paulo. years, we have worked with macrodrainage, dams, adduc- are 23,000 hectares of Atlantic
reaches the water treatment sic rural sanitation and envi- means saving a lot on grey in- If there is not much new in the nearly 500 companies and fi- tion, silt removal, etc.). The first Forest tableland at risk, with
system in these circumstances is ronmental compliance of the frastructure”, says Belote, citing In this project, The Green Initia- fact that forests contribute to nancing at all scales. The or- to benefit, according to Lucas 3,000 plant species and over
lower, as a large part is retained property. the emblematic example of New tive (TGI) proposes to increase the water recovery of a region, ganization enables compensa- Pereira, are the local popula- 2,000 animal species. Sur-
in the reservoir), in Guandu, the York, where conservation work the resilience of the water sup- the same can’t be said of how tion from a company, product tion - who will enjoy the envi- rounded by coffee plantations,
water is captured directly from Water scarcity in the Rio Doce carried out in the mountains ply service during the dry sea- TGI captures funding. In 2005, or event. It calculates emissions ronmental services provided by water is disappearing from the
the river and is therefore more basin is not recent. Specifically during the 90s helped avoid the son by planting native Atlantic it developed the Carbon Free and proposes compensation for the forest in its various aspects area.
sensitive to sediment. “When in Barra Seca, in the municipal- construction of a new treatment Forest in rural areas in Extrema Program, whose mission is to an area of forest which will - and, later, users of the Cantar-
the river is very cloudy, the cost ity of Linhares, the crisis was plant to ensure supply for the (MG), along the tributaries of promote voluntary projects absorb the equivalent of the eira System. IAV developed a NbS for forest
of treatment skyrockets”, says further aggravated by a conflict population. the Jaguari River, which is great- for the compensation of green- carbon emitted”, he explains. restoration to which 31 proper-
Barbieri. In Vitória, water is also over water use (the Samarco ly responsible for replenishing house gas emissions in Brazilian In Extrema, Leroy Merlin and Courses Interrupted ties from around the reserve
captured directly from the Jucu disaster caused by the rupture Another point in favour of NbS is the Cantareira System. biomes. Caixa Seguradora are among adhered to. It is called the Riv-
river, although a reservoir will of the Fundão Dam two years to be found on the property of a the main funders. The state of Espírito Santo is er Pau Atravessado Forest
be inaugurated in 2018. ago did not reach these tribu- local farmer known as Chico da The water crisis of 2014 and Financing comes from compa- going through one of the big- Restoration Project: Protecting
taries). Mata. “In the middle of the water the available climate forecasts nies interested in measuring R$30,000 are needed to make gest water crises in history, Springs and Riparian Forests,
bitter sweet crisis, Chico was giving 10 tank- of Brazil point to the necessity and compensating for emis- viable one hectare of forest, which has lead rural landown- and aims to donate 104,000
As a big coffee producer, the re- ers per day to supply Sooreta- of creating a natural infrastruc- sions from their activity. At the with all stages included, from ers to take some drastic meas- native seedlings for restoring
Another classic NbS project se- gion makes intensive use of soil. ma and Vila Valério, cities in the ture (forests) for São Paulo to other end, the investment is ap- transaction costs to plantation, ures, such as building dams 68 hectares (6 of them in Per-
lected by the Boticário Group The geographer and Ibio project Foz do Rio Doce basin. “The wa- transition more easily from plied to recovering fragments maintenance for two years and and drilling illegal wells. These manent Preservation Areas) in
Foundation, which is also fo- coordinator Thiago Belote Silva ter sprang inside a forest which season to season. “We under- of degraded forest, with prior- monitoring. Between 2015 and measures intensify the prob- the Pau Atrevassado River mi-
cused on water supply, is the says there is no more water for he preserved. His farm is like a stand the Nature-based Solu- ity for Permanent Preservation 2016, 40 hectares were plant- lem and hinder environmental cro-basin.
Environmental Compliance of coffee plantations or factories. showcase for the program”. tion as a path for adapting to Areas on private property for ed, and this year TGI will plant processes.
Rural Properties in the Barra “There is no water in the Con- a future with a more extreme environmental compliance or another 20 hectares. The mu- IAV biologist Rayany Soeiro Bati-
Seca Basin and Foz do Rio Doce, servation Units [Sooretama Bio- With funds collected for wa- climate, with possible droughts in Conservation Units. “We view nicipality of Extrema will plant The same water crisis men- sta, who is responsible for field
created and administered by In- logical Reserve, managed by the ter use, Ibio has used them to such as 2014”, says the geogra- the program as an innovative another 100 hectares of forest tioned above, in the Barra Seca visits, explains that the disap-
stituto BioAtlântica (Ibio). Chico Mendes Institute for Bio- complement works: “We think pher and director of TGI, Lucas tool for financing restoration, in 2017. project, is affecting the Vale pearance of water from the re-
diversity Conservation (ICMBio), not only about the forest part, Pereira. “We propose to reduce which can easily be replicated” Environmental Institute (IAV), a serve is due to the numerous ir-
The Region of Espírito Santo and Vale Nature Reserve].” but about the productive aspect the 70% deficit of riparian for- says Lucas Pereira. Natural infrastructure cannot non-profit organization which is regular dams and artesian wells
faces a serious water scarci- and the environmental quality est identified in the region of the compete with grey infrastruc- responsible for the financial and made by surrounding farms to
ty situation. The objective of According to Belote, last year, of the property - rural sewage, Cantareira System, according to TGI has developed projects ture, but it can significantly administrative management of guarantee their supply of the
the proposal is to increase the when the water crisis intensi- sanitation, rural waste trans- studies by SOS Mata Atlântica along these lines in nearly 40 reduce the need for engineer- the Vale Nature Reserve (RNV), water. “They are cheating the

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

Lucas Pereira/ Iniciativa Verde
water supply
X-Ray of proposals

proposal: “natural infra- proposal: “environmental proposal: “compensation for proposal: “River Pau
structure for water in Bra- compliance of rural proper- Greenhouse gas emissions from atravessado forest resto-
zil: restoration as a strate- ties in the barra seca and foz companies, products, and process- ration project: protecting
gy for public sanitation” do rio doce basin” es via ecological restoration for springs and riparian for-
the increase of green infrastruc- ests”
Proponent: Rafael Feltran-Bar- Proponent: Thiago Belote Silva – ture in the cantareira system, main
bieri – World Resources Insti- Instituto BioAtlântica water source for são paulo” Proponent: Rayany Soeiro
tute (WRI) Sector: Third Sector Batista – Vale Environmental
Sector: Third Sector Location: Rio de Janeiro, RJ Proponent: Lucas Pereira – The Institute
Location: São Paulo, SP Green Initiative Sector: Third Sector
Problem: The water scarcity of the Sector: Third Sector Location: Nova Lima, MG
Problem: Deforestation in are- Rio Doce basin is not recent and, in Location: São Paulo, SP
as of springs causes sediment Barra Seca, in the municipality of Problem: The state of Espírito
transport to watercourses and Linhares, the crisis has worsened Problem: The water crisis of 2014 and Santo is going through one of the
consequently to the Cantarei- due to conflict over water use. As the available climate forecasts for Bra- biggest water crises in history,
ra System (a network of dams the region is a large coffee pro- zil point to the necessity of creating which has led rural landowners
which supplies almost 9 million ducer it makes intensive use of the natural infrastructure (forests) for São (coffee growers) in the Barra Seca
people in the São Paulo Met- soil. There is no more water for the Paulo to transition more easily through region, in Linhares, to take drastic
ropolitan Region). Cleaning the production process of coffee plan- the seasons. It is estimated that the measures, such as building gams
water before it reaches the pop- tations or other industry. There is system will require the restoration and drilling illegal wells. This is
ulation requires high expenditure also no water left inside the Con- of over 30 million native trees, with the site of the largest remaining
on chemical products, power servation Units [Sooretama Biolog- many areas of the region having a low Tableland Forest in the state, a
and workforce. Projections indi- ical Reserve, managed by the Chico potential for natural regeneration. De- forest complex with approxi-
cate that demand will increase Mendes Institute for Biodiversity spite projections indicating an increase mately 50,000 hectares, encom-
by up to 10% over the next 20 Conservation (ICMBio), and the Vale in rainfall average it is still extremely passing the Vale Nature Reserve,
years, with the probability of Nature Reserve] located in the re- important to increase green infrastruc- Rebio Sooretama and the Private
heat, drought and torrential rain gion. There are reports of animals ture in municipalities geographically Reserves of National Patrimony
Ecological restoration in the
Cantareira System further aggravating the problem dying of thirst. responsible for replenishing the sourc- (RPPN) Mutum Preto and Recan-
of water turbidity. es which make up the system. This is to das Antas. This area is highly
Solution: The objective of the pro- needed for it to maintain its balance relevant for the conservation of
Solution: The proposal points posal is to increase the scale of and resilience against irregularities in the Atlantic Forest, as it is home
out the positive impact on water forest restoration and guarantee the rainfall pattern. to various endemic species under
treatment costs provided by for- the availability of water. 51 rural threat, and is dependent on the
est restoration in areas of springs properties with 150 hectares of Solution: To increase the resilience of the health of its water resources. The
law, but our proposal is to help Throughout this process, biolo- serve, IAV lends initial technical Batista recalls that, in 2016, in RMSP. The forest reduces leach- priority areas for recovery over 5 water supply service in times of drought, disappearance of water from its
them ecologically. We have to gists from the reserve bring envi- assistance and later provides Sooretama even issued a state ing of upstream soil and reduces years have been identified. An in- through planting native Atlantic Forest reserve is due to the numerous
be very clear, from the first vis- ronmental education to the field, a technical follow-up every six of alert due to the lack of water. the volume of sediment reaching stitutional arrangement has been in rural areas of Extrema (MG), along irregular dams and artesian wells
it, that we are not here to audit”, demonstrating how reforesta- months. Supply was provided by tankers the dams. The direct benefits of formed with actors from various the banks of tributaries of the Jaguari built by the surrounding farmers
says Rayany Batista. tion is essential for protecting on alternate days of the week, planting forests outweigh the sectors: private (Leão Alimentos/ River, which is greatly responsible for to ensure their supply of the re-
the river bed from erosion and Rayany Batista says that, giv- she says. Other important ben- costs borne by the supply compa- Coca-Cola), Third Setor (TNC), the replenishing the Cantareira System - a maining water.
However, fear drives away most silting, and improving infiltration en the first results, the teams eficiaries will be the reserve’s ny by up to 16.54%, without fac- government of the state of Espírito network of dams which supplies near-
farmers. “We’ve met with some during the rainy season which will try again to engage with flora and fauna. “Without water, toring in the positive externalities Santo (Reflorestar Program) and ly 9 million people in the Metropolitan Solution: The project aims to do-
resistance. Of the 97 properties can secure a stock for months of 46 rural producers who initially the forest is more susceptible generated by other ecosystem the Barra Seca and Foz do Rio Doce Region of São Paulo. The project seeks nate 104,000 native seedlings to
with dams we found, we did drought. Other additionalities are were not interested in partici- to fires, and fauna more vulner- services, such as carbon seques- Basin Committee. financing through the Carbon Free Pro- restore 68 hectares of forests
only 31 projects” she says. After the prevention of environmental pating, despite their dams need- able to hunting”, says Batista. tration, pollination, micro-climatic gram, whose mission is to promote (of which 6 are in Permanent
the first contact, if the farmer disasters by reinforcing dam are- ing maintenance (the 31 pro- thermal comfort, protection of voluntary projects to offset green- Preservation Areas) in the mi-
agrees to participate, the area as and preventing breaks, as well jects are budgeted at around biodiversity etc. house gas emissions for the benefit of cro-basin of the Pau Atravessa-
is measured and species which as creating an ecological corridor R$ 240,000 and 20 of the 97 Brazilian biomes. On the one side are do River. The 37 springs located
will best adapt to the location for animals to return to their properties are in a good state of companies interested in measuring and in the surrounding areas were
are identified. IAV then prepares habitat within the reserve. conservation). Among the main offsetting emissions from their activity earmarked as starting points for
a formal proposal explaining beneficiaries of the NbS are the and, on the other, programs for recov- implementation of environmen-
to the landowner what needs From the moment the propri- civil population surrounding the ering fragments of degraded forest. tal recovery projects.
to be done to ensure increased etor removes their seedlings reserve and residents of Soore-
water production. from the nursery of the Re- tama.

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


Bob Peterson/Fickr Creative Commons

by Bruno Toledo

hile contributing to Fish-farming against of the main investors in Peixes brings together 500 producers
restoring ecosystems deforestation do Amazonia and supports the in Acre, with a protected forest
and conserving nat- management and strengthen- area which totals 55,000 hec-
ural resources, Nature-based In recent years, the resumption ing of the business model. tares. The goal is to increase
Solutions (NbS) can at the same of the rate of destruction of the the number of integrated fish
time provide wellbeing, gener- Amazon Forest in Brazil has Currently, Peixes da Amazonia farmers five-fold over the next
ating economic and social bene- been directly related to the in- has an annual productive ca- five years.
fits for the people involved. crease of small-scale deforest- pacity of 20,000 tonnes of fish,
ation - that is, carried out on 40,000 tonnes of animal feed, The economic results for local
To those who depend on nature small stretches of forest. and 10 million fingerlings. The producers are important. Their
for their subsistence, solutions company is responsible for the average income before inte-
such as these can be a big op- “Deforestation on small production of fingerlings, feed, grating the Peixes da Amazônia
portunity for increasing their stretches is linked to settle- and refrigeration for the pro- chain was around R$ 980, ob-
income and improving their ments and small rural proper- cessing of fish meat. Fattening tained mainly from agricultural
quality of life, without implying ties”, explains Yago Cavalcante, is carried out by fish farmers. activities. After integration, fish
a depletion of natural stocks of the fund manager Kaeté In- farming alone yields an average
and flows. vestimentos. “This type of de- Producers which are integrated of R$ 1,800 to producers, with
forestation, which we call ‘fish- into the chain receive the finger- lower environmental impact.
This is a sensitive issue for im- bone’, is much harder to control lings and the feed for fattening
portant economic activities in with traditional tools.” the fish, as well as technical The business model seeks to ad-
Brazil, such as fish farming. A assistance to support the pro- dress two important challenges
frequent problem of the sec- In small rural properties in the duction process. Once fattened, in the Amazon: deforestation,
tor is overfishing, which puts region of Acre, deforestation the fish are resold to the refrig- and the lack of socio-econom-
pressure on natural fish stocks came about due to the restric- erator. ic opportunities in a historically
and can lead to extinction of tion of fishing activity (arising deprived region. “Peixes da Am-
species. To avoid risks, fishing from governmental prohibition During visits, technicians pro- azonia seeks to generate value
is forbidden during the ‘pirace- as well as unavailability of fish), viding assistance from Peixes from a native product, directing
ma’ or breeding season, so as which forced fishermen to clear da Amazônia take the opportu- income to the region itself and
to ensure the natural renewal forest for extensive livestock nity to monitor the situation of reducing incentives for small
of stocks. farming. the forest area of each proper- rural landowners to clear for-
ty, to verify whether producers est”, says Cavalcante.
The piracema period, howev- Economic needs and the result- are fulfilling their responsibility
er, is of enormous economic ant degradation of forest are of conserving the native forest integrated cultivation of
cost for fishermen, as they what motivated the structure and,where possible, restoring algae
are prevented from carrying of Peixes da Amazônia’s busi- degraded areas.
out their traditional econom- ness model, one of the NbS The difficulties faced by tradi-
ic activity. Initiatives such as cases selected for this edition In addition to Kaeté, the Business tional fishing are not limited to


insurance, which provides of P22_ON. Created in 2011, Agency of the State of Acre the Amazon. In all basins along
fishermen with a guaranteed this social enterprise aims to and local businesses also have the cost, fishing has run into
minimum income during the support sustainable fishing in a stake in Peixes da Amazônia. problems which directly threat-
period, helps alleviate the the region, enabling local fish- However, the great innovation en the subsistence of thou-


problem, but are still limited ermen to generate higher in- of the business model lies in sands of families and reduces
in scope and suffer problems come in exchange for the con- the structuring of a public-pri- the supply of sea produce.
of transparency and corrup- servation of native forest on vate-community partnership,

Generating INCOME AND

tion. their properties. that is, the local community is To meet demand as well as the
added to the management of needs of workers, aquaculture
In most cases, fishermen with- “Peixes da Amazônia reconciles the organization. As such, fish - the cultivation of aquatic or-

preserving NATURAL
out access to external help social impact, income genera- farmers, organized as a coop- ganisms usually in a controlled
such as insurance end up sup- tion for small producers and erative, are also encouraged to and confined space - has been
plementing their income with positive environmental exter- undertake and participate in the gaining ground in recent years,
other economic activity during nalities, such as the contain- management and development including on the coast (maricul-

the piracema. In the Amazon, ment of deforestation and the of the company, improving re- ture).
they often turn to cattle-ranch- possibility of restoration of de- muneration.
ing - which can result in intensi- graded areas”, says Cavalcante. As such, in addition to fish, aqui-
fied deforestation. Since 2014, Kaeté has been one Today, Peixes da Amazônia culturists or mariculturists can

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017



environmental monitoring in of seasonality, algae can serve taking the algae to a commer-
the region, so as to estimate as an income source when pro- cial mussel cultivator in Uba-
the impact of algae cultivation duction of mussels or fish is tuba. The first sea test results
on the surrounding area. This reduced, allowing the maricul- should be processed by the
will facilitate the diagnosis of turist to maintain productivity end of this year.
activity on the North Coast of while the environmental impact
São Paulo and the possible ef- of operations are mitigated”, “Scientific research should not
fects of its intensification. says Chow Ho. be limited to laboratories and
classrooms. The idea behind this
The project shows a path for The project is still in its im- project is precisely to take our
mariculture in Brazil to reduce plementation phase. The first knowledge and technology to
the environmental impact of laboratory tests with gracilar- people out there, to help them
its activity, diversify production ioid algae were carried out in face their problems and create
and improve quality, productiv- 2016. In recent months, USP an impact on society and the en-
ity and income. “Even in terms researchers started field tests, vironment”, concludes Chow Ho.

Integrated algae mari-

culture X-Ray of proposals

Proposal: “Peixes da Solution: Peixes da Amazônia Proposal: “Integrated al- Solution: The project seeks
Amazônia” allows local fishermen to ob- gae mariculture: Eco-ef- to bring the necessary
tain a higher income in exchange ficient and socio-eco- knowledge and technolo-
Proponent: Yago Olivei- for the conservation of native nomically sustainable gy for the production of
breed other animals, such as a balanced ecosystem, without residue, nutrients and by-prod- ra Cavalcante – Peixes da forest on their properties. The services” gracilarioid algae (algicul-
mussels and oysters. However, water contamination by detritus. ucts can be re-used and convert- Amazônia fund manager Kaeté Invest- ture) to the mariculturists
an increase in this type of activ- The objective is to increase pro- ed into nutrients, food and ener- ments, the Acre State Business Proponent: Fanly Fungyi Chow of the North Coast of São
ity can cause the accumulation ductivity in the area of cultivation, gy for other cultures. Sector: Private Agency and local businesses Ho – Institute of Biosciences at Paulo. When cultivated in
of harmful nutrients within bod- diversify production and improve also have a stake in the compa- USP an integrated manner with
ies of water, leading to eutroph- the incomes of coastal commu- “Our idea is to help maricul- Location: São Paulo, SP ny. Via a public-private-commu- fish and mussels, these al-
ication, a process in which path- nities while decreasing the envi- turists develop eco-efficient nity partnership, fish-farmers Sector: University gae are able to maintain a
ogens develop and can cause ronmental impact of mariculture production methods, enabling Problem: In recent years, organized as a cooperative are balanced ecosystem. The
the death of animals and plants. production. productive activity with social the resumption of the rate encouraged to participate in the Location: São Paulo, SP project relies on the capac-
and economic benefits, which of destruction of the Am- management and development ity of algae to reuse the
A path to reducing the environ- Based on Integrated Marine Mul- also mitigates the environmen- azon Forest in Brazil has of the company, with improved Problem: Aquaculture – the waste by-products of fish
mental impact of mariculture has ti-trophic Aquaculture (IMTA), the tal impact of eutrophication as been directly related to the remuneration. cultivation of aquatic organ- and mussels, reducing the
been opened by the laboratories premise of the project lies in the well as carbon sequestration increase of deforestation isms, usually in a controlled level of acidity in bodies of
at the Institute of Biosciences at capacity of algae for reusing the through algae photosynthesis”, carried out in small stretch- and confined space - has be- water, as well as diversi-
the University of São Paulo (USP). waste from fish and mussel pro- explains Fanly Fungyl Chow es of forest. – linked to set- come increasingly important in fying mariculture produc-
The project, called Integrated Al- duction, reducing levels of acidity Ho, professor of the Institute tlements and small rural recent years, including on the tion. Instead of cultivating
gae Mariculture: Eco-efficient and in bodies of water, and diversify- of Biosciences at USP and co- properties, and much hard- coast (mariculture). As well as a single species, the idea is
Socio-economically Sustainable ing the production of mariculture, ordinator of the project. “This er to control with tradition- fish, aquaculturists or maricul- to imitate a natural ecosys-
Services, a NbS selected in the as grailarioids are among the aquaculture strategy is based al tools. In the Acre region, turists are able to breed other tem, combining the cultiva-
call for cases, seeks to bring most cultivated and consumed on aquatic production under the forest clearing has come animals, such as mussels and tion of several species with
the necessary knowledge and species of algae in the world. concepts of recycling and re- about through restrictions oysters. However, an increase complementary ecosystem
technology for the production of use,” she explains. on fishing activity (arising in this type of activity can cause functions, so that a food
gracilarioid algae (algiculture) to Instead of cultivating a single from governmental prohibi- the accumulation of harmful type that is not consumed,
the mariculturists of the North species, IMTA tries to imitate a The project is now being applied tion as well as unavailability nutrients within bodies of water, such as residue, nutrients
Coast of São Paulo. natural ecosystem, combining together with a partner mari- of fish), which has forced leading to eutrophication, the and by-products, can be re-
the cultivation of several species culturist in the city of Ubatuba fishermen to clear for- process in which pathogens de- used and converted into nu-
When cultivated in an integrated with complementary ecosystem (SP). In addition to technical est for extensive livestock velop and can cause the death trients, food and energy for
manner with fish and mussels, functions, so that a food type training for algiculture, the in- farming. of animals and plants. other crops.
these algae are able to maintain which is not consumed, such as itiative also seeks to carry out

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


Mauro Guandi/Flickr Creatice Commons

by bruno toledo

More nature,
better quality
of water
anuary 2015. The peak of the consumption. To do so, high in- ed. Of the 100 largest Brazilian
water crisis in the Southeast. vestment in treatment would cities, only 10 treat over 80%
In São Paulo, millions of peo- be required, which would be a of their sewage. In the North, in
ple are suffering restrictions to costly and lengthy process. which most of the water wealth
their water supply at the height of Brazil is concentrated, only
of summer. The summer rain, One does not have to go too far to 16.4% of sewage is treated.
so badly needed to break the see how surreal the lack of water This means that the bulk of liq-
drought which set in since the is in a region as irrigated by rivers uid waste flows to the rivers
previous year, has not returned. as Greater São Paulo is. The rivers and streams of the region’s cit-
The Cantareira System, which Tietê and Pinheiros, important for ies, contaminating watercours-
supplies large part of the resi- the capital’s development since es - and rendering them useless
dents of Greater São Paulo, sur- the 16th century, can also help to for human use (read more in the
vives through the use of its tech- alleviate the water problem, but Página22 edition on sanitation).
nical reserve, popularly known the dismal quality of their waters,
as the ‘dead volume’. also contaminated by raw sew- The challenge of basic sanita-
age, precludes any form of hu- tion in Brazil is as big that of ‘be-
The situation at the dried reser- man consumption. lindian’ India, but innovative and
voirs was bleak. However, only a simple solutions are beginning
few kilometres away, within the nature as a water filter to appear and produce results.
city of São Paulo, the main res- Once again, nature is an impor-
ervoir in the region was still full, In an essay published in 1974, tant element to their effective-
as if the lack of rain for months the economist Edmar Bacha ness and value for money.
had never happened. Despite not coined a term which sums up
fully compensating for the loss the abysmal inequality which Two Nature-based Solutions
of the Cantareira System, the mars Brazil: Belíndia, a mix be- (NbS) selected for this edition
Billings reservoir could have al- tween the minuscule and afflu- of P22_ON consist of tools
leviated difficulties in the most ent Belgium, and India, gigantic which are being implemented
critical period of the drought. and miserable. If the term it- to solve the effluent problem in
And yet this was never even im- self did not survive in the field Brazil. Bringing together natu-
agined, not for lack of will - but of economics (India today is an ral processes, scientific knowl-
because it was practically unfea- emerging country in frank eco- edge, technology, creativity and
sible. nomic development after all), it persistence, they show some of
remains strong in the realm of the paths to expanding sewage
The water in the Billings res- social reality. treatment, whether in large cit-
ervoir is extremely polluted. ies or in the countryside.
Contaminated with sewage, it Half of the population of Brazil
is not fit for any type of human does not have its sewage treat- The first – Filtering Gardens,

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

quality of water

The entire process we imple- ten ends up running along the works, as there are few houses.
ment is a replica of what exists ground, bringing the risk of It’s easier to build a system of
in nature”, says Gregori. “The infection and illness to rural this type for each residence.
difference with our technique is schoolchildren. 10 square metres [the average
in the scale: we take advantage space occupied by a root zone
of natural processes and apply To avoid this problem, profes- treatment system] is practical-
them tailored to each situation. sor Eduardo Bello Rodrigues, ly nothing in the countryside.”
We know the exact size of gar- at the time a Master’s degree
den needed for a particular vol- student in Sanitary Engineer- The initiative for the school in
ume of effluent, for a particular ing at Udesc, sought out the Campos Novos opened the way
type of pollution and contami- local public administration and for the structuring of a large
nation.” school director in 2009 with a rural sanitary environmen-
project for treating sewage in tal project, once again under
Among the filtering garden root zones, with a process sim- the coordination of Udesc re-
projects implemented by Phy- ilar to that developed by Phy- searchers in partnership with
torestore in Brazil, a highlight torestore. the city’s local government. In
is the L’Oréal unit on the island this new program, started in
of Fundão, in Rio de Janeiro. The With support from the au- March this year, the objective
garden treats waste generated thorities, he built a treatment is to take sanitation technolo-
on the complex and captures zone using macrophytic plants, gy to other state schools in the
rainwater for reuse. Inaugurat- where raw sewage from a tank region of Campos Novos, espe-
ed in October 2017, the garden enters and is horizontally dis- cially in rural areas.
was awarded the Green Solu- tributed. The plants remove the
tions Awards 2017 prize in the nitrogen and phosphorous, as Innovation for the econo-
category of Sustainable Infra- well as decomposing the or- mizing of water
Sewage treatment via
root zones
structure, held in the German ganic matter.
city of Bonn, during the 23rd Sanitation helps to solve a lat-

Conference of the Parties to “The differential of this model er problem of the water issue:
the United Nations Framework is the cost, which is much lower the contamination of bodies of
Convention on Climate Change than that of any treatment sys- water by sanitary and industri-
(COP 23). tem, such as activated sludge, al effluents. However, there is
because it only uses the force an equally important question
Water Factories – leverages phytoremediation processes. The process of effluent puri- gasses which produce odour. of oxygen). Here, the material sanitation in rural areas of gravity, with no electricity which precedes this discussion:
natural processes to create In 2004, Jacquet founded the fication is carried out by the enters horizontally, so as to consumption”, explains Renan before the effluent becomes
more efficient and sustainable Phytorestore in France, which roots of macrophytes, installed Following this is the aerobic pass more slowly and carry out The second NbS for sewage Schlegel, a researcher at Udesc. effluent, it is water. Water often
systems for the treatment of was brought to Brazil six years in gardens designed according treatment stage (elimination of the process of de-nitrification treatment in root zones has “The system operates itself, becomes effluent not because
sanitary and industrial efflu- later. Since then, the company to the volume of effluent to be viruses and bacteria which die in of liquid pollutants. Finally, the been implemented in the small with simple periodic checks.” of effective use, but because it
ents. Based on phytoreme- has been developing projects treated. The main characteris- the presence of oxygen), with the effluent undergoes a further re- city of Campos Novos (SC) as is wasted.
diation (decontamination of for the treatment of effluents tic of these plants is that they organic material being filtered duction of its organic load (11%). result of the partnership be- In addition to the sewage treat-
aquatic and terrestrial herbal based on a solution which in- don’t cause so-called bio-con- through a first set of plants di- tween Santa Catarina State ment system, the project is The excessive use of water is
environments), Phytorestore volves technology, nature, land- tamination - that is, contaminat- rectly rooted in the gravel. In this The water coming from this sec- University (Udesc), local gov- also promoting educational and a chronic problem for water
Brazil proposes an innovative scaping and efficiency. ed material does not rise above first filtering, the effluent enters ond filter meets the technical ernment and the administration awareness campaigns with stu- management. Fed by abusive
model for treating sewage - in- the plant’s green mass, which vertically through the garden, so requirements of Resolution no. of a small school in the rural dents, teachers and collabora- consumption practices, wast-
stead of traditional treatment “If trees are known as the lungs allows filtering gardens to be as to pass through more quickly 430 of the National Environ- area of the city. The proposal tors of the beneficiary school. age can compromise water
stations, which are costly and of the world, filtering gardens visitable spaces with no con- (about two hours). At the end of mental Council (Conama) for re- is called Sewage Treatment Via availability, threatening supply
generate strong odours and are like the livers of the land- tamination risk. this stage, 85% of pollution has lease into bodies of water, such Root Zones. Projects such as these can be in critical situations - such as
sludge, beautiful gardens en- scape”, says Lilian Hengleng de been removed from the efflu- as streams and rivers. However, important for making sew- the situation in the Brazilian
sure efficient, odourless decon- Gregori, general director of Phy- The treatment process hap- ent, especially solid pollutants, to oxygenate the water, it goes As in many places in the interi- age treatment systems feasi- Southeast between 2014 and
tamination at a low operational torestore Brazil. The great dif- pens in four stages. Firstly, which serve as plant food. through a fourth stage, of the or of Brazil, the rural district of ble in the interior, especially in 2015, and which has been ongo-
cost. ferential of filtering gardens, in the effluent goes through an ‘planted pond’: here, lillies plant- Campos Novos does not have a sparsely populated areas. “In ing in the Federal District for al-
addition to their landscape solu- aeration tank, where a blower The effluent then passes ed at the bottom of the pond system for collecting and treat- the interior, it is easier to imple- most two years, not to mention
The filtering gardens project tion, is that the process of de- keeps organic matter in move- through a second filtering gar- oxygenate the water before its ing sewage. Waste is deposited ment such systems, as there is the Northeast region.
was developed by the French contamination does not gener- ment, to avoid sedimentation den, where anaerobic treatment release into nature. in septic tanks for natural de- land available”, says Schlegel.
researcher Thierry Jacquet in ate sludge of any type, the main (and consequently the forma- is applied (eliminating patho- composition. However, during “Although in the interior it is An important part of this waste
the 1990s, based on studies of ‘villain’ of effluent treatment. tion of sludge) and to ‘break’ gens, which die in the absence “We haven’t invented anything. the rainy season, sewage of- difficult to make collection net- happens in industry, which is a

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

quality of water

Zaida Machado/Flickr Creative Commons

X-ray of proposals

proposal: “filtering gar- proposal: “sewage treat- proposal: “YVY, cleaning

dens, water factories” ment via root zones” products which play clean
with you and the environ-
Proponent: Lilian Hengleng de Proponent: Renan Marlon ment”
Gregori – Phytorestore Brasil Schlegel – Santa Catarina State
University (Udesc) Proponent: Marcelo Ebert – Ter-
Sector: Private penOil
Sector: University
Location: São Paulo, SP Sector: Private
Location: Ibirama, SC
Problem: Half of the popula- Location: Jundiaí, SP
tion of Brazil does not have Problem: Like many places in
sewage treatment. Of the the interior of Brazil, the rural Problem: Most cleaning prod-
100 largest Brazilian cities, district of Campos Novos does ucts use raw material chemical
only 10% treat over 80% of not have a system for collect- compounds which pollute bod-
their sewage. In the North, ing and treating sewage. Waste ies of water and contaminate
in which most of the water is deposited in septic tanks for aquatic organisms with petro-
wealth of Brazil is concentrat- natural decomposition. Howev- chemical substances. In addition,
ed, only 16.4% of sewage is er, during the rainy season, sew- over 95% of products sold on
treated. This means that the age often ends up running along the market are composed of
bulk of liquid waste flows to the ground, bringing the risk of water. That is to say, the active
the rivers and streams of the infection and illness to rural cleaning agent is diluted in litres
region’s cities, contaminating schoolchildren. and litres of water to reduce
watercourses - and rendering strength and create greater vol-
them useless for human use. Solution: With support from ume. The excessive use of water
Traditional treatment sta- local government, Udesc re- increases greenhouse gas emis-
tions are costly and generate searchers built a treatment zone sions when transporting tons of
strong odours and sludge. using macrophytic plants, where cleaning products from facto-
large water consumer in pro- ate cleaning products without ment. With the use of technol- cise amount of the super-con- raw sewage from a tank enters ries to supermarkets, in addition
duction processes. This is a excessive water use and trans- ogy developed by YVY, bacteri- centrated product. Solution: The process of sew- and is horizontally distributed. to requiring more plastic and
striking reality of the cleaning parency in its relation with con- cidal blends can be extracted, as age purification is carried out The plants remove the nitrogen cardboard packaging.
products industry. Over 95% sumers. Launched this year by well as blends specialized in dis- The YVY business model is also by the roots of macrophytes, and phosphorous, as well as de-
of products sold on the market Marcelo Ebert, YVY is a cleaning solving and neutralizing odours. innovative for the sector. Via a installed in gardens designed composing organic matter. The Solution: YVY products are
are composed of water. That is product brand which uses ingre- Essential oils are mixed in to add subscription system, customers according to the volume of differential of this model is the formulated with ingredients of
to say, the active cleaning agent dients of natural origin, without fragrance to the products. receive around 1kg of cleaning effluent to be treated. The cost, which is much lower than natural origin, without the use
is practically diluted in litres the need for petrochemicals, products, including disinfectants main characteristics of these that of any treatment system, of petrochemicals, chlorine or
and litres of water to reduce chlorine and phosphates. “As YVY products are formulat- and detergents, among others, plants is that they don’t cause such as activated sludge, be- phosphates. The ingredients are
strength and create greater ed using only ingredients of natu- which would be the equivalent to bio-contamination - that is, cause it only uses the force of based on terpene, composed
volume. “This brand is the result of 10 ral origin, the chance of intoxica- purchasing 15kg of conventional contaminated material does gravity, with no electricity con- of seeds, flowers, leaves, roots
years of developing cleaning tion or having an allergic reaction products. not rise above the plant’s sumption. and plant wood. In nature, ter-
The excessive use of water trig- solutions for companies and in- during use is significantly lower”, green mass, This allows fil- pene is responsible for asepsis
gers a series of wastages which dustry”, says Ebert. “We propose argues Ebert. “Also, we avoid pol- tering gardens to be visitable and the chemical balance of the
is fed by the sector: greenhouse to show that it is possible to re- luting water and contaminating spaces with no contamination environment. As well as having
gas is emitted to transport tons ally clean using ingredients from aquatic organisms with petro- risk, and still offer ‘landscape a natural chemical composition,
and tons of cleaning products nature, without the need for an chemical substances”. value’. The decontamination the products do not needlessly
from factories to supermar- excessive quantity of products”. process does not generate consume water and other re-
kets, in addition to the plastic In addition to a natural chemical sludge of any type, which is sources, since the packaging,
and cardboard packaging. The ingredients of YVY are composition, YVY products do the main ‘villain’ of effluent which is in the form of recycla-
based on terpene, composed of not needlessly consume water treatment. ble capsules and non-dispos-
To change this, one of the NbS seeds, flowers, leaves, roots and and other resources, since the able sprays, contain the precise
cases selected for this edition plant wood. In nature, terpene is packaging, which is in the form of amount of the super-concen-
of P22_ON seeks to make use responsible for asepsis and the recyclable capsules and non-dis- trated product.
of nature’s own assets to cre- chemical balance of the environ- posable sprays, contains the pre-

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


by Cíntya Feitosa

Creating parks, for example, them, returning those spaces green areas. the banks and replenishment
provides additional health ben- to the city.” With the inclusion areas of the Santa Rita reser-
efits, as it improves air quality of rivers in the daily lives of When defining the Priority Ar- voir, benefiting a population of
through increased afforestation, the population, Neves is also eas for the Implementation of 37,000 inhabitants. “The con-
reducing public health costs. At hoping that the population it- Green Areas with a Social Func- ventional solution is to capture
the same time, it enables the self will become controllers of tion, a deficit map was created, water from other reservoirs or
installation of sport and lei- maintaining the quality of the identifying areas with the great- build pipelines, says João Batis-
sure equipment, encouraging water and parks, avoiding acts est needs. The Municipal Plan ta de Oliveira Júnior, of Catende
the practice of physical activity. of vandalism and pollution. estimates that the entire pro- City hall. “But that is just taking
There are also health gains in re- ject will be delivered by 2026. water from one place to an-
lation to sanitation, as it will be The plan is still in its initial im- As there will be two more mu- other, while what we need is a
difficult for a river which is used plementation phase, and its exe- nicipal elections before then, more perennial solution”.
for leisure and is part of the cution does not only depend on the idea is to establish the
economy to become a point for the local authority. Some areas project through municipal de- Project managers are looking

Acting in the present,

illegal waste and litter disposal. are located on allotments, and crees. “It would then follow its at water resource manage-
the implementation of parks by course regardless of govern- ment, although tangentially aim
Such is the case of Campinas, the entrepreneur does carry fi- ment change”, says Neves. “But to contribute to environmental

reducing risk in the

which, through its Municipal nancial considerations. Two are we still need to assess whether compliance of sections of the
Green Plan, in 2016, aims to already in execution by the mu- this management model works, Miguel Arraes Rural Settlement
create linear parks in the re- nicipal agency via the Growth or if it needs to be changed to Project, with the restoration of

future vision of the Green Areas and

Conservation Units System
(SAV-UC). According to Gabri-
Acceleration Program (PAC) of
the Federal Government.
increase the likelihood of suc-
cess”, he says.
Permanent Preservation Areas
(APP) and Legal Reserves (RL).
It is expected this will support
el Dias Neves, from the Green, There have been recent studies a Solution for water a change in settlement produc-
Environmental and Sustainable in 43 other parks on the current scarcity, with social gains tion, with the implementation of
Development Secretariat of the situation of Permanent Protec- agroforestry systems to assist
city, 49 sections of parks have tion Areas in the stretch and the At this time of economic crisis, in preservation and sustainable
been mapped out for imple- efforts required for their resto- many municipal management land use, and ensure production

o avoid the aggravation of to increase resilience, mainly ing the more drastic effects of mentation to reduce the deficit ration, illegal waste disposal, initiatives are stuck awaiting re- and food security for 15 families.
risk of floods, water scar- in urban areas which today are climate change, especially those of social green areas in Campi- availability of sport and leisure sources. As they are about cur-
city or erosion of slopes, a home to over 80% of the Brazil- related to extremes of rain and nas, over a 20-year horizon, ac- equipment, including possible rent or near-future issues, they Once production areas have
lot of local authorities and mu- ian population, according to the drought. counting for the increase of the demand from the population - depend on stable partners and been established, settlers can
nicipal bodies opt for works of Brazilian Institute of Geography population. for example, whether a skate permanent policies, so as to not sell food to the municipal ad-
infrastructure costing millions. and Statistics (IBGE). Among the alternatives for park or equipment for physical get lost in the change of govern- ministration itself, which is used
Channelling rivers, drainage dealing with these risks are, for This NbS proposal, selected for activity of the elderly would ment. for school meals. Finally, the
pools, reservoirs, dams, river An additional challenge to cit- example, increasing green cov- the case call of this edition, is be more appropriate. As the project will also make possible
and sand transposition, among ies, which lie within the scope erage in cities, native forest and titled Implementation of Line- projects become ready, munic- In Catende, located in Zona da the setting up of a seedling nurs-
others are not the only choice of municipal management, are vegetation restoration in areas ar Parks in the Municipality of ipal management will seek the Mata, Pernambuco, an ambi- ery and encourage environmen-
when it comes to reducing the a large portion of the priority of springs and coastal zones. Campinas. It is expected that the funds to make them viable. tious project to consolidate Pri- tal education through school
vulnerability of a region. agendas contained in the Na- parks will improve the medium vate Natural Heritage Reserves visits and training families living
tional Adaptation Plan, such as In fact, there is not yet a basis to long term availability of water To analyse the distribution of (RPPN) with social gains seeks in the settlements, as well as
Future climate scenarios - con- health, food security, disaster for cost comparison between in the region, as well as reduc- Green Areas with Social Func- partnerships to be executed. It eco-tourism.
sidering not only the historical risk management, infrastruc- these solutions and conven- ing the vulnerability to flooding tion, the Index of Social Green is called Local Environmental
series but also projected ef- ture, coastal zones, among oth- tional ones, known as grey through increased rainwater in- Areas per Basic Territorial Unit Integration: RPPNs, Settlements The idea is to complete the pro-
fects of climate change accord- ers. Adaptation management infrastructure – construction filtration and creating a natural was developed, which also and Public Authorities for Water ject in five years, with the first
ing to climate models - show requires robust governance as of dams, channelling rivers, barrier along the rivers. ties it to the number of inhab- Security in the Municipality of Ca- three being the most critical and
that Brazil will have both ex- well as financing, two features among others. But managers itants. Accessibility to each of tende. ‘hands-on’, consisting of resto-
treme drought and rain events, which local authorities in Brazil- who believe in Nature-based “In Brazil, solutions to issues the areas was also considered, ration and research for defining
depending on the region. ian generally lack, particularly in Solutions understand that related to bodies of water have based on the methodology de- In an integrated action, with an areas for forest restoration,
the midst of the crisis. the direct and indirect costs always been about concreting veloped by the English Nature eye on future climate change identification and distribution of
In recent years, water scarcity avoided are greater than the - channelling and diverting wa- organization and European En- scenarios, the objective is to seeds of native species, planting
and large floods have shown Some municipalities have begun resources which would be al- tercourses”, says Neves. “With vironment Agency. These tools ensure the water security of and maintenance of seedlings,
how dependent we are on good to regard Nature-based Solu- located to conventional works these other solutions, we stop help to assess the physical dis- the municipality of Catende, by mapping of areas for develop-
planning and effective solutions tions as an option for prevent- and actions. hiding rivers and start using tance of the population from means of forest restoration on ment of agro-ecological agricul-

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


Municipality of Catende
municipal prefecture of campinas

Scenario for 2025 with

the implementation of
linear parks

ture and areas of mature forest. ity of São Bento do Sul, in the tion and slowing down the flood will assess if, in conserving re- tered, reaches the river later. It ture, such as carbon capture is a reduction of the natural ning and management become
During this period the aim is to mountain region, the problem pulse in the region. maining areas and recovering is the main source which feeds for eventual trading in the form protective barrier of those re- more agile when risks are al-
offer training and select the is the opposite: future climate the basin in strategic areas, we the river in times of drought”, of certified credits in the volun- gions, such as restinga forest, ready impending. However, in
project workforce and technical scenarios are indicating an in- The study, which is still in pro- can improve the quality of wa- says Guimarães. tary market. a transitional type of vegeta- this region, UFF researchers
support, with settlers as the tar- crease in rainfall and greater gress, and the proposal, called ter”, explains João Guimarães, tion. “Many people consider it have obtained a degree of sup-
get audience. risk of flooding in urban areas, Prioritization, Modelling and from Aquiflora Meio Ambiente. Once identified, areas which are A natural barrier against ‘ugly’ vegetation, and so don’t port from allotment managers
particularly the Banhados and Valuation of Ecosystem Ser- According to Guimarães, stra- a priority for the recovery and erosion and the advance see the importance of preserv- to reconstitute and manage the
Talks for the implementation of Negrinho river basins. The in- vices in the Basins of the River tegic areas can be defined as maintenance of ecosystem ser- of the sea ing it”, says Rosemary Vieira, natural restinga ecosystem in
the project have already started crease in frequency of heavy Vermelho, will investigate the being critical, either due to the vices are incorporated to maps professor at the Institute of an extension of approximately
with the Federal Institute of Per- rain has also hit the municipal- role of natural infrastructure in possibility of degradation, or of alternative land use. With In Cabo Frio, located in the Lakes Geosciences at the Fluminense 7 hectares. This forms a ‘belt’
nambuco (IFPE) and with private ity’s urban water supply sys- regulating the rainfall regime in due to their importance in the analysis of the rain and temper- Region of the State of Rio de Ja- Federal University. of continuous vegetation cover,
initiatives. The local authority tem by increasing turbidity and the main hydrographic basins supply of water resources in ature variables in accordance neiro, the future climate scenar- spanning at least 4 condomini-
has stated that at this time it is suspended solids in the water, of the region, as well as in the the region. with climate scenarios for the ios are causing as much concern Fortunately, between one con- ums.
not able to begin the project, and as well as accelerating the pro- maintenance of water quality, region, gains and losses will be as already familiar events such dominium and another, rest-
only provide technical staff. “We cess of silting in the region’s riv- accounting for climate fore- The consultants have assessed assessed in terms of the provi- as erosion, swells and strong inga is reappearing between Via UFF extension projects
will only be able to properly ex- ers and reservoirs. casts and possible changes in that the restoration and conser- sion of ecosystem services be- winds. The idea of a peaceful the houses and the beach, in with support from the Navy,
ecute it when we find a patron environmental governance. vation of some of those areas tween current and alternative life next to the sea has become a northward direction, from researchers have worked on re-
interested in linking its brand to Municipal management hired also favours the infiltration of scenarios, from both the envi- a constant headache with the the area of the Radio Direc- trieving exotic species, fencing
the environmental issue”, says consultants Aquaflora Meio The final result will be an esti- rainwater, which benefits the ronmental and economic point reduction of the sand band. tion-Finding Navy Station of and opening paths through the
João Batista Júnior. Ambiente to assess how the im- mate of the potential impact of entire hydrological cycle and of view. Campos Novos, known as the vegetation, as well as building
plementation of forest and wet- Ecosystem-based Adaptation contributes to the replenish- In recent decades, housing has Navy Reserve, which today is a seedling nursery with matri-
Flood prevention and im- land conservation and recovery (AbE) actions on mitigating the ment of deeper aquifers. “This The study should also estimate set up along the entire coast of home to a large area of pre- ces of native species collected
proved water quality actions in strategic areas could effects of extreme weather helps improve flow in times of other socio-economic benefits the region, disregarding the risk served restinga. from the Navy Reserve. Species
mitigate the effects of torren- events, and also on the recov- drought, because the water that related to the conservation and of intensification of the popula- which no longer exist in the al-
In the Santa Catarina municipal- tial rains by increasing infiltra- ery of ecosystem services. “We infiltrates, as well as being fil- recovery of natural infrastruc- tion near the beach. The result True to the ‘Brazilian way’, plan- lotments, due to poorly planned

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


x-ray of proposals

proposal: “implementation proposal: “local environmen- proposal: “prioritization, mod- proposal: “recovery and
of linear parks in the mu- tal integration: rppns, settle- elling and valuation of eco- management of restinga
nicipality of campinas” ments and public authorities system services in the basins vegetation in the tamoios
for water security in the mu- of the river vermelho (São district, cabo frio”
Proponent: Gabriel Dias Mango- nicipality of catende” Bento do Sul-SC).”
lini Neves – Municipal Govern- Proponent: Rosemary Vieira –
ment of Campinas Proponent: João Batista de Oliveira Proponent: Paulo Schwirkowski – Fluminense Federal University
Sector: Government Júnior – Catende Prefecture Municipal Autonomous Water and Sector: University
Location: Campinas, SP Sector: Government Sewage Service (Samae) Location: Cabo Frio, RJ
Location: Catende, PE Sector: Government
Problem: The Brazilian climate Location: São Bento do Sul, SC Problem: Cabo Frio, located in
scenario is moving towards a Problem: Future climate scenarios the Lakes Region of the State
greater incidence of extreme are indicating a water security prob- Problem: Future climate scenarios of Rio de Janeiro, is already fa-
events, related to both droughts lem in the municipality of Catende. are indicating an increase in rain- miliar with events such as ero-
and rainfall, requiring a robust The conventional solution, which is fall and greater risk of flooding in sion, swells and strong winds.
management response for ad- to capture water from other reser- urban areas, particularly the Banha- In recent decades, housing has
aptation from municipalities as voirs or build pipelines, does not per- dos and Negrinho river basins. The set up along the entire coast of
well as financing. A large portion manently address the problem, as increase in frequency of heavy rain the region without regard for
of the priority agendas contained it means simply taking water from has also hit the municipality’s urban the risk of intensification of the
in the National Adaptation Plan one place to another. At the same water supply system by increasing population near the beach. The
lie within the scope of municipal time, stretches of the Miguel Arraes turbidity and suspended solids in result is a reduction of the nat-
management, such as health, Rural Settlement Project are not en- the water, as well as accelerating ural protective barrier of those
food security, disaster risk man- vironmentally compliant, and need the process of silting in rivers and regions, such as restinga forest,
agement, infrastructure, coastal to restore Permanent Preservation reservoirs in the region. a transitional type of vegetation.
zones, among others. Even while Areas (APP) and Legal Reserve (RL)
Recovery and man- being hit hard by the crisis, many areas. Solution: The study, which is still Solution: To reconstruct and
agement of restinga municipalities and their agencies running, will investigate the role of manage the natural restinga
vegetation in the still opt for infrastructure pro- Solution: To ensure water security, natural infrastructure in regulating ecosystem in an extension of
District of Tamoios, in
Cabo Frio, RJ jects costing millions to avoid the the local authorities have a forest the rainfall regime in the main hy- approximately 7 hectares. Re-
risk of floods, lack of water, or restoration project for the banks drographic basins of the region, as searchers working voluntarily
the worsening of coastal erosion. and replenishment areas of the San- well as in the maintenance of water have retrieved exotic species,
ta Rita reservoir, benefiting a popula- quality. With behavioural analysis put up fences and opened
Solution: Through understanding tion of 37,000 inhabitants. In restor- of the variables rain and temper- paths through the vegetation,
occupation, may be found there. the north of the region, where reaching paths, pavements and that the direct and indirect costs ing APPs and RLs, it is expected this ature in accordance with climate as well as building a seedling
vegetation cover is fragmented buildings located closer to the avoided are greater than the re- will support change in settlement scenarios for the region, gains and nursery with matrices of na-
However, the Recovery and Man- and featureless. Actions can be sea. Without restinga vegeta- sources which would be allocated production, with the implementation losses will be assessed in terms of tive species collected from
agement of Restinga Vegetation summed up as the removal of tion, according to Vieira, the to conventional works and ac- of agroforestry systems to assist in the provision of ecosystem servic- the Navy Reserve. The idea is
in the Tamoios District, Cabo Frio species. “It is not that residents solution would be for a lorry to tions, Campinas included the cre- preservation and sustainable land es between current and alternative that from this ‘pilot area’, con-
project depends on the individu- and the administration of the remove sand from the lanes al- ation of linear parks in its revision use, and ensure the production and scenarios, from both the environ- ditions can be created for the
al will of researchers and vol- condominiums are 100% back- most daily. “It would be ‘drying of the Green Areas and Conserva- food security for 15 families. Once mental and economic point of view. expansion of the vegetation
unteers in the region. “There is ing the restoration, because ice’ [an exercise in futility], as tion Units System. 49 sections of production areas have been estab- The study should also estimate oth- to local neighbourhoods in the
no financing. With partnerships many think it is just bush”, well as expensive. The natural parks were mapped out for imple- lished, settlers can sell food to the er socio-economic benefits related north of the region, where veg-
the task could be accelerated. It says Vieira. “But, as the sea’s vegetation option even provides mentation to reduce the deficit of municipal administration itself, which to the conservation and recovery of etation cover is fragmented
really is a labour of love. We’ve advance over the sand band is other benefits, such as thermal social green areas over a 20-year is used in school meals. Finally, the natural infrastructure, such as car- and featureless. The project is
made requests to the local au- very visible, there is awareness comfort and lower wind im- horizon. In addition to increasing project will also make possible the bon capture for eventual trading in seeking to accelerate its work
thority and local trade to put up of the problem, and they are pact.” resilience to climate change, it setting up of a seedling nursery and the form of certified credits in the through partnerships.
signposts. The work is done en- sharing information with each also provides health benefits, by encourage environmental education voluntary market.
tirely on our own initiative” says other in areas closer to the ero- improving air quality through af- through school visits and training
Vieira. sion.” forestation, thus reducing public families, as well as eco-tourism.
health costs. Without resources, but providing
The idea is that from this ‘pilot The main contribution of this in- technical staff, the municipality is
area’, conditions can be created itiative is to reduce the displace- seeking partners to implement the
for the expansion of vegeta- ment of sand from the beach, project.
tion to local neighbourhoods to avoiding large waves from

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


Divulgação/ Rebimar
by Magali Cabral


fishing boat sails in the problem. The over 4,000 small type of ‘banquet’ for fish) to at- ty because of their ecosystems waste, oil spillages, etc. This all We ended up protecting an area Initially, the objective of Rebi- tralizing product (pictured).
waters of the Paraná local fishermen, despite going tract animals back to the region (mangroves and rocky shores). worsens contamination in the of 15,000 hectares from large mar was to recover biodiversi- Between the points there is a
sea. Seen from afar, it is quite far from the coast, would and thus colonize the new habi- Despite being small, the coast of area.” fishing vessels, which now find ty, but the fishing issue came distance of 1.2 km, which totals
a fine maritime picture. From return home with nothing. tat and its surroundings. Paraná is very rich and diverse”, it difficult to carry out trawling about due to two reasons, as a 12km extension of barrier. In
close up, it is not. The vessel is a he says. The artificial reefs built by the manoeuvres.” Carneiro explains: “First, the all, 3500 reefs were installed.
deep sea trawler, which devas- Then, in 2010, a Nature-based Paraná has the second small- program accelerate recov- project would automatically Each is 50cm long by 40cm high
tates the seabed. Nobody sees Solution (NbS) emerged involv- est coastline of the country, In theory, fishing should basi- ery. They give living conditions Rebimar was created by pro- end up helping to recover fish- and 40 cm wide. There is a clo-
a trace of the ‘land’ flattened ing artificial reefs, developed with nearly 100 kilometres in cally be artisan. But in practise, to the larvae, which serve as fessor Frederico Brandini of the ery resources of commercial ver-shaped hole in the middle, to
below the surface. At least half by the MarBrasil Association, a straight line (it is longer only large ships from São Paulo and food, and shelter for the new Biological Oceonography De- value; secondly, because one increase the surface area for at-
of the species captured are of in partnership with the Federal than the coast of Piauí, which Santa Catarina invade the nar- groups of young animals which partment at the Oceonography of the conditions for Ibama to tachment of marine organisms.
no use to the industry. They get University of Paraná Founda- is 66km). However, considering row strip of Paraná sea, from will consequently be attracted Institute of the University of São grant an environmental license Each piece weighs 120 kg. From
thrown away. A day’s worth of tion (Funpar). the perimeter of the three large North and South respectively, to to the coast. The pigfish was Paulo (Iousp), and biologist Ari- for installing the reefs was to Carneiro’s description, they col-
trawling brings in what a local bays which enter the Serra do poach fish, says Carneiro. “This one of the first to arrive, says el Scheffer da Silva, president have a public hearing with local lectively resemble a series of
prawn fisherman would take a The proposal of the Marine Bi- Mar (Paranaguá, Guaraqueçaba type of fishing is highly degrad- Juliano Carneiro. The location of the MarBrasil Association fishermen, as they are the main small mountains on the seabed.
month or more to catch. odiversity Recovery Program and Guaratuba), the coastal area ing to the marine environment”, which was chosen for the in- Council. The had already sunk users of the area.”
(Rebimar), selected in the pub- of the state grows to around he says, also pointing out the stallation was the mouth of two old vessels on the coast of Although it was of interest to

The depiction above has been lic call by the Boticário Group 1,500 km, according to calcu- failures of the state: “as with the Paranaguá Bay, in front of the Paraná (shipwrecks also serve The reefs were installed in a the project to understand how
occurring for many years, until Foundation in the rubric of lations by agronomist engineer rest of Brazil, basic sanitation in Pontal do Paraná, and is strate- as shelters for animals), with parallel line to the coast, at a the reefs would function un-
the loss of marine biodiversity solutions for the marine envi- Juliano Dobis Carneiro, coordina- Paraná is deficient, and there are gic in helping accelerate recov- the purpose of researching the distance of 5 km. There are 10 derwater, the monitoring of the
on the coast of Paraná became ronment, consisted in using the tor of Rebimar. “These bays are also issues with the port in Para- ery. “The reefs are also a phys- recovery of marine biodiversity points, each with 350 blocks reefs was another condition
severe and became a social reefs for larval recruitment (a important for marine biodiversi- naguá, which has problems with ical barrier to industrial fishing. in the area. made of cement and a pH neu- set by Ibama, which feared the

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


Paula Kasten

no longer possible. So we can promenades, barriers or any that, according to Christofo- be able to compare the biodi-
use grey engineering, but in an construction in the sea, struc- letti, rock formations have the versity in each structure”, says
ecological way”, says Christo- tures must have a rocky ap- same characteristics on a scale Christofoletti.
foletti. pearance, so that the various of hundreds of kilometres - be-
species can find refuge, includ- tween Espírito Santo and Santa The survey will cost R$ 5 million
The NbS project itself consists ing predators. “When a preda- Catarina. As it is still in an initial and will be financed by the Re-
in making a geomorphological tor no longer exists in an envi- phase, there are no results yet search Support Foundation of
survey of the marine environ- ronment, some other species to assess the proposal’s effi- the State of São Paulo (Fapesp)
ment along the entire coast of will develop more than they ciency. and the National Council for
Santos, in order to verify the should, forming a vicious circle Scientific and Technological De-
structure of its rocky walls - its until natural diversity is lost”, The idea, as soon as there are velopment (CNPq), according to
slopes, types of slots and holes, says Christofoletti, according comparable items, is to com- Christofoletti. Talks have also
Anthropogenic inter- porousness, roughness, among to whom a similar methodol- pare the natural coast with the been held with the local author-
vention on the Sydney other characteristics - in or- ogy has been used in the Unit- existing artificial structures. ity of Santos for eventual par-
waterfront (Australia) der to provide the subsidies for ed Kingdom, Australia and the “We are beginning an initial ticipation.
to contain the sea and
help biodiversity turning grey engineering into United States, where ceramic survey of where the artificial
blue engineering. Christofoletti pots were fixed onto artificial structures are, what they are
believes this will make possi- walls to create a habitat. like and what biodiversity exists
ble the preservation of marine around them. Following this, we
diversity through human inter- Carrying out the survey in San- will carry out a general survey
vention. tos does not mean the data of the entire coast of Santos.
reefs would be buried. On a first sity, which is even comparable nomic results which have been neering as a Solution for Coastal cannot be used for any other When we look at the artificial
check, Rebimar noticed that the to Ilhas dos Currais, a national attained. Biodiversity Maintenance in the In other words, when building region of the country, given and natural substrata, we will
reefs had sunken slightly, but marine park. We have found the Face of Impact from Urbaniza-
not enough to stop the reefs Mero fish [a species under threat Mimicry in the sea tion and Climate Change, which
functioning as a natural rock. of extinction], morays, octopus- is a also a marine environment
es, turtles. This means that the Forecasts indicate that the sea NbS selected by the Boticário
In terms of monitoring fishery rock imitation has worked”, says level in the region of Santos (SP) Group Foundation, proposes an
results, in addition to the return Juliano Carneiro. could rise by 18cm by 2050, due engineering methodology which x-ray of proposals
of the pigfish to the vicinity of to climate change, and would re- makes constructions more sim-
the barrier, the physical impedi- In 2012, Rebimar was awarded sult in water advancing over ur- ilar to rocks. This mimicry of
ment of trawler fishing and the the ODM Brasil Prize from the banised areas of the city. The city nature in human interventions proposal: “Marine bio- of hundreds of species of so- proposal: “ecological en- Solution: The building of break-
fact that fishermen did not need federal government (as en- already faces big problems with at sea is called ‘blue engineer- diversity recovery pro- cio-economic and ecological gineering as a solution waters (concrete barriers in the
to go so far from the coast, a couragement for reaching the sea swell and erosion. The build- ing’. gram - rebimar” importance. The local fishermen for coastal biodiversity sea) is one solution for reducing
diversification of activity could UN Millennium Development ing of breakwaters (concrete of Paraná have begun to sail fur- maintenance in the face of the risk of flooding. The propos-
be seen: instead of catching Goals), with one of the criteria barriers in the sea) is one solution According to professor Ronaldo Proponent: Juliano José ther and further from the coast, impact from urbanization al is that the engineering project
prawns, many fishermen be- being the replicability of the pro- for reducing the risk of flooding. Christofoletti from the Sea In- Dobis Carneiro – MarBrasil yet without success. and climate change” for these barriers, as that of any
gan to rent out their vessels for ject. The reefs designed by Rebi- But is traditional engineering pre- stitute at the Federal University Association construction in the sea, must re-
sport. They take tourists and mar can be installed anywhere pared to carry out this work with of São Paulo (Unifesp), who is Sector: Third Sector Solution: The proposal was to Proponent: Ronaldo Christofo- spect the geomorphology of the
holiday-makers fishing near the on the coast, but Carneiro has the lowest possible impact on responsible for the project, the Location: Paranaguá, Gua- build artificial reefs to accel- letti – Federal University of São marine environment. In other
reefs. “Line fishing is an excel- a warning: “We do not advocate marine biodiversity? fact that in many urbanized ar- raqueçaba and Guaratuba erate the recovery of the ma- Paulo (Unifesp) words, the constructions must
lent alternative activity as it is throwing artificial reefs all over eas the recovery of nature is al- Bays, PR rine environment in the bays Sector: University copy the form of the local rocky
not aggressive to the environ- the place, because it is an alter- As can be seen in other coast- most never possible means it is of Paraná, which thousands of Location: Santos, SP coasts - its slopes, types of slots
ment”, says Carneiro. ation of nature. On the coast of al cities, when seaside prome- necessary to develop a formula Problem: Large fishing boats local prawn fishermen depend and holes, porousness, rough-
Paraná, which has few islands, nades and roads are built, the which can guarantee the main- from other states invade the on. The reefs, which are made Problem: Forecasts indicate that ness, among other character-
Two or three weeks after their we found that an artificial reef structures usually have smooth tenance of local biodiversity strip of Paraná sea to catch of concrete, are able to sustain the sea level in the region of San- istics - with the purpose of at-
installation, the reefs were col- would be a good NbS”. walls, and certainly do not re- - and, consequently, of ecosys- prawns. Industrial trawler larvae that serve as food, as tos (SP) could rise by 18cm by tracting biodiversity. The project
onized by algae. Four years lat- semble the rocky shores of the tem services - in regions where fishing has, over the years, well as providing shelter to new 2050, due to climate change, and aims to create a survey of these
er, where there was previously The project, financed by the Brazilian coast, its crevices and interventions are necessary, as destroyed the sediment groups of young animals which would result in water advancing characteristics in order to subsi-
only sand, animals could be ob- Socio-environmental Petrobras recesses a habitat for various is the case of Santos. “Planting structure of the entire bi- will consequently be attracted over urbanized areas of the city. dize future engineering works.
served migrating from one area Program, cost R$ 5 million, a species of marine animals. mangroves on the coast of a ological community of the to the coast. The city is already facing prob-
to another. “There is now an en- negligible amount given the city like Santos to contain the local marine ecosystem, lems with sea swell and erosion.
vironment with large biodiver- environmental, social and eco- A project called Ecological Engi- sea’s advance, for example, is compromising the habitat

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017


Waqas Mustafeez/Fickr Creative Commons

DROPS BAÚ Compiled by Amália Safatle


> Dictionary: Get tain features proper to terrestrial ure for classifying the general
to know the vegetation and is greatly capable risk of a country. The Emerging
terminology used in of adapting to different types of Markets Bond Index Plus (EMBI+)
this issue environment, which makes its oc- is the most widely used index for
currence widespread. They can expressing risk level.
Adaptation – Initiatives and be emersed (e.g. taboa, reeds),
measures to reduce the vul- floating (orelha-de-rato, agua- Discount Rate – Cost of capital
nerability of natural and human pé), floating leaves (vitória-régia, used in a financial return analy-
systems against current or ex- lírio-d’água), rooted and sub- sis, which can be calculated us-
pected climate change effects. merged (cabomba) and freely ing the Weighted Average Capital
The transfer of populations submerged (utricularia) inhabit Cost (WACC), which indicates the
from low coastal zones to high- them. minimum level of investment
er zones is an example of adap- attractiveness, i.e. the expected
tation to rising sea levels. Unlike Biomimicry – In simplified return on other investments.
mitigation, adaptation involves terms, means imitation (mime-
action and policies which are sis) of life (bios). This area of Ecosystem – A dynamic com-
planned to encompass other science observes nature and plex of plants, animals, mi-
objectives and involve multiple seeks to reproduce phenomena cro-organisms and their non-liv-
sectors. As such, they imply a similar to those found in biolog- ing environment interacting as
Malu Nunes, Executive Di- Everton Lucero, Secretary for The Secretary of Biodiver- Mario Monzoni, Coordinator conceptual and thematic com- ical systems, seeking innovative a functional unit. Examples of a
rector of the Boticário Group Climate Change and Forests of sity of the Ministry of the of the Center for Sustaina- plexity, represented in the clas- solutions for design, technolo- non-living environment are the
Foundation, explains why the Ministry of Environment, Environment, José Pedro de bility Studies at FGV Eaesp sic global problem of different gy, product launches, wellbeing mineral fraction of the soil, re-
Nature-based Solutions stresses the importance of Oliveira Costa, emphasizes (GVces), talks about the scales of decision-making, char- and even management process- lief, rainfall, temperature, rivers
should be encouraged as a Ecosystem-based Adaptation the importance of the call forefront of knowledge in acterized by a large diversity es, among others. Its exponent and lakes – regardless of the
conservation strategy. (EbA). for Nature-based Solutions the valuation of ecosystem of actors, multiple factors of is the American writer Janine species that
cases. services and EbA. stress and varied timescales. Benyus, who in 1997 published
Biomimicry – Innovation Inspired Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Aquatic Macrophytes – Aquat- by Nature (more in this report (Eba) – According to the United
ic vegetation which can live in and Página22 interview) Nations Environment Program
swamps as well as totally sub- (Unep), it means the use of bio-
merged environments. It has cer- Brazil Risk (Risco Brasil) – Meas- diversity and ecosystem servic-

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

es as part of an overall adapta- Commission’s White Paper on is ecosystems, while ecosys- ber 2015 consisting of 17 goals capable of dealing with the ad- Watch the video in which Johan
tion strategy to help people and Adaptation to Climate Change tem services are an example of and 169 targets, to be achieved verse effects of climate change. Rockström and Pavan Sukhdev,
communities adapt to the neg- (2009). According to the docu- “flow”. by 2030. Subjects can be divided Vulnerability can be economic, from the Stockholm Resilience
ative effects of climate change ment, green infrastructure is into four main dimensions: social, environmental and/or Centre, propose a new view on
at local, national, regional and “essential for mitigating frag- Nature-based Solutions (NbS) – physical. Coastal areas, for ex- the Sustainable Development
global levels. An example of an mentation and non-sustainable Defined by the International Un- • Social: related to human needs, ample, are physically vulnerable Goals (SDGs) - with four of them
EbA is mangroves functioning as land use, and ecologically main- ion for Conservation of Nature health, education, quality of life to the rising of sea levels, though forming the environmental base
barriers to stop the advance of taining and restoring ecosystem (IUCN), as interventions which and justice. many are socially and economi- for the rest - and showing how
the sea over islands and land. services.” are inspired or based on nature cally capable of adapting to that Another point of reference they are interrelated when the
for solving problems faced by • Environmental: about the pres- problem The Brazilian Northeast on the subject is the Trends in issue of food is the common link.
Ecosystem Services – According Grey Infrastructure – Conven- various sectors of society in a ervation and conservation of and African Sub-Sahara are vul- Ecosystem Services (TeSE) ini-
to The Economics of Ecosys- tional civil engineering projects, sustainable way. This type of the environment, with actions nerable to the intensification tiative, by GVces. Its objective is
tems and Biodiversity (Teeb) in- such as motorways, buildings, solution helps protect the en- ranging from reversing de- of droughts in environmental to facilitate the insertion of eco-
itiative, ecosystem services are dams. Grey refers to the con- vironment, providing economic forestation, protecting forests as well as social and economic system services in corporate
direct and indirect contributions crete used in urbanization. and social benefits. and biodiversity, fighting de- terms. decision-making, using tools for
made by ecosystems to human sertification, sustainable use of valuation. To this end, it devel-
wellbeing. Examples of servic- Leaching – With the extraction Nymphaea (Water Lily) – Botani- oceans and marine resources, Wellbeing – Represents a set of ops simple, low cost methods
es provided by nature are the of natural vegetation, soil is ex- cal genus which includes various up to adopting effective meas- the basic elements for a good based on easily available data,
growth of vegetation which re- posed to the sun, wind and rain. species of aquatic macrophytes. ures against climate change. life: freedom of choice, health, generating information to sup-
moves carbon from the atmos- Leaching is the process where good physical condition, good port project analysis and per- Also on SDGs, the United Na-
phere, maintains soil quality and rainwater drains away the soil’s Positive or Negative Externality • Economic: addresses the use social relations, security, peace formance indicators. See its tions Environment Program
prevents erosion, or which puts minerals, leading to erosion, – Positive of negative reflections and depletion of natural re- of mind and a spiritual life.. practical application in these (UNEP) published this brochure
slopes, housing and river flow at fertility loss and the silting of of an activity felt by those who sources, waste production, business cases. on the integrated focus of the
risk. More on ecosystem servic- watercourses (accumulation of have done little or nothing to energy consumption, among > Further reading, 2030 Agenda, which addresses
es in this issue of P22_ON. sediment in river channels). generate them. others. videos, blogs and sites Internationally, the TEEB Project the environmental issues in each
(The Economics of Ecosystems of the goals.
Effluents – Waste from indus- Life Cycle Thinking – A mode of Present Value – The value of a • Institutional: about the capacity •C
 oncept: What are we talking and Biodiversity) seeks to make
try, sewage, and rainwater net- thinking which considers impli- certain sum of money at a cer- of putting SDGs in practice. about? clear the contingent relation be- • NbS and Adaptation
works which are disposed of in cations from ‘cradle to grave’, tain future date, taking into ac- tween natural capital and the
the environment, in liquid or gas that is, the entire product life count the interest earned by that The SDGs were built as part of Do you want to know more about economy to society and deci- What do Nature-based Solutions
form. cycle. The life cycle is the set of sum. It can also be understood a global negotiation which be- the concept of NbS? Access this sion-makers, such that this rela- have to do with adaptation to cli-
stages necessary for a product as the value of a future resource gan in 2013, with Brazil’s par- page for the International Union tion is reflected in the planning mate change? A lot!
Eutrophication – Process through to fulfil its function – from ob- or cost stream in terms of its ticipation in the discussions and for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). and elaboration of public and
which a body of water is enriched taining natural resources to its current value. The discount rate definitions of its agenda. Brazil corporate policy. In Brazil, the The EbA: Opportunities for
with high levels of nutrients, es- final destination, after fulfilling is used to determine this value. has expressed firm support for • NbS, a large umbrella Regional-Local TEEB Project is a Public Policy on Climate Chan-
pecially phosphates and nitrates, its purpose. contemplating the eradication of project of the Brazilian Govern- ge study uses the concept of
causing the accumulation of de- Standard deviation – A measure poverty as a priority among in- Some concepts, such as Nat- ment, coordinated by the Minis- Ecosystem-based Adaptation
composing organic matter. Mitigation – Actions aimed at representing how much the val- itiatives focused on sustainable ural Capital and Ecosystem try of the Environment (MMA), (EbA), as well as presenting
reducing greenhouse gas emis- ues from which the mean was development. Source: estrate- Services, come under the um- in partnership with the National nearly 100 types of EbA practice
Gracilarioid Algae – Belong to sions in order to limit the ef- extracted are near or far from brella of Nature-based Solu- Confederation of Industry (CNI) in Brazil and the world. Based
the Gracilaria red algae genus, fects of climate change, includ- the average itself. tions. within the context of Brazil-Ger- on the results of the study, ob-
from which the agar biopolymer ing rising sea levels, hurricanes Resilience – In physics, is the ca- many Bilateral Cooperation for jective recommendations are
can be extracted. It is largely and extreme temperatures. An Social Enterprise – An organiza- pacity of a determined system for In the field of Natural Capi- Sustainable Development. made for the inclusion of EbA
used in the food and pharma- example of an action of mitiga- tion which mixes features of the recovering its balance after hav- tal, the current standard ref- strategies in public policy for
ceutical industry as a gelling and tion is the change from petro- Second and Third Sector, which ing been disturbed. In the climate erence is the Natural Capital Biomimetic initiatives which con- adaptation to climate change,
stabilising agent. leum-based energy sources to has become what is known as context, it is the capacity social, Protocol. To know more, visit tribute to biodiversity conserva- with a focus on the National Ad-
renewable sources. Sector 2.5 (two point five). The economic and environmental sys- the Natural Capital Coalition tion and human wellbeing can aptation Plan - conducted by the
Green Infrastructure – A method social enterprise seeks to associ- tems have for coping with climate website, a global collabora- also be considered Nature-based Department on Climate Change
which aims to preserve biodiver- Natural Capital – Can be defined ate the expertise of the world of impact, re-organizing themselves tive network which brings to- Solutions. Ask Nature is a biomi- and Environmental Quality of
sity via actions which strengthen as the “stock or reserve provid- business with the social expertise so as to maintain their essential gether initiatives and organi- metic platform in which research- the Ministry of the Environ-
the resilience of ecosystems, ed by nature (biotic or abiotic) of non-profit organizations. function, identity and structure, zations. ers, engineers, biologists, archi- ment, launched in May 2016.
simultaneously facilitating ad- which produces a valuable fu- while still being able to adapt, tects, designers and others can The expectation of the Grupo
aptation to climate change and ture flow of natural resources Sustainable Development Goals learn and transform. On the subject of Ecosystem connect, share information and Boticário Foundation is that
reducing vulnerability to natu- or services”, according to au- (SDGs) – A global agenda set Services - remember this edi- collaborate. the study will contribute to the
ral disasters. The concept was thors Herman Daly and Joshua during the UN Summit on Sus- Vulnerability – Degree to which tion of P22_ON? Worth a visit construction of a national adap-
introduced by the European Farley. An example of “stock” tainable Development in Septem- a system is susceptible and in- or revisit. • NbS and SDGs tation strategy, taking biodiver-

P22_ON N AT U R E - B A S E D S O L U T I O N S de c e m ber 2017

sity conservation into account. vis-a-vis challenges relating student of Environmental Science
to water, food and energy. Kathryn O’Shaughnessy received
This TNC publication shows how the Innovation Award from the
to use nature to minimize cli- The Nature Conservancy, via this Crown Estate’s Seabed Fund for
mate and natural disaster risk. video, shows how to improve wa- her project ‘Green Engineering of
ter security with Nature-based Coastal Infrastructure: A Design
This is a further example of ad- Solutions. The organization is part for Life’.
aptation which shows the role of the Water Funds Alliance in La-
of mangroves in protecting tin America.
the coast. Storm waves occur
when strong winds and low at-
mospheric pressure raises wa-
ter levels on the coast, causing
seawater to encroach on the
land. The biggest storm waves
are caused by tropical cyclones,
which can result in extensive In Seattle, in the United States, this
flooding, death and property project allows light to penetrate
damage - and are a phenomenon TNC presents some worrying in- waters through piers and prome-
intensified by climate change. formation in its analysis, published nades, benefiting the marine
Under these circumstances, in this study, of hydrographic ba-
mangroves reduce the water sins and springs which supply over environment and the reproduc-
flow when there are storms, 4,000 of the world’s large cities: tion of salmon on the urbanized
thereby reducing surface waves the degradation index is greater coast. Few plants can grow in
and protecting coastal areas and than 70% in the springs of the Met- the shadows of seaside struc-
their inhabitants. ropolitan Region of São Paulo. tures, but the passage of light
means that coastal and marine
• Water Supply and Quality Some initiatives, however, bring plants can develop, gathering
hope. One of them is the resto- zooplankton and other inver-
Cases of practical applications ration of the forest in the Guan- tebrates in their surroundings,
of natural infrastructure in fac- du River Basin. The Guandu Wa- which salmon feed off. Plans
ing water problems and floods ter Producer Project, launched for creating riparian zones in-
have been collected in this pub- in November 2008, charges clude planting trees and bush-
lication. user fees downstream which es along slopes, which will also
are used to compensate farm- contribute to reducing coastal
This blog by the World Resourc- ers for reforesting their lands erosion, improving water quali-
es Institute (WRI) drew attention and conserving forests. This has ty, and making the coast of Se-
in 2016 to problems with water resulted in cleaner water and attle more beautiful.
supply and quality in Brazil, which less carbon released into the
went through a historical drought atmosphere. Watch this video. • And more:
in São Paulo in 2014, and was pre-
paring to receive Olympic athletes Read here about how and why
in the polluted waters of Guana- Research and Innovation poli-
bara Bay in Rio de Janeiro. The text cies in the European Union are
uses these ‘hooks’ to show how driving the public agenda for Na-
natural infrastructure can help ture-based Solutions and the con-
solve a water crisis. cept of Re-naturing Cities.

Following this, the WRI recom- The publication entitled Green

mended reading this document • Projects for the Marine Envi- Infrastructure: Engineering to
regarding a tool for economic ronment Benefit Business and Biodiversi-
analysis to aid decision-mak- ty –Living Solutions to Environ-
ers in comparing potential in- In the United Kingdom, a green mental Challenges on Corporate
vestments in natural and con- engineering project was awarded Lands presents case studies of
ventional infrastructure. The this year for restoring marine life, green infrastructure projects
tool helps assess costs and as shown in this video. Doctoral implemented by companies in
benefits for each investment their own facilities.

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