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12/29/22, 1:33 PM Reducing search indexing latency to one second




Reducing search indexing

latency to one second
Nico Tonozzi
Dumitru Daniliuc
Friday, 5 June 2020

One of the key metrics for a search system is the indexing latency, the amount of
time it takes for new information to become available in the search index. This
metric is important because it determines how quickly new results show up. Not
all search systems need to update their contents quickly. In a warehouse
inventory system, for example, one daily update to its search index might be
acceptable. At Twitter -- where people are constantly looking for the answer to
“what’s happening” -- real-time search is a must.

Until mid-2019, the indexing latency for Twitter’s search system was around 15
seconds. It was fast enough to power relevance-based product features such as
the ranked Home timeline, which delivers Tweets based on their relevance. Since
determining a Tweet's relevance is based on factors such as how much
engagement it gets, there is less need for instant indexing. Use cases requiring a
much lower indexing latency, however, couldn’t be powered by our search
infrastructure. For example, we couldn’t use this same search system to retrieve
Tweets for a person’s profile page where people generally expect to see their
Tweets appear the moment they are published.

Two main limitations prevented us from lowering our indexing latency: 1/10
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1. Some fields (bits of information associated with each Tweet) are not
available when a Tweet is created. For example, a fully resolved URL
usually provides a much better ranking signal than a shortened URL like However, resolving new URLs takes time, and our old system
required us to index all fields for a Tweet at the same time, so we needed to
wait for all these delayed fields to become available.
2. Most features in the Twitter application prioritize the newest relevant Tweets.
Therefore, we sort our index by the time a Tweet was created. This would
be easy to do if our systems received events that were strictly ordered.
However, because our search system is decoupled from Tweet creation, the
search system doesn’t necessarily receive Tweets in chronological order. To
overcome this limitation, we added a buffer in our ingestion pipeline that
stored all incoming Tweets for a few seconds, and sorted them in strictly
increasing order of created time before sending them to our indexing

Overcoming these limitations required major changes to our ingestion pipeline

and our indexing system, but we believe the results were worth the effort. Tweets
are now available for searching within one second of creation, which allows us to
power product features with strict real-time requirements, such as real-time
conversations or the profile pages. Let's take a closer look at how we've achieved

Posting lists
The core of almost all search systems is a data structure called an inverted index.
An inverted index is designed to quickly answer questions like "Which documents
have the word cat in them?". It does this by keeping a map from terms to posting
lists. A term is typically a word, but is sometimes a conjunction, phrase, or
number. A posting list is a list of document identifiers (or document IDs) containing
the term. The posting list often includes extra information, like the position in the
document where the term appears, or payloads to improve the relevance of our
ranking algorithms.1

The search systems at Twitter process hundreds of thousands of queries per

second and most involve searching through posting lists of thousands of items,
making the speed at which we can iterate through a posting list a critical factor in
serving queries efficiently. For example, consider how many Tweets contain the
word “the.”

Document identifiers 2/10
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We use Lucene as our core indexing technology. In standard Lucene, an index is

subdivided into chunks called segments, and document IDs are Java integers.
The first document indexed in a particular segment is assigned an ID of 0, and
new document IDs are assigned sequentially. When searching through a
segment, the search starts at the lowest document IDs in the segment and
proceeds to the highest IDs in the segment.

To support our requirement of searching for the newest Tweets first, we diverge
from standard Lucene and assign document IDs from high to low: the first
document in a segment is assigned a maximum ID (determined by how large we
want our Lucene segment to be), and each new document gets a smaller
document ID. This lets us traverse documents so that we retrieve the newest
Tweets first, and terminate queries after we examine a client-specified number of
hits. This decision is critical in reducing the amount of time it takes to evaluate a
search query and therefore in letting us scale to extremely high request rates.

When we were using sorted streams of incoming Tweets, it was easy to assign
document IDs: the first Tweet in a segment would get the ID of size of the
segment minus one, the second Tweet would get the size of the segment minus
two, and so on, until we got to document ID 0. However, this document ID
assignment scheme doesn’t work when the incoming stream isn’t sorted by the
time a Tweet was created. In order to remove the delay added by sorting, we
needed to come up with a new scheme.

In the new document ID assignment scheme, each Tweet is assigned a document

ID based on the time that it was created. We needed to fit our document IDs into
a 31-bit space, because Lucene uses positive Java integers as document IDs.
Each document ID is unique within a segment, and our segments are usually
writable for about 12 hours. We decided to allocate 27 bits to store timestamps
with millisecond granularity, which is enough for a segment to last for a bit more
than 37 hours. We use the last four bits as a counter for the number of Tweets
with the same timestamp. This means that if we get more than 24 (16) Tweets with
the same millisecond timestamp, then some of them will be assigned a document
ID that is in a slightly incorrect order. In practice, this is extremely rare, and we
decided that this downside was acceptable because we often ran into a similar
situation in the old system when a Tweet was delayed for more than 15 seconds,
which also resulted in the assignment of an unordered document ID.

How it used to work: Unrolled linked lists

For the past eight years, the search systems at Twitter used a prepend-only
unrolled linked list as the data structure backing the posting lists. This has allowed
us to avoid the overhead of storing a pointer for every value and vastly improved 3/10
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the speed of traversing a posting list because it was cache friendly. (An unrolled
linked list is a linked list with multiple values per link — there is a good description
on Wikipedia (

In our old implementation, the linked list started out with a single value, and we
allocated exponentially larger nodes ( each
time the list needed to grow.

Searcher threads would start at the most recently added item of the linked list and
follow pointers until reaching the end of the list. Writers would only add new items
to the start of the list, either by adding a new posting in the existing array or
creating a new block and adding the new posting to the new block. After adding
the item and setting up the links correctly, the writer would atomically update its
pointer to the new head of the linked list. Searchers would either see the new
pointer or the old pointer, but never an invalid pointer.

The list was prepend-only so that we didn’t need to rewrite pointers internally and
also because adding items to the middle of a block of postings would have
required copying, slowing down the writer and requiring complex bookkeeping
(like tracking which blocks were up to date, which were stale but still used by
searchers, and which could be safely used for new postings). It also worked well
with our old document ID assignment scheme, because it guaranteed that posting
lists were always sorted by document ID.

These linked lists supported a single writer and many searchers without using any
locks, which was crucial for our systems: We had a searcher for every CPU core,
with tens of cores per server, and locking out all of the searchers every time we
needed to add a new document would have been prohibitively expensive.
Prepending to a linked list was also very fast (O(1) in the size of the posting list)
as it just required following a single pointer, allocating a new element, and
updating the pointer.

You can find more details on the unrolled linked list approach we used in
Earlybird: Real-Time Search at Twitter

The new hotness: Skip lists 4/10
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The linked list data structure served our system well for many years: it was easy
to understand and extremely efficient. Unfortunately, that scheme only works if the
incoming Tweets are strictly ordered because you can’t insert new documents into
the middle of the list.

To support this new requirement, we used a new data structure: skip lists. Skip
lists support O(log n) lookups and insertions into a sorted set or map, and are
relatively easy to adapt to support concurrency.

A skip list has multiple levels, and each level stores elements in a linked list. The
lowest level contains all of the elements, the next highest level contains some
fraction of those elements, and so on, until we reach the highest level which
contains just a few elements. If an element is stored at level N, then it is also
stored at all levels 1, 2, …, N - 1. Each of the elements in a higher level contains a
link to the equivalent element in a lower level. To find a given element, you start
out at the highest level, and read along that linked list until you find an element
that is greater than the one you are looking for. At that point, you descend one
level and start examining elements in the more densely populated linked list.

When we add an element, we always add it to the bottom level. If we add the
element at level N, we randomly decide to add the element at level N + 1 with
20% probability and continue recursively until we don't make the random decision
to add an element at the next higher level. This gives us 1/5th as many elements
at each higher level. We have found a 1:5 ratio to be a good tradeoff between
memory usage and speed.

We can implement the skip list in a single flat array where each “pointer” is just an
index into the skip list array, like so:

Note that each level of the skip list is terminated with a special “end of level”
value, which signals to the search process that there are no higher values at this
level of the skip list.

Our skip list implementation has a few notable optimizations to reduce the amount
of memory used in each posting list, improve search and indexing speed, and
support concurrent reading and writing. 5/10
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First, our skip list always adds elements to the end of an allocation pool. We use
this to implement document atomicity, described below. When a new element is
added, first we allocate the element at the end of the pool, then we update the
pointer at the lowest level of the skip list to include that item. Typically, this is the
“head” pointer of the skip list, but if it's a larger document ID than the head of the
skip list, we will traverse further down the skip list and insert the posting into the
correct place. We also sometimes rewrite pointers in the higher levels of the skip
list structure. There is a one-in-five chance that we add the value to the second
level of the skip list, a one-in-25 chance that we add it to the third level, and so on.
This is how we ensure that each level has one-fifth of the density of the level
below it, and how we achieve logarithmic access time.

Second, when we search for an element in a skip list, we track our descent down
the levels of the skip list, and save that as a search finger
( Then, if we later need to find the next posting
with a document ID greater than or equal to a given value (assuming the value we
are seeking is higher than the original value we found), we can start our search at
the pointers given by the finger. This changes our lookup time from O(log n),
where n is the number of elements in the posting list, to O(log d), where d is the
number of elements in the posting list between the first value and the second
value. This is critical because one of the most common and expensive queries in
a search engine are conjunctions, which rely heavily on this operation.

Third, many of the data structures in our search system store all of their data in an
array of primitives to remove the overhead imposed by the JVM of storing a
pointer to an object and to avoid the cost of having many live objects survive in
the old generation, which could make garbage collection cycles take much more
time. This makes coding data structures much more challenging, because every
value in the array is untyped — it could be a pointer, a position, a payload, or
completely garbled in the case of race conditions. Using programming language-
level features like classes or structs in another language would make
understanding and modifying these data structures far easier, so we are eagerly
awaiting the results of OpenJDK's Project Valhalla

Fourth, we only allocate one pointer for every level of the skip list. In a typical skip
list, a node will have a value, a pointer to the next largest element in the list and a
pointer to the lower level of the skip list. This means that a new value allocated
into the second level will require the space for two values and four pointers. We
avoid this by always allocating skip list towers contiguously. Each level K pointer
will only point to other level K pointers, so to extract the value associated with a
level K pointer P, you read the value at P - K. Once you reach a node with a value
greater than the one you are searching for, you go back to the previous node, and 6/10
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descend a level by simply subtracting one from the pointer. This lets us allocate a
value into the second level by just consuming the space for the value and two
pointers. It also reduces the amount of time we need to spend chasing pointers,
because a pointer into a tower is likely to be on the same cache line as the lower
pointers in that tower.

One of the downsides of having a linked list between elements in a particular

node instead of an array is that the skip list is much less cache friendly than an
unrolled linked list or B-tree — every single element access requires chasing a
pointer, which often results in a cache miss. This increased the amount of time it
took to traverse a single posting list, especially the very dense ones. However, the
tree structure and logarithmic access time actually improved the speed for queries
that accessed sparse documents (conjunctions and phrase queries) and allowed
us to reach nearly the exact same average query evaluation speed as the
unrolled linked list.

Document atomicity
In any data storage and retrieval system, it’s important to ensure that operations
happen atomically. In a search system, this means that either all of the terms in a
document are indexed or none of them are. Otherwise, if a person who used
Twitter searched for a negation, for example, "filter:images dogs AND -hot", and
we were in the middle of adding the image annotation "I sure love hot dogs!" to
the ”dogs” posting list but hadn’t added it to the “hot” posting list, the person might
see a photo of a grilled sausage sandwich instead of a lovable canine.

When using sequential document IDs and avoiding updates, it's easy to track
which documents are visible to the searchers. A searcher thread reads from an
atomic variable that marks the smallest visible document ID, and skips over any
document identifiers that are smaller than that document ID. This let us decouple
the logical level of consistency — the document — from the underlying data
structures that support concurrency at a more granular level.

In our new system, newer documents are no longer guaranteed to have smaller
document IDs. To support atomic updates to the skip list posting lists, we take
advantage of the fact that the skip lists allocate new values at the end of a given
allocation pool. When a searcher is created, it atomically gets a copy of a data
structure that tracks the current maximum pointer into each allocation pool, which
we call the published pointer. Then, whenever the searcher traverses a posting
list, if the address of a posting is greater than the published pointer, the searcher
will skip over that posting, without returning the document as a potential match.
This lets us update the underlying data structure while the searcher is running, but 7/10
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preserves our ability to atomically create and update documents, and achieves
our goal of separating data structure level atomicity from the logical, application
layer atomicity.

Changes to our ingestion pipeline

Because of the changes to our indexing system, we no longer needed our
ingestion pipeline to have a buffer to sort all incoming Tweets. This was a big win
for reducing our indexing latency, but we still had the delay caused by waiting for
some fields to become available.

We noticed that most Tweet data that we wanted to index was available as soon
as the Tweet was created, and our clients often didn’t need the data in the
delayed fields to be present in the index right away. So we decided that our
ingestion pipeline shouldn’t wait for the data in these delayed fields to become
available. Instead, it can send most of the Tweet data to our indexing system as
soon as the Tweet is posted, and then send another update when the rest of the
data becomes available.

This approach allowed us to remove the final artificial delay in our ingestion
pipeline, at the cost of very new Tweets not having complete data. Since most
search use cases rely only on fields that are immediately available, we believe
this was an acceptable price to pay.

Rolling out the changes to all

Rolling out a change of this magnitude isn’t easy. First, our ingestion pipeline
became more complex, because we switched from one that was fully
synchronous to one with synchronous and asynchronous parts. Second, changing
the core data structure in our indexing server came with the risk of introducing
obscure bugs that were virtually impossible to detect in unit tests. And third, it was
hard to predict if returning newer Tweets would break any assumption in a
customer's code. 8/10
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We decided that the best way to test our new ingestion pipeline (in addition to
writing many new tests) was to deploy it alongside the old ingestion pipeline. This
meant that during the rollout period we had two full copies of indexing data. This
strategy allowed us to gradually migrate to the new ingestion pipeline, and at the
same time, we could easily switch back to the old stream of data if there was a

We also set up a staging cluster of indexing servers that mirrored our production
environment as closely as possible and started sending a fraction of our
production requests to these servers in addition to production servers (a
technique known as dark reads). This allowed us to stress test the changes to our
core indexing data structures with real production traffic and load, with both the
old and new streams of Tweet data. Once we were confident that the new data
structures were working as expected, we reused this staging cluster to test the
correctness of the data produced by the new ingestion pipeline. We set up this
cluster to index the data produced by the new ingestion pipeline and compared
the responses to production. Doing so revealed a few subtle bugs, which only
affected dark traffic. Once we fixed them, we were ready to deploy the change to

Since we didn’t know what assumptions our clients made in their code, we took a
conservative approach. We added code to our indexing servers to not serve any
Tweet posted in the last 15 seconds (our initial indexing latency) and gradually
rolled out all changes on the indexing side. Once we were confident that the
indexing changes worked as expected, we removed the old ingestion pipeline. We
checked with customers to see if recent Tweets would cause any issues, and,
fortunately, none of them relied on the 15-second delay. However, some
customers relied on the delayed fields being indexed at the same time as the
original document. Instead of adding special handling for queries from these
clients in the search system, those customers added a filter to their queries to not
include recent Tweets. After this, we were finally ready to remove the 15-second
serving restriction we had previously added to our indexing servers.

Making changes to a data storage and retrieval system introduces unique
challenges, especially when those systems serve hundreds of thousands of
queries per second. To get low search indexing latency at Twitter, we needed to
make significant changes to our ingestion pipeline and the core data structure
used in our indexes, extensively test these changes, and carefully deploy them.
We believe the effort was worth it: indexing a Tweet now takes one second, which
allows us to satisfy the requirements of even the most real-time features in our
product. 9/10
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This work wouldn’t have been possible without continuous advice and support
from all members of the Search Infrastructure team at Twitter: Alicia Vargas-
Morawetz, Andrew McCree, Bogdan Gaza, Bogdan Kanivets, Daniel Young,
Justin Leniger, Patrick Stover, Petko Minkov, and Will Hickey; as well as Juan
Caicedo Carvajal, Juan Luis Belmonte Mendez, Paul Burstein, Reza Lotun, Yang
Wu, and Yi Zhuang.

For example, consider the following Tweet: "SF is my favorite city, but I also like LA." Since "SF" appears at
the beginning of the Tweet and "LA" appears at the end, it might make sense to assign a higher score to this
Tweet when users search for "SF" than when they search for "LA." In this case, the score would be a

Nico Tonozzi

Dumitru Daniliuc 10/10

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