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elected in 1647 by the different regiments of the English

received considerable impetus from the Great Exhibition of

for the amir, whose determination to continue the contest

as they entered his temple. The same custom prevails among

he owed more to his polished Latinity than to his scientific

Asiatic Society, xxx., 1898, p. 389), is older than Asoka's

necessary to cross three distinct ridges between the northern

striking an object the needle disc is crushed in and the needle

of its actual birth, he called it alumium; but for the

Finally began a movement hitherto unparalleled in the

now almost ceased working. Though apparently not mentioned by

been exhibited since about 1840, the provenience being in

immutable, the methods by which justice is administered are

with Sidi Gabr, and does not end till the khedivial estates

of the white settlers upon their hunting-grounds the Creek

explosive proportions when mixed with air than any of the

coast, many children of such marriages may be seen.

but in the problems of biology great tracts of invariable

imagination in the contemplation of form is discussed also

that ``the imperial consul-general, Dr Nachtigal, has been

Sebastian de Benalcazar and of New Granada by Jimenez de

lower course the river flows either through high alluvial

The league at its zenith had thus a truly imperial status.

the country with domestic reindeer from Siberia. This effort

still content to obtain part of the acid in a weaker state,

not exceeding three years old, (2) steers or oxen above three

spreading through the Turkomans as far east as Manchuria.

(Oxford, 1902); art. EGYPT, History, Mahommedan Period.

name and legends still filled the land, or at least the

AIWAN, the reception-hall or throne-room of a Parthian or Sassanian palace.

are not numerous, but several species are poisonous. There

reigned for forty years over the rest of the kingdom, and

VII. he devoted all his energies from 1408 onwards to the

impromptus and afterwards set compositions. This gave them

propeller, which losses will generally be 50% of indicated

this town; the common identification with Multan is,

and games of all kinds in modern times, and especially the

K.P. Knight of St Patrick.

and M. W. Woods were the first to trace the working of a cell

fields. In the first half of the 19th century the movement

hydrogen gas took place. It was intended that an English

Russians in the northern and middle portions, and of Kirghiz

``Rienne manque a sa gloire, it manquait a la notre.''

inaccessible island in the Indian Ocean, in 37 deg. 47' S., and

It was confined to a section of the educated classes,

of fact the extension of British influence northwards to the

(ed. G. Paris, Soc. des anc. textes fr., 1876), in which

Renaissance his doctrine of the soul's mortality was adopted

second half of 1812 the British general, Sir Isaac Brock,

Nor must it be overlooked that salt-cake must be made as long

resorted, afforded, until printing was invented, the only

the discussion of boundary questions until the following

sphere. In 1890 the Royal Niger Company had concluded a treaty

judge, magistrate or officer.'' And ``territorial waters of

by Dr Stephen Lushington and Sir R. J. Phillimore, whose

in the ecclesiastical disputes by which Hungary was divided

by a chain of buckets running on the pulley (g), and passing

of existence; while I was quite sure that I had not, and had

Manufactures, with the Minutes of Evidence and Appendix

applied to the Republican party, and affairs went from bad to

better position to determine the point---touched on more than

on the second plate is reduced to metallic lead in a spongy

and its whole stem is pervaded with a milky juice, which

on elevation, the year may be divided into three seasons.

was one of the group of New England ultra-Federalists known as

The Italians saw in him a pedantic foreign professor, blind

too high-pitched; his ideas are too much in the air; they do

Howe, heavily reinforced from home, sailed on the 10th from

Climate (C), that of Fort Chipewyan, having a mean winter

Turnip, leaf 11,424 1531 146 49 5.7 40.2

personal relations; and except for a half- dozen pieces,

1902 959,241 1,055,802 637,972 25,260

the "Essex Junto," who opposed the French policy of President

element, still left it predominant. The people continued

Regiment gives no undue praise to the regiments of the

small ruined town to the west of Ghardaia, is the fortified

excellent administrator. In 374 Auxentius, bishop of Milan,

incense, as distinct from the turibulum (thurible) or

1890 4,564,641 3,269,728 454,659 880,254

one at a time, to each player, after each has placed two

Maximilian. In 1510 the king sent him on a diplomatic mission

ex-patriarch, had succumbed perhaps to his persecution and to old

present royal and ducal families of Saxony. Its beautiful

with dilficulty; the Albanians in Greece and Italy have also

for ordinary steady currents. They found that the absorbing

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