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The reflective analysis would help to improve the critical thinking of any research analysis or the learning
outcomes that we learn from any coursework. I present my reflection on the topic and the coursework
through Gibbs' reflection cycle framework (Potter, 2015).

Figure: Gibbs’ reflection cycle



Throughout this course, I have understood critical aspects regarding the hospitality industry business,
service quality, presentation style, etc for determining the core business consideration which would help
to improve the business functions and aspects in the future.

At 9:00 a.m., I arrived at the university's knowledge dock building to the assessment Center for the
second assessment. There are so many new faces there. When I walk in, I'm tense. Then, I get my name
badge and schedule my paper for the day. (Teamwork, presentation, interview) My teamwork started at
10:00 a.m. I went to the hall, and it was very well organized. They give instructions before beginning
teamwork. They began with an individual paper test and after that test will long for 20 minutes. It went
extremely well following that, we started group work, with four groups. The group contains 5 to 6
people for 1 hour for group projects.

The analysis throughout the course has been divided into three main criteria including

 Group task
 Presentation followed by personal interview
 Feedback session

Group task

Group tasks would enable one to take proper and sophisticated decisions in different aspects like
practices and service requirements in the hospitality or the tourism sector. A group always provides
effective decision-making criteria for the development of the different academic aspects like learning
methods, skill development programs, and other related considerations which would help to involve us
in effective recruitment procedures as well as hospitality businesses aesthetics (Adeani et al. 2020).

Presentation followed by personal reflection

Presentation sessions would help us to take part in any interviewing session or business presentation
scenario which would further help to improve our career aspects in the future. The presentation session
has provided me with a lot of knowledge base on how a presentation can be carried out successfully
defining all necessary aspects in the presentation style and formatting.

Feedback session

The feedback session is an important consideration for our skill development as this would help to
recognize the faults regarding assessment criteria, presentation techniques, group task criteria, etc.
These would help us to complete the assignment successfully considering all possible learning outcomes
for this assignment.


Throughout the presentation session, I feel very much excited as this course and learning methods have
given me goosebumps for a better understanding of the hospitality sector business criteria for our
future career path. The presentation session gets me quite interesting considerations of the subject
matter and it also helps my presentation confidence in the future. Feedback sessions should be followed
properly and we have done this very carefully because it helps to recognize the problems in our learning
method or criteria for future modifications.


Evaluation is an important consideration for learning methods in any topic or experience because it
would help us to measure our learning outcomes or how much we learned from this course. The group
task criteria were well described and defined and therefore these would create no obstacles inside our
learning methods. The presentation session is equally quite interesting and exciting because it offered a
variety of learning windows like interviewing methods, presentation style, and aspects that improve our
presentation styles and effectiveness.


The presenting workshop taught me a lot about how to properly deliver a presentation by identifying all
important parts of speaking style and layout. Therefore these would help to provide future insights into
the career-building criteria. A feedback conference is indeed a vital aspect of our skills acquisition since
it allows us to identify flaws in evaluation criteria, communication tactics, group work criteria, and so on
(Markkanen et al. 2020). These might assist us in effectively completing the work while taking into
account all potential educational objectives for this project.


Throughout this program, I have gained an understanding of essential parts of the hotel sector business,
such as service quality, presentation style, and so on, in order to determine the core business
considerations that will assist to enhance the company functions and aspects in the future. Group task
and presentation style would help to provide us with deep knowledge and understanding of the related
course and learning outcomes which would further enable us in the hospitality sector's functionality and

Action plan

I have decided to analyze the feedbacks that the professor gave on my presentation or group task
criteria because this would help to improve our assignment criteria or learning method properly. The
action plan can help to get better future insights and clarity minimizing issues related to group tasks or
interviewing sessions.



Potter, C., 2015. Leadership development: an applied comparison of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle and
Scharmer’s Theory U. Industrial and Commercial Training.

Adeani, I.S., Febriani, R.B. and Syafryadin, S., 2020. USING GIBBS’REFLECTIVE CYCLE IN MAKING
REFLECTIONS OF LITERARY ANALYSIS. Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), pp.139-148.

Markkanen, P., Välimäki, M., Anttila, M. and Kuuskorpi, M., 2020. A reflective cycle: Understanding
challenging situations in a school setting. Educational Research, 62(1), pp.46-62.

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