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This document was written by Liviu Lalescu.

Fair use of this document is


Begin: 2003.
Last modified on: 16 November 2022.

FET - How to add new translations (languages):

VERY IMPORTANT: Please announce your intention if you want to translate FET into
your language.
Another person might work on the same translation as you and time might be wasted.

VERY IMPORTANT: Please follow the English words and do not translate incompletely
a field. Either translate it or not, but not partially.

Please read the instructions below very carefully and follow them:

STEP 1: You can use the fet_untranslated.ts file, just rename it

fet_**.ts (** means your language).

(alternative procedure:
Modify the file "fet-v.v.v/src/", by adding a line
in the TRANSLATIONS section for your language (for instance, adding
a backslash after the last translation and then "../translations/fet_it.ts" for
Enter the directory "fet-v.v.v/src/" and type "lupdate".
This will create the needed file, named "fet-v.v.v/translations/fet_**.ts").
It is highly advisable to disable number heuristic, as it is not good for the FET
(run "lupdate -disable-heuristic number").
Number heuristic comes up with weird looking translations for some fields, like
"Weight 100.0% {100%}".


Open the file "fet-v.v.v/translations/fet_**.ts" (for example, fet_it.ts)

with the Qt Linguist and edit it, then save it.

You do not have to translate all the fields. Just leave the corresponding fields
marked as unfinished (untranslated).

There are some comments in the translation file, they are not to be translated,
they just help you.
You can see that for instance in the "FET XML files" field.

Please translate the FetMainForm_template section firstly. This is the main form
(the menu and the shortcuts).
Please double check the translation of the main menu practically from FET (see
below how to check your translation
in FET, by renaming it as an already existing translation). The main form is very
important and there should be
no mistakes here, especially in the constraints description.
Send the file with the completely translated FetMainForm_template section to the
FET authors. It may take a
long time for you to translate all the fields in FET, but if you translate only the
main form it takes usually
a short time and your partial translation will be added to official FET, helping
other users until the complete
translation will be ready.


From Qt Linguist, release the translation as "fet-v.v.v/translations/fet_**.qm"

(for instance, fet_it.qm).


Send all the three modified files to the FET authors (the important file is
fet_**.ts, you may omit the others).
The first time you send your file(s), please also send the name of your language,
written in your language
(for instance, for the Romanian translation this name is: Română).

Of course, anyone can redo/improve current translations. The best variants will be

Some other details follow:

First of all, you need a version of Qt Linguist.

Qt homepage:

For GNU/Linux it is available if you type "linguist" (possibly preceded by the path
to Qt executables) on the
command-line (Linguist is part of Qt development tools).
For Windows, you will have to download the latest Qt from the Qt homepage.
For macOS, maybe you have Qt Linguist precompiled available for download from your
package manager,
or you can download the latest Qt from the Qt homepage.

fet_**.ts: You will have to open this file using Qt Linguist.

The most useful keys are: Ctrl+Enter (activates current translation
and jumps to the next untranslated phrase),Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 (first or second
suggestion). You can skip the large fields, like the FAQ and others. You can
skip also fields you cannot translate, they will remain in English. But let them
marked as untranslated (do NOT press Ctrl+Enter on an unfinished/untranslated
skip it with the mouse or Ctrl+J).

Important note: please translate, in FetMainForm_template, the field "Language"

both in your language
and in English, separated by a slash (like: Limba/Language). The reason is that
people may become
stuck with another language.

Important: please take care of difference between activity and activities,

teacher and teachers, students and students set, room and rooms, time (day+hour)
and hour (alone). These
are very important differences in constraints.

Please try to keep the length of large fields (the ones relating to constraints) in
to a minimum, otherwise they will look too big. This is the main menu.
This way, the main menu will look good in your language
(please check the main menu of FET with your translation).
Also, in the FetMainForm_template there appear some terms like: &Help. This means
that Help has
as accelerator the letter H. You can translate in your language like: &Ajutor,
preferably take care of this:
in the same menu (like File menu) there should be unique accelerators.

Please try to follow the original (English) line arrangement. That is, if you
meet: "Current activity's<new line symbol>
you have to split your message if it is too wide (wider than the widest line).
For instance, the translation would be:
"Descrierea activității<new line symbol>

New line symbol is a special sign in Linguist, you'll see it, it is like Greek
symbol for Pi.
Also, in linguist there is a special character (a dot) for a space.

New line means you need to put a new line character (press Enter).

Please take care to punctuation, because Linguist requires it. You have to end
each translation with the same punctuation mark as the English one. For
"Compulsory conflicts:"
would become:
"Conflicte obligatorii:"
If you don't do that, you will get an exclamation mark for this translation.

Please translate a field preferably word-by-word as in English, and if you

translate a field, translate it completely.

It would be a good idea to send the fet_**.ts file after only a few
modifications, so that the FET authors can check it if it works, so your work
is not wasted. If that goes well, you can continue working on it.

If you do not want your email address to be listed in the TRANSLATORS section,
please specify that,
and provide another method of contacting you.

In order to test your translation you need to release it as fet_**.qm

and put it into the directory "translations/". Then, rename the file as
fet_ro.qm (or any other implemented translation), overwriting the old one, and try
the Romanian language.

Note: Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew are written right-to-left. If you want to test a
usual left-to-right translation,
rename it differently from fet_ar.qm, fet_fa.qm or fet_he.qm. If you want to test a
right-to-left translation,
rename it as fet_ar.qm, fet_fa.qm or fet_he.qm.

Note: to add your translation into FET, without renaming it as an already existing
language, you need to change
these files/functions:
- void usage(QTextStream* out, const QString& error) in the file
- void initLanguagesSet() in the file src/interface/fet.cpp
- void FetMainForm::populateLanguagesMap(QMap<QString, QString>& languagesMap) in
the file src/interface/fetmainform.cpp
- the TRANSLATIONS section of the file src/ (add your language, similar to
the other languages. Please see
also the alternative procedure for STEP 1).
Then recompile. But this is complicated and unneeded.

Note: under macOS, to test your translation, you need to put it into the
directory /usr/share/fet/translations/,, or (information
provided by a translator).
More notes for the macOS platform, from a user: copying the translation file
fet_**.qm into the directory
is possible from the command line in X11 xterm (but it is not possible with the
finder program, because the file extension ".app" is
exclusive for applications, so the program finder interprets a directory with the
extension ".app" as an application).

Please test your translation on the file named test-all-constraints.fet in the

directory translations. Check the
all time constraints and all space constraints dialogs, the constraints should look
good (description and detailed description for each one).
Also, the constraints should be different, like for instance starting times from
time slots or same starting time from same starting hour.

There are some variables written with uppercase letters, like: MAX_TOTAL_SUBGROUPS.
These names must remain unchanged.

Tips and tricks:

There are many small fields which are repeated many times, in different contexts
(sections). If you translated such a field at least once,
running lupdate will automatically fill the other identical fields (using the 'same
text' heuristic), so you will only need to check these
fields and mark them as finished (if the field has a specific
disambiguation/comment, check that it corresponds). These fields will be marked
as translated, but unfinished (probably with a yellow question mark). Remember to
disable 'number heuristic': "lupdate -disable-heuristic number",
as recommended above.

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