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discretionary access control ==========>permissions are set usually by the resource owner.

its desicion base on user identity , ownership and group id .

mandatory access control ===========>permissions are set by fixed rules based on policies and cannot be overridden
by users

it use when using linux in enforcing mode

if malik wnt to access root file first discretionary access control if they allow then selinux is checked

Selinux ===========>is linux security module that built into the linux kernal . when security relavent access

is taking place such as process attempt to open a file the operation is intercepted in kernal by selinux

if selinux rule allow operation it continue otherwise operation block and process receive error

it add mandatory access control to kernal and execute the untrustworthy application safely .

in selinux files, directory , devices called objts

processes such as user runnig command and application calleld subjcts .

discretionary access control system control how subject interact with object and how subject with each other.

in this user control the permission of objects .

Selinux Context =========>The context contains additional information about a system object: the SELinux user, their
role, their type, and the security level.

SELinux uses this context information to control access by processes, Linux users, and files

Benefits .....

all processes and file labelled with type . a type define domain for processes and type for file

processes are seprataed from each other by running in their own domain . selinux define khow processes

intercat with each other as well as files

selinux administrater k through define ki ja skti , system vise pr enforce ki ja skti hy .

reduce escalation attack . if process compromised then attcker just acces to process normal funcation and

and to file the process has been configured to have access .


however selinux is not a .............>>

antivirus software

it is not a replacment of password , firewall , and other security

not a all in one security solution


selinux is deigned to enhance the existing security solution not replace them .

default acces is deny .if selinux policy rule does not exist to allow access suach as process

to opening a file access is denied .

some confined and unconfined user exist in selinux policy .

selinux limit damage if you make mistake in system configuration


Access vector cache

selinux desicion such as allowing and disallowing access is cache called Access vector cache .

when cached desicion use selinux check rule need to be cehcked less .


Selinux Three modes

Enforcing =============> selinux policy is enforced , selinux denies access based on selinux policy rule

var/log/audit.log =====> store log if they allow or they deny .

Permissive =============>selinux policy is not enforced . selinux does not deny access but ye log kr ly ga un ko

jo deny ho jany thy agr enforcing mode open hota .

Disabled ==========> selinux is disabled only the Dac rule is applied .


configuration file is ===========> /etc/selinux/config

setenforcing 0 ============> set selinux in permissive mode temporary

setenforcing 1 ==========> set selinux in enforcing mode temporary .

getenforcing ==============> show selinux enforcing mode .

.autorelabel ==================> reset the existing defined selinux context and default selinux context

is applied when system reboot .

3 selinux types

===>Targeted ......> it is default policy in selinux

two mode in targeted policy

====> Confined (mean access during domain).....> targeted processses started .this is for services that listen on

and processes run as root such as passwd utility .

======>unconfined (means access to all domain ) -----> system processes during init. and logged-in users.



sestat =====> show selinux info

chcon -t type_name dir/file_location ======> chnage selinux temporary

restorecon sservice_name/file_name/dir_name ===========> to restore the selinux context js k name bhi dy gy .

semanage boolean -l ======> show all boleans in selinux bolean is liye agr ap ik service ko do type ki selinux

context allow krna chaty ho

semanage fcontext -a -t type_name file/dir/service_name

semanage login -l =============> show local user mapping with selinux user

seinfo -u ===========> show selinux users

seinfo -r ============> show rule for user

setboolean ===> executable writeable memory chunks use for changing in selinux policy for confined users.

semanage boolean -l ========> show all boolean

confined user ko access dani ho kesi service pr tu us ki boolean value ko on kr dy gy .

setsebool -P bolean_name on ========> change the boolean value permanent

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