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1970 - 2019 Change (%/yr) 3 Generation Change (%/yr)

Common Name Survey aou Trend 2.5% Ci 97.5%CI Trend 2.5% Ci 97.5%CI
Brant CBC 1730 0.131503 -1.047701 1.482575 1.803174 -1.503101 4.820201
Canada Goose CBC 1720 -0.296277 -1.500463 0.939638 0.333329 -0.669026 1.271719
Greater White-fronted Go CBC 1710 6.961877 5.774815 8.19655 12.57536 9.477062 15.66898
Ross's Goose CBC 1700 11.37112 9.0333 13.60472 13.06488 6.283805 19.89079
Snow Goose CBC 1690 7.043476 4.805533 9.329243 15.67787 11.46205 20.27938
Trumpeter Swan CBC 1810 8.966017 8.266722 9.703329 9.568966 7.964937 11.47192
Tundra Swan CBC 1800 0.588682 -0.387594 1.555661 2.344271 -0.824511 5.368515

American Black Duck BBS 1330 -0.3789 -1.3931 0.6356 -1.6325 -4.7609 1.9347
American Wigeon FWS 1370 -0.17011 -0.28957 -0.04173 0.4042 0.0451 0.7499
Black-bellied Whistling-Du BBS 1770 6.2715 4.4296 8.1193 1.4166 -0.6768 3.5943
Blue-winged Teal FWS 1400 1.3918 1.274 1.5162 1.249 0.9584 1.5539
Canvasback FWS 1470 0.666 0.4056 0.9089 -0.149 -1.04306 0.6478
Cinnamon Teal BBS 1410 -1.4804 -2.3281 -0.7384 1.9497 -0.7613 5.0201
Fulvous Whistling-Duck BBS 1780 2.5331 -0.4652 5.1294 0.7531 -5.8399 8.3553
Gadwall FWS 1350 2.3271 2.1994 2.4562 0.8029 0.4714 1.1313
Green-winged Teal FWS 1390 1.6663 1.5299 1.8082 2.0025 1.6165 2.366
Greater/Lesser Scaup FWS -1.05822 -1.19519 -0.92058 0.7227 0.3488 1.132
Mallard FWS 31320 0.7002 0.6157 0.7789 0.9272 0.7443 1.1105
Mottled Duck BBS 1340 -2.9015 -4.2476 -1.7312 -1.5518 -4.7775 1.7938
Northern Pintail FWS 1430 -1.08639 -1.21859 -0.95597 0.8932 0.4862 1.2956
Northern Shoveler FWS 1420 1.837 1.6913 1.9698 0.0353 -0.40489 0.447
Redhead FWS 1460 1.2443 1.042 1.463 0.6858 0.0509 1.2352
Ring-necked Duck BBS 1500 2.5725 1.1034 3.6954 2.9437 -0.1441 7.5761
Ruddy Duck BBS 1670 1.2336 0.0972 2.2031 0.5597 -2.948 5.2113
Wood Duck BBS 1440 1.2715 0.9667 1.5903 0.3177 -0.5717 1.1794
Common Merganser CBC 1290 1.444218 0.767932 2.132151 1.768874 -0.026316 3.409168
Red-breasted Merganser CBC 1300 0.546652 -0.221535 1.274059 1.072826 -0.900943 3.282832
Hooded Merganser CBC 1310 5.040812 4.776544 5.303313 3.970008 3.266543 4.687631

Barrow's Goldeneye CBC 1520 1.378791 0.668384 2.146883 2.198171 0.115315 4.144726
Black Scoter CBC 1630 -2.465485 -4.348992 -0.521827 -1.996657 -6.64932 3.421374
Bufflehead CBC 1530 0.553625 -0.700174 1.817735 1.958054 1.054071 2.912006
Common Eider CBC 1590 -6.317705 -19.28696 8.326944 -0.221796 -34.69898 51.19761
Common Goldeneye CBC 1510 -0.305402 -1.158665 0.433434 0.352486 -1.38344 2.130719
Harlequin Duck CBC 1550 0.555404 -0.751401 1.885391 0.709002 -3.286951 4.249297
King Eider CBC 1620 -8.276634 -10.09312 -6.345759 -10.20388 -14.59724 -5.885145
Long-tailed Duck CBC 1540 -3.637332 -5.472784 -1.749287 -3.710276 -7.326083 0.216084
Surf Scoter CBC 1660 0.187609 -0.223643 0.598399 0.553777 -0.682164 1.756389
White-winged Scoter CBC 1650 -1.254884 -2.83111 0.319645 -0.634419 -5.002157 3.889426

Blue-winged Teal FWS 01400 1.3918 1.274 1.5162 1.249 0.9584 1.5539
Northern Shoveler FWS 01420 1.837 1.6913 1.9698 0.0353 -0.40489 0.447
Sharp-tailed Grouse BBS 03080 0.8627 0.0493 1.6034 1.3569 -0.8524 3.6008
Greater Prairie-Chicken BBS 03050 4.0982 1.5417 6.398 7.0463 -0.3672 15.1399
Mountain Plover BBS 02810 -2.5105 -4.5946 -0.9674 -5.1989 -9.7933 -0.7108
Upland Sandpiper BBS 02610 0.4581 0.1002 0.8073 -0.458 -1.4926 0.5899
Long-billed Curlew BBS 02640 -0.0116 -0.6153 0.5227 0.3502 -0.548 1.337
Wilson's Phalarope BBS 02240 -0.1519 -0.8452 0.5464 -0.2698 -3.003 2.3683
Ferruginous Hawk BBS 03480 1.0935 0.5291 1.6074 0.3712 -0.4586 1.1951
Sedge Wren BBS 07240 1.3887 0.8075 1.9057 1.0647 -0.5519 2.9286
Sprague's Pipit BBS 07000 -3.0282 -3.8167 -2.2765 -5.8511 -9.7523 -2.5741
Chestnut-collared LongspuBBS 05380 -3.4267 -4.2012 -2.6863 -2.2451 -4.9656 0.7379
Thick-billed Longspur BBS 05390 -2.7932 -4.8269 -1.1224 6.3124 0.0556 13.5994
Cassin's Sparrow BBS 05780 -0.9408 -1.6811 -0.3338 0.7905 -1.1095 2.8429
Grasshopper Sparrow BBS 05460 -2.1314 -2.4757 -1.8016 -3.4818 -4.5567 -2.4011
Lark Bunting BBS 06050 -2.7878 -3.8722 -2.0421 -0.5972 -3.5182 2.4092
Vesper Sparrow BBS 05400 -0.7021 -0.8931 -0.5145 -2.1255 -2.7115 -1.525
LeConte's Sparrow BBS 05480 -1.5389 -2.4076 -0.6778 -1.5248 -5.2887 2.9312
Baird's Sparrow BBS 05450 -2.0159 -2.8477 -1.2145 0.6002 -2.6225 3.8362
Henslow's Sparrow BBS 05470 -0.1157 -0.8723 0.6706 -4.4685 -7.8689 -1.0604
Bobolink BBS 04940 -1.7735 -2.0168 -1.5131 -2.7815 -3.5266 -1.9891
Eastern Meadowlark BBS 05010 -3.0761 -3.1954 -2.9518 -1.7762 -2.1907 -1.3473
Western Meadowlark BBS 05011 -0.9636 -1.0822 -0.8377 0.1156 -0.2801 0.5053
Dickcissel BBS 06040 -0.0891 -0.2772 0.0922 1.9681 1.283 2.6979

Scaled Quail BBS 02930 -1.1866 -1.888 -0.516 10.3234 8.1105 12.6407
Greater Sage-Grouse BBS 03090 -1.7587 -3.3294 -0.3334 -2.1156 -7.1371 2.0101
Costa's Hummingbird BBS 04300 -0.0987 -2.1439 1.8761 4.4439 -1.8279 12.2253
Gilded Flicker BBS 04140 -0.0717 -2.0428 0.4755 -0.0232 -1.6365 4.3618
Chihuahuan Raven BBS 04870 0.1027 -0.7618 0.9359 -2.2481 -3.5657 -0.9646
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher BBS 07520 0.2772 -1.2307 1.7445 8.349 4.9972 11.9417
Wrentit BBS 07420 -0.7078 -1.0005 -0.3916 0.0246 -1.0865 1.2382
Bendire's Thrasher BBS 07080 -3.2861 -4.7317 -1.9653 0.7275 -3.809 5.6653
LeConte's Thrasher BBS 07110 -1.5078 -3.007 -0.6911 -1.332 -3.551 3.9137
Crissal Thrasher BBS 07120 0.044 -0.9527 1.0135 -0.625 -3.8239 2.1918
Sage Thrasher BBS 07020 -0.685 -1.259 -0.0459 -1.0141 -2.4413 0.4778
Phainopepla BBS 06200 0.6609 -0.3567 1.6526 3.7919 0.105 7.5752
Lawrence's Goldfinch BBS 05310 -0.5926 -2.0755 0.5443 -0.5754 -4.5317 2.1975
Black-throated Sparrow BBS 05730 -0.6893 -1.3961 0.0316 -0.7062 -2.055 0.6993
Sagebrush & Bell's Sparro BBS 35740 -0.2877 -1.4299 0.834 -0.6803 -2.7217 1.4896
Rufous-crowned Sparrow BBS 05800 -0.417 -1.3924 0.5796 1.3823 -1.092 4.367
Pyrrhuloxia BBS 05940 -0.9026 -1.7394 -0.1027 -1.7221 -2.9794 -0.4624
Brewer's Sparrow BBS 05620 -1.1938 -1.7443 -0.6186 -2.8111 -4.1594 -1.3761
Sagebrush Sparrow BBS 05738 -0.132 -1.2317 1.1131 -0.2588 -2.4244 1.9482
Bell's Sparrow BBS 05739 0.0146 -0.8659 1.2311 0.0135 -3.5679 3.7071
Cactus Wren BBS 07130 -1.7531 -2.4701 -1.0981 -0.8413 -2.3775 0.7494
Verdin BBS 07460 -1.7335 -2.8959 -0.6975 1.4111 -0.6691 3.5644
Curve-billed Thrasher BBS 07070 -0.4713 -1.6423 0.2554 0.8767 -0.8856 2.9529
Gila Woodpecker BBS 04110 -0.0645 -1.3866 0.224 0.008 -1.1555 2.1102
Abert's Towhee BBS 04920 0.0078 -0.5076 1.4421 -0.0065 -2.5552 1.6694
Allen's Hummingbird BBS 04340 -3.606 -4.934 -2.37 -3.1232 -8.7626 2.1007
California Thrasher BBS 07100 -1.3348 -2.0531 -0.6173 2.4178 -0.19 5.4203
Canyon Towhee BBS 05910 -0.8883 -1.7932 -0.1917 0.2981 -1.7207 2.8566
Gambel's Quail BBS 02950 -0.1961 -1.808 0.8335 -0.1272 -2.5585 2.2093
Lucy's Warbler BBS 06430 0.4002 -0.4398 1.2169 1.2373 -0.8017 3.4764
Rock Wren BBS 07150 -0.8335 -1.3974 -0.4083 -2.2265 -3.4206 -0.8053

Chuck-will's-widow BBS 04160 -2.0879 -2.3359 -1.8316 -1.1298 -1.8617 -0.3865

Eastern Whip-poor-will BBS 04171 -2.3231 -2.7411 -1.8584 -0.5417 -2.0693 1.0755
American Woodcock SGS 02280 -1.1281 -1.0021 -0.8803 -1.2583 -0.9301 -0.5985
Red-cockaded WoodpeckeBBS 03950 -1.3486 -3.1607 0.6131 1.8263 -3.5096 9.1025
Eastern Wood-Pewee BBS 04610 -1.0954 -1.1939 -0.9919 -0.0993 -0.4177 0.2236
Acadian Flycatcher BBS 04650 -0.092 -0.2976 0.0878 0.9778 0.4271 1.5272
Yellow-throated Vireo BBS 06280 1.1196 0.9266 1.325 1.8216 1.2706 2.3865
Brown-headed Nuthatch BBS 07290 -0.4038 -0.7612 -0.0581 -1.9239 -3.2175 -0.6699
Wood Thrush BBS 07550 -1.8388 -1.9426 -1.7328 0.6788 0.2866 1.0959
Brown Thrasher BBS 07050 -0.9259 -1.0198 -0.8392 -0.3384 -0.6657 -0.0078
Bachman's Sparrow BBS 05750 -2.9768 -3.6542 -2.2539 -1.1896 -4.0436 1.5988
Field Sparrow BBS 05630 -1.9517 -2.059 -1.8405 -1.334 -1.72 -0.9458
Eastern Towhee BBS 05870 -1.1536 -1.2506 -1.0607 -1.4319 -1.7435 -1.1227
Worm-eating Warbler BBS 06390 0.3664 -0.1245 0.8885 0.3664 -1.1195 1.7788
Louisiana Waterthrush BBS 06760 0.4898 0.1951 0.7626 1.2878 0.3051 2.3417
Golden-winged Warbler BBS 06420 -2.0496 -2.6481 -1.4236 1.0498 -1.3827 3.5378
Blue-winged Warbler BBS 06410 -0.9892 -1.4512 -0.4073 -2.4432 -4.009 -0.7144
Prothonotary Warbler BBS 06370 -1.1367 -1.5776 -0.7603 -0.662 -1.716 0.4256
Swainson's Warbler BBS 06380 1.835 1.071 2.6116 5.8237 3.5086 8.1404
Kentucky Warbler BBS 06770 -0.7096 -0.9965 -0.4021 -0.428 -1.295 0.4612
Hooded Warbler BBS 06840 1.631 1.284 2.0744 0.3903 -0.4486 1.1812
Cerulean Warbler BBS 06580 -2.3435 -2.9129 -1.7428 -0.0294 -1.9617 1.9791
Pine Warbler BBS 06710 1.3241 1.132 1.5055 0.0151 -0.5925 0.6086
Yellow-throated Warbler BBS 06630 1.0004 0.5919 1.4727 1.2254 0.2172 2.2636
Prairie Warbler BBS 06730 -1.4737 -1.7658 -1.1757 -1.1256 -1.9506 -0.2899
Scarlet Tanager BBS 06080 -0.3332 -0.5264 -0.1661 -0.6261 -1.1182 -0.1388
Red-headed Woodpecker BBS 04060 -2.1543 -2.3368 -1.9681 2.2967 1.5125 3.0973

Mountain Quail BBS 02920 -0.5883 -1.2147 0.0222 -0.4921 -2.9723 2.0948
Montezuma Quail CBC 02960 2.204102 0.76485 3.774021 4.650467 0.222001 8.945386
Dusky Grouse BBS 02970 0.0654 -0.4465 0.9382 0.0326 -1.34 1.4593
Sooty Grouse BBS 02971 -1.3548 -2.4241 -0.346 1.2668 -2.172 4.9783
Black Swift BBS 04220 -4.699 -7.3726 -2.2201 2.2827 -6.0374 12.9868
Vaux's Swift BBS 04240 -0.6188 -1.5541 0.109 -0.4489 -2.8255 2.4314
Rufous Hummingbird BBS 04330 -2.1375 -2.6067 -1.712 -2.0137 -2.9259 -1.3643
Northern Pygmy-Owl CBC 03790 0.257627 -0.064715 0.570143 0.184297 -0.535712 0.943301
Lewis's Woodpecker BBS 04080 -1.2589 -2.5644 -0.1604 0.4659 -2.7093 4.7644
Williamson's Sapsucker BBS 04040 0.1988 -0.7825 1.0536 -0.4843 -2.7872 1.6992
Red-naped Sapsucker BBS 04021 1.1242 0.5812 1.6628 -2.8209 -5.0346 -0.6335
Red-breasted Sapsucker BBS 04030 1.1437 0.4645 1.8919 1.8327 -0.1273 3.9447
Nuttall's Woodpecker BBS 03970 1.0714 0.6115 1.5672 0.1466 -1.6262 1.9096
White-headed WoodpeckeBBS 03990 0.9894 0.3482 1.7413 1.0328 -0.6299 2.2461
Western Wood-Pewee BBS 04620 -1.2374 -1.602 -0.9771 -0.3149 -0.9828 0.3386
Hammond's Flycatcher BBS 04680 0.6296 0.0965 1.1704 -1.5695 -3.2168 0.0772
Gray Flycatcher BBS 04691 1.768 0.5631 2.7162 -0.2949 -2.1663 1.5451
Dusky Flycatcher BBS 04690 -0.2556 -0.697 0.1868 -1.1275 -2.4882 0.2022
Cordilleran & Pacific-slope BBS 34641 -0.3274 -0.6568 0.0123 0.6558 -0.1397 1.5269
Gray Vireo BBS 06340 3.6662 2.5547 5.1217 5.8163 3.8818 8.9206
Hutton's Vireo BBS 06320 1.3537 0.8493 1.8407 2.3513 0.5281 4.3433
Cassin's Vireo BBS 06291 1.1089 0.7079 1.5344 -0.4609 -1.9567 1.0155
Plumbeous Vireo BBS 06292 -0.0683 -1.3177 0.6468 1.3404 -0.3014 3.2395
Pinyon Jay BBS 04920 -2.2373 -3.4951 -1.2186 -0.7191 -2.8904 1.6049
Yellow-billed Magpie BBS 04760 -2.5835 -3.169 -1.987 -6.8401 -9.7329 -4.0438
Oak Titmouse BBS 07330 -1.2685 -1.6576 -0.8617 -1.2625 -2.8751 0.31
Juniper Titmouse BBS 07331 0.097 -0.7129 0.8873 1.3555 -0.6466 3.6574
Western Bluebird BBS 07670 0.4354 -0.1556 0.9145 0.3724 -1.0572 1.8363
Townsend's Solitaire BBS 07540 0.5027 -0.0234 1.0023 -0.5865 -2.0019 0.8134
Cassin's Finch BBS 05180 -1.3104 -2.1107 -0.6288 1.6788 -0.0529 3.5848
Virginia's Warbler BBS 06440 -0.8655 -2.6557 0.0133 -1.6199 -3.7387 0.5848
MacGillivray's Warbler BBS 06800 -0.7068 -1.0374 -0.3956 -0.6529 -1.6496 0.3131
Grace's Warbler BBS 06640 -1.4623 -3.7314 -0.188 -0.3512 -3.708 2.61
Black-throated Gray WarblBBS 06650 -0.9771 -1.8247 -0.4435 -0.258 -1.6993 1.2749
Hermit Warbler BBS 06690 -0.2886 -0.8068 0.2425 -1.0403 -2.5271 0.4504
Hepatic Tanager BBS 06090 1.7376 0.3692 3.1512 0.2194 -3.2346 3.7555
Western Tanager BBS 06070 0.8677 0.5854 1.1217 0.4935 -0.1451 1.1701
Black-headed Grosbeak BBS 05960 0.4502 0.115 0.7081 0.7143 0.2762 1.1608
Lazuli Bunting BBS 05990 0.4012 -0.0058 0.7523 2.0522 0.7918 3.5063
Varied Thrush BBS 07630 -1.0887 -1.6598 -0.5101 -2.0447 -3.6353 -0.3505
Townsend's Warbler BBS 06680 -0.0531 -0.5765 0.5388 -3.0441 -4.2771 -1.7801
Chestnut-backed ChickadeBBS 07410 -1.1294 -1.6732 -0.5611 -1.5273 -3.1125 0.044
Mountain Chickadee BBS 07380 -0.886 -1.4451 -0.5265 -1.6392 -2.6671 -0.4495
Broad-tailed HummingbirdBBS 04320 -0.9553 -1.5479 -0.4399 -1.8351 -2.829 -0.8315
Calliope Hummingbird BBS 04360 -0.0952 -0.8404 0.6038 -1.1046 -3.9644 1.9648

Least Grebe CBC 50 1.544888 0.827704 2.227383 1.423776 -0.643037 3.415227

Pied-billed Grebe BBS 60 0.9953 0.5231 1.4662 -0.1605 -2.2184 2.3019
Horned Grebe CBC 30 0.463025 -0.201552 1.153215 1.329303 -0.680608 3.337757
Red-necked Grebe CBC 20 0.639164 0.033419 1.262356 1.089276 -0.900636 3.134846
Eared Grebe CBC 40 -6.501299 -9.117947 -3.972034 -0.302415 -1.965138 1.277943
Western & Clark's Grebe BBS 30010 0.4316 -1.2181 1.7123 -0.703 -2.9631 1.7024
Clapper Rail CBC 2110 -0.031052 -0.511378 0.414567 -0.007312 -1.44334 1.542939
King Rail BBS 02080 -4.4579 -6.2695 -2.7988 -5.337 -13.5003 2.2964
Virginia Rail BBS 90 1.184 0.6255 1.6707 -0.5322 -2.6909 1.8749
Sora BBS 2140 0.4494 0.0333 0.8644 -0.5786 -2.9011 2.5057
Purple Gallinule BBS 2180 -1.9522 -3.8735 -0.1747 5.2691 -1.9649 15.7664
Common Moorhen BBS 2190 -1.4594 -2.3288 -0.5683 4.1209 0.5118 8.1022
American Coot FWS 2210 0.3851 -0.2453 1.0419 -0.8191 -3.6242 2.7595
Limpkin CBC 2070 2.373097 1.504067 3.326563 8.438174 6.756412 10.08634
Sandhill Crane CBC 2060 4.480205 2.921772 6.192003 2.201376 -5.431376 10.99802
Bonaparte's Gull CBC 600 1.069013 -1.915218 4.230766 2.982747 -2.081045 7.993842
Franklin's Gull BBS 590 -1.1984 -3.1595 1.0168 6.3257 2.3146 13.7626
Mew Gull CBC 550 -0.807886 -1.29797 -0.278742 -0.890982 -2.136436 0.423931
Ring-billed Gull BBS 540 1.3227 0.5729 2.1599 -1.5129 -2.6411 0.1522
California Gull BBS 530 -0.5803 -1.883 0.7246 -1.8055 -3.9076 0.411
Herring Gull CBC 510 -1.812163 -2.18899 -1.432502 -1.938296 -2.983167 -0.837939
Glaucous Gull CBC 420 -2.797115 -4.15106 -1.468417 -4.174383 -6.838344 -1.450081
Great Black-backed Gull CBC 470 -0.428797 -1.121297 0.194926 -1.634502 -2.999973 -0.162329
Least Tern BBS 00740 -2.9148 -5.2211 -0.6929 -2.5454 -6.285 1.7146
Caspian Tern BBS 640 0.8435 -0.2524 1.8514 -0.5035 -1.9937 0.9734
Black Tern BBS 770 -1.267 -2.0652 -0.4147 3.4012 0.7122 7.2055
Common Tern BBS 700 -0.6175 -1.9498 1.1167 -0.2867 -2.6449 2.4544
Forster's Tern BBS 1720 -1.1098 -2.4587 -0.1391 -1.4172 -3.0019 0.2657
Red-throated Loon CBC 110 1.699196 1.204696 2.129239 2.96014 1.658802 4.161446
Arctic Loon CBC 90 0.705114 -0.008436 1.424423 1.001044 -1.028253 3.274288
Common Loon CBC 70 1.160311 0.601747 1.662583 1.496284 0.088495 3.006745
Yellow-billed Loon CBC 00080 -2.615207 -3.665741 -1.575817 -2.350773 -4.909233 0.260517
Wood Stork BBS 1880 1.7006 0.5495 2.9204 2.555 0.4174 4.8068
Neotropic Cormorant CBC 1210 7.259296 6.216553 8.230186 9.386346 6.522221 12.41459
Double-crested CormorantCBC 1200 6.884142 6.318079 7.429661 2.378023 0.905466 3.808942
Anhinga BBS 1180 1.9509 1.3046 2.5905 3.3649 2.3764 4.2732
American White Pelican BBS 1250 5.0277 3.5161 6.551 3.5958 2.091 5.341
American Bittern BBS 1900 -0.4181 -0.8571 0.011 -0.1617 -1.796 1.7667
Least Bittern BBS 1910 -0.1352 -1.2109 0.9785 -0.1589 -4.1247 3.8494
Great Blue Heron BBS 31940 0.4295 0.2894 0.5727 -1.0103 -1.2382 -0.7927
Great Egret BBS 1960 2.0896 1.4803 2.7316 0.1998 -0.9448 1.3626
Snowy Egret BBS 1970 2.1001 0.9032 3.2083 1.2051 -1.6473 4.4177
Little Blue Heron BBS 2000 -1.4208 -1.9425 -0.9202 -2.0679 -3.9099 -0.4126
Tricolored Heron BBS 1990 -1.0847 -1.7948 -0.2182 -0.944 -2.1108 0.0147
Cattle Egret BBS 2001 -2.0056 -2.5149 -1.5143 -3.5911 -4.4564 -2.713
Green Heron BBS 2010 -1.9962 -2.1365 -1.8581 -1.9168 -2.4149 -1.435
Black-crowned Night-HeroBBS 2020 -0.3929 -1.0611 0.2479 -1.802 -3.1012 -0.3715
Yellow-crowned Night-HerBBS 2030 -0.524 -1.2352 0.1134 0.5465 -0.8262 3.2111
White Ibis BBS 1840 3.913 2.5649 5.3675 2.1011 -0.5864 5.305
Glossy Ibis BBS 1860 5.3724 3.3365 7.2762 10.7772 7.1393 14.7183
White-faced Ibis BBS 1870 2.3227 -0.5058 5.4898 2.6264 -4.2482 12.8755
Roseate Spoonbill CBC 1830 6.495255 5.890632 7.170421 7.627684 5.892129 9.399784
Laughing Gull CBC 580 3.414101 2.046225 4.766192 2.384501 -1.113048 6.797656
Heermann's Gull CBC 570 2.34604 1.757764 2.96972 0.017165 -1.705721 1.666122
Western Gull CBC 490 0.266843 -0.776726 1.377299 0.038649 -2.551914 2.925889
Glaucous-winged Gull CBC 440 -1.749164 -2.619565 -0.862788 -1.754533 -3.860928 0.321056
Gull-billed Tern CBC 630 -1.200347 -1.773509 -0.607604 -0.668379 -2.196503 0.833178
Royal Tern CBC 650 0.792891 0.181331 1.340857 1.184459 -0.555031 2.907218
Sandwich Tern CBC 670 0.812843 0.239225 1.416304 1.442504 -0.270425 3.04255
Black Skimmer CBC 800 -2.942894 -3.765486 -2.003847 -1.321247 -3.353422 0.610072
Great Cormorant CBC 1190 1.0002 -0.086645 2.101771 3.210075 0.04725 6.43775
Brown Pelican CBC 1260 4.925398 4.370185 5.503243 2.028468 0.075699 3.748929
Reddish Egret CBC 1980 1.349192 0.914954 1.822375 0.31973 -0.855092 1.680767

Mottled Duck BBS 01340 -2.9015 -4.2476 -1.7312 -1.5518 -4.7775 1.7938
King Eider CBC 01620 -8.276634 -10.09312 -6.345759 -10.20388 -14.59724 -5.885145
Black Scoter CBC 01630 -2.465485 -4.348992 -0.521827 -1.996657 -6.64932 3.421374
Greater Sage-Grouse BBS 03090 -1.7587 -3.3294 -0.3334 -2.1156 -7.1371 2.0101
Chimney Swift BBS 04230 -2.469 -2.5858 -2.3561 -2.4813 -2.9356 -2.0353
Rufous Hummingbird BBS 04330 -2.1375 -2.6067 -1.712 -2.0137 -2.9259 -1.3643
Allen's Hummingbird BBS 04340 -3.606 -4.934 -2.37 -3.1232 -8.7626 2.1007
King Rail BBS 02080 -4.4579 -6.2695 -2.7988 -5.337 -13.5003 2.2964
Mountain Plover BBS 02810 -2.5105 -4.5946 -0.9674 -5.1989 -9.7933 -0.7108
Wandering Tattler CBC 02590 -4.600878 -5.131535 -4.034137 -4.662722 -6.178009 -3.049186
Red-faced Cormorant CBC 01981 -7.443967 -8.82887 -5.869245 -5.107737 -9.123373 -0.768984
Great Black-backed Gull CBC 470 -0.428797 -1.121297 0.194926 -1.634502 -2.999973 -0.162329
Least Tern BBS 00740 -2.9148 -5.2211 -0.6929 -2.5454 -6.285 1.7146
Yellow-billed Loon CBC 00080 -2.615207 -3.665741 -1.575817 -2.350773 -4.909233 0.260517
Pinyon Jay BBS 04920 -2.2373 -3.4951 -1.2186 -0.7191 -2.8904 1.6049
Yellow-billed Magpie BBS 04760 -2.5835 -3.169 -1.987 -6.8401 -9.7329 -4.0438
Bendire's Thrasher BBS 07080 -3.2861 -4.7317 -1.9653 0.7275 -3.809 5.6653
LeConte's Sparrow BBS 05480 -1.5389 -2.4076 -0.6778 -1.5248 -5.2887 2.9312
LeConte's Thrasher BBS 07110 -1.5078 -3.007 -0.6911 -1.332 -3.551 3.9137
Sprague's Pipit BBS 07000 -3.0282 -3.8167 -2.2765 -5.8511 -9.7523 -2.5741
Evening Grosbeak BBS 05140 -4.5996 -5.6628 -3.6121 -0.7635 -5.7006 5.827
Chestnut-collared LongspuBBS 05380 -3.4267 -4.2012 -2.6863 -2.2451 -4.9656 0.7379
Bachman's Sparrow BBS 05750 -2.9768 -3.6542 -2.2539 -1.1896 -4.0436 1.5988
Black-chinned Sparrow BBS 05650 -2.2148 -3.3495 -0.9576 -2.2356 -5.9008 1.7375
Harris's Sparrow CBC 05530 -1.719972 -2.027304 -1.368775 -1.383458 -2.323876 -0.480751
Henslow's Sparrow BBS 05470 -0.1157 -0.8723 0.6706 -4.4685 -7.8689 -1.0604
Bobolink BBS 04940 -1.7735 -2.0168 -1.5131 -2.7815 -3.5266 -1.9891
Golden-winged Warbler BBS 06420 -2.0496 -2.6481 -1.4236 1.0498 -1.3827 3.5378
Prairie Warbler BBS 06730 -1.4737 -1.7658 -1.1757 -1.1256 -1.9506 -0.2899

Trend (1980 - 2019) Trend (3 generations, ending in 2019)

species %/yr 2.5%CI 97.5CI %/yr 2.5%CI 97.5CI
American Golden-Plover MIG 02720 -3.849232 -4.61579 -3.099755 -6.140019 -10.26391 -2.233003
Hudsonian Godwit MIG 02510 -7.673977 -9.180683 -6.18481 -12.50017 -16.50209 -8.07026
Lesser Yellowlegs MIG 02550 -4.343759 -4.908368 -3.789545 -8.661381 -11.43 -5.947
Pectoral Sandpiper MIG 02390 -3.243262 -4.161955 -2.161036 -3.966148 -8.344806 0.508906
Red Knot MIG 02340 -6.913212 -8.412085 -5.391349 -12.78394 -15.99186 -9.065861
Ruddy Turnstone MIG 02830 -4.287727 -5.071259 -3.554234 -3.841581 -6.069699 -1.499485
Semipalmated Sandpiper MIG 02460 -3.21295 -4.024914 -2.431385 -4.827575 -9.051092 -0.998698
Short-billed Dowitcher MIG 02310 -4.871543 -6.026528 -3.81168 -11.57033 -17.24259 -6.63425
Whimbrel MIG 02650 -4.174107 -5.241593 -3.093587 -8.733898 -11.30325 -5.854116
Tipping PoiGroup
Geese and Swans
Geese and Swans
Geese and Swans
Geese and Swans
Geese and Swans
Geese and Swans
Geese and Swans

Dabbling /Diving Ducks

Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
x Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks
Dabbling /Diving Ducks

Sea Ducks
x Sea Ducks
Sea Ducks
Sea Ducks
Sea Ducks
Sea Ducks
x Sea Ducks
Sea Ducks
Sea Ducks
Sea Ducks

x Grassland
x Grassland
x Grassland
x Grassland
x Grassland
x Grassland

* Aridland
* Aridland
* Aridland
x Aridland

Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
x Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
x Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
x Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest

Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
x Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
x Western Forest
x Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest
Western Forest

x Waterbirds
x Waterbirds
x Waterbirds
x Waterbirds

Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
Tipping Point

s, ending in 2019)
Species Used in 2022 STOB Report, along with their group categorization, survey used as data source, and trend estimates.
For each species considered in the report, population trend was estimated for a long-term and a recent period corresponding
Trends were estimated using the approach used by Partners-in-Flight for their species prioritization analyses, i.e., as linear reg
Note that results for species listed on the Urgency list may be presnted twice, if they occur in one of the species groups.
urce, and trend estimates.
recent period corresponding to 3 generation times for the species. Long-term was the 1970 - 2019 interval for BBS, CBC, WBPHS, and SG
tion analyses, i.e., as linear regressions on the log scale through the annual indices, and are presented as a yearly percentage change and a
e of the species groups.
for BBS, CBC, WBPHS, and SGS data, but 1980 - 2019 for ISS data.
arly percentage change and a 95% CI.

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