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The Waterfall Model is preferable for software development. As a result, this method involves a series of
phases, including Initiation, Analysis, Implementation, Testing, and Maintenance, to transform a theory
into useful software. The Waterfall method has a lot of disadvantages, though. To address the
shortcomings in the Waterfall paradigm, agile software development was developed. It has a cutting-
edge infrastructure. Rather than using a chronological approach like the Waterfall methodology did, the
Agile methodology used an adaptive one.

Customers that had previously used the Waterfall approach ran into a number of issues when switching
to Agile. This is brought on by a failure to adapt to changing software development processes. The
outcome was a dismal failure. As a result, a technology called a "Hybrid" has been proposed to provide a
steady result by fusing the advantages of Agile and Waterfall methodologies. We'll examine the
Waterfall and Agile development processes in this post, as well as how AI may change how project
challenges and failures are handled.

The Waterfall Methodology

A software development process that adheres to a series of phases is called the waterfall approach. This
approach focuses on breaking down the construction of a project into stages that are finished in a
particular order. As a result, the objective is to deliver a fully functional solution at the end of the
development phase. The Waterfall Model is based on the notion that a project is developed in stages
that cannot be examined after completion and approval because they do not coincide. The Waterfall
Model may be acceptable despite the project growing in size and requiring many external components
because the various phases may be carried out simply. Thanks to the earlier documentation, large
groups can work together toward a single goal in a flat organizational structure and in a controlled

Issues of Waterfall Methodology

Before starting a software development project, it is not assumed that you have complete and faultless
competence. There is little room for significant route changes in The Waterfall because it is built on the
premise that what you want at the beginning is what you receive at the end. With a rigid framework
that prevents reviews, it is difficult to emphasize new regulations and alter strategies. The most recent
software must take into account technological advancements, problems found down the road, staff
concepts, and, eventually, always changing consumer needs. Using Waterfall will ultimately result in
something that is somewhat similar to what you had originally envisioned, which may or may not be

Agile Methodology

Systems based on agile concepts, such as adaptability during implementation and a desire to
incorporate changes into the software development process, are known as agile approaches. They focus
on breaking down the produced result into smaller, independent components. These are known as
efforts, traits, and so on. The focus is on creating a variety of valuable products with a specific market
and releasing them as frequently as is practical for market testing. Each stage contributes a tiny piece to
the finished product. Until the object is deemed to contain all necessary features, this process is

Issues of Agile Methodology

Agile isn't for everyone, despite any potential benefits. Therefore, it's crucial to comprehend the
limitations of the Agile methodology. Given that, the following list of Agile's main disadvantages is
provided. One of them is a lack of planning for resources. It's challenging to predict expenses, time, and
staffing at the beginning of a project because Agile is built on the idea that groups won't admit how their
final product will appear from the outset. Additionally, documentation is done as the project progresses
and frequently for the release rather than at the beginning. It consequently becomes less thorough and
frequently falls to the bottom of the priority list.

Incremental delivery is a significant drawback of Agile, yet it could help products reach the market more
quickly. Since each component is worked on separately by the group, the result is usually fragmented
rather than a cohesive whole. Agile involves little initial setup, so it's easy to become sidetracked by
delivering new, anticipated features. Additionally, there is never a clear understanding of what the
"finished product" will feel like; projects lack closure. Agile operates in parts, thus tracking success
demands considering different time frames.


1. No Documentation

According to a few pillars of the agile manifesto, agile prioritises "functional software above
comprehensive documentation." The Agile methodology contends that deploying a functional
application is more crucial than insisting that documentation be "very readily good enough."
Documentation isn't given much care, but for customers like ABC University, who have dedicated
support staff to focus on flaws found in live projects, this technique might appear to be a burden over

1. No End-to-end Testing

According to a few pillars of the agile manifesto, agile prioritises "functional software above
comprehensive documentation." The Agile methodology contends that deploying a functional
application is more crucial than insisting that documentation be "very readily good enough."
Documentation isn't given much care, but for customers like ABC University, who have dedicated
support staff to focus on flaws found in live projects, this technique might appear to be a burden over

2. No Scrum Master
The Scrum Master is in charge of making sure a team follows Scrum's rules and guidelines. The Scrum
Master serves as a coach for the team, helping them to deliver the best results they can. Alternately, the
Scrum Master could be seen as the team's product owner. The online enrollment group was created
without a Scrum Master. The importance of having a dedicated Scrum Master was not highlighted. As a
result, a number of issues were not resolved in a timely manner, and the project routinely ran over
budget. On the other side, the Virtual Assessments project has a dedicated Scrum Master. All of the
challenges and stumbling blocks in the project were handled by the Scrum Master. The group was able
to keep track of their progress once the development reports were finished.

3. Traceability Matrix

Another crucial item that is typically preserved in a waterfall approach is the traceability matrix. In order
to ensure that no criteria are missed, a traceability matrix needs to be created and maintained. Agile
often does not produce such a matrix. It is true that this is a fantastic solution for any endeavor. A
traceability matrix needs to be developed together with the product backlog. Additionally, it should be
contrasted with the test cases that were executed during the user acceptability diagnostics testing. Even
if a need is missed, agile provides for greater adaptability, so it may be easily included later in the
development process.

Personal Thoughts

The role of a software developer is undoubtedly evolving, and in the next years, it may seem very
different from what it does today. Instead, software developers are much more likely to engage in a
particular set of activities and develop the skills necessary to effectively use AI in the job. Al has the
ability to automate repetitive, basic tasks (a field in which Al already excels), freeing up people to focus
on harder problem-solving tasks. We'll examine how future approaches to project challenges may be
impacted by artificial intelligence (AI).

1. Testing at Speed and Scale

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in software testing is becoming more and more crucial to the quality
control process. Testing for quality assurance has always been a time-consuming, difficult task with a
wide margin for mistake. Defects and other issues may escape detection until after the item has been
published because of the restricted number of individuals, timescale, and technologies available. One of
AT's most important benefits is that it enables speedy, accurate testing, which improves the process
where problems are detected and fixed before an item is published.

2. Automated Error Management

Previously, a producer had to enter and fix the problems whenever a software flaw was found. Once the
problem has been located, make an effort to fix it. The process is lengthy and prone to mistakes even
though it is perfectly acceptable. One of Al's key benefits is its ability to identify, evaluate, and fix
software flaws without the assistance of a developer. This dramatically increases efficacy while lowering
costs. Additionally, AI-based tools can help developers predict and minimize failures by dynamically
scanning databases for anomalies and suggesting a series of actions to help them do so. Code that is
flawed or incomplete is an example of an irregularity. Al makes it easier to find and fix flaws in code and
prevents them from returning in future projects, which has the potential to boost productivity and

3. More Accurate Planning and Cost Estimation

Since it's difficult to predict what obstacles you'll encounter along the way and how much those
unforeseen bottlenecks will drain your budget or push you behind schedule, estimating software
development is frequently a challenging procedure. Al can help you create a lot more accurate software
development budget by using all of its prior data files and a number of other factors. As a result, your
organization will find it easier to decide before starting which activities to take on and which to


Both the Waterfall and Agile methods undoubtedly have their own set of shortcomings. So picking a
hybrid model, which combines the ideal blend, is a real possibility. The development of the hybrid model
is still in its infancy. We will gain more knowledge as more companies adopt it. In the long run, AI will be
required for the development of software projects. As a result, in order to adapt to contemporary
innovation and keep a competitive edge, organizations need to have a better understanding of Al's
advantages and modify the development environment.

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