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This update is for 1JS Developers/ Engineering System Supports Channel

Note: These changes have been in effect since 01st Feb 2022

1JS Bot Upgrade:

Which new features are added in Bot?

• Recommendation engine: We have added a recommendation engine to the bot
which is going to fetch 3 most similar past Teams conversation links for the developer.
These links will give a good starting point for the dev to work with, until the OCE
responds (links will help the OCE as well, win-win)

• Open bug reminders in every 2 days: To ensure that no CRI remains pending or
unattended for a long time, we have configured the bot to post friendly reminders
to the OCE as well as the CRI owner in the same Teams thread in case a bug remains
open for more than 2 days.

• IcM integration: We have successfully integrated IcM with the bot. This can not only fetch
the current OCE from IcM, but can also create IcMs for every CRI. As of now, we are not using
this capability in 1JS and are continuing with the existing creation of ADO bugs for every
CRI. But it's good to know it's there

What is not changing?

• All the current capabilities such as bug creation, OCE tagging will remain as it.

PS: We would love to get feedback on how the bot is working and how we can improve it further, feel
free to drop an email to!

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