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Examine physical and chemical pollutants of water in karanga river stream?

Pollutant.Refers to any contaminated and impurities that are introduced to the environment which
latter cause health problems to all living organism and this pollutants have been categorized into two
categories namely degradable includes domestic waste garbage and sewage and non degradable
materials include toxic element like lead mercury and nuclear waste

River stream .refers to the channel that allow flows of water . some rivers are characterized with
seasonal fluctuations of water volume also river perform three activities namely transportation erosion
and deposition.the following are chemicla and physical pollutants in karanga river stream

Oils and petroleum.this is due to fact that some of the farmers they do use oil and petroliam in

Irrigation systems simply because farmers along river practice irrigation by using generator and
pippes .and hence more they use petroleum to run those activities example "NGATITI ESTATE
FARMERS""they often use petroleum during iirigation which latter on those liguid are washed away by
rain in.

to water and hence cause health problems aquatic specie's and human being.

Through the use of fertilizer and pesticide .this is common to the farmers along river side .farmers they
always use chemical fertilizers like NPK and DDT to the soil which latter destroy life of species found to
the soil especially biodiversity the aims of the farmers to apply fertilizer during cultivation is to increase
more productions and yield.and due to excess application of fertilizers cause soil to loose it's nutrients
and nitrogen fixation become reduced . therefore due to over application of pesticide and fertilizer
cause detrimental to all living organism also DDT fertilizer kills pest and fungi respectively mean while
increase soil acidity and hence death of plants

Detergents.These are synthesized cleaning soap example of those detergent include s powder soap bar
soap and liguid which are used for domestic purpose such as washing clothes and hence people arround
karanga river stream they do laundry in river which pollute especially change and boro villages hence

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