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Volume 87B, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS 5 November 1979


CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Received 24 August 1979

We give the supersymmetric extension of non-linear models with scalar fields taking values in a complex K~hler manifold.
The supersymmetry is simple for four-dimensional Minkowski space, complex for two-dimensional space-time. The super-
symmetric lagrangian is given by a simple and elegant formula in terms of the Kb~hlermetric of the manifold. (Anti-)self-
dual supersymmetric solutions are also given. The special cases of the CPn-1 models and of models with scalar fields valued
in a Grassmann manifold Gp,q= U(p+ q)/U(p)® U(q) are discussed in some detail.

Two-dimensional non-linear models, in which the sional case are indeed identical with those given below,
scalar fields take values in a complex manifold, have provided one uses two-component spinor notation *t .
aroused much interest recently [1 - 1 0 ] because of If one applies dimensional reduction from four to
their similarities with four-dimensional gauge theories. three dimensions (by making all fields independent
The general formulation [10] makes use of the idea of one o f the space-like coordinates) one obtains a
of a K ~ l e r manifold, where the topological quantum model in three-dimensional Minkowski space with
number (if it exists) can be defmed as the integral o f 0 ( 2 ) supersymmetry. A further dimensional reduc-
the (closed) K~ller two-form. tion to two euclidean dimensions brings us back to
In the special case of the so-called CP n-1 models the case described in detail below. Therefore the three-
(and in the O(3) real o model, which is equivalent to dimensional model will have soliton-like solutions,
the CP 1 model) a supersymmetric extension has been corresponding to the instanton-like solutions in two
given [2,3,9], and it has been observed that the a c - . dimensions. One expects the O (2) supersymmetry al-
tion actually admits an 0 ( 2 ) extended supersymmetry. gebra to have a topological central charge ,2, in anal-
In this letter we show that all non-linear models with ogy with similar known cases [13,14].
scalar fields valued in a K~ller manifold can be made The lagrangian of a non-linear model with N com-
supersymmetric, with 0 ( 2 ) supersymmetry, and give plex scalar fields A i can be written (sum over repeated
a very simple explicit formula for the supersymmetric indices)
lagrangian in terms of the metric o f the Khhler mani-
L = - hi] ( A , A ) ~uAi~u24/, (1)
fold. Conversely, it will become clear that 0 ( 2 ) super-
symmetry implies a metric of the K~aler type, a fact where a u = a/axU, the bar denotes complex conjuga-
that we f'md most remarkable. Our results apply in tion and the matrix hij !s hermitean and positive. We
particular to non-linear models with scalar fields val- shall assume that the A t, ~ i are local coordinates on
ued in a Grassmann manifold Gp,q = U ( p + q)/U(p) a complex manifold [15,16]. The hermitean metric
Exactly the same method can also be applied in
ds 2 = hij dAidA j (2)
the case of simple supersymmetry in four-dimensional is called k~hlerian if the corresponding K~hler form
Minkowski space and gives the generalization of the
,1 For the necessary two-component formulas, see refs. [i1,
supersymmetric CP n-1 model [4] to an arbitrary 12].
K~fler manifold. The calculations in the four-dimen- ,2 I thank D. Olive for this observation.

Volume 87B, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS 5 November 1979

= ~l i hi/ dA i A dA/ (3) taking supersymmetric derivatives and setting then

0 = 6 = 0. We record only the expression of the "last"
is closed: component

d ~ : 0, (4) L -g- 1 D ~ D ~ V . (12)

or, explicitly, Using eqs. (9), one can check that L is real and that
it is invariant under the transformation
3hi//aAk = ahk//aAi, ahi//o.4 l : Ohil/a.,~]. (5)
V-+ V + M + M , (13)
These conditions imply the existence (locally on the
manifold) of a function V(A, A ) such that where M is a chiral superfield
hi] = 2 02 V/OAiO.4/. (6) DM= Di~= O. (14)
We wish to find the supersymmetric extension of We now state our main result. The complex fields
eq. (1). Let us consider the case of a euclidean two- A i are generalized to chiral superfields ~i and the su-
dimensional space-time with coordinates x u, p = 1,2. persymmetric extension of (1) is simply given by the
We enlarge it to an 0(2) superspace by introducing superspace lagrangian density
two-component complex spinorial*3 coordinates0a,
V(qS, ¢ ) , (15)
0a. A superfield is a function ¢(x, 0, 0 ) which trans-
forms as where V is exactly the function related to the metric
hi/by eq. (6). It is supersymmetric by construction.
6(~={-~(O/O0+ioaOOu)-(a/OO+iOoUOu)~)¢#, (7) We must show that its last component (12) agrees
under a supersymmetry transformation. with (1) up to terms containing the felds ~ and F.
The supersymmetric derivatives Inserting (15) into (12) and using e qs. (9), (10) and
the definitions (11), one finds after some algebra the
D = b/OO -i(oU3 u, D = - O/ad+iouOBu, (8) explicit expression for the supersymmetric lagrangian:
commute with the transformation (7). They satisfy L = hi] ( - auAiOuAJ- ~1"1 ~JO °~-~~i+FipJ)
{D%D~)= {/)~,/)~) : O, + ~ (ah~flaAk)(¢kg#P/-i~Jo. OAk C)
{/)~, Off) = 2i(ou)cf 0u" (9) + ~ (~hi]/aAk)(~/k~JFi+i~ jO. a 2 k ¢ i)
A chiral superfield, which is necessarily complex, is + ¼(02hij/OAkOAl)(~l~J)(~i~bk) •
defined by
Observe that the function V enters only through its
/)~b = Dq5 = 0. (10)
second derivative (6), the metric tensor. While V can
The (complex) independent fields contained in ~ can only be defined locally on the manifold, the metric
be obtained as the values for 0 = 0= 0 of the super- has a global meaning and so does (16).
fields The supersymmetric equations of motion can be
obtained from (16). In particular, those for the aux-
A = ~b, Ca = 2 - 1 / 2 D ~ b , F--~-i DD(a. (11)
iliary fields F i, F/are
A real superfield V has a larger number of indepen-
dent components, which can also be obtained [17] by
2hi]Fi+ (Ohi//OAk) ~ k ~i = O, (17)
2hi~F/+ (Ohi//aAk) ~/k ffi= O.
,a We take as gamma matrices the Pauli matrices (ol)a# and Since the metric is non-singular by hypothesis, one
(o2)t~ #. Since we are working with complex spinors, there can solve for the auxiliary fields and substitute them
is no advantage in taking the gamma matrices real. Com-
plex conjugation of spinors raises or lowers an index, e.g., back into the lagrangian. The lagrangian can then be
(0c0* = ~a. Indices can be raised and lowered by means written completely in terms of geometrical quantities
of e ~ = - ea~,.el? = 1. We use the abbreviations g/ on the fibre bundle of which the K~hler manifold is
= ~,~e)= ~. the base and the spinors ~bi, ~J span the fibres

Volume 87B, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS 5 November 1979

L = hij(-~uAio~a/- ½i ~/o. c'l)~i+ ½it1) ~j. a~i) matrix elements of B are a kind of homogeneous co-
ordinates on the Grassmann manifold Gp, q. One can
+ ¼K;m (18) define a metric on the manifold
Here c/)u denote the covariant derivatives and
clg2 = ~ 2 -fl2U dBdB t , (26)
Kilkl = 32hij/OAko~l-hmn (ahin/aAk)(ahm//aAl) ~BOB *
(19) where
are components of the curvature tensor of the mani-
U - i -1 In det BB ~ , (27)
fold(h mn is the inverse of the metric tensor, hmnhkn
=aD. B ~ is the hermitean conjugate of B and the derivatives
In superfield form the equations of motion are ob- (and the sum) are with respect to all matrix elements
tained by varying (15) under the constraints (10). This of the matrix indicated. Under the transformation
B-+CB, U~U+~l l n d e t C +~l l n d e t C t , (28)
DD ~ v/a~ i =/3D ~ v/aqai = 0, (20)
(26) is invariant. The metric tensor is singular, with p
or, more explicitly, vanishing eigenvalues, corresponding to the fact that
we are using too many coordinates. It is often conve-
hi] D1D2 (ai+ (ahil/~qsk) D l c~kD2 q~i= 0, (21)
nient to work with the singular metric tensor, but, if
and its complex conjugate. A particular class of solu- we prefer, we can easily find a non-singular one [16].
tions is obtained by requiring Write the matrix B as
O1 ~i=/31~i= 0, (22) (B1,B2), (29)
or, alternatively, where B 1 is a p X p matrix and B 2 is p X q. We can as-
D2~i=/32~ i = 0. (23) sume that B 1 is non-singular. Then

Clearly eqs. (22) (or eqs. (23)) are invariant under

BB t =B 1 (1 +AA ~f) B?I, (30)
two-dimensional rotations. They are the supersym- where
metric generalizations of the (anti-)self-duality equa-
A = (B1)- 1B2 , (31)
tions. Observe that, because of the chirality condition
(10), and
-/31D1 ~i =/~ 2D1 oi = 2i(a i -i~2) ~i. In detBB t = In det (1 +AA t ) + In detB 1 + In detB*1 .
Therefore eq. (22) implies (32)
(a I - ia 2) ¢ i = (~ 1 + ia 2) ~i = 0, (24) If one takes the matrix elements of A as coordinates
on the manifold, (26) projects onto
and, similarly, eq. (23) implies
(31 + i02)~b i =(01 --i~2) ~i = 0. (25) ds 2= ~ 2 b~2V
A b ~ dAdA#' (33)
The eqs. (24) (or eqs. (25)) say that all component
fields are anti-holomorphic or holomorphic functions where
of the variable x 1 + ix 2. Eqs. (22) (or eqs. (23)) are
V -- - 1~ In det (1 +AAt). (34)
easily solved in conjunction with eqs. (10).
We describe now briefly the important special case The supersymmetric version of the model can be ob-
of a complex Grassmann manifold [15,16]. Consider tained by using either eqs. (26), (27) or eqs. (33), (34),
the space of complex matrices B with p rows and p+q simply by replacing the matrices B, C, or respectively
columns, having rank p. We take as equivalent all ma- A, by matrices whose elements are chiral superfields.
trices CB, where C is a non-singular p ×p matrix. The For the first of these formulations, we observe that

Volume 87B, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS 5 November 1979

In det C is also a chiral superfield. Therefore the ex- As explained above for a general K/ihler manifold,
pression (12) for the superspace lagrangian (with U these equations have very simple (anti-)self-dual solu-
Instead of V) is invariant under the transformation tions, which are obtained by solving the linear eq. (38)
(28). F o r p = 1 ,G1, q = c P q the matrix B consists of together with equations for ~ i similar to eqs. (22) or
q + 1 complex numbers, not all zero, and C is an arbi- (23). If, for instance, qz I does not vanish, one can, of
trary complex number, different from zero. course, also use the chiral superfield ¢ = ~I,2/q~ 1 (ste-
It is known [7,9] that the model CP 1 is equivalent reographic projection).
to the 0 ( 3 ) o model but the connection has not been
made explicit in terms of 0 ( 2 ) supersymmetry. The I am very grateful to A. D'Adda, P. Di Vecchia,
o model is described [8] in terms of real superfields D. Olive and R. Stora for discussing with me different
n a (x, 0, if), a = 1,2,3, satisfying the constraints aspects of the subject and to E. Witten for pointing
n 2 + n 22+ n 23 = 1, out the relevance of complex manifolds.
and References
D n a + ieab c n b D n c = 0 ,
(36) [1] A. Belavin and A. Polyakov, JETP Lett. 22 (1975) 245
D n a - ieab c n b D n c = O, [Russian 22 (1975) 503].
[2] P. Di Vecchia and S. Ferrara, Nucl. Phys. B130 (1977)
and the equations of motion 93.
[3] E. Witten, Phys. Rev. 16 (1977) 2991.
D D n a = D D n a = 0. (37)
[4] E. Cremmer and J. Seherk, Phys. Lett. 74B (1978) 341.
The CP 1 model is described in terms o f two chiral su- [5] H. Eichenherr, Nucl. Phys. B146 (1978) 215.
[6] V. Golo and A. Perelomov, Phys. Lett. 79B (1978) 112.
perfields ~ i , i = 1,2, [7] A. D'Adda, P. Di Vecchia and M. Lfischer, Nucl. Phys.
xI'i = O - ~ i = 0, (38) B146 (1978) 73,
[8] E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B149 (1979) 285.
defined up to multiplication by a common chiral su- [9] A. D'Adda, P. Di Vecchia and M. Ltischer, Nucl. Phys.
B152 (1979) 125.
per field. The connection between the two models is
[10] A. Perelomov, Commun. Math. Phys. 63 (1978) 237.
given by the relation [11] J. Wess, S. Ferrara and B. Zumino, Phys. Lett. 51B
(1974) 239.
na = ~ Oa ~/C~ . qs, (39)
[12] S. Ferrara and B. Zumino, Nucl. Phys. B79 (1974) 413;
which implies eq. (35). One can see, with a little al- B87 (1975) 207.
[13] A. D'Adda, R. Horsley and P. Di Vecchia, Phys. Lett.
gebra, that the non-linear constraints (36) follow from
76B (1978) 298.
eq. (38). Furthermore, the equations of motion (37) [14] E. Witten and D. Olive, Phys. Lett. 78B (1978) 97.
follow trivially from those of the CP 1 model, which [15] S. Chern, Complex manifolds without potential theory
are (Van Nostrand, 1967).
[16] S. Kobayashi and K. Nomizu, Foundations of differen-
DD(~l,i/~.~)=DD(~i/~. qs)= O. (40) tial geometry (Wiley-Interscience, 1969) Vol. II.
[17] J. Wess and B. Zumino, Phys. Lett. 79B (1978) 394.


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