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Lea Peterson

Theatre 103

A) The city of Thebes, ruled by Oedipus, is in utter chaos. The king sends Creon to find out
from Apollo’s oracle why Thebes is being punished. Creon reveals that the city is sheltering
the murderer of their former king Laïos. Oedipus vows that he will cleanse the city through
murder or exile of the guilty party. He then calls the blind prophet Teiresias. Teiresias
accuses Oedipus himself of killing Laïos. Oedipus is then furious at those around him, sure
they are framing him. Then, news comes that Polybus, who Oedipus believes to be his
biological father, has died, however the messenger also informs him that Polybus was not
his father. Eventually Oedipus realizes that the prophecy made at his birth was indeed true.
He has killed his father and slept with his mother. At this knowledge Jocasta, his
wife/mother hangs herself and Oediopus stabs out his own eyes and exiles himself.

B) The city of Thebes is being punished for sheltering the murderer of its former king Laïos.
King Oedipus threatens the guilty party before realizing that he murdered Laïos, who was
his father, and married the queen Jocasta, who is his mother. Jocasta hangs herself, and
Oediopus blinds and exiles himself.

C) Fate is inescapable.

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