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NHOM CHUYEN DE 7 BAI TAP TUAN 1 ¥ CHUYEN DE GIO1TU’ (Tie ngdy 7/6/2021 dén ngdy 13/6/2021) Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh \ Facebook: Mrstranganh87 GIGI TU NGAY 7/6/2021 LLy thuyét 1. be sorry for/ about something: Idy lain tiéc, xin Idi ve cdi gi 2. be amazed at/by somebody/something: kinh ngac, ngac nhién, sting s6t v8 ai/ cdi gi 3. be curious about somebody/ something: td md, hiéu kj vé cdi gi/at 4. be ashamed of something/ somebody: cam thy xdu h6 v8 ai/ cdi gi 5, be available for something: cd siin cho cdi gi 6. be dependent on/upon somebody /something: phu thugc, lé thude vao ai, cdi gi 7. borrow something from somebody/something: muon cdi gi tir ai/ tir dau 8. be acquainted with something/ somebody: lam quen véi cdi gi/ véi ai 9, be absorbed in something: say mé, mé mén cdi gi 10. be able to do something: cé dil khd nding lam gi IL. Bai tap 4p dung 1. We're very sorry the damage to your car. Aat B. from C.with D.about 2, We have just moved house and are amazed the amount of junk we have. A.about Beat C. from D.on 3. This data is still available download on the company's website. Aat Bion C. with, D. for 4, Members can borrow up to ten books A.from B. for C. with, D.on 5, She seemed totally absorbed her book, A.with Bon Gin the library at any one time. 6. She was deeply ashamed her behaviour at the party. Aof B.on cin D. with 7. You can't be dependent your parents all your life. A from Gon 8 We're still able get visas to come and go from Thailand. Ato B. with Con 9. The students are already acquainted the work of Shakespeare. Aon Beat Cover D.with 10. They were very curious the people who lived upstairs. A.about Beat C.for D. with GI61 TU NGAY 8/6/2021 L Ly thuyét 1. be angry at/about/over sth: titc gian vé digu gi be angry with/at sb: tite gidn voi ai be angry with/at sb about/for sth: tirc gidn voi al v8 cai gl 2. be amused at/by sth: cm thay hai hudc véi cai gl 3. be bad for sb/sth: c6 hai cho ai/céi gi >< be good for sb/smt: c6 lgi cho ai be bad at sth/doing sth: d6t cdi gi/lam gi >< be good at sth/doing sth: gidi cdi gi/lam gi 4, be careful of/with /about sth: cin than vé cdi gi 5. be keen on doing sth = be fond of doing sth = be interested in doing sth: thich lam gi 6, demand from sb: yéu cau, ddi hoi tir ai 7b re in sb/sth: tin tuéng vao cai gi 8, be afraid of doing sth: sg lam viée gi 9, be acceptable to sb: durgc ai dé chap nhan, dng thuan II. Bai tap dp dung 1. The professor was very amused some of the children's comments. A.for B. from cwith 2. Watching television is not inherently bad children. Adin B. for cwith D. from 3. A demand your boss that you babysit his children is clearly unreasonable. A.from Beat C. with, D.about 4, Inever thought I could make it as an actor, but my parents always believed Aat B, about C.with 5. [ started to feel afraid going out alone at night. Aof Bin Coff 6.I wasn't too keen ‘going to the party. Aof Bin Con 7. [tis possible to find a solution that is acceptable both sides, B. from Con 8. I was very angry myself for making such a stupid mistake. A.from B. off Con 9, As a young actor, you have to be extremely careful the roles you accept. Aon Boff C.about 10. | was so angry the way I had been treated. A.from Bat Con GIG1 TU NGAY 9/6/2021 LLy thuyét 1. draw something from sth: rit ra cai gi tix cai gl 2, take delight in sth: vui thich, thfch thii cdi gi 3.ahead of sb: vot, hon ai 4, be based on sth: dyta vao cai gh 5. be accessible to sb: ai dé c6 thé tiép can cai gi 6, be busy with sth: ban ron v6i cai gl 7. be careless about/with sth: bat cdn/c4u tha v6i cAi gh Be careless to do sth/about doing sth: bat cn khi lam gi Be careless of sb to do st: bat cn cita ai khi lam gi 8, be annoyed with sb at/about sth: burc minh véi ai vé cdi gi 9, be convenient for sb/sth: thudn tién cho ai/ cai gi IL. Bai tap ap dung 1. Can we change our meeting? Monday isn't good me. me. D. over D. from, D.with D. from D. off A.for Bat from D. over 2. We can draw some lessons for the future this accident. Aoff B.over C. about D. from 3. She took a simple delight joys that we could all share, Ain B.on C.about 4, She was always well ahead the rest of the class, Ain Bat Cof D.on 5. Their research was based largely anecdotal evidence. Aon Bof Cwith 6. These documents are not accessible the public. A.with Bat Cin 7. Mr. Haynes is busy a customer at the moment. A.on B. with Cof 8, People have become increasingly careless revealing personal information online, A.about Cat D.on 9, He was beginning to get very annoyed me about my carelessness. A.from Bon Cwith Dain 10. He said meeting in Adelaide would be convenient. him as well A.for B, with Cat Dain GIO1 TW NGAY 10/6/2021 L Ly thuyét 1. be aware of sth: nhan ra, ¢6 ¥ thie vé cai gi 2. emerge from sth: hién lén, xudt hién tir cdi gi, néi lén 3. escape from sb/sth: trén thot khdi ai/ cai gi 4, be engaged in/ on sth: ban lam ich cyrc tham gia vao cai gi cgi lam gi 6. get bored with sth/ doing sth: cém thay chan v6i cai gi 5. be accustomed to sth/ doing sth: quen v lam gi 7. be confused about/by sth: béi réi/lan lon vé cai gi 8, be difficult for sb to do sth: that khé cho ai lam gi 9, be experienced in sth/ doing sth : c6 kinh nghiém vé cai gi/trong viéc lam gi 4 IL Bai tap 4p dung 1. The management team emerged its planning meetings with ambitious goals for the year. A.with Cat D. from 3. They are engaged talks with the Irish government. Ain B. about Coff D.over 3.1 don't think people are really aware just how much it costs. Ain Bof Cover 4, She was a person accustomed having eight hours' sleep a night. A.with Bon D.of 5. The children quickly got bored staying indoors. Aon Gin D. with 6. People are confused all the different labels on food these days. A.from Bat Cin D.about 7. He is particularly bad remembering names. Ain B. from Cat D.about 8.1t's difficult them to get here much before seven. Aof B. for C.about D. from 9, She attempted to escape the pirates holding her hostage. Aof B. for C.from 10. She's highly experienced software development. Ain Bo C. for D.over GIGI TY NGAY 11/6/2021 L Ly thuyét 1. be addicted to sth = be hooked on sth bi nghién cai gi 2. be dangerous for sb (to do sth): nguy hiém cho ai (Khi lam gi) 3. be capable of doing sth: c6 nang luc lam gh 4. include sb/sth in sth: b6 sung/tinh thém ai/cdi gl vao cai gl 5, be agreeable to sth/sb: tn thanh ci gi/ chap nhan ai confident about/in sth: ty tin v8 cai gi Be confident about doing sth: ty tin lam gi 7. be consistent with sth: phat hgp véi/ nhat quan véi cai gi 8, be doubtful about something/ doing sth: nghi ngo, khong chac chdn vé cai gi/lam viéc gi 9, be brilliant at doing sth: gidi trong viéc lam gi 10. be free from sth: tw do/khéng bi rang budc béi cai gi IL Bai tap 4p dung 1. He is more than capable playing at an international level. Ain Bat Cof D. for 2.Do you think they will be agreeable our proposal? Aof Bin Gat 3. The portrait of Powell in the book is pretty consistent. what everybody knows. A.with B.of Gof D.on 4, He was doubtful accepting extra work, Ain B. with C.about D.on 5. She's brilliant handling difficult clients. Ain B. for cw 6.The plans would create more traffic and be dangerous children and old people. A.with Bof C.for D. from 7. They should remain an independent agency free outside influence. A.with B. from Cat 8 You should include some examples your essay. A.about Beat Gin D. with 9. The Prime Minister appeared relaxed and confident winning an overall majority. Aat B.on C.from D.about 10. Fifty million Americans are addicted nicotine. A.with Bof to D.on REVISION 1 1.1'm genuinely sorry what I said, I really am. Aat B. from cw D. for 2.1 was amazed the depth of her knowledge. A.about Bat C.from D.on 3. There's no money available an office party this year. Aat Boon C.with 4, [had to borrow a pen the invigilator to do the exam. A.from B. for Cwith 5, Simon was so absorbed A.with Bon Cin 6.1 felt ashamed the things I'd said to him, Aof Bion Cin 7. Far more people are dependent alcohol than we realize, A.from Con 8. I'm sorry that I wasn't able phone you yesterday. B.with Con 9, Were you acquainted a friend of mine, Daniel Green? Aon Bat Cover 10. Even young children often become curious drugs. A.about Bat C.for 11. She was very amused your comments. A.for B. from Cwith 12, Breathing in other people's cigarette smoke is bad you, Ain B. for C. with, 13, He has always demanded the highest standards of behavior A.from Bat Cwith 14. [believe the information age and the global economy. Aat B, about cwith 15.1 was alittle afraid him when I first met him, Aof Bin Coff 16. | wasn't keen going there on my own. Aof Bin Con 17. Clearly we need to come to an arrangement that is acceptable 7 D. for D.on is book that he didn't even notice me come in. D. off D.with Dain D.with D.with D. from his children. D. about Dain D. over D. from both parties. B. from Con 18, He's really angry with me for upsetting Sophie. A. from B. off Con D. with 19. Be careful that vase - it's very fragile. A.on B. off C.with, D. from 20. The local residents were angry the lack of parking spaces. A.from Bat Con 21, Many credit cards can now be used to draw cash ATMs around the world. B.over C.about D. from 22, Horton takes great delight learning, Ain Boon C.about 23, Let Tom walk ahead you - he knows this path very well. Ain Bat Cof D.on 24, Their relationship was based ‘mutual respect. A.on B.of C.with, Dain 25. The website is accessible all users. A.with Bat Cin 26. The kids are busy. their homework, A.on B, with Cof Dain 27. She's rather careless her appearance. A.about Buin Cat D.on 28, He was annoyed the way she tried to take over the whole meeting, A.from Bon Cat 29. The house is in a convenient location travelling to London. A.for B. with Cat Dain 30. The sun emerged behind the clouds. A.with Cat D. from 31. Most students engage _ extracurricular activities after school and on weekends. Ain B, about Coff D.over 32. I suddenly became aware Ain 33. I'm not accustomed A.with 34, He was getting bored A.on 35. I'ma bit confused A.from 36. This novel is too difficult. Aof 37. He escaped Aof 38. He's very experienced Adin 39, He's quite capable Ain 40. The deal must be agreeable Aof 41. The results are entirely ci A.with 42. The teacher is doubtful Ain 43, Alex is very brilliant, Ain 4, It's too dangerous A.with 45, Newspapers today are entirely free A.with 46, Service is included him looking at me. Bof Cover being treated like this. Bon D.of doing the same thing every day. Cin D. with the arrangements for tonight - what time are we meeting? Bat Cin D. about intermediate students of English, B. for C. about D. from prison this morning. B. for C from looking after animals. Bof C.for D.over lying to get out of trouble. Bat Cof D. for both sides. Bin Cat onsistent our earlier research Cof D.on having parents working as classroom assistants. B.with C.about D.on finding things. B. for cwith the kids to play in the street. Bof C for D. from government control. B. from Cat the bill. A.about Bat Cin D.with 47. | feel much more confident myself and my abilities these days. Aat Bion C.from D.about 48. One in seven people is addicted alcohol or drugs. A.with B.of D.on 49, Fresh fruit and vegetables are good you. A.for Bat C. from D.over 50. I was always really bad French! Ain B. from Cat D.about 10

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