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Sugary drinks should be made more expensive to encourage People to consume

less Sugar.
Do you agree or disagree?

Recently, voices appealing for raising the price of sugary drinks, are engrossing. This is in
order to limit and reduce sugar consumption. Even though, a wide range of people are
addicted to these highly concentrated liquid sugar, which can affect negatively the public
health of a society.
Foods and drinks who contain much sugar are becoming much more irresistible. This is
because they taste good in addition to their low cost to buy. People tend to enjoy fast food
which are highly concentrated in sugar without even paying attention to the danger they are
facing. Companies, such as Coca Cola, are making a huge investment to maintain their
product attractive. For example, the invention of a new notion called “zero sugar” is but a
technique to keep as much as possible people addicted to these drinks.
Despite the effort these companies make to hide the truth from society, this essay believes
these products should be viewed negatively. Many consumers are becoming much more
conscious about the danger of sugar, as a result they are protesting and calling governments to
secure the public health by applying more taxes on products that contain sugar. Especially
after the release of many statistics stressing that 90% of cancer cases are due to the
overconsumption of sugar.
To sum up sugary drinks are addictive. However, people should restrict their consumption
of sugar as much as possible to limit the harmful effects these products can have on their own
body and the deterioration of the public health in general.
Governments should spend money on railway rather than roads.
To what extend do you agree or disagree?

States should focus much more of their investments and funding to building new railway lines
inspite of strengthening the highway infrastructure. This essay agrees with this statement
because train are strongly environmentally friendly and more secured to be used as
transportation system.
Since a huge struggle to reestablish the climate balance has been adopted, the whole globe is
looking actively to minimize the Co2 emission. As trains are known to cause insignificant
damage to the atmosphere if compared to cars, governments should encourage the use of
transportation facilities that doesn’t harm the ecosystem of our planet. This is by the
construction of massive new lines of railway. As an example, the amount of Co2 to be emitted
by a group of 100 person using a train and traveling from a point A to a point B is
tremendously neglected if compared to the scenario this same group making the last trajectory
while using their own cars.
When it comes to secure usage, trains are more likely to be secured than cars. This is proven
by the number of train accidents who are largely incomparable to those of cars. Therefore,
Injuries resulted to cars accident are so high in terms of number and of graveness. To deal
with their issues, this cost the government a worth as to provide help and fix damages that
could reach public facilities.
To sum up, governments have to think deeply to allocate the biggest part of their funding to
support the reinforcement and the creation of new railway lines rather than continue investing
massively in road’s construction. This is to limit the harmful that could be caused to the
environment and get down the deaths and injuries number could be the result of car’s
The quality of computer language translation has improved significantly
in recent years. Therefore, it is not necessary for children to learn a
foreign language.
To what extent to you agree or disagree?

Presently, minors aren’t meant to focus on learning languages as much as few years ago,
while they can benefit from the huge progress of computer language translation quality. This
essay completely disagrees with this statement. This is because language doesn’t only serve to
communicate, but it also helps to establish self-confidence and learn about other cultures.
For children, mastering a new language is a long process which requires extraordinary
effort and consistence. As a result, these who succeed speaking well many languages, are
more qualified to level up their self confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, language is among
the major keys to succeed studies for youth. because it is so obvious that students who speak
at least another one than their own are more likely to do well in other majors such as Math,
Physics and chemistry. As diverse Scientific experiences find a particular part in the human
brain that could not be activated except by learning a language.
In addition to boosting self confidence among young individuals, communicating with
another community’s mother tongue can help to easily integrate them, have access to their
daily life, learn about them and closely explore their culture. As human being, we tend much
more to exchange with those with whom we have something in common, especially whose
speaking our mother tongue.
To sum up, inspite of its massive improvement, computer language translation can never be
another option to speak other tongues for children and fill their deep need to learn,
communicate with foreigners and discover new identity and cultures, beside building their
Many people believe that strong tradition helps to civilise a nation
and that governments should therefore subsidise musicians, theatre
companies, actors and artists.
Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement and what
you think governments should do to promote the traditional cultural
heritage of a country.

For many people, local values and traditional culture have to be promoted, and states
should invest in artists, singers, and influencer to strengthen local heritage. This essay agrees
with this statement. Public figure’s messages are influencing and far-reaching. Moreover, the
elite can make its community strongly attached and proud of its unique identity. Also,
international assemblies are the best opportunity to advertise for local valuable civilization.
A wide range believe in the influence of artists, theatre, and musicians on the public.
Followers of theses ones are
Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially
intelligent robots.
What is your opinion?
Artificially intelligent robots are progressively excelling over human in workforce. Most
jobs which are either programmable or unskilled will undoubtedly be done by machines in the
few coming years. Whereas, few tasks that need human touches will endure. This essay will
discuss why just few jobs can’t be delegated to artificial intelligent and continue need human
Artificial intelligence has made a tremendous improvement during the last decade. As a
result, human touches to accomplish jobs is going to be replaced by these developed
machines. Robots are multitasking, and only robots can accomplish a lot of tasks at the same
moment. Moreover, complex and long calculation can be done by these machines effortlessly.
For example, computers can make the most complex and hard calculation while you are
browsing your social media account, listening to music, and downloading files on the
internet…etc. In addition, finding a solution for an equation can consume hours of human’s
effort, whilst computer can solve it in a second. This results to machine’s excel over human
capacity and replacing human effort.
Even its huge capacity to do things human do, there still be some few jobs that robots can’t
deal with. These tasks demand specific and complex human skills. In hospital, for example,
surgery can’t be delegated to robots. Even though, they help significantly in the success of
surgeries, in terms of precision and timing, but still need the presence of highly qualified
doctors. For these reasons, tasks and jobs that can’t totally carried on by intelligent robot will
always endure no matter how much progress will be reached.
To sum up, intelligent robot is expected to reach more progress in the few coming years.
However, tasks requiring complex human touches will continue be needed, and human
touches can’t be entirely substituted by technology.
University students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their
studies. Do the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the

Recently, the number of students going outside their homeland to continue their studies is
engrossing. Despite the challenging culture and atmosphere, they may have to struggle with.
In most cases, the educational system quality of the second country is much better than their
own one. Consequently, it is an extraordinary experience, for students, to enlarge and
profonde their knowledge. Personally, I admit that it is worth the effort to look for a better
education even in a foreign country.
Going abroad to complete a major is a wealthy experience to make on both professional
and personal life.

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