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In connection with the Panama-Pacific International

Exposition, a Congress of Religious Philosophies was
held in San Francisco, California, July 29th to 31st, 1915.
A t this Congress the philosophical claims of the
principal religious systems of the world were presented
b y specialists and able expositors of the several faiths.
The first day of the session was named distinctively
"Christian D a y , " the second, " H i n d u D a y , " and the
third, "Oriental D a y . " Of the systems of religion based
on Christianity, only three were given place on the
program of the Congress, viz. Catholicism, Protestant­
ism (treated b y a representative of Episcopalianism),
and " M o r m o n i s m . "
The presiding authorities of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints responded t o the courteous
invitation to be represented at the Congress b y delegat­
ing Dr. James E . Talmage to address the b o d y on the
philosophy of " M o r m o n i s m . "
Time limitations imposed the necessity of brevity
in treatment. D r . Talmage's concise address is given
in full in the following pages. A second address b y the
same author, relating to the subject treated at the Con­
gress of Religious Philosophies is incorporated herewith.

The Publishers,

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