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Do you believe in aliens?

After you watch a documentumfilm or reed a book about the galaxies you will doubtless
think about this question. I think it is a big mistake to reject the possibility of other living
creatures. For me it sounds impossible that the human race is the only one in a such endless
In my opinion this question should be less important, and spending this amount of money
for something unkown is a luxury. We have so many problems here on Earth and until we
don’t solve them, we should use the money for making a better present and future for
Math and physics point to the conclusion that. Intelligent life probably exists on distant
planets, but I think we’re unlikely to be able to communicate or interact with them — at
least in our lifetimes.
Do we really want to know if we’re not alone in the universe? Maybe we found bacterias on
another planet or the worse option is to find a not as friendly and socializing race as ours and
this can lead to an irreversible result.
All in all lots of scientists are curios about star systems and try to understand and examine
them, but we are at the beginning of the process and our technikal support can’t keep up
with our conceptions. Because of the limitless distances we are not able to reach too many
planets or stars even with radiosounds not to mention astronauts. The statistics and our
state of development shows that if there are aliens or not it is our descendants problem or
possibility to deal with.

Does your star sign describe your personality traits well?

Leo is represented by the lion, the courageous king and queen of the jungle. This sign is ruled
by the sun, and also my good luck symbol is the sun since I was a child. It was my sign in
kindergarden, my nickname from my familymembers, and my good luck charm is a sun
which was a gift from special people. I can feel so much the meaning of this star, that was
tkinking of getting a small simple sun tatto, whick never happened but who nows the future.
The sign of Leo wants to see and be seen, which is why Leo is associated with visibility,
attention, confidence , generosity, and creative impulses.
A Leo is comfortable with being the center of attention, likes luxury and has a big heart. I can
relate to these characteristic features, sometimes I just need special treatments for myself
and I feel that I deserve everything special in life, because who if not me?

It's all about attention and positive vibes—the giving and receiving of light and energy and
transforming life into a colorful stage.

I have to mention the dark side of being a Leo and that can caused by too much self-focuse,
narcisstic or domineering features. My loved ones says that im too obstinate and thats a
difficulty in my personality. I try to working ont hat but it is harder to do it than say it. An
other negativ thing is when a Leo is getting in a gloomy mood as a result as we ar not getting
enough attention, or respect we think we deserve. Showing more self-love or studying
ourselves can solve this.
The fire sign is passionate naturally shines wherever they go. Once I had a fight with my
exbestfriend and he said: Do you really tkink that the world is going around you? And i sad
surprised : Yes of course I think that.


Szerda: 16:30

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