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Why did the ancient men worship trees, mountains,fire,etc

Human beings search for refuge when they are in trouble and in danger. They were
afraid of the unknown power or threatened by various dangers and thought that there are the
powers behind animals, mountains, trees,and natural phenomena because they had
psychologists for counseling. Death was a common occurrence. There were no antibiotics
for diseases. No insulin for diabetes. Therefore they firstly took refuge in the inanimate
objects such as mountains, forest trees, and many others.
Over time the men’s beliefs in these religions changed gradually in accordance with
the geographical, socio-economic, and intellectual environment existing at that time.The real
refuge is religion.Religions generally appeared in the world for the benefit of beings. This fact
is clearly seen when we look back in the history of world religions. Nevertheless, we can
also see the fanatics, extremistys, and terrorists who make the world teeeibie and unsafe
keeping in their head and heart the dogmatic religious teachings.In general, riligious
teachings are helpful and can gibr seberql advantages to the world. As the advantages of
having a religion, one has a way of life to become a good person.
Religion gives strength in difficult times. It is convenient to turn to someone to better
life. Most religions have rules and they bring structure to people. They change the negative
habits of human beings, from rudeness to politeness. From a spiritual point of view, religions
have to unite and help people to deal with their problems. They are quite helpful to the whole
of humanityAmong the world religions, Buddhism is not just religious buty more philosophical
and scientific. So in my belief, the world will be much more beautiful if people practice the
teachings of the Buddha.
In short, religious teachings cover a very broad area of life that is still relevant today.
Without religions, the world would meet uncountable problems. Based on the mental disease
of people, the world would become worse and there will not be an antidote to them.

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