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I. Introduction A.

• Discuss the current state of the situation and how it has come to be
• Explore potential ways to move forward and overcome challenges
• Emphasize the potential advantages and opportunities that can come from this situation
• Encourage a mindset of salesmanship and perseverance
II. How to Plan A. Understand your role
• Identify and understand the specific responsibilities and expectations of your position
• Determine how to effectively fulfill these responsibilities and meet expectations
B. Understand who you have
• Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the team or group you are working with
• Determine how to best utilize each individual's skills and abilities
C. Over prepare
• Take the time to thoroughly prepare and plan for potential challenges or obstacles
• Ensure that you have a backup plan and are ready for any eventuality
D. Benefits of routine
• Discuss the advantages of establishing a regular routine and sticking to it
• Explain how a routine can help with organization, productivity, and overall success
III. Practice Set Up A. 2 Platoon
• Discuss the benefits of using a 2 platoon system, where players rotate between offense and
• Outline the steps for conducting a 2 platoon practice, including:
• Beginning: warm-ups, cycle, tempo
• Middle: indy/group rotation, team
• End: return to tempo, conditioning, cool down
B. 1 man staff
• Discuss the challenges and benefits of using a 1 man staff for practice
• Outline the steps for conducting a 1 man staff practice, including:
• Beginning: warm-ups, cycle 1, cycle 2, tempo
• Middle: group, team, situation over full, team vs air, player ran
• End: competition
IV. Program Development A. Emphasize club over team
• Discuss the importance of building a shared identity and system within the club
• Explain how this can lead to better teamwork

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