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Metaverse is defined as a collaboration, or merger, between the physical and digital worlds through

the application of different technologies and programs. This definition emphasizes that the metaverse
is a living universe that exists parallel to with the physical one and the real one.
The metaverse is a vision of how the next generation of the internet will operate.
A metaverse will be an improved digital environment where it is possible to move seamlessly
between work, play, shopping, socializing and creativity in one digital landscape.
The metaverse can be a universe you step into with virtual reality. Or it can be a mixed reality where
digital entities appear in the physical world through augmented reality. VR headsets, hololens, game
consoles, and even apps can open up the metaverse.
Metaverse will allow people to replicate or enhance their physical activities through a virtual world.
The word Metaverse is made up of two words. Meta is basically a greek word which means beyond and
verse means universe. We use this word metaverse to illustrate an artificial world. Whenever we go on
internet it’s a 2 dimensional platform but metverse is 3 dimmensional. Many companies have tried to
build their own virtual world but the word metaverse gained popularity after facebook decided to adopt
metaverse and changed the name of their company to meta.

The biggest drawback that I see of metaverse is that the companies who use metaverse they get access
to all of their users data and can make money out of it. It could be a possible threat to your privacy.

Metaverse is basically made up of different elements like

 Virtual reality in which we use that VR gear to access the metaverse. The quality of VR is not up
to the mark yet but in coming years a lot of improvement will be made in the gear as well as the
quality of your experienced would be enhanced. Eg spiderman far from home he used those
glasses called EDITH.
 Augmented reality it means with our real world few artificial elemets will be mixed like
pokemon go and google glass.
 Another component of metaverse is 5G to get access to metaverse we need to upload and
download a lot of data for that we need high internet speed

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