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PORTO CR Ce RL CBT Oe C CRs tits Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the bold word. Write it on the line. 1. The restaurant on the dock had a nautical theme. had a hunch that you would show up today. We will implement the plan according to schedule I heard the noisy chatter of a magpie. Some snakes are oviparous; others give live birth. * small group * twisted and knotty At last we spotted a pod of whales. * related to ships or sailing * egg-producing * happy, cheerful * rude, insensitive * remarked "| saw it first,” Stan quipped. The party put us in a jovial mood. * put into effect * fake, artificial © gut feeling, premonition * natural ability, talent * a jaylike bird The inexpensive jewelry contained faux gems. ovine, CA 926186Phone (889}SDL-BACKanawatck om rchension * Sadlcack Educational Publishing ©2002 14 3 Wie SBE 2ea1 the story. Use context clues to figure out the possible meanings of the words in bold. Then write them next fo their meanings below: ESSE S$ --->°9--~0--WNX”0--- Today was the day Jamal had dreamed about for most of his 22 years. As he stood in the tunnel waiting for the profound moment when he would first step out on the field, he thought about how he had arrived at this point. He smiled fondly at the mental picture of himself as a nine-year-old in an oversized uniform, He recalled falling intermittently and fumbling the too-big ball. Middle school was better, but still he made mistakes and a few times even cost his team the game. In high school, he toiled long hours to get into top physical shape and then crammed his nose into the books to keep his grades high. It had paid off. He made it into a good college on a football scholarship. Day in and day out, he studied, worked out, and practiced. The scouts took notice of him, and when draft day came he waited nervously through a litany of names until, yes, his was ultimately called. Third-round choice—the fourth running back chosen overall. The summer had been hot and grueling. Not only did he endure the exhaustion of pushing his body to the limits in team practices and his mind into learning dozens of formations in the team’s playbook, but he also took the razzing that veteran players dish out to rookies, and the anxiety of possibly being cut from the team, But, here he was. The first game of the regular season. Just moments ago he had donned his pads and proudly put on his uniform. As the crowd noise swelled, so did his heart. He had made it onto a professional football team. jon lemons nora WAtaAbalh 1. extremely difficult and tiresome: 2. reciting of a list: 3. finally; at last; in the end: 4. worked hard: 5. teasing; playing pranks on: 6. put on or dressed in: 7. rose; grew in size or strength: 8. periodically; from time to time: 9. pushed; placed with intensity 10. people who search for those with particular talents: 11. handling clumsily; dropping; loosing grip: 12. deeply or intensely felt: com e203 Reading Comprehension # Sadlcack Edational Publishing ©2002 15 3 Wats, line, CA 92618#Phone(888)SDL-BACK anewlckcom SBE. wren encountering new words, a good strategy is to use what you already know. Is this word similar to one you are already familiar with? Try this strategy below. Follow the example to see how. —_—_—EOeESEerTESra-m"_V_-“"sPse,r reese wn” The prisoner was led out in manacles. A word like manacles that | already know is manual, which means_by hand . So, manacles probably means eyeglasses. [X] handcuffs/chains tentacles/arms 1. She was one of the world’s best known contemporary writers. A word like contemporary that | already know is temporary, which means famous of modern times So, contemporary probably means 2. The old mariner spoke wisely about the dangers we faced. Aword like mariner that | already know is marine, which means So, mariner probably means [_] sailor miner watchman 3. The electricity was being generated by hydraulic energy. Aword like hydraulic that | already know is hydrant, as in fire hydrant, which means So, hydraulic probably means [_] raised water-powered [_] hydrogen-powered 4. The fire chief said the evidence was definitive. Aword like definitive that | already know is finite, which means So, defi ive probably means [_] clearly stated [_]final/conclusive [_] questionable cam e223 Reading Comprehension # Sadilcback Edatonal Publishing ©2002 21 3 Wn, line, CA 92618#Phone(888)SDL-BACK anawlckcom fer Or Perk oeeScrre eC rere ae. Cnc Peer a eer Ce ie eee Peeks eae ey uses to let you know what's coming. Read each statement, paying special attention to the boldfaced word or phrase. What message is it sending? Choose the best answer. 1. Every year Wes asks for a chocolate cake for his birthday. However, this year... © there’s more detail to come © an opposite idea is coming © these ideas are in order Mrs. Washington assigned the class a report. “You are to include at least three different kinds of sources,” she instructed. "In addition, you must...” © there‘s more detail to come © an opposite idea is coming O these ideas are in order . Dr. Taylor was silent as he examined my overweight cat. Then he looked at me and said, “Although he appears healthy now, this guy's weight...” © there’s more detail to come © an opposite idea is coming these ideas are in order }. Merideth was obviously excited. She went right to the computer to e-mail Sally. Earlier she had heard the news. Now, she couldn't wait. © there’s more detail to come © an opposite idea is coming these ideas are in order €230 5, You probably imagine bears as slow, lumbering creatures. In contrast, bears can move very quickly for short distances. © there's more detail to come © an opposite idea is coming O these ideas are in order Tom and Mike had been playing ball in the house against Mom's rules and broke a vase. They knew they were in trouble and furthermore... O there's more det © an opposite idea is coming these ideas are in order Clay was down in the dumps. Art asked him why. “For one thing, | missed getting an A in math by two points. Next, ... © there’s more detail to come an opposite idea is coming © these ideas are in order Reading Comprehension # Saddleback Eicational Publishing © 22 3 Wasa, vin, CA 926186Phone (889)SDL-BACK esa shack or,

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