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1. You are bleeding- I am?Oh, look at that! Yes, I am. / Estas sangrando. Ah si? Ah
mira estoy sangrando. R/ In this example it is clear that the character assume that
she is bleeding in a sarcastic way, and it is sarcastic because the literal translation
allow that the joke keep its sense in both languages.
2. And the chicken poop on her lap! / Y la gallina puso en su cabeza. R/ The example
shows ironic humor. However the some and effect of the joke take another kind
sense and also when you translate it the type of humor change from ironic to
3. Isnt that great? Isnt that just kick-you-in the-crotch, spit on your neck fantastic? /
¿No es fantástico encontrarse la cloaca y escupirse en la cara? R/ in this example
is showed a ironic humor nevertheless when you translate it the sense of the joke
take another way and the sense of the joke in the source language get lost it.
However if you use literal translation you can keep the sense of the joke in both
4. No problem. We´ll use them to stop the bleeding. / No hay problema. Las
usaremos para detener el sangrado. R/ the example show a sarcastic humor
because the character is making reference to some flowers. As I have mentioned
before the literal translation allows you to keep the sense of the joke in both
language also allows to keep the same sound in both languages too.

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