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Turkish Air War College, İSTANBUL


Today, well improved technology and the knowledge ingredients of this technology has just
given the name of this era. In the near future technological researches and developments will form
the bases of military and civil technological developments. The foundations of civil and military
technological developments depends on the information in shaping precision, speed and accuracy,
high reliability, real-time information transmission speed and to maintain the information securely.
In addition to land, sea and air platforms there will be space and cyber platforms when the
operational environment of there future is imagined. These spaces will change the aim of the war
and military operation areas will become a dynamic battlefield. To keep up with this pace,
establishing common operational picture through interoperability and the real-time/near-real time
transmission of this picture will change the course of operation. In order to increase situational
awareness of performing operation platforms required to owned national use of information
technology. The objective of Tactical Data Link (TDL) Systems are real-time or near real-time data
transmission between friendlies, allies and the combined forces by C4ISR platforms and the
This paper was written with in the framework of information and data sharing needs. Tactical Data
Link Systems which was developed in the early 1950s will be considered by technological
developments, use in operations, joint force dynamics improvements. In this context, Tactical Data
Link Systems, will be examined under the joint operations and central command via
interoperability. Tactical Data Link Systems, which is a part of Network-Centric Warfare, are
considered to be successful in today’s and tomorrow’s modern operations.

The concept of Network-Centric Warfare, evolved in early 90s, is the milestone of future
operations. The aim of Network-Centric Warfare is to collect and share all operational data to
improve the capability of air, surface and sub-surface forces [Alberts,Garstka,Stein, 2000]. In this
concept collection of information, fast data processing and transfer, operational platform, C2 and
other associated systems and finally situational awareness are supported by TDL Systems.[Truver,
In this article TDL system provides new vision on OODA(Ovserve,Orient,Decision and
Action) Loop theory of Jhon Boyd in modern aviation, decision making to strategic effect of
operations [Meilinger, 1997].

1st Lt , Turkish Air War College, E-mail:
1st Lt , Turkish Air War College, E-mail:

The effect of this TDL systems in the future war, general properties, technical properties,
functions, additional important aspect of operation, joint use and interoperability especially
contribution to armed forces is described in this article.
What is Link? What all are the components?
To understand the term ´Link´, the terms ´linkage´,´communications´ need to be understood.
For the purpose of the information, data link communication is created according to predetermined
standards and methods of communication media. As per Prime, followings are the other
component for the Data Link.
Data Source: Sensors are another link and the link will feed the data elements on the sensor.
Data Processing and Display System: The data are processed and displayed through the operator
Crypto System: Considering the reliability of the line system encryption software may be used.
Communication System: Data Terminal Set(DTS)-Multifunction Information Distribution
Message Sets: S,M,J and F series messages.
Current technological opportunities within the framework of link, data can be transferred to the
environment are as follows:
Cable Line: It is possible via cable connections.
Sattelite: Commercial and military sattelites may be used.
Radio Frequency Broadcasting: Different military radio frequency band and spacing is shown in
following Figure-1:

Figure-1:Military Radio Frequence Band With and Data Communication Band With Characteristic
[Quistorf, 2013].
What is Tactical Data Link Systems and Aim?
From the starting of the human civilization data transfer is always a primary need. In every
era, human explored existing facilities and technology for this need. For exaple, at the Vietnam
War end of 1970 USA faced some problem in tactical data transfer and lateron they improve Link-
16 TDL systems which includes electronic jamming, high volume data transfer with high speed.
Slowness and limited ability to transfer data in the Link-11 system has also increased this need.
When examining Figure 2, we see that after World War II in about evrey 20 years military
technology data links have been demonstrated incredible increase in data transfer speed.


Figure-2: Data/Datum Transmission History[Prime,2013].

All levels military headquarters require complex and precise information for present and
future operational area. Also this operational area is getting more dynamic. Operational planning in
this environment and need to make an unprecedented increase in the amount of information
needed to support decision factor in communication occurred. The need to ensuring uninterrupted
information flow between practitioners and decision makers has increased. In this context, one of
the most important operational elements that will allow interoperability between C4ISR systems
have developed their TDL system. Data links for the purpose of management and administration of
the war, are military systems for now composed of components that enables real-time transmission
of information needed about the state of theater. The decision of the authorities to assist in the
decision-making is considered to contribute towards the success of the operation.
Now, by examining the development of the existing TDL System;
Link-1 Tactical Data Link System:
Link-1 is the first NATO’s air defence TDL system which had started to develope in beggining
of 1950’s. Also this data transmission link is still in use. Includes “S” series of message sets.
Link-11 Tactical Data Link System:
Link-11 TDL system, as principal NATO/USA has been developed with the aim of meeting
the needs of the marine element data link. It is a system with 1960s technology. It includes “M”
series of message sets. For the communication infrastructure, it uses HF (2-30 MHz) / UHF (225-
400 MHz) communications environment.
Link-11A: This protocol is also used as the US TADIL-A, the information they collect from the
sensor unit reporting the message M series is available. This protocol is usually use by naval
forces to repor land, sea and submarine targets (Figure-3). If you use the UHF band ( 225-400
MHz) Line of Sight rules used if available and range surface to surface 25 nm range is used up in
the air capability of the system can reach up to 150 nm.

Figure-3: Link-11A Tactical Data Link Cycle[Buck, 2014].


Link-11 protocol will go out of use after 2015 and will be replaced on the Link-16 and Link-22
protocol. This will be resolved deficiencies for military operation [Deakin, 2010].
Link-11B: Also known as TADIL-B in the United States. Link-11 is used by Navy but Link-11B has
terrestrial lines and point-to-point version of Link-11. Considering the message set the difference
from Link-11 is, Link-11B does not have Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) option. Considering the
transmission the difference from Link-11A is, Link 11B uses territorial lines insted of UHF/VHF.

Figure-4: Link-11A/B TDL Picture[Prime, 2013].

Other than the TDL system mentioned above, there are some other systems used in short
and long-range air defence systems, different communication systems or different aerial platforms.
Some of them are technologically obsolete, some have alternate systems. These systems are as
Link-14 Tactical Data Link System,
Link-6 Tactical Data Link System,
Army Tactical Data Link-1 (ATDL-1) Taktik Data Linki,
PLOT Link System,
Link-4 Tactical Data Link System,
Interim JTIDS Message Specification (IJMS) and VMF(Variable Message Format) systems.
Within the existing TDL technology, the most powerful data structure developed to support
the C4ISR (tactical, operational and strategic level) tactical data link is Link-16 TDL System. The
operations of Link-16 in different platforms is described below.
Link-16 Tactical Data Link:
For the first time in 1994 Link-16 is used in the United States Navy for operational tasks.
Presently it is assigned to the platform of NATO Tactical Data Communication protocol and used
by 40 countries. From 2015, Link-16 is planned to be used in NATO as the main link for common
operations.NATO's work continues in this direction[Prime, 2013].
In the TDL systems, Link-16 which is working in the upper part of the UHF band, includes
high capacity and digital audio transmission, characterized with a multi-network capability. Link-16
system, in the cycle structure uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) protocol
[Asenstorfer,Cox,Wilksch, 2003]. In this protocol, the center of the stations participating in the
cycle, without being tied to a control station, offers a flexible use. It enables them to broadcast
within their allocated time frame.


In the middle of the 1990s, the US Air Force, revealed the advantages of Link-16 through a
scientific projecct named "Joint Tactical Information Distribution System Operational Special
Project". In this project, in the day and night operational environment, the effectiveness of only
voice communication system and Voice communication System with Link-16 (capable of data
communication systems) were compared.
Collecting the Data over 19,000 flight hours and 12,000 sorties, during daytime operations,
it was observed that the average hit rate increased to 2.61 times. In night operations this rate also
increased to 2.59 times. Both in day and night operations, it is concluded that there is an increase
of hıt rate over 150 percent.
Increased situational awareness could not be measured quantitively. But the reported
findings (less tactical radio usage, joint maneuvers are made of discussion) shows a significant
increase in the area of situational awareness. In analog voice communication, airctrafts get data
and picture from one radio by control element. The data detected and analysed by aircrafts´ radar
and other sensors are transmitted to each other. This create a 3D image in pilots´ minds with
required conditions, enhancing situational awareness. On the other hand AWACS and the other
platform transmit their target informations through Link-16. This gives near realtime picture to the
users. This enhances the situational awareness to the pilots and reduces the workload especially
during the large extent engagements. This is shown in Figure-6. As shown in Figure-5, Blue-1(B-1)
F-15 aircraft leader make clear decisions via Network Centric structure data link. By this way the
situational awareness is increased for decision-making speed and the reaction. The leader can
design, share and distribute the tasks more effectively.

Figure-5: Platform-Centric and Network Centric Operations[Alberts,Garstka,Stein, 2000].

During air to air exercise it was found that the hit rate of aircraft with Link-16 is 2.6 times more than
that of aircraft without link system both day and night operations. [Daniel, 2005].


Figure-6: Data Status in the Air to Air Missions via Tactical Data Link [Alberts,Garstka,Stein, 2000].
In light of this information Link-16 capable of transmitting encrypted data / voice, high speed
data transmission information, transmission of message from a wide spectrum in an electronic
warfare resistant environment. Due to its small equipment size land, air and naval elements can
easily use it for very accurate location and identification information of TDL (Figure-7).

Figure-7: Link-16 Joint Network Link Cycle[Gonzales,Hokkywood,Kingston,Signori, 2014].

Royal Navy overcame the limitations of LOS by linking Link-16 of JTIDS to sattelite.
Feasibility study started in 1991. Royal Navy combined both Satellite Tactical Data Link(STDL) and
JTIDS/Link 16 in the same time in their platforms and using it since then. Both JTIDS and sattelite
communications use TDMA. Figure-9 shows the sattelite transmission of message in Link-16.
According to Demir(2007), there are 3 ways for the sattelite communications. In the ´brodcasting
´mode one ship transmits signal the other one recieves. ´Network´ mode is used to transmit data to
allocated ship and ´Intergroup´ mode is used to communicate within the group.


Figure-8: Link-16 Usage by Settellites[Demir, 2007].

Technical and operational functions of the Link-16 system, which supports context of
interoperability, are described as follows:
System Information
Exchange and Network Management
Precise Location and Identification-PPLI
Air Surveillance
Surface-Maritime Surveillance
SubSurface-Maritime Surveillance
Ground Surveillance
Space Surveillance
Electronic Surveillance
Electronic Warfare (EW) Intelligence
Weapons Coordination and Management
Information Management
SubSurface-Maritime Surveillance function of these items gives out a research encountered
when examined. This survey searched by G. Richard Thompson, Hans P. Widmer, Kurt A. Rice,
Robert E. Ball, and John H. Sweeney. Submarines are using Link-11 in common, on the other
hand Link-16 capability is not available as of now. Without leaving the submarine periscope depth,
in case of the need to establish a UHF antenna communications, submarine may participate in the
Link-16 network.
In a study of 1999, Link-16 participation in the submarines shown in the Figure-9.


Figure-9: The Submarine Joining into the Link by Fiberoptic Technology [Thompson,Widmer,Rice,
Ball,Sweeney, 2007].
Link-22 Tactical Data Link:
Link-22 is a TDL system which is currently being developed under the name of “NATO
Improved Link Eleven (NILE)” to eliminate the weaknesses of Link-11. Link-22 design and
development program within the framework of NILE has been continuing with the participation of 7
countries. (Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Nederlands, England and USA)
With NILE project, Link-16 system of the horizon will be beyond extension, which can
operate in military UHF and HF frequency bands. It is Electronic Protection (EP) capable, secure,
and in the long run will completely change the Link-11 system to a new system
[Asenstorfer,Cox,Wilksch, 2003].
In the Link-22 system "F" series of message formats are used. Link-22 and Link-16 both
use "J-series" messages. They are compatible with each other. Thus, each data transfer between
two links may be provided without any loss. It is expected that the maximum number of users in the
cycle would be 32,764. As such Link-22 system is intended to be used in place of Link-11. It is
planned to use fixed or frequency-hopping HF (2-30 MHz) with fixed or frequency-hopping UHF
(225-400 MHz) frequency band.
The covarage for continues HF is uninterupted 300 NM and UHF coverage would be within
the visual range. However, these areas can be expanded by transfer capability located in the
system architecture. Link-22 has a medium speed for data transfer. A typical conversion rate of HF
is 1200-3600 bits/sec, while the UHF loop speed is expected to be between 2400-10000 bits/sec.
The main topics of this system is determined within the framework of the development program.

John Boyd, the strategist and the war theorist of US Air Force, proponent of OODA loop
theory in the 1980s (Figure-10) gave direction to the air battle. According to Boyd who observes
enemy speedily and accurately, orient them quickly, decides and act correctly win the war. The
key to achieve the desired speed and accuracy in the OODA loop is efficient and effective


Figure-10: John Boyd’s OODA Loop [Turkish Air War College Publication, 2014].
TDL can highly contribute in orientation step by enhancing situational awareness which
would help in decision making of person or user and command elements. It would allow all
concerns to take initiative and more time to react. Tactical Data Link systems make Observation,
Orientation and Decision phases shorter. Accelerates the OODA loop, shortens the phase of
decision-making cycles. Increases the situational awareness of friendly elements against the
enemies. (Figure-11).

Figure-11: OODC Loop Which is Improved via Tactical Data Link Systems.
In this paper, we have investigated the importance of the interoperability of tactical
communications systems of network-centric structure and the near and medium future data link
systems. At the strategic level, interoperabilty allows the basic commonality coalition. Allows for
significant subsidiaries with coalition partners. US National Security Strategy identified in four
levels of commonality. At the fourth level which is known as technological level, Digital Data Links
are centered (Figure-12).


Figure-12: With in the four level interoperabilty[RAND Project AIRFORCE, 2000].

Today, we must have a modern air force that will examine the five key capabilities;
First it must be able to provide equipped air and space superiority,
Second, very good intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance elements should have gotten,
Third, it should have an independent force structure,
Fourth, strategic attack should be carried out,
Finally, it should have the operational level of command and control features[Gorenc, 2014].
It is important that real-time situational picture sharing under the wide range of threats in
tactical environments and it has been an increasing need to be evaluated in the future for this
purpose. Also its important that futures technologies are needed TDL systems that will allow the
sharing of knowledge in the development and implementation process, with the goals of reliablity
and interoperabilty. These systems should allow the provision of command and control.
By generating current and accurate operational picture, its possible to reduce fratricide
(shooting of friendly forces). On the other hand it can be achieved with improved ability to control
the operation area easily(Figure-13).


Figure-13: Joint Link Picture[Prime, 2013].


Future technological developments will continue to gain a tempo without losing the
dynamics in the light of increasing speed. All countries and the armed forces in this race should
compete with themselves for the improvement. It becomes more important for the nations to make
national researches and development activities with all national elements. Nations never stay
behind the pace of development.
With these words of our Great Leader said in 1918, the Turkish Armed Forces never got
behind the technology and will be aimed at better targeting. Mustafa Kemal said that "meaning a
strong army that has to be understood when called; every person, especially the officer,
commander; understand the need of technology and civilization, and implementing a community
high business ethics and act accordingly" with the words has been our polar star.
Tactical environment in real-time situational picture sharing under the wide range of threat
platforms is a growing need. Towards this goal, for shaping the future of the operational
environment, Tactical Data Link (TDL) systems will shape the course of the operation, information
transmission and situational awareness at the top level. In addition to increasing the agility and
flexibility, it will provide the capability of the forces.
The concept of interoperability of various or unique organization of the world's armed forces
also constitutes the center of gravity. During the development of this context, the TDL systems are
intended to study reliable and fast by interoperability. In this process, according to the principles
applied in need of information sharing system can provide would need to be evaluated.
Every armed forces in the world, has its own or plans to own tactical communication
infrastructure. TDL increases the efficiency of armed forces in national and multinational
operations. As future operations will be based on network centric operation. All the armed forces
should be in the same platform to achieve the most effective operational power. For this purposes,
armed forces should be able to speak the same language by tactical data links.

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