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Meeting tough challenges: Virtually eee ee Lapp. Dene ene uke PROC eee cs is beyond the capabilites of most Peon one) makes porcelain of tis scale for use in Pots rece cas transformers, high-voltage bushing Pear uae sete Why can Lapp produce results in an Seema rence cas ou ae unos ree eet manufacturing innovations especially eee ne factor in our ability to handle the Peon tare Bre ae Mm eerie Perey coool cue i onan porcelains, but Lapp’s custom vertical ug mill and other manufacturing pro- cesses enable us to do it Pretec cone ee Pe aed Inis scale also contributes to our Poet eae nee) honors ome deses Rus PER emus) Pre ete nrc Pre oete es Po ay Perens in eer cc Meeting tough challenges: Lapp tren ear eriany ability to provide a hermetic ace ICL Pie Peo neuer enn es ao) Soe eats ee ae sa onan Prieto reer Maree aay ergs else etter ec challenge because of the unit's large Perea tight tolerances. eo onl Peace ee ames ese Paria e con re Ou eua) ere eee en td teach end of the unit to provide the pene rctad een nar ee eres ta) Se ccree) Jeak test to ensure that the seal is gas tight. Pe ena ducts with service and technical pre arts per) Peet aa Ree nae ing the best products for the particular application and applying the most ef- oe eet ca) eum era a draw on experience gained with a Ron case stereo) Bost Koes dducls in the field with the most com- Pema enee uc ree its port services the industry offers. Lapp Conner so wide variety of published materials, ae nae ae pperts to provide the high level of sup- Se ace ou eve tenner ed Reaction Ore eee ici Prenton) Brice rand Pee Nuke hee eel ee Cece kere Pmt ses ace anES precipitator insulator that failed recent- Ree ea eeu ues sind Ree ean without the insulator, Lapp engineers eer me cetacean our inventory of standard products, This kept the precipitator up and run- acne ccs Petey i) Quality products at competitive ee ec) ees ee (on. That's what Lapp offers you.

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