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2022 - 2023

Rahul Avdhani R
12215 1

1 Statement of Purpose 5

2 Action plan 6

3 About the Poet 7

4 Introduction 8

5 Content (Includes Survey) 9 - 12

6 Student’s reflection 13

7 Questionnaire 14

8 Bibliography 15

Man started fighting other men for food, family, power, freedom, and pride.
He won the fights, resulting in growth of him and his people. Man evolved.
He advanced in science, education and knowledge.
Today, in era where man is the most civilised, he has ever been. He has
progressed in every aspect since his evolution. But despite all of these
developments, peace is still lacking in the world, which is still its most
fundamental aspect.
We see people not being satisfied with all the resources they already have
and still keep wanting for more. We’re living in the 21 st Century and the
people are still aren’t wise enough to realise that war is not the solution to
any of the problems.
Through this project, we will try to understand the causes, the effects and
the impact of war on the world. Preventing any war that is on the verge of
breaking out because of a conflict is of utmost importance. So, we will also
discuss ways and the roles of respective people in prevention of war.

This is a project which requires focus on the oppressive conditions
experienced by women. On the first few days, I collected information about
the hardships women had to go through and their helpless state.
Information about violences against women and their bad treatment in the
household was collected in the next few days. Revolution of the ideology
about women and their status in the society, laws regarding the crimes
against girl children was noted on the next few days. The development in the
perception of women, their capacity to be financially independent and their
right to express their opinions was collected. A survey was taken to analyse
the views of people on this subject. A rough draft was made with the
information which was then be elaborated into the final project.


Pearl Sydenstricker Buck was an American writer and novelist. She was
born in Hillsboro, West Virginia in the United States. She grew up in China
with her parents. She was proficient in English and Chinese since her
childhood. She continued several years of studies in the US and then settled
in Pennsylvania. Following Buck's first novel, ‘East Wind, West Wind’, buck
wrote the trilogy of ‘The Good Earth’, which gave her a major literary
breakthrough. Her novels have continued to deal with the confrontation of
East and West, her interest spreading to such countries as India and Korea.
She was also devoted to social causes alongside her writing. One such
project was the establishment of an adoption agency, Welcome House Inc.,
which opened in 1949.

3. Causes of War:
It is often quite difficult to pinpoint exactly why wars happen. Often a series
of underlying causes create the environment that might make a war. These
long-term causes these create those conditions where a war can be sparked
by an instigating event.

3.1. Common causes of War:

 Territorial
 Political
 Socials
 Economic
 Ideological

3.1.1. Territorial causes:

War might break out over a particular piece of land, where two sides might
believe that they have a claim to that piece of land or perhaps a valuable
territory might have resources such as coal or oil, or sometimes land can
create buffer zones or important access to the sea.

3.1.2. Economic Causes:

Often related to territorial causes especially when there's resources in a
particular piece of land involved. States that are weak in resources
themselves might pursue that through conflict (war). The instigator of the
war might be interested in controlling any territory but through winning a
war might see the potential of a peace agreement that will lead to favorable
trade deals that will boost the instigating country's economy.

3.1.3. Political causes:

We see civil wars when multiple factions are vying for the control of a state
or when multiple parties feel like they are the rightful rulers of a state.
Anti-imperial revolutions happen, where people rise in revolution to kick a
colonial power out.

3.1.4. Social causes:

These causes are nebulous as they arise from ethnic, religious, or Socio-
economic tensions within a state. The conflict is rooted in those
irreconcilable religious/traditional differences.

3.1.5. Ideological Causes:

Groups of different ideologies are again trying to battle to control a
particular state. For example, In China where the communists and
nationalists fought for control over the Chinese state after the end of the
Qing dynasty.


Women, inspite of their hard and unfair circumstances weren’t able to go
against these oppressors as such bold moves resulted in them being abused
more. They were subjected to domestic violence and were harassed if they
fail to obey the discriminatory expectations.
Women, in their frustated and helpless state, channelized all their focus on
the household activities and spend major part of their day in it. Their only
leisure activity was fine arts. They hence have great skills in these fields.
Their intricate talent in these aspects also holds a deep and meaningful
reason. They had to fight a lot to acquire what is considered a very basic
right to men.
The society as a whole have conceived ideologies that undermine the value
of women, for centuries. The settings were such that these wrong actions
went unquestioned as the ones who developed the courage to question them
were also crushed down.


But this is no longer the case. Feminist movements have fought for political
equality,education, right to property, organizational leadership and marital
freedoms of women. Their voices are heard now. Goals of feminist
movements are generalized to let women have freedom, equal opportunities
and control over their own lives.
Not just did women develop to get equal rights as men, they also have
extraordinary records in being the cause of developments in different fields.
Kathryn Bigelow– The first woman to win the Academy Award for best
director for her film “The Hurt Locker”
Kathy Lanier - The Washington, D.C., Chief of Police is the first woman
to hold that position in the nation’s capital.
Kiran Bedi – The first women in India to join the Indian Police Service
Valentina Tereshkova- The first and youngest women in space.
Cornelia Sorabaji – The first woman to practise law in India.
Héléne de Pourtalés – First woman to compete in olympics and also
the first female Olympic champion
History speaks of many more women who raised to excel. Standards of
women has improved quite a lot when compared to olden days.


The situation of women has improved drastically when compared with their
state in the last century. They received voting rights, right to inheritance
and most important of all, they earned respect and dignity. International
Women’s day is celebrated on March 8th every year. Internation day of Girl
child is celebrated on 11th October. International day for the elimination of
violence against women is celebrated on 25th November. Women have proved
their worth and deservingness ever since their hard struggle to overcome the
patriarchy. Their status in society is improving with time.

I learnt a lot while doing this project. While collecting information, I realized
how lucky I am to live in a society that promotes women’s education and
rights. I began to understand the true value of freedom and how freedom is
not something that we got easily. It emphasised on the essentiality of voting
and other rights. I also had the opportunity to closely understand the poem
and appreciate the accuracy of its words. The whole process has motivated
me to direct the freedom I get in the right way and keep proving how worthy
we are for liberty, respect, self-esteem and equality. It also helped me
improve my writing and presentation skills.

1) What is Feminism in your opinion?
2) What is patriarchy?
3) Has the situation of women improved when compared with the state of women a
century ago?
4) What are some of the priviledges women enjoy in today’s world?
5) What kind of oppression were women in olden days subjected to?
6) What are some rights that women exercise, but men don’t?
7) Name some violences against girl children that were followed in olden days.
8) What do you think is the major reason behind the evolution of a patriarchial society?
9) Why do you think the word ‘Femisnism’ is very controvertial and people often have
negative opinions about this class of people?
10) Considering the present state of development, what would be your advice to a
dominated woman?
11) What relation does low literacy rate have with persistence of male dominance?
12) What is your opinion about ‘equal pay’ for ‘equal work’?
13) Do you think special rights for women is unfair to men?
14) How is political equality ensured in India?
15) Why isn’t there anything called ‘masculinism’?


Breaking patriarchy at its root (2021) Times of India Blog. Available at:
patriarchy-at-its-root-31134/ (Accessed: November 20, 2022).

Patriarchal Society of India Holding Back It's women (2018) Youth Ki Awaaz. Available at:
indian-society/ (Accessed: November 20, 2022).

Ten extraordinary women in male-dominated fields (2022) Big Think. Available at:
fields/ (Accessed: November 20, 2022).

Women vector art stock images | Depositphotos (no date). Available at: (Accessed: November 20, 2022).

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